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2/27/24, 5:20 PM BICON - Import Conditions

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Case: Processed grain and seed products for human
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Effective 21 Feb 2024
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Cooked and frozen prior to export

Case details
Import Conditions
Import conditions define the biosecurity requirements which must be met for your import. Where
Overview import conditions have been developed, they will be listed below.

These import conditions are limited to goods intended for human consumption only.
These import conditions will not appropriately mitigate biosecurity risks associated with goods
History imported for end uses other than human consumption, as such these conditions must not be used
for any other end use including for growing, planting or animal feed.
Risk backgrounds
Goods intended for end uses other than human consumption must meet the import conditions of
the relevant BICON cases.
Questions I have answered

Product description a. These conditions apply to grains and seeds that have been cooked in water and frozen prior to exp
Cooked and frozen and are intended for human consumption.

Import conditions prior to arrival in Australian territory

b. A Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry import permit is not required.

c. Each consignment must be verified as having been cooked in water prior to freezing.

To demonstrate compliance with this requirement you must present the following on a Manufactur
declaration, Freezing declaration, Packing list, Supplier's declaration, Exporter's declaration, Export
certificate, Commercial invoice or Beneficiary certificate:

Evidence that the grains or seeds have been cooked in water for a minimum of 3 minutes at 90°C.

d. Each consignment must be verified to have undergone an appropriate freezing process. This freezin
process includes preparation, packaging and storing.

To demonstrate compliance with this requirement you must present the following on a Freezing
declaration, Packing list, Supplier's declaration, Exporter's declaration, Export certificate, Commerci
invoice, Beneficiary certificate or Manufacturer's declaration:
1. country of origin
2. scientific name… 1/2
2/27/24, 5:20 PM BICON - Import Conditions
3. packaging information
4. processing information
5. hard frozen statement
6. a statement that the produce has been continuously maintained at -18°C or below for a period
at least seven days.

The freezing process only begins when the core temperature reaches -18°C. The core
temperature of -18°C must be maintained over seven consecutive days.

e. Produce must be commercially prepared and packaged in clean and new packaging.

f. The goods must arrive frozen.

Import conditions after arrival in Australian territory

g. Consignments meeting the above conditions may be released without an inspection. Goods are sub
to random verification inspections to verify the frozen state of the goods and to check for non-invoi

Additional information

h. Under the Biosecurity Charges Imposition (General) Regulation 2016 and Chapter 9, Part 2 of the
Biosecurity Regulation 2016 , fees are payable to the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and For
for all services. Detail on how the department applies fees and levies may be found in the Charging
guidelines .

i. In addition to the conditions for the goods being imported, non-commodity concerns must be asses
including container cleanliness, packaging and destination concerns, and may be subject to inspect
and treatment on arrival. Please refer to the Non-Commodity Cargo Clearance BICON case for furth

j. Once biosecurity requirements have been met, it is the importer's responsibility to comply with the
Imported Food Control Act 1992 and ensure food being imported is safe and compliant with
Australian standards including the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code . Consignments of
food may be referred for inspection and analysis under the Imported Food Inspection Scheme to
verify safety and compliance.

Some foods are not permitted to be imported without a recognised foreign government certificate
a recognised food safety management certificate . Importers must check the food complies with th
requirements prior to importing.

What happens next?

When you are importing into Australia a departmental officer will assess the risk posed by your impor
and determine the appropriate outcome to apply. You may use the link below to view the likely
outcomes for this particular import scenario. Please be aware that the assessment conducted may
result in an outcome that is not listed.

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