Most Important Questions Class 10

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Questions & Answers

A cylindrical conductor of length ‘l’ and uniform area of cross section ‘A’ has resistance ‘R’. The
area of cross section of another conductor of same material and same resistance but of length
‘2l’ is (2020)
a) 𝐴/2
(b) 3𝐴/2
(c) 2A
(d) 3A

Ans - (c) 2A
Calculate the resistance of a metal wire of length 2m
and area of cross section 1.55 × 10-6 m², if the
resistivity of the metal be 2.8 × 10-8 Ωm

Ans : R = 0.036Ω
If a person has five resistors each of value 1/5 Ω, then the maximum resistance he can obtain by
connecting them is
(a) 1 Ω
(b) 5 Ω
(c) 10 Ω
(d) 25 Ω (2020)

Ans - 1Ω
List the advantages of connecting electrical devices in parallel
with an electrical source instead of connecting them is series

Ans : 1). Each device gets same Potential difference, also, other devices
will still work if one of them stops working

2). It is helpful when each device has different resistance and requires
different current for its operation as in this case the current divides
itself through different devices. This is not the case in series, as each
device gets same current irrespective of what their resistances are
How much current will an electric iron draw from a 220 V source
if the resistance of its element when hot is 55 ohms? Calculate
the wattage of the electric iron when it operates on 220 volts.

Ans - 880 W
Raman wants to draw a graph to show how the resistivity (ρ) of a wire changes
with the length (l) of the wire. What should his graph look like?
A student traces the path of ray of light through a glass prism but leaves it
without labelling. Do correct labelling
The pictures show four ray diagrams of images formed by concave mirrors. P is
the pole or centre of the reflecting surface of the mirror. C is the centre of
curvature of the mirror. F is the focus of the mirror. AB is the object and A’B’ is
the image of the object.
1. Which of these can be concluded from diagram 1?
a. Image is formed at the focus.
b. Size of the image is equal to the size of the object.
c. Distance between pole and centre of curvature is twice the focal length.
d. Distance between the image and focus is half the distance between the object and focus.

2. Which diagram shows a real, inverted and enlarged image formed by the mirror?
a. Diagram 1
b. Diagram 2
c. Diagram 3
3. In which condition does a concave mirror produce a virtual image?
a. When object is located within the focal length
b. When object is located at the centre of curvature
c. C. When object is located in between infinity and center of curvature
d. When object is located in between the centre of curvature and the focus

4. Solar cookers contain a concave mirror. How does the concave mirror help in heating thefood? Circle
‘Yes’ or ‘No’ for the correct response.
What is observed when carbon dioxide gas is passed through lime water
(i) for a short duration?
(ii) for a long duration? Also write the chemical equations for the reactions
involved. (2016)

(i) When CO2 is passed through lime water for short

interval of time, it turns milky due to the formation
of insoluble calcium carbonate.
2 mL of sodium hydroxide solution is added to a few pieces of granulated zinc metal taken in a
test tube. When the content are warmed, a gas evolves which is bubbled through a soap
solution before testing. Write the equation of the chemical reaction involved and the test to
detect the gas. Name the gas which will be evolved when the same metal reacts with dilute
solution of a strong acid.

It is observed that active metals like zinc react with strong bases like NaOH,
KOH etc. to liberate hydrogen gas and forms salt.
Illustrate an activity to investigate whether all compounds containing hydrogen are acidic.

Take two beakers, one containing HCl acid and other containing glucose which is not an acid
but contains hydrogen. Now, fix two iron nails on a rubber cork and insert in a beaker and
connect the nail to the two terminal of 6V battery through a switch and a bulb. Pour some
dilute HCl solution in beaker and switch on the current. The bulb starts glowing. This shows
that acids get dissociated as H+ and Cl– ions and these ions are responsible for conducting
An aqueous solution ‘A’ turns phenolphthalein solution pink. On addition of an aqueous
solution ‘B’ to ‘A’ the pink colour disappears. The following statement is true for solution ‘A’ and
(a) A is strongly basic and B is a weak base.
(b) A is strongly acidic and B is a weak acid.
(c) A has pH greater than 7 and B has pH less than 7.
(d) A has pH less than 7 and B has pH greater than 7 (2019-2020)

(c) A has pH greater than 7 and B has pH less than 7.

Out of HCl and CH3COOH, CH3COOH is a weak acid because it dissociates partially in the
solution. This can be proved with the help of following example. (2019)

CH3COOH is a weak acid, because it partially dissociates in the solution. In short, jo zyada H+
ions deta hai paani me, wo zyada strong
How is washing soda prepared from sodium carbonate? Give its chemical equation. State the
type of this salt. Name the type of hardness of water which can be removed by it?

Type of Salt - Washing Soda

Hardness Removed - Permanent hardness of water
During electrolysis of brine, a gas ‘G’ is liberated at anode. When this gas ‘G’ is passed through
slaked lime, a compound ‘C’ is formed, which is used for disinfecting drinking water.
(i) Write formula of ‘G’ and ‘C’. (ii) State the chemical equations involved. (iii) What is common
name of compound ‘C’ ? Give its chemical name

(i) chlorine is obtained at anode

(iii) Common name of C is bleaching powder. Its chemical name is calcium hypochlorite
How is equal genetic contribution of male and female parents ensured in the progeny ? Explain.
(CBSE 2019)

When the gametes from male and female parent combine during sexual reproduction to form
zygote, they contribute equal amounts of DNA (half each). The normal body cells of humans
contain 46 chromosomes each. Human sperm cells and egg cells both have 23 chromosomes
.So the combination of these 23 chromosomes from male and female each during sexual
reproduction ensures equal genetic contribution to progeny (23+23 = 46).
How did Mendel explain that it is possible that a trait is inherited but not expressed in an
organism? (CBSE 2017)

Mendel explained that it is possible that a trait is inherited but not

expressed in an organism with the help of a monohybrid cross.

1. He crossed pure-bred tall plants (TT) with pure-bred dwarf plants (tt).
2. The progeny he received in the first filial generation was tall. The dwarfness did not show up in the F1
3. He then crossed the tall pea plants of the F1 generation and found that the dwarf plants were obtained
in the second generation. He obtained three tall plants and one dwarf plant.

That means Dwarfness trait was inherited by F1 generation but it was not expressed.
How do Mendel's experiment show that traits are inherited
independently ? (CBSE 2016)

Mendel showed that trairas are inherited interdependently by dihybrid cross. He

crossed a pea plant having yellow coloured and rounded seeds with another pea plant
having green coloured and wrinkled seed.
The F1 generation has all round and yellow seeds.
The F2 generation, all the characters are inherited independently. (round yellow, round
green, wrinkled yellow, wrinkled green seeds)
“The sex of a newborn child is a matter of chance and none of the parents may be
considered responsible for it.” Justify this statement with the help of flow chart showing
determination of sex of a newborn. (CBSE 2013)

Of 23 pairs of chromosomes present in human beings, one pair forms the sex
chromosomes. Male chromosomal pair is XY and female is XX. Male gametes contains
22 + (X or Y) chromosome as their sex chromosome. Female gametes are contains 22+ X
chromosome. On zygote formation, offspring will have 23 pairs of chromosomes in
total. The sex chromosomal pair is determined to be XY or XX depending upon which
male gamete is fusing with the female gamete. So, one cannot choose the specific
sperm cell to fertilise the egg, the sex of a new born child is a matter of chance. None
of the parents are responsible for it.
(a) Why does calcium start floating when it reacts with water? Write the balanced chemical
equation of the reaction.

(a) The bubbles of hyrdogen stick to the surface of calcium, which makes it float.
Calcium reacts with cold water to form calcium hydroxide and hydrogen gas.
(i) By the transfer of electrons, illustrate the formation of bond in magnesium chloride and
identify the ions present in this compound.
(ii) Ionic compounds are solids. Give reasons.
(iii) With the help of a labelled diagram show the experimental set up of action of steam
on a metal. (2020)

(ii) Ionic compounds are solids because the particles which make up ionic compounds
are held together by strong electrostatic bonds.
(a) Write the steps involved in the extraction of pure metals in the middle of the activity
series from their carbonate ores.
(b) How is copper extracted from its sulphide ore? Explain the various steps supported by
chemical equations. Draw labelled diagram for the electrolytic refining of copper.

Copper glance (Cu2S) when heated in air gets partially oxidised to copper oxide which
further reacts with the remaining copper glance to give copper metal.
(a) Define corrosion.
(b) What is corrosion of iron called?
(c) How will you recognise the corrosion of silver?
(d) Why corrosion of iron is a serious problem?
(e) How can we prevent corrosion of iron?

(c) black coating of Ag2S, corrosion due to H2S

(d) Can cause a lot of damage
(e) Corrosion of iron is prevented by coating it with a layer of oil. The reason being
that the layer of oil does not allow air and water to react the surface of iron. Corrosion
of iron can also be prevented by painting, greasing, galvanising, anodising,
electroplating or making alloys.
What are trophic levels? Give an example of a food chain and state the different trophic
levels in it. [NCERT]

The various links or steps in a food chain at which the transfer of food and energy takes
place are called trophic levels.

Example for a food chain

Sun → Grass → Grasshopper → Shrew → Owl

• Here grass is the producer which is eaten by the grasshopper known as primary
• Then the grasshopper is eaten by shrew, secondary consumer and lastly shrew eaten up
by owl, tertiary consumer.
Newly formed DNA copies may not be identical at times. Give one reason (2017)

When a cell reproduces, DNA replication occurs which results in formation of two similar
copies of DNA. The process of copying the DNA leads to some variations each time. As a
result, the DNA copies produced are similar to each other but sometimes may not identical.
How do Plasmodium and Leishmania reproduce? Write one difference in their mode of

Plasmodium - Binary Fission

About 1000 daughter cells are produced by the multiple fission of a Plasmodium.
Leishmania reproduces by the process of binary fission. In Leishmania, the splitting of
parent cell takes place in a definite plane (longitudinally) with respect to flagellum at its
end to produce two daughter cells.
(a) What provides nutrition to human sperms? State the genetic constitution of a sperm.
(b) Mention the chromosome pair present in a zygote which determines the sex of (i) a female
child and (ii) a male child. (2020)

(i) The secretions of seminal vesicles and prostate gland provides nutrition to the human
sperms and also make their further transport easier. Genetic constitution of a sperm : 22
autosomes + X chromosome or 22 autosomes + Y chromosome
(b) (i) XX – Female child
(ii) XY – Male child
List three techniques that have been developed to prevent pregnancy. Which one of these
techniques is not meant for males? How does the use of these techniques have a direct impact on
the health and prosperity of a family?


• barrier method : use of condoms, diaphragm, etc.
• chemical method : use of oral pills or vaginal pills.
• surgical method : vasectomy and tubectomy.
• Chemical methods aren't made for males
When a girl is born, the ovaries already contain thousands of immature eggs. On reaching puberty,
some of these start maturing. One egg is produced every month by one of the ovaries. The egg is
carried from the ovary to the womb through a thin oviduct or fallopian tube. The two oviducts
unite into an elastic bag-like structure known as the uterus. The uterus opens into the vagina
through the cervix.
I) What is fertilization?
Ans: The fusion of male gametes(sperms) and the female gametes(egg) to form
zygote is called fertilization.
ii) Where does fertilization occur?
Ans: Fertilization occur in the oviduct or Fallopian tube.
iii) What is placenta?
Ans: It is an special tissue which provide nutrition from mother’s blood to
developing embryo.
iv) What are the different parts of female reproductive system?
Ans: Fallopian tube, ovary, uterus, vagina and cervix.
“Reflex arcs continue to be more efficient for quick responses”. Justify this statement giving

The thinking process of the brain is not fast enough and they continue to be more efficient
for quick responses.The reflex is an automatic response to a stimulus which does not
receive or need conscious thought. This reflex immediately acts in response to an impulse
before that impulse reaches the brain. The thinking process of the brain is not fast enough
and they continue to be more efficient for quick responses.
(a) Define reflex arc.
(b) Trace the sequence of events which occur in our body when a bright light is focussed on your

(a) The pathway taken by the nerve impulses in a reflex action, from receptor organ to
spinal cord and back to effector organ of reflex action is called reflex arc. Receptor organs
like : eyes, skin etc.

(b) Sequence of events can be summarised as : Photoreceptors in eye (impulse gets

generated)→ Sensory (Receptor) neuron → Brain → Motor (Effector) neuron → Eye muscle
→ Constriction of pupils
What are plant hormones? Name the plant hormones responsible for the following :
(i) Growth of stem
(ii) Promotion of cell division
(iii) Inhibition of growth
(iv) Elongation of cells

(i) Growth of stem : Gibberellins

(ii) Promotion of cell division : Cytokinins
(iii) Inhibition of growth : Abscisic acid
(iv) Elongation of cells : Auxin and cytokinin
State the function of thyroxine in human body. What is hyperthyroidism and how can it be
controlled? What is the full form of TSH?

(i) Thyroxine - Helps in maintaining metabolism of the body

(ii) Hyperthyroidism occurs when there is excess of thyroxine in the body, it can be
controlled by using iodised salt.
TSH - Thyroid Stimulating hormone
Why is chemical communication better than electrical impulses as a means of communication
between cells in a multicellular organisms? (2020)
Name the hormone required for the following. Also mention the name of endocrine gland from
which that hormone is secreted:
(a) Lowering of blood glucose.
(b) Development of moustache and beard in human males.
(c) Metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

(a) INSULIN : The function of insulin hormone is to lower the blood sugar level
(b) TESTOSTERONE : Responsible for secondary sexual characters in males
(c) Thyroxine : Metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
Write the next homologue of each of the following:
(i) C2H4
(ii) C4H6
Name Them:
Define the term functional group. Identify the
functional group present in

An atom or a group of atoms present in a molecule which largely determines its

chemical properties, is called functional group.
Write the chemical equation to show what happen
when methane is treated with chlorine in the presence
of sunlight ?
3 mL of ethanol is taken in a test tube and warmed gently in a
water bath. A 5% solution of alkaline potassium
permanganate is added first drop by drop to this solution,
then in excess.
(i) How is 5% solution of KMnO4 prepared?
(ii) State the role of alkaline potassium permanganate in this
reaction. What happens on adding it in excess?
(iii) Write chemical equation of this reaction.
(i) 5% solution of KMnO4 is prepared by adding 5 g of KMnO4 in 95
g of water.
(ii) Here alkaline KMnO4 acts as an oxidising agent. It oxidises
ethanol to ethanoic acid by donating nascent oxygen. If excess of
KMnO4 is added the purple colour will persist indicating no more
alcohol is left and there is no reaction.

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