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The Lived Experiences of Transpinay Sex Workers

Calimag, Christian Jieroh, Lanot, Rochelle C., Panes, Cleo Hana, Reyes, Micaela, Sambilay, Maria

Rizal Technological University


This thesis paper aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the lived experiences of
transpinay sex workers, specifically focusing on transpinays working in Metro Manila, who have
undergone at least two years of hormonal replacement therapy. Using a phenomenological
approach, this study highlights the untold narratives of these sex workers with the goal of bringing
attention to the challenges they face and advocating for their protection and rights. The study is
guided by three objectives, namely, understanding how the participants' experiences impact their
identities, exploring how they navigate safety within their work environment, and identifying the
support systems available to them. Through qualitative research, six themes were identified
regarding the first objective, exploring participants' initial work encounters, risk factors, morality,
client profiles, motivations for choosing this career, and self-acceptance. The second objective
identified four themes related to navigating safety, such as disease prevention, violence
prevention, discrimination, and establishing limits. Lastly, the third objective focused on the four
themes concerning the support systems available to transgender sex workers, including advocacy
for a more inclusive society, empowerment and support, client and peer relationships, and
relationships with healthcare providers. The study findings reveal critical insights into the lives of
transpinay sex workers, and the need for access to safe and non-exploitative work opportunities,
accompanied by support systems that address economic inequality and poverty.

Keywords: Transpinay, lived experiences, hormonal replacement therapy, sex work, support,
experiences, safety

Introduction 2015). They tend to choose of showing

themselves in ways that go against the social
Even since during the 1960s, openly standards of their gender that were assigned
living as an LGBTQ or lesbian, gay, to them at birth.As a result, a lot of
bisexual, transgender, and queer person, in transgender people are having a hard time
almost all aspects was deliberately finding jobs that won’t judge them for who
prohibited. In an article by the Public they are and what they feel. In a report, A
Broadcasting Service (2022), on the 28th day Broken Bargain for Transgender Workers, it
of June year 1969, Marsha P. Johnson, a is revealed that the unemployment rate of
black transgender, launched the Stonewall transgender workers is twice of the
Riots which marked a turning point in the population as a whole (Johnson, 2013).
fight for LGBTQ+ civil rights. In the Because of this, many transgender people
Philippines, it is extremely hard to trace the resort to being sex workers, or someone who
history of transpinay and queer people when provides consensual services in exchange for
we look back in the last 500 years of history money or goods for a variety of reason
(Alegre, 2022). The term ‘transpinay’ is a (Cruz, et. al., 2016).
contracted name for transgender pinay or
Filipino women. However, despite the fact that they
finally found a job to take, their battles were
Transgender or individuals whose still far from over. Transgender sex workers
gender identity and expression do not reported experiencing verbal abuse, physical
correspond to their gender role and social assault, and sexual harassment while also
role is one of the most vulnerable groups facing barriers in accessing legal and social
(American Psychological Association, support services due to their gender identity

and occupation (De Leon and colleagues, Meadan, Stoner, & Angel, 2010). Van
2018). This only shows that transpinay sex Manen (1997) characterized this process as
workers or, in general, transgender sex reflective, entailing a deep contemplation of
workers are considered to be one of the most the concrete ways in which phenomena are
marginalized and vulnerable groups in the experienced. One's lived experience is
world as they continue to encounter regarded as a philosophical construct that
challenges when trying to get legal delimits meaning irrespective of personal
recognition, access to jobs, healthcare, and prejudices or biases (Vagle, 2014)
public accommodations in the country
(Abbas et al., 2021)From these views, the Participants and Sampling
researchers would like to have a deeper In this study, snowball sampling was
understanding about the lived experiences of used to select the target participants. The
transpinay sex workers in the Philippines and target participants were a total of five (5)
share them to become an eye-opener to all Transpinay sex workers with the age of at
the members of the community. In this study, least 18 – 30 years old who engaged in sex
there will be 5 transpinay sex workers who work within Metro Manila and were
are currently working within Metro Manila willing and able to participate in an in-
and have undergone hormonal replacement depth interview upon being referred by the
therapy for at least 2 years to investigate their initial participants. Since the study is
untold narratives and lived experiences as focusing on a specific type of participants
sex workers through a phenomenological under a certain type of community, the
approach. researchers have decided to use snowball
sampling in order to gather the data needed
This would address the ongoing for the fulfillment of the study and to easily
problems they face, bringing them to the find the specific participants needed. This
attention of advocates and activists to press sampling method involves the primary
the government for their protection and data sources nominating another potential
rights.There are three research objectives primary data source to be used for the
formulated in order to fulfill this study. The study.
first objective is to assess what are the
participants and how do these experiences Research Instruments
impact their views of their identity, the
second one is about how the participants In gathering the data for this study,
the researchers used a semi-structured
navigate their safety within their sex-work
environment and lastly, the third objective interview. As stated by Alison (2022), semi-
focuses on the type of support exists for these structured interview is a meeting where the
participants and how are these built and interviewer asks open-ended questions,
within the experience of the participants. instead of following a strict and formalized
list of questions. The semi-structured
Using the phenomenological interview format encourages two-way
approach, this study aimed to explore the communication where both the interviewer
lived experiences of transgender individuals and the candidate can ask questions and
who work as sex workers, with a focus on further the conversation. For it is an
transpinays currently working within Metro investigation of opinions and experiences of
Manila. The interview established a dialogue certain transpinay sex workers based on a
with the participants, which enabled the series of questions, this type of research
instrument was used in order to effectively
collection of detailed and coherent
information. This method facilitates the and efficiently collect the data needed. It also
acquisition of data related to the participants' provides a broad capability, which ensures
stories, experiences, feelings, and more accurate samples gathering targeted
knowledge regarding a specific subject results.
matter that is unique to each individual. Data Gathering

Methodology The data gathering procedure for

this study followed a phenomenological
This particular method emphasizes the approach that aims to explore and describe
investigation of how individuals construct the lived experiences of a phenomenon from
their lives and the meanings they attribute to the perspective of the participants. The
their experiences (Cridland et al., 2014; researchers used snowball sampling to select

the participants who met the following that presents the findings and illustrates them
criteria: (a.) they are transgender women with quotes from the participants. Lastly, the
who engaged in sex work within Metro researchers discussed the findings in relation
Manila (b) they are at least 18 years old and to the existing literature and the research
are willing and able to participate in an in- questions. The researchers also addressed the
depth interview. Before conducting the trustworthiness of the study by using
interviews, the researchers searched for strategies such as member checking, peer
potential participants using the snowball debriefing, triangulation, and reflexivity.
sampling and obtained their informed
consents. Referral was also used to find and
recruit transpinay sex-workers who might be Results
interested in sharing their stories.
Lived experiences prioritize the
The researchers did not used social understanding of a person’s unique
media platforms to seek participants to avoid perceptions, feelings, and interpretations,
any ethical violations of their privacy and and also aim to capture the depth and
autonomy rights. Aside from referrals, the richness of their reality. This approach
researchers also went around Metro Manila acknowledges that individuals possess
to find and recruit any transpinay sex intimate knowledge about their own lives
workers by asking them if they are qualified and contexts and aims to give voice to their
from the criteria mentioned above. The experiences. (Tufford et al., 2020)
interviews were conducted in a private and
comfortable setting, either at the Upon carefully examining and
participants’ homes or at any safe and refining the data gathered by the researchers,
comforting place within Metro Manila. the final result of this study are collated into
The interviews lasted between 60 each of the research objectives presented in
and 120 minutes and were audio-recorded the introduction. As mentioned, the first
with the permission of the participants. The research objective covers the experiences of
researchers used a semi-structured interview the participants and how do these
guide that consisted open-ended questions experiences impact their views of their
that explored the participants’ experiences of identity. A final thematic map with six
sex work, stigma, discrimination, violence, themes was formulated which includes the
identity, and well-being. Probing questions initial exposure, heightened risks, financial
were used by the researchers to elicit more benefits, financial issue, morality, positive
details and clarifications from the identity and client characteristics of the
participants. The researchers maintained a participants based on their responses to each
reflexive journal throughout the data of the questions proposed by the interviewer.
gathering process to document their
observations, impressions, and reflections on The initial exposure rounds up the
the interviews, and on a later time, the first work encounter of the participants from
interview verbatims were transcribed and their first clients down to how they end up
checked for accuracy. choosing to become a transpinay sex worker.
As part of their experience, the participants
The researchers then analyzed the also shared some common descriptions
transcripts using thematic analysis, about the types of clients that they usually
following the steps proposed by Braun and encounter often at their work. For the most
Clarke. The researchers familiarized part, the participants usually have customers
themselves with the data by reading and re- of foreign descent but there are also local
reading the transcripts and noting down patrons who avails their services.
initial codes, then generated initial themes by Heightened risks gives emphasis to the
grouping the codes into meaningful dangers and challenges that the participants
categories. Moreover, the researchers then are facing in their day to day life as a sex
reviewed the themes by checking them worker where either their customers, the
against the data and refining them as needed. community or their co-sex workers served as
The researchers then defined and named the a contributing factor to those challenges.
themes by identifying their essence and
scope. The fourth theme focuses on the
financial issues which is the common ground
Researchers will then write a report of reason for all of the participants involved

in this study. Due to lack of financial necessary precautions to secure their safety
support, these transpinay sex workers were such as the usage of self-defense devices
forced at a very young age to find a job that when working just as stated in the
can immediately fulfill their strong sense of heightened risks theme mentioned in the first
needs. Aside from the issues that they face, objective. The fourth and final theme of the
these transpinay sex workers are also faced second objective highlights the importance
with great contradictions against their of establishing limits within their work
morality where they started questioning environment. The agreements that the
themselves if they are still on the right track transpinay sex workers form with their
and their self-worth as a person. clients regarding the services provided play
a significant role in ensuring their safety and
Yet, despite these negative aspects minimizing the risk of violence.
of their lives, these transpinay sex workers
were still able to find positivity effects along For the final objective, the
the way. The theme financial benefits refers researchers also managed to extract four
to the fruits of hard work and dedication that themes that explores the support exists for
the transpinay sex workers put into action transpinay sex workers and how it is built
during their work. Lastly, the theme positive and fostered within their experiences. The
identity encapsulates the idea of how these first theme that emerged is empowerment
transpinay sex workers were able to and support which generally explores how
eventually pave way to see themselves in a transgender sex workers can come together
different angle that led to a general to form collectives and support groups to
acceptance of themselves or their situation advocate support groups to advocate for their
and the reality that surrounds them. rights and access to healthcare services. It
could also examine how these groups can
Meanwhile, the second objective of help to reduce stigma and discrimination
the study revolves around the participant’s against transgender sex workers. It also
navigation of one’s safety within their sex examines various resources that are available
work environment. There are four themes to transgender sex workers to help them
formulated under this objective with the first prevent HIV, AIDS, and STI. Additionally,
one being disease prevention. This theme it also explores how these resources can be
captures the essence of the participants’ made more accessible to transgender sex
being protective in terms of their health and workers, and how can they be used in
their safety measures to prevent sexually improving and maintaining their health.
transmitted diseases and other dangers in
their work environment. To further care for Another theme that emerged under
their health, the transpinay sex workers are this objective is achieving local support
requiring their clients to wear protection which highlighted the support they received
during intercourse such as condoms as well from different social context. The theme
as bringing protection against sexually client relationship aims to foster healthy
transmitted disease during their service. relations with the participants’ clients, a very
important piece among sex workers in order
Discrimination refers the theme as a to establish enduring trust and connection
root of violence and brutality which presses that helps the client more comfortable with
issue in our society. Transgender sex the sex worker. Lastly, the final theme peer
workers often face prejudice, stigma, and relationship focuses on building a supportive
exclusion, which can have adverse effects on community among co-workers which
their mental and physical well- being. involves creating an atmosphere of mutual
Discrimination can manifest in various respect, understanding, and support. This can
forms, such as denial of healthcare, lack of be achieved through open communication,
legal protection, and social marginalization. empathy, and willingness to offer help and
And this can fuel a cycle of violence and guidance to one another.
brutality, perpetuating harm and division that
can lead to animosity and dehumanization. On the other hand, respecting
boundaries and consent is also essential in
The third theme security, is an any professional setting, even in the sex
attempt to protect the lives of the participants work industry. It's important for sex workers
from their unpredictable clients. These to communicate and uphold personal
transpinay sex workers have taken the boundaries, and to always seek explicit

consent before engaging in any activities. such as their life routines, work experiences,
This requires clear and open communication social stigma, discrimination, and violence
about individual preferences, comfort levels, they encounter, as well as the impact of legal
and boundaries. Creating a culture of respect frameworks and access to healthcare and
for boundaries and consent among support services. The researchers have
coworkers is paramount for ensuring a safe arrived at the conclusion that by establishing
and empowering work environment. and integrating all of the said factors, we
have constructed life histories derived from
Discussion life practices of transgender people sex
workers. To summarize, the first objective of
Narrating an individual's existence is this study was to know the experiences of the
an incredibly potent and meaningful act that participants and how do these experiences
has great significance in many facets of impact their views of their identity.
human life. It allows individuals to reclaim
their narratives, empowering them to define This study showed the stories of five
and shape their own identities. By sharing (5) transpinay sex workers working in a
personal stories, individuals can break free place within Metro Manila doing different
from societal expectations, stereotypes, and and “creative” tools in order to survive.
biases that may have limited their self- Some of the transpinay sex workers used a
expression. Gender criticism is an extension traditional approach - going to the bars,
of feminist literary criticism, focusing not streets, and at any public places to get clients,
just on women but on the construction of and some of them were using an online
gender and sexuality, especially LGBTQIA+ approach, with the advent of technology, to
issues, which gives rise to queer theory. gain clients and have more money. They are
Gender criticism suggests that power is not using a caring and empathetic way or
just top down or patriarchal—a man approach to persuade and attract more
dominating a woman; it suggests that power clients. The researchers have revealed that
is multifaceted and never just in one the primary reason the five transpinay sex
direction (Ryan C. 2012). By using this workers has entered this job was because of
critical approach, the researchers explored financial struggles or economic necessity.
how gender norms, stereotypes, and societal
expectations intersect with their experiences. For the next objective, how the
participants navigate their safety within the
Transgender sex workers often face sex-work environment explains how sex
unique challenges due to the intersection of workers respond to violence, legal
their gender identity and their occupation. restrictions, and discrimination amongst
Gender criticism allows us to examine how people, where in the researchers have found
societal notions of gender can influence their that sex workers used different self-defense
access to resources, healthcare, legal devices like pepper spray, electric shock, and
protections, and social support. It helps the even pocket knives in order to intimidate and
researchers understand the ways in which resist violent or abusive clients and how
transgender sex workers navigate complex participants negotiate agreements with
power dynamics, discrimination, and stigma. clients and conduct background checks on
Gender criticism analyzes how societal clients' personal information in order to
expectations around gender can impact their prevent misunderstandings and undesirable
mental health and well-being. It also sheds interactions with customers.
light on the ways in which they may resist or
subvert traditional gender roles and norms The last objective what support exists
within their work. Furthermore, through for the participants and how are these built
gender criticism the researchers explored the and fostered within the experience of the
structural inequalities that transgender sex participants emphasizes on how sex workers
workers face. which explains the systems of protect each other's health from health risks,
oppression, such as transphobia, sexism, and share knowledge with clients to ensure safe
economic marginalization, intersect to create sex, and help each other be well-prepared
unique challenges for this population. through providing free consultations to avoid
self-medication and increase self-awareness
In summary, this study shed light on to reduce health risks.
the lived experiences of transgender sex
workers and has explored different themes Furthermore, also discusses how to

ensure that clients are provided with clear American Psychological Association.
transactions prior to services, how to (2015). Guidelines for psychological
determine what services to offer, and how practice with transgender and gender
participants can provide the best possible nonconforming people. American
service to uphold positive client Psychologist, 70(9), 832–864.
relationships. preserving a positive working
relationship with co-sex workers through
active communication, such as exchanging Cridland, E.K., Jones, S.C., Caputi, P.,
safety precaution knowledge and setting & Magee, C.A. (2014). Qualitative research
barriers to avoid conflicts. and last, with families living with autism spectrum
preserving a positive rapport with your disorder: Recommendations for conducting
healthcare practitioner through ongoing, semi-structured interviews. Journal of
constructive engagement with community Intellectual and Developmental Disability,
organizations. 40, 78-91. doi:
Through in-depth interviews and
analysis, it was found that the lived Cruz, T. M., et al. (2016). Exploring the
experiences of transgender sex workers also HIV Risk Environment of transgender
highlight the need for comprehensive women who engage in sex work in Metro
societal changes. By addressing the Manila, Philippines. Journal of the
structural barriers, they face and promoting International AIDS Society, 19(4 Suppl 3),
acceptance and support, we can strive 20792.
towards a more inclusive and equitable
society for all individuals, regardless of their De Leon, P. I. D., et al. (2018).
gender identity or occupation. Transgender women and workplace violence
in the Philippines: A qualitative study.
Overall, the researchers developed life Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1-24.
histories that were compiled through
particular narratives and life experiences Johnson, K. (2013, September 6).
based on analyzing these themes. The life Transgender Workers at Greater Risk for
stories reflect the environment of Unemployment and Poverty. National
transgender sex workers along with their LGBTQ Task Force.
corresponding manifestations and discourse.
It is important to recognize that engaging in der-workers-at-greater-risk-for-
sex work is often a complex decision unemployment-and-poverty/
influenced by a range of factors, including
poverty. However, it is crucial to approach Meadan, H., Stoner, J. B., & Angell, M.
this topic with empathy and without E. (2010). Review of literature related to the
judgment. Transgender individuals deserved social, emotional, and behavioral adjustment
access to safe and non-exploitative work of siblings of individuals with autism
opportunities, as well as support systems that spectrum disorder. Journal of
address the root causes of poverty and Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 22,
economic inequality. 83-100. doi: 10.1007/s10882-009-9171-7

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