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My group started meeting for what we will do in work immersion and how much our
contribution to all dishes that cooked, and when we understood all the costing we immediately
go to 2ndfloor to fix the boot, and because we don’t have enough things to repair the boot we
decided to go to marketplace to buy some ingredients because tomorrow is the starting our
work immersion and when we already done buying all the ingredients we decided to go home
because it’s already to late.
Day 2
5:00 in the morning we started to cooked our food which is sweet potato purple yam TURON
first we boiled the sweet potatoes while it’s boiling we separated the wrapper to make our time
easier and it’s done boiling my groupmates decided that she will do by herself that we can
prefer to got school 8:30 when got to school we started selling our product as time goes on, it
makes my heart grow fonder because many students buy from us I see their faces that they like
our food, and now I realize that the job of a salesman is so difficult they can handle the daily
challenges and even it’s tiring they don’t give up and especially when people like you products.
7:Am I went to school sadly we don’t have product to sell today we immediately a plan that to
cooked an easier food which is chop suey and we to go to the market to buy the ingredients
and the ingredients completely lolita and I immediately to go their house to cooked the chop
suey a few hours waiting the chop suey is already cooked. 10:21 we go to school to sell our
product and finally our foods are all sold out.
7:am I went to school to fix our boot because our teacher, Ma’am Lyncel, said that our boot
wasn’t neat and tidy yet so I fixed it while my other groupmates went to the house of lolita to
cooked our food to sell later. 10:15 I finished fixing the boot and they are rated right and we
start to cell our food.

And when we done selling our food we started computing our money that we
can go to the market this afternoon for tomorrow we will not be in a hurry to buy our
10:20 We sell our banana turon product because the sales are to slow we decided to Lend it to
our classmates now I realize that business is not always win there are days it will lose, you just
really need patience and diligence in doing business.
7:00 because we had a loss in one day we gathered to discuss what we were going to sell first
because we had a loss and when we decided to go back to the sweet potato field because it
was more appealing to the children and immediately cooked our food. And we immediately go
to the house of lolita they cooked fastly the sweet potatoes turon and an hour of waiting to
cooked our foods we decided to sell it to junior high sadly it’s class our we wait until their out of
class. And when their done we sell it and thank God our product is all sold out .
8:21 lolita arrived to school with our soup to sell and because they are tired from cooking soup
Danica and I sold the soup so they could rest and finally our first sale sold it immediately So
exciting selling our food now because it’s different from what we sell before ,the student like
and enjoy eating the food. And someone says do you still have soup? Sadly saying that already
sold our soup. And after selling we compute our money to buy another soups ingredients to the
market place to buy 5:2 we go to the market.
Because our soup was more sold yesterday, so we repeated the selling of soup and the same
process as yesterday, we peddled it and immediately ended the peddle, we were able to rest
early and talk because tomorrow is the last day of our immersion.
Ma’am lyncell told us that the product we made put it in the boot and display because it’s the
last day of our work immersion and because our merchandise is not noticed we decided to sell
half of it and display the other half in the boot and finally the half of we sell it’s sold out we
decided that the half of our turon We so we can rest and, ma’am lyca told us started cleaning
the boot because its end of our work immersion and it’s done cleaning we have decided the
money out profit.

Because of the immersion and with the help of ma’am lyncell and ma’am lyka I experienced
having a small business and I learned how to handle it well I also experienced peddling and
there are days when the merchandise is slow but those suffering did not become an obstacle
for us to continue our business.

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