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ISSN 1746-9805 (Online)

ORANGE JUICE average and is projected to be below
average at harvest. Current droppage
is projected to be above average at
The USDA’s current forecast on
Prices on frozen concentrated orange Juice ratios are registering at 15.00,
Florida’s 2023/24 orange crop was
juice (FCOJ) futures market have eased against 14.46 at the same time last
considerably over the past month – carried forward from the initial October
year. Juice yields are at 5.61 gallons
albeit still at historically high levels. projection at 20.5 million boxes. If
per box, compared with 5.69 gallons
realized, this will be 30% higher than
per box last year.
last season’s final production.
Cold store processing in Poland contin- The forecast for non-Valencia
production is 7.50 million boxes,
Industry opinion
ues with around 20-30% of the available
apples being utilised by the industry. unchanged from the October forecast. Analysts in the US are divided as
Final fruit size is projected to be below to which direction the crop number
the minimum at harvest. Current will now go. Some suggest that the
droppage is above average and pickouts for the early fruit are lighter
The USDA’s current forecast on
projected to be above average at than expected and that there could
Florida’s 2023/24 grapefruit is 2.40
million boxes. harvest. The Navel forecast, included be a cut to the next forecast. Others,
in the non-Valencia forecast, is 300 meanwhile, maintain that the fruit drop
000 boxes, comprising 4% of the non- is over estimated and that without a
Valencia total. freeze event the final crop number
Producers in Argentina say they ex-
could be higher.
pect to have the first indications on The forecast for Valencia production
new season production later this month. is 13.0 million boxes, unchanged from Growing and harvesting conditions
October. Current fruit size is below are very good – the groves in Florida
Growing conditions for the 2024 crop in
Argentina are favourable so far. 450

225.85 420.70
The winter crop in Thailand is still 02 NOV 2016 23 NOV 2023
continuing at a slow pace. The crop was
delayed by around six weeks.

The Winter crop in Colombia seems
stable and is not affected by the
adverse weather seen in other parts of
South America.


Passion fruit plantations in Ecuador 105.35 131.40 91.25
have been impacted by heavy rains for 02 OCT 2015 21 JUN 2017 07 MAY 2019
two months now and harvesting is slow
US cents/lb solid nearby contract, day close
as a result.
5/3/09 5/3/10 5/3/11 5/3/12 5/3/13 5/3/14 5/3/15 5/3/16 5/3/17 5/3/18 5/3/19 5/3/20 5/3/21 5/3/22 5/3/23

No part of this publication (or the publication itself) is permitted to be distributed or reproduced
in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher. ©2024

Issue 219 Page 1


have had plenty of cool weather for BRAZILIAN ORANGE AND ORANGE JUICE
the trees to store energy for a bloom.
The cold fronts coming through have
brought beneficial rain and there is no
sign of a freeze on the horizon. The commercial area in the state of Sao Paulo and the western part of Minas
Gerais should contribute 307 million boxes (12.52 million tonnes) for the 2023/24
Total Brazilian FCOJ (65 brix equivalent) production for 2023/24 is estimated
Prices on frozen concentrated orange
at 1.11 million tonnes, compared with 1.12 million tonne the year before. The
juice (FCOJ) futures market have
decrease is due to downward expected availability of fruit for processing provoked
eased considerably over the past
by extremely high temperatures and the greening incidence. Orange juice figures
month – albeit still at historically high
include NFC production for exports converted to FCOJ 65 brix equivalent. There is
levels. The front month is currently
no official estimate for NFC supply and demand in Brazil. Domestic consumption
trading around USD3.38/lb solid,
of FCOJ (equivalent) for 2023/24 is expected to be on par with the year before at
after peaking at USD4.25/lb in late
75 000 tonnes.
“The market was well offered up above
(USD4.00/lb) and it sold off to test the Trade
prior low. It took a couple weeks of Total Brazilian FCOJ equivalent exports for 2023/24 is forecast at 1.03 million
consolidation to break that low, but tonnes, a decrease of 1.9% compared with the 1.05 million tonnes exported in
when it did, the spec (speculators) 2022/23, due to production challenges, mainly impacted by weather conditions
longs (long positions) bailed out, and greening incidences. NFC exports for 2023/24 are estimated at 320 000
sending the market further down. We tonnes, a slight increase of 1.5% compared with the previous season’s shipments
are still seeing spec liquidation and of 315 000 tonnes. The increase is mainly attributed to supplying the US market
probing to further lows,” said one due to limited juice availability from Florida provoked by hurricane Ian as well as
trader. shortfalls in the Mexican and Spanish market, which have faced severe droughts.
The main drivers for the futures
market over the next couple of months Stocks
include the weather in Florida, Mexico
According to the USDA, ending stocks for 2023/24 crop are forecast at 4 000
and Brazil – any cold weather in North
tonnes (65 brix), down from the already low stock levels of 8 170 tonnes in
America and warm/dry weather in
2023/24. The USDA stock figures only include stocks in the storage tanks of
Brazil are of particular concern.
orange juice facilities (processing plants and port terminals) in Brazil. They do
Analysts are also keeping a close eye not include stocks owned by Brazilian companies abroad, e.g. in transit and port
on the crop updates for the US, Mexico terminals in the US, Europe and Japan.
and Brazil. There are continued
According to CitrusBR, global Brazilian orange juice inventories were at 85 745
reports about the recent hot and dry
tonnes (FCOJ equivalent) on 30 June 2023. This figure includes orange juice in
weather in Brazil impacting the bloom
storage tanks at processing plants and port terminals in Brazil and stocks abroad
for next years crop there, which would
(vessels and port facilities worldwide).
keep global inventories very tight for
even longer. BRAZIL ORANGE JUICE (65 brix equivalent) Tonnes
Analysts in the US are also trying to Season 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24
gauge how much juice is coming into
Beginning stocks 15 000 9 000 8170
the US from Mexico, with the new crop
in Mexico about to start. Production 1 135 000 1 124 170 1 105 700

With the current elevated pricing, Exports 1 068 000 1 050 000 1 034 870
demand in US and the EU is also a Dom. consumption 73 000 75 000 75 000
major focus.
Ending stocks 9 000 8 170 4 000
Traders suggest that if the speculators
decide to take short positions, the
market may test the USD3.00/lb-mark, Total distribution 1 150 000 1 133 170 1 133 870
but market sentiment is that prices will Source: USDA

Issue 219 Page 2


recover back to slightly higher levels.

In terms of fundamentals; there is FUNDECITRUS UPDATE ON BRAZIL’S 2023/24
no FCOJ pack yet, FCOJ movement ORANGE CROP
is down but that could be driven by
imports from Brazil. Inventory is down Fundecitrus has released the second production forecast for the 2023/24 orange
to just 15.4 weeks of supply. crop in the São Paulo and West-Southwest of Minas Gerais citrus belt of Brazil of
307 million boxes, marginally lower than the initial forecast of 309 million boxes.
Consumption Oranges have not reached their projected sizes due to below-average rainfall and
With such tight supplies, the market high temperatures in the latter half of 2023. In addition, a variation in fruit sizing
needed “demand destruction” to has been observed in regions with different severity levels of citrus greening,
prevent supplies from running out and suggesting that the increased intensity of the disease is also one of the factors
it seems uptake will continue to fall for affecting the growth of oranges. Another impactful factor is the accelerated pace
the time being. at which harvesting progresses, leading to a shorter period for fruit development.
Despite harming orange growth, faster harvesting is emerging as a strategy to
When, and if, supplies are replenished,
reduce the fruit drop rate, thus mitigating crop losses. However, it is essential to
the industry will make concerted
note that, in the present days, the drop rate has been impacted mainly by citrus
efforts to regain the demand that was
greening, remaining above historical levels.
lost, but for now the US retail market
continues to see very high rates of The third crop forecast update is due on 9 February 2024 and the final crop
demand erosion. The latest US retail forecast will be released on 10 April 2024.
sales numbers show that total orange Source: Fundecitrus
juice sales are down -14.7%.
are expected to be around USD3.80- there is not expected to be much fruit
Mexico 4.00/lb solid delivered to Florida. left available on the spot market. The
The industry in Mexico still expects a NFC prices for the US and Europe large Brazilian producers that own
27% increase in fruit production and are expected to be around USD1400/ their own plantations are currently
58% boost in orange juice production tonne delivered. focussing on crushing fruit to NFC
from the forthcoming crop, compared juice for the US market.
Producers say that demand is strong
with last year. The season will start the from all regions as customers look to
first week of January. secure volumes for 2024. Next crop
Local sources in Mexico say it is While the heatwave has now subsided
difficult to estimate the size of “normal Brazil in the main Brazilian growing regions,
crop” anymore, due to climate industry sources say that temperatures
Fundecitrus has released the second
change and HLB impacts, but that the are still well above average for the
production forecast for the 2023/24
Valencia crop size seems in line with time of year. Industry sources say that
orange crop in the São Paulo and
current estimates. The valencia crop the heatwave has definitely impacted
West-Southwest of Minas Gerais
size should be between 65-70 million the supply for the next 2024/25 crop.
citrus belt of Brazil of 307 million
boxes. Original estimates based on the bloom
boxes, marginally lower than the
Growing and harvesting conditions suggested that production from the
initial forecast of 309 million boxes
were favourable in the last quarter of 2024/25 crop would probably be
(see boxed out section for further
2023 and local processors say they similar to the current crop. However,
are seeing an improvement in juice analyst say it is difficult to project
Analysts say that the new forecast the potential output now due to a
ratios and brix compared with the
from Fundescitrus was not a surprise combination factors:
last two years. However, the industry
to the industry. With the crop now
is expecting lower yields due to a On the positive side, the groves have
winding up, there is unlikely to be any
lower juice percentage in the fruit this been well looked after over the past
impact from weather events on the
season. year, which would support better
current crop going forward, so the final
Offers for FCOJ out of Mexico are production. However, the crops over
crop number should be very similar.
between USD5800-6000/tonne 66 brix the past two years have been fairly
The majority of the fruit has now been big, which could suggest that the trees
FCA Europe.FCOJ prices to the USA
harvested and by the end of January may need a rest next season and so

Issue 219 Page 3


this would point to a smaller crop. In

addition, the expansion of greening MEXICO ORANGE AND ORANGE JUICE
disease, which is thought to be in PRODUCTION
more than 50% of the groves now, is
a concern for growers. And then there The USDA forecasts orange production ins Mexico for 2023/24 at 4.87 million
is of course, the heatwave’s impact tonnes, marginally higher the 4.85 million tonnes from the previous year.
on the flowering last year. Given the
Production of frozen concentrated orange juice (FCOJ) for 2023/24 is forecast
above factors, some “guesstimates”
at 155 000 tonnes, a 10% increase from the 140 000 tonnes estimated to have
from the industry peg the next crop
been produced the previous year. In 2020/21 Mexico produced 215 000 tonnes.
somewhere between 265-275 million
boxes. Most industry sources suggest The increased availability of fruit in 2023/24 is expected to have better size and
the crop is more likely to smaller than higher juice content. Depending on fresh fruit availability and quality, Mexico
bigger than the current crop. generally sends around 40-50% of its orange production into juice processing.
Domestic consumption for 2023/24 is forecast at 7 000 tonnes, 14% higher than
the previous year.
According to the industry, less than 5% of Mexico’s orange juice/concentrate
Fruit on the spot market is currently
production goes towards domestic juice and beverage industries. Mexico’s
changing hand for as much as BRL70/
domestic FCOJ consumption also ultimately depends on US demand, because
box – similar to last month.
juice producers first look to supply the export market.
Offers for concentrate are also on par
FCOJ exports for 2023/24 are forecast at 150 000 tonnes, 8% above the 139 000
with last month at USD6000/tonne 66
tonnes shipped in 2022/23 due to the higher available supply of larger fruit with
brix FCA Europe. Although, there are
more juice content and thus higher juice yield/production.
some reports of small trades going
through as high as USD6500/tonne. The US market is preferred by Mexican exporters due to proximity and logistics.

Asking prices for NFC supplies Source: USDA

are around USD1200/tonne single
strength FCA Europe, against
USD1200-1500/tonne last month.
Analyst do not expect prices to change
in the medium terms, mainly because
there are no supplies available on the EU orange production in 2023/24 is projected to reach 5.4 million tonnes, 2%
market and therefore trading activity is lower than the already short EU orange output level registered in 2022/23.
extremely thin. There are also no new EU orange juice production in 2023/24 is projected at 47 300 tonnes, down
volumes expected to come on to the from the 48 400 tonnes in 2022/23. The smaller volume of oranges devoted for
market in the near term. processing purposes for the second consecutive year is attributed to the short
The larger processors in Brazil are internal availability. When supplies are tight, orange producers prioritize the most
more or less now sold out and most of profitable fresh market. Nevertheless, the EU orange processing industry plays
the trading is for small, top-up stocks a key role in stabilizing the EU orange market balance when ample supply is
of lower quality supplies destined for available, or fruit sizes do not meet fresh market standards.
blends and compounds, say traders. In 2023/24, orange juice consumption is expected to drop from previous season
It is difficult to determine how far levels, as food inflation continues to affect consumers’ choices, and orange juice
ahead buyers are covered, but traders faces increased competition by a wide range of alternative drinks and fruit juices.
say that if buyers have covered their In 2023/24 EU orange juice imports are revised down to 508 000 tonnes from
needs until next season then they 525 000 tonnes the previous year. Brazil dominates the EU orange juice import
have done very well. market. In 2022/23, EU imports from Egypt and South Africa experienced
As mentioned, the market has been significant increases, surpassing in value the exports from Mexico, the EU’s
quiet over the past month, as it traditional second largest suppliers of orange juice. In 2023/24, EU orange juice
usually is at this time of year, but the exports are expected to drop slightly in line with the lower EU orange domestic
next three weeks could be crucial production. The United Kingdom remains by far the largest destination of EU
as buyers begin to come back to the orange juice.
market looking to take new positions.
Source: USDA

Issue 219 Page 4


Consumption next three weeks could be crucial

Consumption in Europe is still
as buyers begin to come back to the Consumption
estimated to be down by 10-20%, but market looking to take new positions.
China - Orange production in China for 2023/24 in Europe
is expected to reachis7.63
still million
some analysts question whether this is
due to higher retail pricing or the fact tonnes, against 7.60 million tonnes the previous year. Orange juice production
that in many European supermarkets in 2023/24 is forecast at 17 500 tonnes, up nearly 3% from the previous year.
there is no orange juice available to Orange juice consumption in China is forecast to grow slightly to 139 510 tonnes
buy. Some of the packers have no due to the continuous demand for NFC and 100% orange juices.
juice to pack and therefore can not South Africa - In 2023/24 orange production in South Africa is forecast at
supply the retail chains. 1.62 million tonnes, against 1.63 million tonnes the year before. Orange juice
production in 2023/24 is forecast at 31 000 tonnes, against 32 000 tonnes the
year before.
Morocco - For 2023/2024 orange production in Morocco is expected to increase
by 5%, reaching 820 000 tonnes. Orange juice production for 2023/24 at 55 000
Cold store processing in Poland tonnes is 37 % higher than 2022/23.
continues with around 20-30% of the
Egypt - In 2023/24 orange production in Egypt is forecast to increase to 3.7
available apples being utilised by the
million tonnes compared with 3.6 million tonnes the year before. The USDA
industry. In November and December
expects 300 000 tonnes of fruit to go to the processing sector in 2023/24 – on par
around 100 000-150 000 tonnes of
with the previous two years.
fruit were crushed, mainly to NFC
juice. The current quality of the fruit is Australia - Production of oranges is expected to increase in Australia in 2023/24
very good, and the industry receives to 530 000 tonnes from an estimated 505 000 tonnes in 2022/23. If realized, this
higher rewards for NFC supplies. would be Australia’s second-highest result over the last two decades. Orange
juice production in 2023/24 is forecast at 15 400 tonnes, a decrease of 4% from
Industry sources estimate production
the 16 100 tonnes produced the previous year.
from the recent crop, which wound up
Source: USDA
in late-October, at 3.25-3.75 million
tonnes for Poland, significantly lower
than the 4.0 million tonnes that The 200 000 tonnes each year. Analysts Pricing
World Apple and Pear Association say the average over last 5 years is Fruit pricing is difficult to pin down due
(WAPA) announced at the start of the 310 000 tonnes and the average over to the slow processing period recently,
crop in August 2023. the last decade is 270 000 tonnes. So but are between PLN0.85-0.90/kg,
Analysts say that scab disease has for the 2023/24 season the industry is compared with 80-95 last month. This
been destroying orchards, which were looking at a best case scenario of an time last year fruit was changing hands
not, or not fully, protected by fungicides average output of apple concentrate. for PLN0.42/kg - giving a year-on-year
in the early period of vegetation in April increase of around 125%.
and May last year. The conditions for Market dynamics Offers for concentrate from Poland
scab infection were ideal last year are now between EUR1950-2000/
The market is still considered to be
and the extent of the problem was not tonne 70 brix 1.8-2.3% acid ex factory
short, particularly given the slower
realised until the crop began. Poland – similar to last month.
processing period over Christmas and
If the apple crop is just 3.25 million New Year. According WAPA, stocks of Demand has been fairly quiet over
tonnes, the output of apple juice apples as of 1 December in Poland were the past month as usual for the time
concentrate should be around 200 at 1.225 million tonnes – which is fairly of year. However, these high prices
000 tonnes. If output is as high as low looking at 5-year historical data. were unexpected, and rising orange
3.75 million tonnes then concentrate juice prices is reportedly driving apple
With at least half of the processing
production could reach 275 000 juice prices higher as end-users look
supply heading to NFC production at
tonnes. During the 2022/23 season, to replace orange juice with other
the moment, analysts suggest that no
production of apple juice concentrate ‘familiar’ juice products.
more than 150 000 tonnes of fruit will
from Poland reached 370 000 tonnes,
be pressed to concentrate during the Given that the supply of apples in
so the market can expect a reduction
spring, resulting in around an additional Poland is relatively limited, analysts do
of at least 100 000 tonnes year-on-
20 000 tonnes of concentrate. Most not expect prices to ease. Particularly
year. Nevertheless, the supply in
factories are reportedly nearly sold out. when the Ukrainian border is blocked
2019/20 and 2020/21 was around

Issue 219 Page 5


and other global sources have

next three weeks could be crucial
very little potential to compete with GLOBAL APPLE PRODUCTION
as buyers begin to come back to the Consumption
European prices.
market looking to take new positions.
Buyers are treading carefully and are Consumption
World apple production for 2023/24 is forecast in Europe
to edge slightly higher,isup
175 000
attempting to secure supplies “bit- tonnes to 83.1 million tonnes. Recovering supplies in China, South Africa and the
by-bit” to cover their needs until the United States more than offset losses in the European Union and Turkey.
2024/25 crop begins. However, one China production is forecast up 500 000 tonnes to 45.0 million tonnes. However,
analyst said that many buyers on the acreage continues to decline due to a policy encouraging or requiring certain
US market are only covered only for farmland (as defined by government regulations) be used for grains, cotton,
first quarter of this year. oilseeds, sugar, vegetables, and forages. Growers are working to optimize
In related news, the Polish government production in existing orchards
has now changed and there is hope EU production is expected to slip 475 000 tonnes to 12.2 million tonnes due to
for a way back to more liberal market higher-than-normal fruit drop and cold temperatures during bloom which caused
conditions. There are more and more poor pollination, including in top producer Poland. However, quality is expected to
discussions about shared production be good with output in France and Spain improving on recovery from last year’s
for fresh and processing apple prolonged high temperatures.
markets, as the share for processing
Turkey production is forecast down for the first time since 2014/15, easing
is steadily growing (up to 70% for the
118 000 tonnes to 4.9 million tonnes. Low moisture during the bloom and
processing sector). To reduce costs for
unseasonal rains during fruit maturation are expected to lower both yields and
industry dedicated apple, a separate
fruit size.
plantation and contracting system
could be installed. United States production is forecast up 56 000 tonnes to 4.4 million tonnes.
Good growing conditions are expected to spur a recovery in Washington state,
following last year’s damaging spring weather.
Other sources
Source: USDA
Apple prices in Turkey are reported
to be slightly lower than during main
season, but are still around 5-10%
higher than fruit pricing in Poland.
the Ukraine the factories are facing GRAPEFRUIT JUICE
the effects of the war, such as black
Last month, Turkey was offering outs and personal being called up for
The USDA’s current forecast on
around EUR1800-1900/tonne 70 brix military service.
Florida’s 2023/24 grapefruit is 2.40
low acid FOB Turkey.
million boxes, up 500 000 boxes
Pricing in Moldova has also eased China from the initial report in October. If
due to a good crop and a higher
China had to deal with extremely realized, this will be 33% higher than
percentage than normal reportedly
high apple prices during the season last season’s final production. The red
went to the processing sector there.
with fruit changing hands for as much grapefruit, now at 2.10 million boxes,
Around 300 000 tonnes was processed
as USD200/tonne. The volume of is increased by 450 000 boxes from
during the crop and a further 30 000-
concentrate from the recent 2023/24 the October forecast. Fruit size of
40 000 tonnes is available for Spring
crop is not expected to be more than red grapefruit at harvest is projected
processing. Moldova had advantages
400 000 tonnes - and probably closer to be above average, and droppage
in costs with raw material prices at
to 350 000 tonnes. The industry there is projected to be average. The white
USD130-150/tonne. The 45 000-50
usually produces 500 000+ tonnes. grapefruit forecast is raised by 50 000
000 tons of concentrate available
Nevertheless, offers for concentrate boxes and is now at 300 000 boxes.
is now seen as mainly sold out or
have reportedly eased to USD1530- Projected fruit size of white grapefruit
1550/tonne 70 brix low acid FOB China, at harvest is slightly above average
Meanwhile, the Ukraine is reporting while projected droppage is below
from USD1650-1700/tonne last month.
more and more problems with average.
the logistics in terms of exporting Exported volumes between January
and October 2023 were around Some analysts suggest the increase
concentrate. The border crossing to
200 000 tonnes – approximately 30% in production could be attributed to
Poland is taking a number of weeks
lower than the same period in 2022. growing grapefruits under screen,
to get supplies through and inside
which is almost 100% for the fresh

Issue 219 Page 6


market. There are reportedly now Prices for NFC grapefruit juice from down 35% on a usual season and
around 1000 acres under screen – Texas are expected to be above juice production was down by 50%.
mostly grapefruit. USD3.25/gallon FOB Texas. The The higher pricing and subsequent
Growing and harvesting conditions limited volumes of concentrate that slower demand have meant that stock
in the Florida are fairly normal - will be available are expected to be levels are higher than producer would
seasonable lower temperatures and offered around USD3.50/lb solid FOB like. Demand has improved over the
most growing regions have recently Texas. past two months due to higher pricing
received good rainfall. on the European grape juice market.
As mentioned last month, there is Mexico But exports statistics last year are still
virtually no field-run utilization of registering at less than half that of the
The 2023 grapefruit processing
grapefruit for the juice industry. Analyst year before. Argentina shipped just
season in Mexico ended in mid-
say that Florida production of white 35 800 tonnes between January and
December. Local sources say the crop
seedless grapefruit - the preferred November 2023, compared with 73
was at least 30% smaller than the
variety for grapefruit concentrate – is 600 tonnes during the same period in
previous year and the availability of
decreasing every year. 2022.
juice supplies is extremely limited as
The juice quality in Florida is similar to a result. Argentina is also trying to reduce
last season, with ratios slightly up, but pricing in a bid to compete with apple
Conversely, the USDA forecasts
brix slightly down. juice concentrate producers. The two
grapefruit production in Mexico for
products vie for trade in the blends
Offers for red and white grapefruit juice 2023/24 at 500 000 tonnes against
market. China is the cheapest sources
from Florida are at USD4.20-4.30/lb 489 000 tonnes the previous season.
of apple juice concentrate at the
solid in drums, against USD4.20/lb
moment and is still offering lower than
last month.
Other sources Argentina can reasonably manage.
In terms of the fundamentals, There are hopes that the new grape
Grapefruit production in the EU in
movement of grapefruit juice is up crop in Argentina will help to reduce
2023/24 is forecast at 104 000 tonnes,
in the US and inventory is down so pricing for juice.
compared with 98 000 tonnes the
far this season. There has been no
year before. Just 12 000 tonnes are While the economic situation in
packing of grapefruit juice concentrate
earmarked for processing. Argentina is still problematic,
in Florida yet which means that the
In 2023/24 grapefruit production in conditions are expected to improve
packinghouse eliminations are being
South Africa is forecast at 400 000 with the new government in place.
crushed to NFC juice.
tonnes, against 420 000 tonnes the There are still some difficult months
Analysts say that global demand ahead in terms of inflation and how
year before. The USDA expected 170
remains muted due to high pricing and this will impact on the exchange rate.
000 tonnes to go to the processing
poor availability.
sector, compared with 205 000 tonnes
in 2022/23.
The USDA’s current forecast on
Florida’s 2023/24 grapefruit is 2.20
GRAPE JUICE The 2023 lemon crop in top-producer
million boxes - on par with last month. Argentina wound up in late October.
Growing conditions remain favourable Local sources maintain that fresh
Local processors in Texas say the
for the forthcoming 2024 grape crop in production is expected to be down
situation is relatively unchanged on
Argentina. Local producers say they by 12% from last season, but that
last month. The season began slowly,
expect to have the first indications on the juice supply will be similar to last
but the industry there has just started
production later this month. season.
NFC deliveries.
Offers for white grape concentrate is Current pricing is similar to the last
Volumes are still low, but the supply is
at USD1800-1900/tonne 68 brix in two months at USD1000-1250/tonne
expected to ramp up mid-January.
drums, against USD1750-1900/tonne 400gpl FOB Buenos Aires. There are
The fruit quality is described as no further changes expected for pricing
last month.
“very good to excellent” for the fresh for the coming months, say processors,
The sustained elevated pricing is
market, which would translate to slow who reiterate that the low pricing is
due to a poor crop last year - fruit
deliveries to the juice factories. Brix unsustainable in the medium term.
production from the 2023 crop was
and ratios are already over 10.

Issue 219 Page 7


Demand has been steady, mainly from favourable in Thailand with plentiful reportedly check the quality of the
Europe and Asia. Buyers are trying to rain and sunshine. The Winter crop supplies.
cover until the new 2024 crop there usually produces lower ratio supplies, Last month offers for alphonso mango
begins in March. but this season ratios have been good puree were at USD1550-1700/tonne
There is still a perceived over supply so far with juice registering at 20-22 15-17 brix FOB India. Asking prices
of lemon juice in Argentina, but ratio. for Totapuri mango puree were at
industry sources say that stock levels The annual output of fruit for 2023 in USD1050- 1100/tonne 28 brix FOB
are now much lower than they were Thailand is still forecast at just 800 000 India and offers for single strength
this time last year. Uptake has been tonnes and there is no improvement Totapuri puree were between USD580-
fairly good over the past few months expected for production for this year, 700/ tonne FOB India.
due to the lower pricing, coupled with say analysts. Just a few years ago
some buyers importing lemon juice output in Thailand was regularly
to replace orange juice, which is reaching 2.0- 2.2 million tonnes.
extremely expensive at the moment. The Winter crop in Colombia seems
Processors are currently trying to
stable and is not affected by the
Growing conditions for the 2024 crop source as much raw materials as
adverse weather seen in other parts of
in Argentina are favourable so far. possible, which has kept fruit pricing
South America.
Meanwhile, the USDA forecasts lemon elevated at THB12/kg.
Offers for mango concentrate are
production in Chile in 2023/24 to grow Offers for concentrate are firm at
hard to pin down. Some producers
by 6.7% to reach 175 000 tonnes. USD2500-2600/tonne 60 brix FOB
are quoting at USD1445/tonne 28
Thailand, against USD2600/tonne last
brix FOB Colombia, while traders in
EU lemon production Europe say they have been receiving
Analyst say they have not witnessed offers between USD1100-1400/tonne
In 2023/24, EU lemon production
much replanting in Thailand recently, 28 brix CFR Europe.
is forecast at just over 1.6 million
in spite of the sustained high pricing
tonnes, up from the 1.5 million tonnes Producers in Colombia are currently
for fruit. They suggest that the long-
registered in 2022/23, says the USDA. offering NFC supplies at USD1085/
term price volatility is discouraging
This production increase is attributed tonne single strength FOB Colombia.
farmers to put acreage to pineapple.
to an all-time-record output in Spain. Producers say that availability is
The growing cycle of a pineapple plant
Conversely, a reduced lemon output extremely limited. With then high price
is just 12-15 months, but growers are
is anticipated in Italy and Greece of orange juice at the moment, some
well aware that prices could collapse
for 2023/24. Spain and Italy are the end users are replacing orange juice
during that period.
first and second largest EU lemon with mango juice in blends and this
producers, accounting for nearly In related news, freight costs from
has drawn down inventory.
65% and 30% of the EU’s total lemon Asia have spiked due to the issues
surrounding the red sea dispute. At the same time, traders in Europe
production respectively.
A frozen container is now costing say there are supplies sitting in South
USD4600, against USD1700 two America and that some producers
PINEAPPLE JUICE months ago. Ships now have to go still have stocks carried over from the
around Africa’s Cape of Good Hope 2023 Summer crop.
which takes an extra three weeks to Demand has reportedly been picking
The winter crop in Thailand is still
Europe and has resulted in a shortage up and buyers are now starting to ask
continuing at a slow pace. The crop
of containers. for quotes for supplies from the main
was delayed by around six weeks due
Summer crop in Colombia, which will
to a lack of raw materials and therefore
begin in April.
analysts expect the campaign to carry-
on until March/April. This would mean
MANGO JUICE Meanwhile, Peru reportedly had a very
harvesting of the Winter crop could poor crop and processing is predicted
run until the start of the Summer crop, India to be limited as a result. New season
which is known as a “double-crop”. European traders say that supplies of prices should be available later this
Nevertheless, there is not expected to good quality Alphonso mango puree month, say traders.
be a peak production period during the from India are now scarce. There Over in Mexico, the crop is now
Winter crop. are some volumes sitting with the over. Stocks of mango concentrate
Growing conditions are currently smaller producers, but buyers should are available in Mexico, but supplies

Issue 219 Page 8


are relatively expensive with most associated with producing concentrate Vietnam
producers offering no lower than from low brix fruit supplies. The situation in Vietnam is diverse
USD1200/tonne 28 brix FOB Mexico. Fruit pricing is currently around and price levels are varied depending
Demand is reportedly fairly slow at the USD500/tonne, against USD400/ on the producer and the quality of
moment. tonne at the start of December. supplies. Most offers for concentrate
The next crop in Mexico will begin Pricing for concentrate are pegged at from Vietnam range between
in March. Industry sources say the USD8500+/tonne 50 brix FCA Europe USD5000-6200/tonne 50 brix FCA
growing conditions are favourable and and NFC supplies are at USD2900+/ Europe, compared with USD5900-
that they expect a “normal to good” tonne single-strength FCA Europe. 7000/tonne last month. However, there
crop. are reports of supplies recently being
The spot market is reportedly empty
offered as low as USD5000/tonne.
and trading activity has been thin.
Analysts suggest that there could be
PASSION FRUIT JUICE Most buyers are asking for delivery in
a tendency for juice prices to increase
the first quarter and some have begun
this year and next. They suggest that
Ecuador to enquire about supplies for the second
some of the plantations are not in great
quarter, say local producers in Ecuador.
Passion fruit plantations in Ecuador condition and that there has not been
have been impacted by heavy rains extensive renewals of plantations.
for two months now and harvesting is Peru This, they say, could be attributed to
slow as a result. Production from the 2023 passion the weaker economy in China. China
Producers do not expect any change fruit crop in Peru was poor, but there is usually a huge importer of fresh
to the output in the near term and say is expected to be a recovery this year. passion fruit from Vietnam.
that production will be the same or up In contrast to Ecuador the farmers Fruit pricing is volatile and changing
to 20% lower over the next couple of were able to renew plantations and every week, so some producers are
months. increase acreages due to the attractive reportedly not offering concentrate
In spite of the high prices for fruit pricing offered for fruit. until fruit prices stabilise.
recently growers have been unable Asking prices for concentrate from In related news, sea freights from
to renew plantations due to the poor Peru are around USD8500-8900/ Asia have spiked again due to the
climate. tonne 50 brix FCA Europe, compared situation in the Suez Canal and Red
In terms of juice quality, brix levels with USD8300/tonne last month. Sea. Traders say a 40ft container from
have been very low in Ecuador due Offers for Peruvian NFC supplies are at Vietnam to Europe is now costing
to both the weather and genetic USD2550-2900/tonne single- strength anything between USD5000-7000,
degradation - mainly from the seeds. FCA Europe against USD2500-2800/ when it would usually cost USD1200-
This explains the higher cost tonne last month. 1300. There is a shortage of containers
and a major delay in shipments.

Jan/Feb 2024 edtion

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information please contact:
Stef Worsley +44 (0) 7711 564219

Issue 219 Page 9

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