Nationalism in India-PYQ

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1. Name the two main leaders of„ Khilafat Committee‟ formed in the year 1919. [2020]
Ans. Muhammad Ali and Shaukat Ali

2. Name the writer of the book 'Hind Swaraj'. [All India 2017]
Ans : Mahatma Gandhi is the writer of the book Hind Swaraj.

3. Who wrote the song Vande Mataram‟? [Foreign 2017]

Ans : The song Wande Mat ram‟ was written by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay.

4. What is meant by Satyagraha? [All India 2017]

Ans. Satyagraha is a policy of passive political resistance that emphasis the power of truth
and the need to search for truth.

5. Who organised the Dalits into the „Depressed Classes Association‟ in

1930? [Delhi 2017]
Ans. Dr. B. R. Ambcdkar organised the Dalits into the „Depressed Classes Association' in

6. Under which agreement the Indian „Depressed Classes‟ got reserved seats in the
Provincial and Central Legislative Councils in 1932? [Delhi 2017]
Ans. Through Poona Pact the Indian „Depressed Classes‟ got reserved seats in the
Provincial and Central Legislative Councils in 1932.

7. Name the writer of the book „Hind Swaraj‟. [All India 2017]
Ans. The book „Hind Swaraj‟ was written by Mahatma Gandhi.

8. What is the meaning of „Begar‟? [All India 2017]

Ans. Forced labour without payment in return is termed as Begar.

9. What is meant by Satyagraha? [All India 2017]

Ans. Satyagraha is a policy of passive political resistance that emphasis the power of truth
and the need to search for truth.

10. State the slogan with which Simon Commission was greeted in 1928 in
India. [CBSE 2016]
Ans. Simon Commission arrived in India and was greeted with the slogan „Simon go back‟. 1

11. Why did Mahatma Gandhi decide to withdraw the Non-Cooperation Movement in
February 1922? Explain. [CBSE 2021-22]
Ans. Reasons behind calling off the Non-cooperation Movement
• The movement had turned violent.
• The immediate cause was the Chauri Chaura incident in Gorakhpur. On February
5,1922 police fired at the people who are agitating in favour of Non-cooperation
Movement. The people rebelled against the police and burnt the police station.
As a result, 22 policemen were died
• Gandhiji withdrew the Non-Cooperation Movement on 12 February, 1922.

12. Evaluate the role of business classes in the „Civil Disobedience

Movement‟. [All India 2017]
Ans. The business classes reacted against colonial policies that restricted business
activities. They wanted protection against imports of foreign goods and a rupee
sterling foreign exchange ratio that would discourage imports. In order to organise
business interest, they formed the Indian Industrial and Commercial Congress in
1920 and the Federation of the Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industries (FICCI)
in 1927. They gave financial assistance for the movement. They refused to buy and
sell imported goods.

13. Why did Gandhiji relaunch the Civil Disobedience Movement after the Second Round
Table Conference? Explain any three reasons. [Foreign 2013, 2017]
Ans. Gandhiji relaunched the Civil Disobedience Movement after the Second Round Table
Conference due to the following reasons:
a. When Mahatma Gandhi went for the Round Table Conference in December
1931, he returned disappointed as the negotiations were broken down.
b. He discovered this new cycle of repression by the British.
c. The important Congress leaders were in jail and meetings, demonstrations and
boycotts were prevented.

14. “The Congress was reluctant to include the demands of the industrial workers in its
programme of struggle.” Analyse the reasons. [Delhi 2015]
Ans. Some of the industrial workers who participated in the Civil Disobedience Movement
were the Nagpur industrial workers who selectively adopted some of the Gandhian
ideas such as boycott of the foreign goods. They participated in the movement as 2
part of their own movement against the low wages and the poor working conditions in
the industries.
In the year 1930 and 1932. the railway workers and the dockworkers went on strike.
The Chhotanagpur tin mines workers also protested in rallies wearing Gandhian caps
and boycotted the campaigns.
But the Congress was not willing to include their demands because he thought that
this would alienate the industrialists and divide the anti-imperialist forces.

15. Explain any three reasons for the slow down of Non- Cooperation Movement in
cities. [All India 2013]
Why did the Non-Cooperation Movement gradually slowdown in cities?
Explain. [Delhi 2012, 2015, Foreign 2014]
Ans. The Non-Cooperation Movement gradually slowed down in towns and cities because
a. The khadi clothes were expensive which the poor people could not afford.
b. There was need for Indian institutions for the teachers, students and the lawyers
but these were very slow to come up.
c. Thus once again people started using the mill made British clothes and the
students, teachers and the lawyers joined back their respective institutions.

16. Describe the spread of Non-Cooperation movement in the country

side. [All India 20l5]
How did the non-cooperation spread to the countryside? Explain. [Foreign 2010]
Ans. Due to the worldwide economic depression the agricultural prices began to fall,
demands for agricultural goods fell and the export declined. This resulted in a
countryside turmoil. Now it was difficult for the peasants to sell their harvest and pay
the high revenue.
Against this situation of countryside turmoil the Tory government in Britain set up a
commission named Simon Commission under Sir John Simon to look into the
constitutional system in India and suggest the changes needed. There were no
Indian members in this commission.

17. Describe any three major problems faced by the peasants of Awadh in the days of
Non-Cooperation movement. [All India 2015]
Explain any three problems faced by the peasants of Awadh. [Delhi 2011] 3
Ans. The three major problems faced by the peasants of Awadh in the days of Non-
Cooperation Movement were:
a. They demanded very high rents and other cesses from the peasants.
b. The peasants were bound to work at landlord‟s farm without any payment.
c. Peasants had to do begar, no security of tenure and also they were evicted
regularly so that they could not acquire right over the leased land.


18. Who had organized the dalits into the „Depressed Classes Association‟ in 1930?
Describe his achievements. [Delhi 2019]
Ans. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar had organized the dalits into the „Depressed Classes Association‟
in 1930. Following were his achievements.
(a) He advocated for the political empowerment of the depressed classes. He
believed that it was only through political empowerment that the situation of the
depressed classes could be made better.
(b) He tried to improve the condition of dalits and thus formed an organisation.
(c) He demanded separate electorates for dalits at the second Round Table
Conference, which was finally conceded by the British.
(d) He signed the Poona Pact with Gandhiji and gave up the demand for separate
electorates but secured reserved seats for dalits in the provincial and central
legislative councils to be voted in general election.

19. How could non-cooperation become a movement? Explain with

examples. [Delhi 2014]
Ans. Most of the movements are issue-specific movements that seek to achieve a single
objective within a limited time frame. The main issue was to support Khilafat, as well
as swaraj.
Gandhiji proposed that the movement should start in stages. It should begin with the
surrender of titles, boycott of civil services, army, police courts and legislative,
councils, schools and foreign goods.
The Non-cooperation Khilafat Movement began in January 1921. The movement
started with middle class participation in the cities. Thousands of students left
schools and colleges, lawyers gave up their practice. Council elections were
boycotted in most provinces.
Non-Cooperation had all the characteristics of a movement. 4
(a) It had a specific issue i.e. it was started in support of Khilafat and Swaraj.
(b) It could not achieve its direct objective. However, it was very successful on the
economic front. The import of foreign cloth halved between 1921-1922 and its
value dropped from Rs.102 crore to Rs.57 crore.
(c) It was short lived. Gandhiji called a halt to the Non-Cooperation Movement after
the Chauri-Chaura incident when police station was set on fire in 1922.
(d) Non-Cooperation also had a clear cut leadership. It was organised under the
leadership of Gandhiji.

20. Explain four points about Gandhiji‟s idea of „satyagraha‟. [All India 2011]
Ans. Gandhiji had carried out successful satyagraha in South Africa against the racist
(a) According to him satyagraha was not a passive resistance but it called for
intensive activity.
(b) It suggested that if the struggle was against injustice, physical force is not
necessary to fight the oppressor. Non-violence could also win the battle.
(c) Only through the power of truth and non-violence, an appeal was made to the
conscience of the oppressor.
(d) Persuasion, not force, would make the oppressor realise the truth. This dharma
of non-violence and truth united people against the oppressor and made them
realise the truth. 5

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