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Based on your perceptions and observations, how different and how similar are women?

a table, compare and contrast the masculine and the feminine gender. Cite five(5) similarities
and five (5) differences ( 5 pts. each)


1. When parentaly involved, both gender 1. Both genders are pressured into
support and open on the thought of certain things. It is specified that
exposing and encouraging their child Women are much more physically
to engage with their opposite gender attractive than men since women have
in activities and to develop many morphological features than
themselves. men in which women can make these
features much more attractive.

2. Half women and half men are almost 2. As a woman myself I am aware that most
at the same percentage of being most people in the society look up to men more
likely to be encouraged to be a leader than women. Men are more on the side of
and stand up for themselves. masculinity where they are viewed as manly
while women stay on the feminine side. This
falls into the leadership of men.

3. Based on the module, at a close rate 4. Since men are seen as strong, and
of 76% and 68%, both genders feel manly, they rarely open up their
the pressure to be successful on their feelings whether they are sad or upset
job and financially support their family. to other people. Compared to women
who share their feelings with their
friends and family.

4. Women and men are most likely to let their 5. Men are more capable of doing heavy
children see the changes and value by things because of their physical
steering their women child to befriend men. abilities and greater and massive body
size compared to women.

5. A percentage of 53% and 56% is stated in 5. Women are more on open-ended

the module where both genders are almost questions where in they are more exposed to
the same rating on being able to stand up for nurturing and empathy while men are
themselves and for the men as well. financial success, ambition and leadership

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