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Chapter II Unpacking the Self

Lesson 1: The Physical and Sexual Self

1. What are the stages of development of men and women from childhood to
adulthood? Describe the physical/biological changes in each stage of development.

- Infancy, typically the first year of life, is the first important stage of human development. Many physical
milestones occur during this stage as an infant gains control over its body. However, infants must rely on others to
meet most of their needs. They need to feel this security in order to properly develop both physically and
The next stage of human development is childhood, during which children start to explore and develop a sense of independence.
Eventually, children learn to make their own decisions and they discover that their actions have consequences. As they learn and
grow, they develop a sense of self. Children need to be nurtured so that they develop self-confidence instead self-esteem issues.
During adolescence, young men and women are primarily concerned with finding their identity and expressing who they are in
the world. Puberty causes many physical changes to take place, and adolescents must adapt to their changing bodies. All of these
changes can make adolescence a confusing and stressful period. As adolescents try to find their place, they may experiment with
different roles and make attempts to separate from authority figures. They are getting used to their bodies and trying to find out
where they belong. They may try out different hairstyles and hobbies in an attempt to create an image of themselves they're
comfortable with.

2. Sexual problems may be classified as physiological, psychological, and social in

origin. Discuss the instances when each type of problem occur.

-Sexual problems may be classified as physiological, psychological, and social in origin. Any given problem may
involve all three categories; a physiological problem, for example, will produce psychological effects, and these may
result in some social maladjustment. Physiological problems of a specifically sexual nature are rather few. Many
people, however, experience at some time sexual problems that are by-products of other pathologies or injuries. In
brief, anything that seriously interferes with normal bodily functioning generally causes some degree of sexual
trouble. Fortunately, the great majority of physiological sexual problems are solved through medication or
surgery.The best definition is that offered by the American sexologists, William Howell Masters and Virginia
Eshelman Johnson, who say that a male suffers from premature ejaculation if he cannot delay ejaculation long
enough to induce orgasm in a sexually normal female at least half the time. The average American male ejaculates
in two or three minutes after vaginal penetration, a coital duration sufficient to cause orgasm in most females the
majority of the time. Fear of being impotent frequently causes impotence, and, in many cases, the afflicted male is
simply caught up in a self-perpetuating problem that can be solved only by achieving a successful act of coitus.

3 Discuss 3 natural methods of contraception and 3 artificial methods of contraception.

1.long-acting reversible contraception - the implant or intra uterine device (IUD)

2.hormonal contraception - the pill or the Depo Provera injection.
3.barrier methods - condoms.

1.emergency contraception.
2.fertility awareness.
3.permanent contraception - vasectomy and tubal ligation.
Lesson 2: To buy or Not to Buy? That is the question!
Discuss the difference between need and want. As a student, enumerate your needs and wants. How
do you plan to fulfill them?
-Needs are the things that are necessary for you to live, while Wants are the things that you desire to have but it is
not that necessary compare to Needs.
For example, water, food, sun, air are some of the examples of Needs as we can't live without these.
Jewelry, Lotion, and Perfume belongs to the category of Wants as these things are not necessary for us.

Lesson 3. Supernaturals: Believe it or not?

Christian’ is word that many different people use in many different ways. However, it’s possible that people
mean something else when they use the word ‘Christian’. Maybe they mean a set of beliefs, or a set of
behaviours, or even just a vibe.
(B.) Custom and Practices
Christian rituals vary by denomination, but common features include Sunday worship, private and
corporate prayer, Scripture study and reading, and participation in ceremonies such as baptism and
communion (known as sacraments). In addition, the services of Christian worship include singing,
prayer and a sermon. Baptism and communion are considered sacraments-sacred rituals that Christ
himself has instituted. The Catholic Church recognizes five additional sacraments and many other
distinguishing practices known as "sacramentals" Distinctive Catholic practices include recognition of
seven total sacraments, Sunday mass, devotion to the Virgin Mary and to the saints, and veneration
of relics and places associated with holy figures.
Lesson 4. The Political Self and Being Filipino
Values and Traits

The Filipino's brand of hospitality is widely known across the globe. Filipinos welcome their guests as if
they are part of the family by always opening their doors to guests and making them feel at home. They
even spend a lot of money and obtain loans to be able to satisfy the needs of their guests. This is a usual
gesture in event of gatherings and local festivities, for Filipinos love merrymaking and they are quite
amiable to guests. Filipinos also give the sweetest smiles even to the most random strangers even in
mundane situations. In most local shops, Filipino salespersons will greet their customers with a warm
welcome and say thank you when they leave even without buying anything.

Respect for Elders

Filipinos give high regard to elders, whether they are related or not. As children, Filipinos are taught to
greet their elders by politely taking the latter's hand to their foreheads, uttering "Mano po." In conversing
with the elderly, it is imperative to use "po" and "opo," for they connote respect. Filipinos look up to the
elderly because of the belief that with age comes an array of wisdom and experience, and we can learn a
lot of them. It will be rude and impolite for people not to respect the elders, even in small gestures and
simple conversations.

Close Family Ties

 Filipinos are keen on keeping intact familial relationships, even if their children are already
emancipated. Some Filipino families even opt to live in a big house where everyone can stay together.
Nursing homes are almost always not an option for family members and choose to take care of their
elders themselves.
 Filipinos always go out of their way to extend help to their friends, familles, and loved ones. They
wish comfort and better lives for their loved ones and would even go to the extent of working abroad
hundreds of miles away from their families to earn more money and save up for them. Overseas
Filipino Workers (OFWs) sacrifice a lot, that is why they are regarded as the modern day Filipino
heroes. There are also times when the eldest among the children of the family would give up school to
work and provide for the rest of the family and educate his or her siblings.
 The bayanihan spirit means helping each other and giving without expecting something in return.
Filipinos are always ready to share and to help their friends and loved ones who are in need. It may
not always be in monetary form, but the time and effort they give also count as a form of help for
Proverbs or Salawikain
Filipino proverbs, or salawikain, echo the values of the Philippines. Though they have been retold and passed down
from one generation to another, the values and lessons they impart to us still hold true to this day.

Example of Proverbs or Salawikain

 While it is easy to tell people something they do not know, it is much harder if they are willfully choosing
not to see what is before them.
 Your future will be the result of your actions today. Plan ahead.
Example of Superstition
 You've probably knocked on wood to avoid jinxing yourself at some point in your life without knowing
why. This widely-known superstition is a modern take from medieval times, where European churchgoers
would touch wood the churches claimed was from the cross, according to Yahoo. Touching the wood
supposedly gave a connection to divinity and thus good luck.

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