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A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School Department, COSCA
Dumaguete City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement For Practical Research 1: Quantitative


Perez, Prescious Dyan S.

Prongco, Lady Fatima B.

Sandoval, Jan Mae

Rabina, Jovanne Paula M.

Pabayos, Precious Maryan B.

Farole, Joshua M.


This study aims to know whether costumers prefer shopping online or shopping
personally. It also helps us to know the advantages and disadvantages in both online and personal
shopping, and its effects on us consumers. Respondents in this survey were selected among the
senior high to college shoppers/student in COSCA. The survey we conducted views how
different shoppers show different opinion or perspective towards online and personal selling. It
concludes that most people prefer personal selling for its convenience and comfort as well as its
affordability and better deals. While online shopping is preferred due to its wide range of product
choices and additional services such as fast delivery and prompt exchange or return of goods. In
general, each selling method has its advantages and disadvantages, depending on customer
preferences and experiences.


Introductory Section

Online selling and personal selling are two distinct approaches to marketing and selling p
roducts or services. Online selling, also known as e-commerce, involves the use of digital platfor
ms and the internet to connect with potential customers and facilitate transactions. It has gained i
mmense popularity in recent years due to its convenience and global reach. Online sellers typical
ly utilize websites, social media, and online marketplaces to showcase their products or services.

On the other hand, personal selling is a traditional sales technique that involves direct, on
e-on-one interactions between salespeople and potential customers. This approach focuses on bui
lding relationships, understanding customer needs, and tailoring sales pitches to individual prefer
ences. Personal selling is often used in industries such as real estate, high-end retail, and busines
s-to-business sales, where a personalized touch and in-depth product knowledge are crucial for cl
osing deals.

Both online selling and personal selling have their own advantages and limitations, and b
usinesses may choose one or a combination of both methods depending on their target audience,
industry, and marketing objectives.

Theoretical Framework

Online selling is one of the competitors of personal selling this kind of business is also a
risk, because when it comes to the online world, deceiving people is one of the disadvantages of
it. A lot of customers nowadays are very aware of these disadvantages, especially those who
prefer buying online.

Hypothesis of the Study

This study will answer the following Questions:

1. Does online selling give more options to the consumers?
2. How can both online and personal selling benefit from each other?
3. What factors does consumers use in order to pick between the selling options?

Alternative Hypothesis:
Consumers might prefer either one of the ways of selling, due to different characteristics of
each selling preference.

Null Hypothesis:
Consumers might not have a preference as they both have advantages and disadvantages

Statement of the Problem

With the rise of internet selling platforms, the world of retail has seen significant changes
in recent years. As online selling rose in popularity, fundamental challenges about how
consumers perceive and participate in online selling vs the traditional in-person selling
experience have surfaced. The purpose of this research is to compare and comprehend the
changing dynamics of customer preferences and views around purchasing, both online and in-

Its specific goal is to answer the following questions:

1. What type of shopping experience do consumers prefer? Online or in-person?

2. What are the pros and cons of online shopping and in-person shopping?

3. What are the impacts of online selling on local businesses?

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to understand customer's preferences in terms of their way of
buying goods and services - Online selling and Personal selling. Personal selling is considered to
be the oldest form of marketing activity (Beckman et al., 1957, p. 427). However, technology
was invented and with the use of human intelligence, social media, and other platforms on the
Internet were created, which led to sellers expanding their way of selling into the Internet world.

On the other hand, customers continue to increase in hopping on with the trend of
purchasing products and services online. They believe that it gives them the advantages, such as
avoiding crowds, convenience, discounts, and more. In this study, we will be able to know
customer's preferences regarding of choosing their way of buying goods, whether Online or
Personal selling.

Significance of the Study

This study will help consumers to identify what is the best way to spend their money.

This study will help sellers to expand their information about the different selling ways
and apply it to their own business.

This study will help teachers be able to know more about different selling
preferences. this ay also help them to know the students ability in doing research.

This study will allow students to expand their way of perceiving customers
preferences and to be more knowledgeable through thesis research.

This study will help future researchers to serve them as a guide and what to expect for
future use.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

Online selling encompasses a global reach, allowing businesses to target a broad audience
through digital platforms. Transactions are conducted over the Internet, usually through e-
commerce websites. On the other hand, personal selling typically involves a face-to-face
interaction between a seller and a potential customer, allowing for personalized communication
and immediate feedback.

Online selling is becoming increasingly popular around the world. However, despite its
popularity, it also faces multiple challenges. Such as limited physical interaction, potential
security concerns, and dependence on technology infrastructure. In contrast, personal selling may
face limitations regarding geographical reach, scalability, and the time required for
individualized sales presentations.

Both methods have advantages and limitations, and the effectiveness of each depends on
the nature of the product or service, the target market, and the overall business strategy.

Definition of Terms

1. Advantages and Disadvantages: The positive and negative characteristics of online and
in-person selling influence consumer choices and impact the efficiency and effectiveness
of each selling strategy.

2. Customer Preferences: Individual preferences and choices made by consumers based on

their particular likes, needs, and experiences that influence their purchasing strategies and
product purchases.

3. E-commerce or Online Selling: This involves the act of buying and selling goods on an
electronic network with the use of an Internet platform.

4. Local Businesses: Small and medium-sized businesses that operate in a defined

geographic area. The influence of Internet selling on local businesses refers to the

implications of e-commerce on smaller, community-based businesses in the context of
this study.

5. Personal Selling: A traditional sales strategy that entails direct, one-on-one encounters
between salespeople and prospective customers, with the aim to sell a product/service.

6. Quantitative Research: A research method that entails gathering and analyzing

numerical data.

7. Shopping Convenience/Comfort: The degree of ease and comfort felt by customers

during the buying process.

8. Stratified Random Sampling: A sampling strategy that divides the population into
subgroups (strata) depending on particular criteria and randomly chooses samples from
each subdivision.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

In this part of the study, we will discuss the related literature that is essential for this
study. This study focuses on the Study of Comparative Analysis of the Perception of shoppers
towards Online Selling and Personal Selling.


This chapter viewed the methodology of the study, including a detailed discussion of the
following parts: respondents of this study, instruments or materials used for this study.

Research Design/Method

This study uses a quantitative type of research, wherein a survey questionnaire is utilized
to obtain the perceptions from two departments of Colegio De Santa Catalina De Alejandria
(COSCA) towards online selling and personal selling.

Population and Sample

For this research, stratified random sampling is used as our method of data collection.
There were two groups who were surveyed, the Senior High School department and the College
department of Colegion De Santa Catalina De Alejandria (COSCA). In total, we surveyed 50
students, with 25 from the senior high school group and 25 from the college group.

The researchers have chosen to survey the Senior High School and College students in
COSCA (Colegio de Santa Catalina de Alejandria), Located at, Bishop Epifanio B. Durban St.,
Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental, Philippines, 6200.


The research study will be relying on the results of the survey we conducted in the
COSCA campus. The researchers who conducted this survey will document the results of this
study. The set of questions or survey was already approved by the subject teacher before the
survey was presented and conducted to ensure that the survey was appropriate for the

Data Gathering Procedures

For this study, the questionnaires were distributed to the different departments (senior
high school and college). The researchers were responsible for administering the questionnaires
after classes to gather the necessary data.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The following are used throughout the study:

1. Frequency and Percentage

Frequency refers to the number of times a specific value that occurs. The percentage represents a
proportion of the entire value.

P(%) = Value of the Percentage
f = frequency value
N = Number of sample

2. Ordinal Scale
Is a type of measurement where data is arrange in a particular order.

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Figure 1: The overall results of the survey

As reflected in Figure 1, shopper's choice of the different methods of selling depends on

the service and benefits they get. Seeing that some of these results are almost stable while others
also have a high preference for another method of selling.

Questions Online Shopping Personal/Physical Both

1. What is your 11 (22%) 13 (26%) 26 (52%)
preferred choice
of shopping?

Table No. 1 Shoppers response to the first question

According to the survey results, the top preferred among shoppers when it comes to
buying is the option to choose both selling methods which was selected by 26 out of 50
respondents. Followed by Personal shopping with 13 respondents and online shopping with 11
out of 50 respondents.

Questions Online Shopping Personal/Physical Both

2. Among the 9 (18%) 31 (62%) 10 (20%)
choices which
gave you more


Table No. 2 Shoppers response to the second question

From the table presented, personal shopping leads over another shopping method when it
comes giving more shopping convenience/comfort gaining 31 out of 50 respondents. With
almost an equal amount of respondents of online shopping (9) and both (10) selling method. This
result reflected that shoppers are more comfortable shopping personally for few reasons: (1) as
they can see and check the product in-person, (2) raise concerns regarding with the product, and
(3) to avoid scams or frauds.

Questions Online Shopping Personal/Physical Both

3. Which of the 21 (42%) 20 (40%) 9 (18%)
choices has more
product choices,
offer, or

Table No. 3 Shoppers response to the third question

As we observed in this table, we found that online shopping and personal shopping had
almost a similar number of respondents, while 9 out of 50 respondents chose both selling
methods. This proves that both selling methods offer a wider range of product choices, offers,
and selections.

Questions Online Shopping Personal/Physical Both
4. Which of these
has more
14 (28%) 15 (30%) 11 (22%)

Table No. 4 Shoppers response to the fourth question

Based on the result, it shows that online selling and personal selling are both effective in
finding affordable prices and better deals. Personal selling received a bit higher amount of
respondents with 15 (30%) votes, and online shopping is nearly behind with 14 (28%)
respondents. In addition, 11 (22%) respondents chose both selling methods are effective.

Questions Online Shopping Personal/Physical Both

5. Among the 15 (30%) 26 (52%) 9 (18%)

choices, which
offers more
services offered?
(fast delivery,
ment if good
bought, etc.)

Table No. 5 Shoppers response to the fifth question

Based on the table presented, it appears that a total of 26 respondents (52%) are
convinced that personal shopping offers more additional services such as fast delivery, prompt
exchange/replacement, etc. On the contrary, 15 (30%) of respondents chose online shopping,
while 9 (18%) preferred both. Well, it is truly acceptable that additional services are much easier

if we purchase in person. You can avail and avoid delay when bought by the counter and can
request an immediate replacement when there are some issues with the product.


Questions Online Both

1) What is your preferred Choice of shopping?

2) Among the choices which gave you more shopping


3) Which of the choices has more product choices,

Offer, or Selection?

4) Which of these has more affordable prices/better


5) Among the choices, which offers more additional

services offered? (Fast delivery, Prompt exchange/
replacement if good bought, etc.)

Other Remarks:

College Survey Result

Questions Online Personal/Physical Both Results

Shopping shopping

1) What is your preferred 8 6 11 Both

Choice of shopping?
(32%) (24%) (44%) 11 (44%)

2) Among the choices 7 13 5 Personal

which gave you more shopping
(28%) (52%) (20%)
13 (52%)

3) Which of the choices 9 14 2 Personal

has more product shopping
(36%) (56%) (8%)
choices, offer, or
14 (56%)

4) Which of these has 13 5 7 Online shopping

more affordable
(52%) (20%) (28%) 13(52%)
prices/better deals?

5) Among the choices, 4 16 5 Personal

which offers more shopping
(16%) (64%) (20%)
additional services
offered? (Fast delivery,

if good bought, etc.)

SHS Survey Result

Questions Online Personal/physical Both Result:

shopping shopping

1) What is your preferred choice 3 7 15 both

of shopping?
(12%) (28%) (60%) 15 (60%)

2) among the choices which 2 18 5 personal

gave you more shopping shopping
(8%) (72%) (20%)
18 (72%)

3) which of the choices has more 12 6 7 online shopping

product choices, offer, or
(48%) (24%) (28%) 12 (48%)

4) which of these has more 11 10 4 online shopping

affordable prices/better
(44%) (40%) (16%) 11 (44%)

5) among the choices, which 11 10 4 online

offers more additional
(44%) (40%) (16%) shopping
services offered? (fast
delivery, prompt 11 (44%)
exchange/replacement if good
bought, etc.)

Overall Survey Results

Questions Online Personal/physical Both Result:

shopping shopping

1) What is your preferred choice of shopping? 8+3=11 6+7=13 11+15=26 both

(22%) (26%) (52%) 26 (52%)

2) among the choices which gave you more 7+2=9 13+18=31 5+5=10 personal
shopping convenience/comfort? (20%) shopping
(18%) (62%)
31 (62%)

3) which of the choices has more product 9+12=21 14+6=20 2+2=9 online
choices, offer, or selection? shopping
(42%) (40%) (18%)
21 (42%)

4) which of these has more affordable 13+11=14 5+10=15 7+4=11 personal

prices/better deals? shopping
(28%) (30%) (22%)
15 (30%)

5) among the choices, which offers more 4+11=15 16+10=26 5+4=9 personal
additional services offered? (fast delivery,
(30%) (52%) (18%) shopping
prompt exchange/replacement if good
bought, etc.) 26 (32%)


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