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Writing coursework, especially in media studies like MEST 2 Media Coursework, can indeed be quite

challenging. Here are some reasons why:

1. Research Intensity: Media coursework often requires extensive research to gather relevant
information, statistics, case studies, and scholarly articles to support arguments and analysis.
2. Complex Analysis: Media studies often involve the analysis of various media forms such as
film, television, radio, print, and digital media. Analyzing these forms critically and
providing insightful interpretations can be intellectually demanding.
3. Technical Requirements: Depending on the coursework requirements, you might need to
demonstrate technical skills in areas such as video editing, graphic design, sound production,
or web development.
4. Time Constraints: Like any academic task, coursework demands time management and
planning. Balancing coursework with other academic commitments and personal life can be
5. Writing Skills: Communicating complex ideas effectively in writing is a skill that takes time
to develop. Crafting clear, coherent arguments and adhering to academic writing conventions
can be a significant challenge.

Given these challenges, it's understandable why students might seek assistance with their
coursework. ⇒ ⇔ could be a valuable resource for those who need support with
their MEST 2 Media Coursework or any other academic assignments. However, it's important for
students to use such services responsibly and ethically, ensuring that they understand and integrate
the material provided into their own learning process.

When considering external assistance, students should prioritize services that offer:

Quality Assurance: Ensure that the service provides well-researched, original content
tailored to your specific requirements.
Timely Delivery: Meeting deadlines is crucial in academic settings, so choose a service
known for its punctuality.
Confidentiality: Protecting your privacy and ensuring that your identity and personal
information remain confidential.
Revisions and Support: Look for services that offer revisions and ongoing support to
address any concerns or modifications.

Ultimately, while external assistance can provide valuable support, students should also actively
engage with their coursework, seek clarification when needed, and strive for a deeper understanding
of the subject matter. It's the combination of independent learning and strategic support that fosters
academic growth and success.
And therefore, it is up to the audience whether they will go watch a certain film or not. Although the
style of the film is based around a superhero, this doesn't necessarily mean that it will automatically
be for a young demographic. Moreover, I really like the font in which the word 'Flare' is written in.
He owned a powerful and deadly Mafia gang that has ruled the streets of London for many years,
but has been secretly doing their crimes without the notice of police or even societies awareness.
Harry is a keen editor of pictures and enjoys listening to music. This colour is seen to be used
primarily for the central colours (of the persons face' to grab the attention the most- to make the
background colour look insignificant. These expressions show how the film reflects on peoples lives.
Digital Sales Sell your publications commission-free as single issues or ongoing subscriptions. Target
Audience: 13 This is because this film seems to be based around romance and therefore, it is not
suitable for an audience younger that the age of 13 (could be PG 13) as this can put them off or they
may not be interested in the romantic parts of this film. I have noticed in album adverts the name of
the artist is in much bigger and bolder than the name of the album and release date, this tells us that
its more important who's album it is than what album it is. The image visible is of a persons face
which takes up the space of the text, so that there is no 'white' spaces visible. From the results
gathered from my questionnaire I have gotten a more clear. However they are more formal in my
content page as they have to be more easily. You will also learn about media industries and
audiences in video games, radio and film. This is because arthouse films may not appeal to a younger
audience and therefore, they are less likely to visit an arthouse cinema even when there is
comfortable seats available. You can produce your evaluation of the production as either a blog entry
or a powerpoint presentation. In addition, there has been rapid changes to digital in cinema have not
resulted in a change in format but in succeeding 35mm presentation. Share to Twitter Share to
Facebook Share to Pinterest. Moreover, it talks about how the audience is the key feature of a film as
it helps people to access or even escape from their lives. This is very useful because when a reader
views a contents page, the y would like to know what other sources of entertainment are on offer
and I would like to deliver this to the reader. When me and my group have gone through these
points, we will allow the group that we are projecting our ideas to, to give us feedback about their
thoughts on our ideas. Scenes where 'the joker' slams the bodyguards head into a pencil and claims it
to be a 'magic trick' is seen to be more graphical than anticipated for a 12a film. I would like to do a
similar style of colour that will reflect the character and the location in which the characters are in
e.g. having a violet blue colour scheme as the background is set in a futuristic lab. The picture is
dominated with a heroic pose which suggests that the main character is about to impose on a difficult
challenge. This form of communication and transmission is known as DCPs. Excellent understanding
of their development from preliminary to full task. Chosen film: Attack The Block BBFC Rating: 15
When examiners viewed the film they already had noticed that the characters, the tone of the film
and the general address it had on the audience, that it had a strong appeal to older teenage viewers.
Q1 - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and. Our customer
service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?0.00 5.00 1 review Download Save for
later ?0.00 5.00 1 review Download Save for later Last updated 15 February 2019 Share this Share
through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share through facebook Share through
pinterest Henley’s Store 4.78 18 reviews Not the right resource. This film brochure has a running
theme present on the pages.
I really like the use of small portion of text on the contents page. Q1 - In what ways does your media
product use, develop or challenge forms and. Many of our students also take part in the BFI Film
Academy. Target Audience: 13 This is because this film seems to be based around romance and
therefore, it is not suitable for an audience younger that the age of 13 (could be PG 13) as this can
put them off or they may not be interested in the romantic parts of this film. The young man seems
to have no source of income coming. Final Film Magazine I have changed the background to be a
picture of my protagonist I have repositioned the price to be less conspicuous and to fit in better
with conventions. Furthermore, I like the use of a background image on the contents page as I would
not like to have a plain background on mine as it will make the contents look uninteresting.
Background: Faye stayed at school untill she was nearly 17. For example I have promoted a
Halloween party event on my contents page. Gender: 75% Male and 25% Female Mafia style films
are targeted mostly towards a male genre due to the sheer violence and the use of majority of the
characters being male. As you can see from the bottom of this cover, there is a large amount of
partners as well as associates that are linked with the BFI. There are specific content that a film
would have in order to be classed as a 15 age c ertificate, these include. This brief synopsis of the
film fits into an Arthouse film as it brings a new and different style of genre to the usual cinema
genre. I think that the Dark Knight movie shouldn't of been given a 12a certificate as the film does
peruse a lot of violence that a 12 year old audience may not feel comfortable watching. In addition,
you can see the rain the background, which suggests that there is back lighting being used to make
the rain show up in this shot. I use other images on my contents page of artists in front of Graffiti
walls and street art - this reflects the growing art and fits in with the social group of my target
audience. The film has gotten a rating of '12a' and this has mislead people (the public) into thinking
that this film was eligible for their children to go an watch the film. I know that that teenagers would
be interested because being a student myself we are always looking for an excuse to party. One
reason why this contents page really captures my attention is the use of featuring other films. In my
contents page I would like to feature one image from each group (in my class) and feature them in
my contents page. This is because it creates a really great tone and connection to the audience
through the conversation as if the audiences are passive observers of the entire conversation. Another
thing that In have learned from the focus group discussion was that the three minute extract seemed
to have a lot going on and that this would put off the audience. Grading is through external
examinations, internal assessment and external moderation. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share
to Pinterest. Excellent understanding of their development from preliminary to full task. Share to
Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. This creative contents page can be used as a way to
grab the readers attention due to the many images on the page and of how beautiful its appearance
is. I did this because it is an added extra to the magazine that gives the audience an impression that
they are receiving more for their money, therefore making it a more valuable purchase. Placing the
barcode in the bottom right corner next to the 'PLUS!' section brings the attention to the reader that
is isn't a free magazine which then will draw the readers eyes to the price line and date line. Share to
Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Furthermore, the Council of Management are also
responsible for the senior appointments at the BBFC.
The mind map has three main branches coming off of it. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to
Pinterest. This scene goes on to talk about how larger studios are interested in investing in upcoming
films and this investment can go towards production and even studio shooting. Not only this, but we
also believe that we can attract many teenagers to watch this Arthouse film as many of the characters
are based around the same age. There also might be a top light used in this image as there is a
shadow where his neck is. One thing that I like from this cover (from a BFI film brochure) is the use
of having partnerships labelled at the bottom of the cover page. One reason why this contents page
really captures my attention is the use of featuring other films. In my contents page I would like to
feature one image from each group (in my class) and feature them in my contents page. Share to
Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. I like the way that the theme of wheels and colour
patterns are consistent to the cover page. When me and my group have gone through these points,
we will allow the group that we are projecting our ideas to, to give us feedback about their thoughts
on our ideas. Adobe Express Go from Adobe Express creation to Issuu publication. I say time period
because from what I can see, this image may have been made recently with a camera. What kind of
media institution might distribute your media product and why. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook
Share to Pinterest. For the front cover I shall need to take a selection of images featuring informal
student behavior in school. See other similar resources ?0.00 (no rating) 0 reviews Download Save
for later Not quite what you were looking for. Compare images and quotes from your magazine to
similar magazines. This creative contents page can be used as a way to grab the readers attention due
to the many images on the page and of how beautiful its appearance is. What have you learnt about
technologies from the process of constructing this product. The use of awarding money is not used
as an incentive but as a way for film makers to use that money to help better their films and projects
and improve their production. 4). Finally, I have received a lot of the same comment stating that the
film has a very strong narrative. The key light is projected from the bottom left corner as his arm is
very overexposed and also there is a shadow on the wall. I use other images on my contents page of
artists in front of Graffiti walls and street art - this reflects the growing art and fits in with the social
group of my target audience. This is a great feature to have as if they are positioned in the right
placed they stand out well, as well as attracting both sex's in my target audience. Screamer to raise
the attention He is featured alone with a gun so he is evidently important. Both artists are wearing
long tops that cut off just below the waist. There is not much filler light, which creates a mysterious
atmosphere. It's calm and there is nobody pressuring you to join but is very welcoming and inviting
to accept new students. My analytical skills have improved through the analysis of other school.
Articles Get discovered by sharing your best content as bite-sized articles.
Their facial expressions are very concerning as they have this sinister look which implies that there is
something very tragic that is about to happen. One way that the Electric Cinema is different from
other big chain cinemas is because of its appearance. Also sometimes the name of the artist is in a
different and more exciting font than the name which makes it stand out. There are many other
substitutes other than watching a film and this can be seen as a challenge to distributors as their
prime focus is gaining the attention of their audience to view their content. Exotic connotation. Big
black muscle car show the idea of complete masculinity in the film Release date to get fans excited
for it’s release. I will make the use of having young actors by implementing this age group within the
storyline, so that the actors and character ages make sense within the storyline. Think about your
images and the use of shot types and mise-en-scene. This is because, current cinemas target a
mainstream audience and this trailer seems to target a specific segment of that demographic. Share to
Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. One possible harm could be the behaviour of potential
viewers to the effects of the violence shown on screen,but can also moral harm can also be affected
with what may be shown on screen. Target Audience: 13 This is because this film seems to be based
around romance and therefore, it is not suitable for an audience younger that the age of 13 (could be
PG 13) as this can put them off or they may not be interested in the romantic parts of this film. One
reason why I like this sequence was because the establishing shots as well as the shots of the street
members were done really well. I have learned many things during the discussion part of the focus
group, both positive comments and improvement comments have been of great value to me and my
team. Grading is through external examinations, internal assessment and external moderation. I
believe that my college magazine represents and appeals to my target audience successfully. The film
is about how a young man has lost his dad due to a gang. Both artist's pictures are taken in a
photography studio and so have no real background. Furthermore, I like the use of a background
image on the contents page as I would not like to have a plain background on mine as it will make
the contents look uninteresting. This scene goes on to talk about how larger studios are interested in
investing in upcoming films and this investment can go towards production and even studio
shooting. This clip has a very slow paced to build up suspense throughout. From the results gathered
from my questionnaire I have gotten a more clear. Viewers also liked A2 Media Studies Coursework
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guest4cd9ba Who would be the audience for your media. QR Codes Generate QR Codes for your
digital content. Also, there is back lighting, which suggests that this might be film-noire genre. There
also might be a top light used in this image as there is a shadow where his neck is. The central image
is seen behind the text ad is somewhat transparent through the text. How does your media product
represent particular social groups. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. This style of
editing and directing was done really well as it contrasts what's about to happen and delivers the past
events to the audience. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest.
This is important as it helps create an element of suspense and keeps the clip at a fast pace. I can use
brief descriptions (including images) of each film on the contents page with a brief description of
what each film is about. Compare your preliminary task with your finished product. This is a great
feature to have as if they are positioned in the right placed they stand out well, as well as attracting
both sex's in my target audience. However, me and my team have come up with a way to attract a
wider audience instead of just males only. The green screen made it much easier to edit the images
on Photoshop. There are many other substitutes other than watching a film and this can be seen as a
challenge to distributors as their prime focus is gaining the attention of their audience to view their
content. What kind of film is it- Can the film win awards nominations. Harry buys music magazines
(usually NME) on a weekly basis and has a passion for new and upcoming bands. Scene ten: This
scene is primarily about distributors licensing films to exhibitors. To help support the investigation,
you can pull the corresponding error log from your web server and submit it our support team. One
reason why I like this sequence was because the establishing shots as well as the shots of the street
members were done really well. Adobe Express Go from Adobe Express creation to Issuu
publication. Cinemas such as Vue and Odean put on films that are primarily targeted for. We believe
that the narrative contains specific segments that can introduce a female audience to watch the film.
Each of the website have a theme which is used on each page of the website, by doing this it makes
the site look more professional and also stylish. Another thing I've notice about the album adverts is
that they all have a main colour theme e.g the Lady Gaga and Adele advert consist of a black and
white theme where as Katy Perry and Rihanna have a lot of colour on their advert. They could send
the film via hard drive or through satellite. I say Space because from what I can see, this image has
futuristic appeals which connotes that it is in the future. To sell my issues to the target audience
(Students) I included features that I knew teenagers would be interested in. Excellent ability to refer
to the choices made and outcomes. You use media terminology confidently in the section on. I really
like the use of small portion of text on the contents page. I asked them for constructive criticisms, but
as you can see, the majority of the comments are positive. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To
ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have downloaded this resource can review it
Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. The use of different
colours doesn't make the cover look unattractive. Due to the current generation revolving
consistently around technology, there should be the availability and vast amounts of advertisements
and poster coverage on the film as a way to help promote the film to a wide audience and to raise its
awareness. The BBFC reject, banned and even waiving cuts to films ensuring it is appropriate to be
released and available for the consumers to view. I think that this film should have received a 15
certificate as this seems like an appropriate audience that can view this type of content. Looking back
at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full
Using this information I aim to achieve I added the UCAS sell line as it then intrigues the people
who are contemplating going to college and are interested in applying. Laura has very similar hair to
Florence as both of their hair has the ruffled look and is of a similar colour and length. As you can
see from the first scene, there were different point of views that enabled the audience to establish the
overview of the setting. Include images of questionnaire results to support the points you make.
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why. The persons face
seems to give off a variety of colours drawing the consumers attention to both the text and the
picture. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. You may want to think about
representation in relation to gender, age, ethnicity, social class, or your chosen genre of music. This is
because the style of the film is based on current society and the secrets it holds which can attract a
middle class citizen. To help support the investigation, you can pull the corresponding error log from
your web server and submit it our support team. This use of cinematography is made to make the
audience go on a journey. These events can keep audiences entertained for weeks and so they my not
want to leave the house to watch a new movie and rather watch the sports match. Also, the
cinematography in this clip is used to enhance the tension through the clever use of slow transitions
and certain shot types. For the mise-en-scene the picture will be taken on school grounds to. The
overwhelming majority come in between 1'45 and 2'30. So, you need to make sure that, that entire
sequence is filmed in one of your houses. Harry buys music magazines (usually NME) on a weekly
basis and has a passion for new and upcoming bands. In addition, you can see the rain the
background, which suggests that there is back lighting being used to make the rain show up in this
shot. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Laura's attitude intrigues you to the
rebellious side of her, suggesting that she could be an interesting character to read about, whereas
Florence's attitude of shouting gives a more artistic approach or perhaps an insight as to what she
may be like performing on stage. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. To sell my
issues to the target audience (Students) I included features that I knew teenagers would be interested
in. Compare your preliminary task with your finished product. My magazine is appropriate to my
audience through the conventions it uses. Scene seven: In scene seven the rime focus is around
'planning the release'. Also the colour scheme used in this still image also represents the atmosphere
that the artist wants to present; the gloomy atmosphere consuming the audiences' attention. For my
content page I will chose four pictures that relate to my cover line article topics. The text is designed
to match the theme of space as the text has stars in them. To create both my cover and contents page
I used a program called Photoshop CS5. One thing that I will take forwards from viewing this trailer
from the Curzon Artificial Eye Channel is the use of cinematic tone and fell that the trailer gives off.
I think that the Dark Knight movie shouldn't of been given a 12a certificate as the film does peruse
a lot of violence that a 12 year old audience may not feel comfortable watching. See other similar
resources ?0.00 5.00 1 review Download Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. Before
taking AS media I was unfamiliar with alot of techniques within Photoshop however I have gained
alot of knowledge. It's like a masterclass to be explored at your own pace. Everything is condensed
in to what the reader 'must' know and not throwing too much information at them. The
cinematography in this films works well with the sound and editing as it has synergy.The reason why
there was little sound was due to the enhanced tension which signifies many enigma codes. Placing
the barcode in the bottom right corner next to the 'PLUS!' section brings the attention to the reader
that is isn't a free magazine which then will draw the readers eyes to the price line and date line.
Works that seem to hold controversial opinions would be viewed to more than one individual so that
the outcome is diverse opinions. Arthouse cinema is best known to not attract a mainstream audience
but a smaller percentage of them as they are interested in showing a different style of film and this
film fits in to this category. This creates tension as it creates realism in the environment and allows
for the audience to be immersed in the content. The young man is determined to win the competition
and beat the female opposition. This is a great feature to have as if they are positioned in the right
placed they stand out well, as well as attracting both sex's in my target audience. The style and
visuals of the film seem very clear and crisp making the visuals of both the setting and the characters
appear in more of a cinematic tone. The film Festival allows critic to give opinions and feedback on
the what they have seen and the outcome of this can generate big film companies. Your evaluation
MUST include some audience feedback. Tv shows and movies Current world events School gossip.
Top lighting is used here to emphasise her beauty and is used in glamorous and romantic movies. The
picture is dominated with a lack of culture diversity which suggests that this is an only white
movement. I chose the colours Purple, White and Black for my colour scheme and house style as
these colours can relate to both male and female. Examples of degrees that our students study
include Media Production, Media and Communication, Journalism, TV and Film Studies, Visual
Effects, Advertising and Marketing, Digital Media. Personally I think this is apparent with my
'Freshers Halloween Party' advertisement as the colour from the image brings attention to the reader.
Other colours visible in this programme cover is black. Digital Sales Sell your publications
commission-free as single issues or ongoing subscriptions. There is also a key light coming from the
right side of his face as this side is lit. Dislikes: Unreasonable people; slow computers; cheaters and
Mondays Idols: Magnetic man and Krissi Murrison. The overall imge may also give a hint as it is a
painting; paintings were common in the previous centuries. Another thing that In have learned from
the focus group discussion was that the three minute extract seemed to have a lot going on and that
this would put off the audience. The mise-en-scene on this still image is captivating as it provides
numerous of connotations about what the picture's true meaning is. Excellent ability to refer to the
choices made and outcomes. One thing that I missed out was the fact that my preliminary exercise
didn't follow the brief and should of added this as one of the main concerns with the viewers points.
2) I will improve the quality of my written communication when trying to address a specific issue or
topic related to the exercise.

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