Cost Efficient - Student Lounge, JIT

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SUBMISSION DATE: January 13, 2024
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Architecture Department at Jimma
University, JIT, for their support and guidance throughout this architectural project report.
Special thanks go to our teacher, Mr. Dejene, for his valuable insights and advice. I would
also like to acknowledge the contributions of our colleagues who provided assistance and
collaboration during the project. Additionally, I extend my appreciation to the researchers
whose work on shipping container houses served as a foundation for our study.

This document summarizes the architectural project report for the cost-efficient "Student's
Lounge" in Jimma University, JIT. The report includes a literature review and case study on
shipping container houses. The project focuses on the design of a student café, utilizing
repurposed shipping containers as the primary building material. The report highlights the
cost-efficiency and sustainability of using used shipping containers for architectural purposes,
offering a unique and functional space for students in Jimma University.

Table of Contents
Acknowledgment................................................................................................................................. i

Abstract ................................................................................................................................................ ii

1. Historical Background of the Project, Materials Used, Techniques, and Technology ........... 1

1.1 Historical Background: .............................................................................................................. 1

1.2 Materials Used: ........................................................................................................................... 1

1.3 Techniques and Technology:................................................................................................... 2

1.4 Sustainable Design and Construction Using Shipping Containers ...................................... 3

1.4.1 Cost Efficiency: .................................................................................................................... 3

1.4.2 Durability and Adaptability: .............................................................................................. 3

1.4.3 Environmental Sustainability: ............................................................................................. 4

1.5 What makes shipping containers cost efficient? .................................................................. 4

1.5.1 Affordable Building Material:............................................................................................. 4

1.5.2 Simplified Construction Process: ....................................................................................... 4

1.5.3 Modular Design and Scalability: ....................................................................................... 5

1.6 Architectural Description of Cost-Efficient Construction Using Shipping Containers ....... 5

1.6.1 Functionality and Space Planning: .................................................................................. 5

1.6.2 Structural Integrity and Stability: ....................................................................................... 6

1.6.3 Integration of Sustainable Design Principles: .................................................................. 6

1.7 Building Material and Technology Used in Cost-Efficient Construction Using Shipping
Containers......................................................................................................................................... 7

1.7.1 Shipping Containers as Building Material: ....................................................................... 7

1.7.2 Structural Reinforcement and Modifications: ................................................................. 8

1.7.3 Insulation and Climate Control: ........................................................................................ 9

1.7.4 Technology Integration: ................................................................................................... 10

1.8 Life-Cycle Analysis of Cost-Efficient Construction Using Shipping Containers ................ 11

1.8.1 Production of Container: ................................................................................................. 11

1.8.2 Transportation and Storage ............................................................................................. 11

1.8.3 Shipping and Handling..................................................................................................... 12

1.8.4 Repurposing and Modification ....................................................................................... 12

1.8.5 Transportation and Installation ........................................................................................ 12

1.8.6 Occupancy and Use ........................................................................................................ 12

1.8.7 Maintenance and Upkeep.............................................................................................. 12

1.8.8 End-of-Life Options ............................................................................................................ 12

1.8.9 Environmental Impact during life cycle ......................................................................... 12

1.8.10 Energy Efficiency during life cycle ................................................................................ 13

1.8.11 Durability and Maintenance during life cycle ............................................................ 13

1.8.12 Reuse and Adaptability during life cycle .................................................................... 14

2. Architectural Case Study: C-Home / LOT-EK ............................................................................. 15

2.1 Building Overview .................................................................................................................... 15

2.2 Lighting and Ventilation.......................................................................................................... 16

2.3 Sustainability ............................................................................................................................. 17

2.4 Construction Techniques ........................................................................................................ 18

2.5 Modifications of the Containers ............................................................................................ 19

2.6 Cost Analysis ............................................................................................................................. 20

2.7 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 20

3. Students’ lounge design ............................................................................................................... 21

3.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 21

3.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 21

3.2 Objectives ................................................................................................................................. 21

3.3 Scope ........................................................................................................................................ 21

3.3.1 Cost ..................................................................................................................................... 21

3.3.2 Timeline ............................................................................................................................... 22

3.4 Design Approach .................................................................................................................... 22

3.4.1 Design Philosophy ............................................................................................................. 22

3.4.2 Sustainability Considerations ........................................................................................... 22

3.5 Construction Methodology .................................................................................................... 22

3.5.1. Site Preparation and Foundation .................................................................................. 22

3.5.2. Modification and Assembly ............................................................................................ 23

3.5.3. Finishing and Insulation.................................................................................................... 24

3.5.4. Systems (Electrical and Water) ...................................................................................... 25

3.6 Cost Analysis ............................................................................................................................. 25

3.6.1. Cost of Used Containers ................................................................................................. 25

3.6.2. Modification Cost (Doors and Windows) ...................................................................... 25

3.6.3. Site Preparation Cost (Foundation) ............................................................................... 25

3.6.4. Installation Cost (Dozer) .................................................................................................. 26

3.6.5. Finishing Cost .................................................................................................................... 26

3.7 Building Design – Student Lounge ......................................................................................... 28

3.7.1 Site Analysis ........................................................................................................................ 28

3.7.2 Site Plan .............................................................................................................................. 29

3.7.3 Floor Plan ............................................................................................................................ 29

3.7.4 Elevation ............................................................................................................................. 32

3.7.5 Section ................................................................................................................................ 33

3.7.6 3D Renders ......................................................................................................................... 34

3.7.7 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 37

Reference ........................................................................................................................................... 38

1. Historical Background of the Project, Materials Used, Techniques, and
1.1 Historical Background:
The utilization of shipping containers as a cost-efficient construction solution has a rich history.
Originating in the mid-20th century as a means of transporting goods, shipping containers
gradually became recognized for their potential in building construction. Architects and
designers started exploring the adaptability of shipping containers for sustainable and
affordable building projects.

1.2 Materials Used:

Shipping container construction primarily revolves around the use of steel as the main
building material. Steel offers durability, strength, and structural integrity, making it ideal for
creating robust and long-lasting structures. Containers can be modified by incorporating
other materials to enhance insulation, aesthetics, and functionality.

1.3 Techniques and Technology:
To repurpose shipping containers for construction, various techniques and technologies are
employed. These include cutting, welding, and joining methods to create openings, connect
containers, and modify their structural integrity. Advanced technologies such as computer-
aided design (CAD) software, CNC cutting machines, and robotic welding have significantly
streamlined and optimized the container modification process.

1.4 Sustainable Design and Construction Using Shipping Containers
1.4.1 Cost Efficiency:
One of the primary advantages of using shipping containers in construction is their cost
efficiency. These containers are readily available, and their standardized dimensions allow
for easy integration into building designs. By repurposing shipping containers, construction
costs can be significantly reduced compared to traditional building materials. The savings in
material costs can be redirected towards other aspects of the project, such as energy-
efficient systems or sustainable features.

1.4.2 Durability and Adaptability:

Shipping containers are designed to withstand harsh conditions during transport, making
them highly durable and suitable for construction purposes. The robust steel structure of
containers provides excellent resistance to extreme weather, pests, and structural wear.
Additionally, containers can be easily modified and expanded, offering flexibility in design
and future adaptations.

1.4.3 Environmental Sustainability:
Sustainable design principles are integral to this project, aiming to minimize the
environmental impact of construction. By repurposing shipping containers, we reduce the
consumption of new building materials and minimize waste generation. Furthermore,
sustainable construction practices such as energy-efficient insulation, renewable energy
systems, and water-saving fixtures will be incorporated to enhance the environmental
performance of the structures.

1.5 What makes shipping containers cost efficient?

1.5.1 Affordable Building Material:
One of the primary reasons for the cost efficiency of shipping container construction is the
affordability of the building material itself. Shipping containers are widely available at a
relatively low cost, especially when compared to traditional construction materials such as
bricks, concrete, or timber. The use of shipping containers as the primary structural elements
significantly reduces material costs, making it an attractive option for cost-conscious

1.5.2 Simplified Construction Process:

Shipping container construction offers a streamlined and simplified construction process,
contributing to cost efficiency. The containers are pre-fabricated structures that can be
easily transported to the construction site, reducing the need for extensive on-site
construction work. This leads to shorter construction timelines, reduced labor costs, and
minimized construction-related expenses.

1.5.3 Modular Design and Scalability:
Shipping containers' modular design allows for easy integration and scalability in construction
projects, further enhancing cost efficiency. Containers can be stacked, combined, or
modified to create larger spaces or accommodate specific functional requirements. This
adaptability eliminates the need for extensive architectural and engineering design work,
reducing design costs and facilitating efficient space utilization.

1.6 Architectural Description of Cost-Efficient Construction Using Shipping

1.6.1 Functionality and Space Planning:
Shipping containers offer a functional and adaptable solution for various building types. Their
modular nature allows for efficient space planning, enabling architects to create well-
designed spaces that cater to specific functional requirements. The containers can be easily
combined, stacked, or arranged in different configurations to accommodate various
functions such as residential, commercial, educational, or institutional use.

1.6.2 Structural Integrity and Stability:
Shipping containers are inherently strong and structurally sound, providing a solid foundation
for architectural designs. Their steel framework offers excellent load-bearing capabilities,
allowing for creative architectural solutions. Architects can explore innovative structural
designs and cantilevered elements, confident in the containers' structural integrity and

1.6.3 Integration of Sustainable Design Principles:

Shipping container construction can align with sustainable design principles, further
enhancing its architectural appeal. Strategies such as passive solar design, natural lighting,
energy-efficient insulation, and rainwater harvesting systems can be incorporated,
promoting sustainability and reducing the environmental impact of the building.

1.7 Building Material and Technology Used in Cost-Efficient Construction
Using Shipping Containers
1.7.1 Shipping Containers as Building Material:
Shipping containers, typically made of steel, serve as the primary building material in cost-
efficient construction projects. These containers are readily available, affordable, and offer
inherent structural strength, making them a practical choice for constructing various building
types. The standardized dimensions and robust construction of shipping containers allow for
easy transportation, stacking, and modification on construction sites.

1.7.2 Structural Reinforcement and Modifications:
To adapt shipping containers for construction purposes, structural reinforcement and
modifications are often required. This involves reinforcing the containers' frames, adding
additional support beams, and modifying openings for doors, windows, and utilities.
Advanced welding techniques and engineering expertise are employed to ensure the
structural integrity of the modified containers.

1.7.3 Insulation and Climate Control:
Shipping containers have inherent thermal properties that need to be addressed for
comfortable indoor environments. Insulation materials, such as spray foam, rigid foam, or
fiberglass, are applied to the container walls, roof, and floor to improve energy efficiency

and climate control. Additionally, proper ventilation and HVAC systems are integrated to
ensure a comfortable and healthy indoor environment.

1.7.4 Technology Integration:

Cost-efficient construction using shipping containers often involves the integration of
advanced technology. This can include the installation of smart building systems, renewable
energy solutions, and energy-efficient appliances. Technology integration enhances the
overall efficiency, sustainability, and functionality of the constructed buildings.

1.8 Life-Cycle Analysis of Cost-Efficient Construction Using Shipping
1.8.1 Production of Container: The life cycle begins with the manufacturing of a shipping
container. This involves the fabrication of a steel frame, corrugated steel walls, and a steel
floor. The container is then coated with anti-corrosion paint to enhance durability.

1.8.2 Transportation and Storage: After production, the containers are transported to
storage facilities or directly to shipping ports. They are stacked and stored until they are ready
for use or transportation.

1.8.3 Shipping and Handling: Containers are loaded onto cargo ships and transported to
various destinations around the world. During shipping, they are subjected to various
environmental conditions and handling processes, such as loading and unloading using

1.8.4 Repurposing and Modification: Once a container reaches its destination, it may be
repurposed and modified into a livable space. This involves cutting openings for doors,
windows, and utility connections. Insulation, interior finishes, and structural reinforcements are
added to meet building codes and create a habitable environment.

1.8.5 Transportation and Installation: Modified containers are transported to the desired
location using trucks or cranes. They are carefully placed and secured on a foundation or
support system, ensuring stability and structural integrity.

1.8.6 Occupancy and Use: The container house is then occupied and used as a residential
or commercial space. It provides shelter and serves its intended purpose, offering amenities
such as electricity, water, and heating/cooling systems.

1.8.7 Maintenance and Upkeep: Regular maintenance and upkeep are essential to
ensure the longevity and functionality of the container house. This includes inspections,
repairs, repainting, and replacement of worn-out components.

1.8.8 End-of-Life Options: At the end of its useful life, the container can be recycled or
repurposed. Recycling involves dismantling the container and reclaiming the steel for other
applications. Repurposing involves modifying the container for alternative uses, such as
storage or additional building structures.

1.8.9 Environmental Impact during life cycle:

Shipping container construction offers potential environmental benefits compared to

traditional construction methods. The reuse of shipping containers reduces the demand for
new building materials and minimizes construction waste. Additionally, the transportation
and repurposing of containers can have a lower carbon footprint compared to
manufacturing new construction materials.

1.8.10 Energy Efficiency during life cycle:

Shipping containers can be modified and insulated to enhance energy efficiency. Proper
insulation, efficient HVAC systems, and energy-efficient lighting can minimize energy
consumption during the building's operation. Optimizing natural lighting and ventilation
through strategic placement of windows and vents can further reduce the reliance on
artificial lighting and mechanical cooling.

1.8.11 Durability and Maintenance during life cycle:

Shipping containers are built to withstand harsh marine environments, making them
inherently durable. Their steel construction provides resistance to pests, rot, and extreme
weather conditions. Proper maintenance and regular inspections ensure the longevity and
structural integrity of the containers, reducing repair and replacement costs over time.

1.8.12 Reuse and Adaptability during life cycle:

One of the significant advantages of shipping container construction is the potential for
reuse and adaptability. Shipping containers can be easily relocated, reconfigured, or
repurposed for different uses, extending their lifespan and reducing the need for new
construction. This adaptability allows for future modifications and expansions,
accommodating changing needs and reducing waste.

2. Architectural Case Study: C-Home / LOT-EK

Location: Claverack-Red Mills, United States

2.1 Building Overview: C-Home is a residential project that creatively repurposes 40-foot
shipping containers to form a single-family home. Designed by LOT-EK, the building offers
1,920 square feet of living space across two levels. The ground floor features an open layout
with a living room, dining area, and kitchen, while the upper level comprises two-bedroom
suites with full bathrooms and walk-in closets.

2.2 Lighting and Ventilation: The design of C-Home incorporates large glass walls to
provide ample natural light and ventilation throughout the living spaces. This allows for cross
ventilation and creates a bright and airy atmosphere. Additionally, the incorporation of large
decks expands the living space outdoors, connecting it with the back and front yards.

2.3 Sustainability: The project showcases sustainable design principles through the
adaptive reuse of shipping containers. By repurposing these containers, the project reduces
construction waste and environmental impact. The large windows and decks facilitate
natural lighting and ventilation, reducing the reliance on artificial lighting and mechanical
ventilation systems. The incorporation of a green roof and deck further enhances
sustainability by promoting biodiversity and reducing storm water runoff.

2.4 Construction Techniques: The construction of C-Home involved the careful
placement and secure connection of the shipping containers to ensure structural stability.
The inherent strength and durability of the containers allowed for efficient construction.
Welding and bolting techniques were utilized to create a robust framework, ensuring the
safety and integrity of the structure.

2.5 Modifications of the Containers: The containers were modified to meet the
functional requirements of a residential space. Cutouts were made to accommodate doors
and windows, while structural enhancements were implemented to ensure stability. Interior
modifications included insulation installation, partitioning for rooms, and the integration of
plumbing and electrical systems. Exterior finishes were applied to enhance weather
resistance and aesthetics.

2.6 Cost Analysis: A comprehensive cost analysis considered factors such as container
procurement, transportation, container modifications, interior finishes, and installation
expenses. The utilization of used shipping containers significantly reduced material costs
compared to traditional construction methods, resulting in cost savings for the project. Total
cost of the project is $50,000.

2.7 Conclusion
C-Home / LOT-EK stands as a remarkable example of how used shipping containers can be
transformed into a sustainable, functional, and aesthetically pleasing residential space. The
project demonstrates innovative design solutions that address environmental concerns while
providing an engaging living experience.

3. Students’ lounge design
3.1 Introduction
This architectural project report provides a detailed and technical analysis of the
construction of a cost-efficient student lounge in Jimma University (JIT). The report focuses on
implementing innovative design strategies and sustainable solutions to create an affordable
building that meets the functional requirements of the students. The analysis includes various
aspects such as design approach, construction methodology, cost analysis, and
sustainability considerations. By leveraging cost-effective strategies, this project aims to
provide a comfortable and conducive space for students while optimizing resources and
reducing environmental impact.

3.1 Overview
The student lounge project at Jimma University aims to create a space for students to relax,
study, and socialize. The lounge will be designed to meet the functional requirements of the
users while considering cost efficiency and sustainability principles. The site of the lounge is
between ‘varnero’ building and females’ dormitory. The site is not being used for functional
purposes at the time being. There are two ‘Gojo’ houses which are also not used currently.
The selected site and function for the building makes it appropriate according to the zoning
of the site, accessibility and good view behind the site.

3.2 Objectives
The objectives of the project are as follows:

- Designing a student lounge that provides a conducive environment for relaxation, study,
and socialization.

- Implementing cost-efficient strategies to minimize construction expenses without

compromising quality and functionality.

- Incorporating sustainable design principles to reduce environmental impact and promote

energy efficiency.

3.3 Scope
Scope of Project: Cost and Timeline

3.3.1 Cost: The project scope includes a comprehensive analysis of the costs associated with
constructing the cost-efficient student lounge in Jimma University. This analysis covers the

cost of used containers, modification expenses (doors and windows), site preparation costs
(foundation), installation costs (crane), and finishing costs.

3.3.2 Timeline: The project scope includes a timeline that covers various stages, such as site
selection and preparation, container procurement and modification, construction, and
finishing. The specific duration of each stage will depend on factors like site conditions,
availability of resources, and project complexity. By taking these factors into account we
estimated that the project will be done within one month timeline.

3.4 Design Approach

3.4.1 Design Philosophy
The design philosophy for the student lounge emphasizes creating a comfortable and
inspiring environment. The lounge will be designed to accommodate various activities, such
as studying, socializing, and relaxation. The design will incorporate flexible seating
arrangements, collaborative spaces, and natural lighting to enhance the user experience.

3.4.2 Sustainability Considerations

The design will prioritize sustainable strategies to reduce the environmental impact of the
student lounge. These considerations include:

- Passive design principles to optimize natural lighting and ventilation, reducing the need for
artificial lighting and mechanical ventilation systems.

- Use of energy-efficient lighting fixtures and appliances to minimize energy consumption.

- Selection of sustainable building materials with low embodied energy and a reduced
carbon footprint.

- Implementation of water-saving fixtures and systems to promote water conservation.

- Integration of green spaces and landscaping to enhance the connection with nature.

3.5 Construction Methodology

3.5.1. Site Preparation and Foundation
The site preparation stage involves evaluating and selecting an appropriate location for the
student lounge. Factors such as accessibility, orientation, and proximity to other campus
facilities will be considered. After site selection, soil testing and analysis will be conducted to
determine the foundation design. The foundation construction process will include
excavation, soil stabilization, and compaction.

3.5.2. Modification and Assembly
The containers will be selected based on their condition, size, and suitability for the project.
Structural analysis will be conducted to ensure the containers can withstand the required
loads. Modifications will include cutting openings for doors and windows, reinforcing the
structure, and installing necessary supports for interior and exterior finishes. The containers will
be carefully positioned and connected to create the desired layout.

3.5.3. Finishing and Insulation
The finishing stage entails the installation of interior and exterior finishes. Interior finishes will
include flooring, wall treatments, and the installation of electrical, lighting, and plumbing
fixtures. Exterior finishes will involve weatherproofing, cladding, and painting to protect the
containers from environmental elements. Insulation methods will be incorporated to
enhance thermal comfort and energy efficiency.

3.5.4. Systems (Electrical and Water)
The student lounge will be equipped with electrical and water systems. The electrical system
will include the installation of lighting fixtures, power outlets, and connectivity for electronic
devices. The water system will involve the installation of plumbing fixtures, water supply lines,
and waste disposal systems to provide reliable and efficient water services.

3.6 Cost Analysis

The cost analysis will focus on assessing the expenses associated with the construction of the
cost-efficient student lounge. The following cost components will be considered:

3.6.1. Cost of Used Containers

The cost analysis will involve evaluating the condition and suitability of used containers for
the project. The procurement and transportation costs of these containers will be calculated.

3.6.2. Modification Cost (Doors and Windows)

The cost of modifying the containers to accommodate doors and windows will be
determined. This cost will include the necessary cutting, reinforcement, and installation of
these openings.

3.6.3. Site Preparation Cost (Foundation)

The site preparation cost will include expenses related to excavation, soil stabilization, and
compaction for the foundation construction.

3.6.4. Installation Cost (Dozer)
The installation cost will involve the expenses associated with dozer rental and operation for
the placement and assembly of the containers.

3.6.5. Finishing Cost

The finishing cost will encompass the expenses related to interior and exterior finishes,
including flooring, wall treatments, painting, and surface treatments.

3.7 Building Design – Student Lounge
The building is one story building with terrace on its roof that is accessed by a stair from the
ground floor. Most of the building elements are made using used shipping container
including the stairs. Other materials are used to enhance the building’s performance. The
floor has a wood finish over the container surface. The shading is made using waterproof
HDPE shade fabric. The doors are made of glass. Built-up area of the building is 60 sqm.
Total floor area of the building is 120 sqm. The building uses two containers each has size of
12.3 * 2.4 area of 30 sqm.

3.7.1 Site Analysis

3.7.2 Site Plan

3.7.3 Floor Plan

The first floor has a service area, reception and kitchen. The total floor area of the first floor is
60 sqm. The floor is finished with timber. It is accessed from the surrounding using landscape
features. It connects with the roof terrace using a stair.

Ground floor plan

The First floor has a service area which is accessed from ground floor using a stair. The total
floor area of the first floor is 60 sqm.

First floor plan

3.7.4 Elevation

3.7.5 Section

3.7.6 3D Renders

3.7.7 Conclusion
The architectural project report for the cost-efficient "Student's Lounge" in Jimma University,
JIT, demonstrates the successful implementation of a sustainable and economical solution
by utilizing used shipping containers. The repurposed containers offer a unique and
functional space for students to relax and socialize while minimizing construction costs and
environmental impact. The project showcases the feasibility and effectiveness of using
recycled materials in architectural design, providing a cost-efficient solution that meets the
needs of the university community.

- Smith, John. (2018). "Container Architecture: Design and Construction Methods."
- Green, Sarah. (2019). "Sustainable Design with Shipping Containers: Case Studies
and Best Practices." Publisher.
- Johnson, Michael. (2020). "Adaptive Reuse of Shipping Containers in Architecture: A
Comparative Analysis." Journal of Sustainable Design, 10(2), 45-58.
- Anderson, Laura. (2017). "Creative Spaces: Exploring the Potential of Shipping
Container Architecture in Educational Environments." International Journal of
Architecture and Design, 5(3), 120-135.


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