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- Allocation Strategies
- Mobile databases
- Data mining
- Role of query optimizer
- Process of ETL for data warehouse
- How oracle manages database security
- Assertions with example
- How to protect database from statistical query attacks
- Features of semantics database
- What are the challenges designing multimedia databases
- Characteristics of database approach
- Database vs traditional file system
- Data integrity
- Types of integrity constraints
- Semantic databases
- Process of searching knowledge in semantic databases
- Distributed DBMS vs centralized DBMS environment
- Cursors (SQL syntax, utility aspect)
- Stored procedures (SQL syntax, utility aspect)
- Triggers (SQL syntax, utility aspect)
- Join-Dependency with example, with which normal form is it associated
- Tuning a database, goals of tuning in RDMS, why query tuning is required
(2017- performance tuning, requirement and methodology)
- Data fragmentation in DBMS with example
- Algo and cost calculation for simple Hash Join
- Vendor-specific security
- Multilevel security
- Data warehouse, process of ETL for data warehouse
- Data marts, method of creating data mart
- How is checkpointing information used in recovery operation following a
system crash in DBMS
- Advantages of normalized relations over un-normalized relations
- Time stamp-based protocol, multi version scheme
- Serializability
- Recoverability
- Data Pump (2018)
- How much space needs to be allocated to undo tablespace
- Types of DB parameter file
- Temporary and default tablespaces
- How can you create index organised table
- How can you unlock a user account
- Primary, secondary, public, context sensitive permission
- Role of data file while taking backup
- Troubleshooting
- OS environment variable which needs to be set at the time of DB installation
- Session and process parameters
- DB partitioning and its use
- Common system privileges in oracle
- Steps to manage DB instances
- Steps to manage data and concurrency
- Implementation of DB security w.r.t TDE process
- D/B authorization and authentication
- Steps in detail while managing Undo Data
- Undo tablespace
- Undo retention
- How can we view undo information
- Flashback DB architecture
- Steps in configuring flashback
- Steps to load data with SQL* Loader
- Steps in configuring recovery manager
- “Performance of a DB can be optimized by tuning SQL queries based on some
criteria”-do you agree with this statement. Justify (2017)

- Database packages (compare various)
- Role and responsibilities of DBA in DBMS
- Why and how is DB compression implemented in DB servers, discuss various
pros and cons
- Client server model and its component
- Communication protocols
- Types of failures
- Steps to restore DB in case of failure
- Three schema architecture
- Logical and physical data independence
- Goals of DB security
- Granting revoking privileges using SQL syntax and example
- SQL Server Agent Services, how it helps in automating various administrative
task, explain its various properties
- Stored procedures
- How to accept arguments in stored procedures
- How do we modify existing stored procedures
- Referential integrity
- D/B primary and foreign key
- DB backup and recovery strategies
- Privilege management
- How do we grant and revoke privileges
- Process of monitoring and optimizing performance of DB, how indexes can be
used to improve performance
- DB security
- How can DB be made secure
- DB security vs DB integrity

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