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I. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.
1. A. result B. unusual C. uncle D. difficult
2. A. piano B. fish C. like D. badminton
3. A. rest B. help C. garden D. identify
4. A. game B. arrange C. skate D. cake
5. A. over B. doll C. collect D. hobby
II. Choose the best answer a, b, c, or d to complete the sentence.
1. Thousands of Vietnamese scholars graduated _________ the Imperial Academy.
a. from c. in c. for d. under
2. The broth for pho ga is made _________ stewing chicken bones.

a. of b. with c. by d. from
3. I haven’t got_________ bread left. Would you like _________ noodles instead?
a. any – any b. some – some c. no – some d. any – some
4. My sister hates rock music, and she hates rap _________.
a. either b. also c. neither d. too
5. How much _________ should I use to make the cake?
a. pineapple b. flour c. egg d. carton of milk
6. The first Doctors’ Stone Tablets were _________ in 1484.
a. erected b. selected c. regarded d.located
7. Jazz _________ in the US and is now popular throughout the world.
a. originates b. originated c. was originated d. is originated
8. From his childhood, Chu Van An was _________ for his intelligence.
a. interested b. successful c. talented d. famous

9. _________ was the Temple of Literature founded? ~ Emperor Ly Thanh Tong.

a. When b. Where c.Who d. By whom
10. ‘_________’ ‘There is some milk and orange juice in the fridge.’
a. What is there for lunch? b. What is there to drink?
c. Is there anything to eat? d. What do you drink?
III.Underline the correct preposition to complete the sentences.

1. Flowers are beautiful at/in spring.

2. I watched a new film on/at midnight.
3. My brother’s birthday is at/on 16th December.
4. Sam watched football on/in the evening.
5. Do you get presents on/in Christmas Day?

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