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Writing coursework can be quite the challenge, especially when it comes to diving into the world of

geography for your GCSE. The research, the analysis, the meticulous attention to detail—it can all
make your head spin. That being said, it's essential to remember that seeking help is not a sign of
weakness; it's a smart move.

If you find yourself knee-deep in geographical complexities and could use a helping hand, sites like
⇒ ⇔ can be a lifesaver. They offer assistance tailored to your needs, ensuring that
your coursework is not just completed but done with finesse. Plus, getting support allows you to
focus on understanding the subject matter instead of drowning in the sea of deadlines.

So, if the terrain of your geography coursework seems too rugged to navigate alone, consider
reaching out to the pros. Your grades will thank you, and you'll have more time to explore the
geographical wonders of the world—both in your studies and beyond.
The high street (the core) has more major shops and retail companies This is because the high street
has a higher influx of people wanting to buy more who are there top shop specifically.Whereas Queen
Street (the frame)there are more catering services and personal shops. THis means that the student
has to assess their wok and think about how to improve rather than being given the answer. This
survey can be compared with Fig.12, which shows that the majority of residents believe Cromer has
a good future in tourism. Both Fig.16 and 12 show that Cromer is dependent on tourism for a good
economy. Hitchin is larger and is more of an all day shopping area. Juicy Geography: 10 ways to
Google-up your coursework. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good
to leave some feedback. There were two anomalies in the graph; the first was because this point was
the closest to the CBD making it the densest. Heather is not as abundant as previous stops and there
is no Mountain Ash trees. Not a lot could have been done to improve the methods used to measure
the depth of the river. People have travelled far to get to Hitchin because Hitchin sells more high
order goods. Gradient along the eight sites of the river Holford. There is also the tube and a bus
terminal where locals pass through to get to central London. Below is how we found r2 using the
Spearman’s rank equation. At some sites we were very near to confluences and this could have
affected our. Interpretation- The above speech bubble which was answered by tourists shows that
the majority think that Cromer does need to be developed, with only one person thinking nothing
has to be done. River Holford which were the width, the depth and the gradient. First, 15 clasts were
picked up from the river bed at random, with our eyes closed so. Much of the future Arnos and
Grovelands estates consisted in the 16th century of oak coppice woods which were heavily
exploited. The width was calculated at each of the eight sites along the course of the river. Write a
review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. These shops
sell goods such as gifts, novelty items and seafood. National Park and is set in a valley just north of
the Brendon Hills. Paper 4 is the alternative to coursework paper that is worth 27 5% of your final
IGCSE As a IGCSE geographer it is possible to carry out coursework on many. Traffic is at its
lowest around lunchtime, this may be because a lot of the tourists are on the beach or in restaurants.
Although applicable to any city, both terms usually refer to larger cities. Hypothesis 2- The depth of
the river will increase as you go from source to mouth. These shops rely heavily on the business they
receive from tourists. Perhaps I should have measured the river at another time in the year. I
calculated a rank of -0.632. The ranks go from 1 to -1, 1 means strong positive correlation, whereas -
1 shows strong negative correlation. I will interpret each graph, by stating what the results show
using figures, suggesting reasons for those results and finally making links between the set of results
I have and the enquiry questions.
Much of the future Arnos and Grovelands estates consisted in the 16th century of oak coppice
woods which were heavily exploited. My first hypothesis was that the width of the channel would
increase as you went. The entire assignment was quite a great challenge for me, but not for the writer
at GetEssay. The high street was the only exception when it came to noise, as this is where there was
the most activity going on such as, cars passing by and it is the main attraction to shoppers. Cromer is
about 180km away from London, and accessibility to the resort is poor. The high street was the only
exception when it came to noise, as this is where there was the most activity going on such as, cars
passing by and it is the main attraction to shoppers. Width from source to mouth along the River
Holford (m). It is placed at the heart of this specification and teachers should embed fieldwork
within any programme of study that they create. Southgate unlike Hitchin has no pedestrianised
areas except the pavement, making it to be very congested. Pedestrian Count To answer my enquiry
questions on the economic impact of tourism on Cromer and if tourism offers Cromer a good
economic future, I had to do a pedestrian count. This graph shows that a lot of the residents of
Cromer think tourism is a good industry and is beneficial to Cromer. Southgate is way more
congested as there are no areas dedicated for parking, therefore the only parking available is on the
side of pavements (pay and display), this causes trouble for buses as parking spaces run out, so some
people park in bus lanes. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to
leave some feedback. Southgate is closer to central London and so the land is more expensive. There
were two anomalies in the graph; the first was because this point was the closest to the CBD making
it the densest. Thank you, GetEssay, for delivering my paper in record of 72 hours. Environmental
Mapping I used this data for the chloropleth map to show the environmental quality of Cromer. As
the shopping area has a low quality, this shows that tourists may cause environmental problems as
this area is frequently visited by tourists. My hypothesis would have been answered correctly, and
may well have given me a different outcome. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is
required to reflect your happiness. This is a copy of my traffic count before it was completed.
Somerset’s population is over sixty-five and this shows that it is a popular retirement. Conclusion-
The conclusion will include the answers to my enquiry questions, and recommendations for the
future of Cromer Evaluation- In the evaluation, I will question the reliability of my methods, and
decide whether my results and conclusions are accurate Location Map of Europe Map of East
Anglia Map of Norfolk Map of Cromer Cromer is a small town in North Norfolk, in the East Anglia
region. National Park and is set in a valley just north of the Brendon Hills. Write a review Update
existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. The reasons given by the
residents for Cromer not having a good future were that Cromer is only a seasonal place, there are
cheaper packages abroad and the development of attractions is needed. Site’s 8 cross sectional area
was 0.42256 m2 which was the highest reading of all the. In some areas CBDs have declined due to
competition with regional shopping centres. Looking at my stacked bar graph, environmental quality,
after looking at all the factors involved such as litter, congestion, pollution etc, Hitchin seems to
have much better quality. This graph tells you that tourism hasn't had a good economic impact on
Cromer as a lot of the residents choose not to work there as it doesn't have enough opportunities.
Although applicable to any city, both terms usually refer to larger cities. Southgate becomes a very
noisy place and very polluted because of the tube station and bus terminal. Summary The teenage
resident's view of opportunities for them in Cromer was not prospective. The third reading we took
was the wetted perimeter. This was measured by putting a metal chain on the river bed, and
measuring its length which was in contact with the perimeter of the river (its banks and bed only). I
went during the summer, where the river would be smaller than normal, as processes such as
evaporation would have affected the volume of water in the river. There was a higher density of
pedestrians in the centre of both Hitchin and Southgate then further away. My methodology will
include location maps showing where I collected some data and asked interviews, as well as copies
of my surveys. I had 5 days to complete my paper and not even a single chance to do it by myself.
Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. Juicy
Geography: 10 ways to Google-up your coursework. In this section of the coursework I will explain
what methods I used, how I collected data and why it is relevant to my investigation. Southgate
unlike Hitchin has no pedestrianised areas except the pavement, making it to be very congested.
Content is organised around key questions and learners should develop the ability to pose
geographical questions of their own. The name derived from the south gate of Enfield Chase which
stood roughly where Chase Road now joins Winchmore Hill Road. Learners should consolidate and
extend their understanding of geographical concepts learned in the classroom by engaging with
enquiries conducted outside of the classroom and school grounds. The land in Southgate is mainly
used by commuters and people living locally. Location- In the location I will use four maps at
different scales to show the location of Cromer. At site 8 our readings showed us that this was
overall the deepest part of the river. The. Many of the residents believe that job prospects are low, as
there is not much demand for jobs in the tertiary or quaternary industry; and the few that there is are
seasonal. As my results were slightly faulty, this would lead to inconsistencies in my conclusions.
This would be because processes such as attrition would not have enough time to erode pebbles. This
photo supports the enquiry question as it shows the environmental impact tourism has had on
Cromer. Ten sites could have been looked rather than eight along the river’s course. This. Write a
review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. Hitchin has
managed to maintain its market town traditions and feel and still integrate some larger chain stores.
After a site was given a score for each topic, the overall score was worked out. This photo was taken
on the beach and in the late afternoon. I chose to investigate this river study over our four day field
trip to Somerset in order. Further more Hitchin also has pedestrianised areas.
Background Knowledge- In this section I will describe what tourism is and why it is a growing
industry. In this section of the coursework I will explain what methods I used, how I collected data
and why it is relevant to my investigation. People have travelled far to get to Hitchin because Hitchin
sells more high order goods. Juicy Geography: 10 ways to Google-up your coursework. One reason
why the depth increased at some sites and then decreased at others was. The outward growth is
shown on the model by five circular zones next to the CBD. Your project will be marked out of 100
and the total mark will then represent 25% of your final GCSE The marks will be awarded according
to three main areas. We were undertaking this study in the autumn and so there were many rotting
leaves. The highest value was 281 and it was next to the tube station, the lowest value was along
Bourne Street and was 50. This is the Spearman’s Rank formula written in mathematical notation.
There were lots of objects such as tree branches in the river. The second most common job is a
builder with 4 out of the 20 people questioned. Download our free Guide to switching for everything
you need to know. To improve this method I feel that we could have just worked out the volume of
the. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?4.00 5.00 1 review
BUY NOW Save for later ?4.00 5.00 1 review BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 20 May 2019
Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share through facebook
Share through pinterest 4.31 173 reviews Not the right resource. Our
customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?1.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY
NOW Save for later ?1.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 13 July 2016
Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share through facebook
Share through pinterest jlm1984 3.00 4 reviews Not the right resource. At site 2 the cross sectional
area was 0.28035 m2 which was higher than at the. It rises again on Stop 9 to 5.94cm and then falls
again to 2.54. The orange was difficult to keep in the middle of the river. This stop also has its own
micro climate compared to the mountain top because it is in a valley. Although the data that I found
out was useful to my coursework I didn't find this method to be as reliable as it could've been. Clast
Size (cm) 5 14.7 8.4 10.3 9.9 13.1 7.8 16.7 9.2. The latter half of the 20th century has also brought
great changes in communication to Hitchin. To travel to Cromer we used the M11 to Cambridge
(80km approx) and the rest of the journey we traveled on smaller roads. Also the increase in
employment is due to the growth in tourist related shops and these jobs are usually low paid and
seasonal and in the secondary industry. This helped us to find out the land use in the core and the
frame. There were many problems that we encountered on our river study. I counted the pedestrian
density in four different places near the CBD, and all four places had a high pedestrian density. Also,
as I did not do a pilot study, and only measured the river once in the summer, my results and
conclusions could be affected. I would improve this method by increasing the time we spent at
The name derived from the south gate of Enfield Chase which stood roughly where Chase Road
now joins Winchmore Hill Road. Interviews I used interviews to find out what tourists and residents
think about Cromer and tourism; and this helped me answer my enquiry questions. See other similar
resources ?1.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for.
This graph can be linked with Fig. 11 which asks the same question but to residents. I had to write
down the name of every fifth shop, the products it sells, the amount of shops and whether the shop
was aimed at tourists or residents. The geology, (which is seen on page 8), at the first 3 sites was
Quartzite which is a. I calculated a rank of -0.632. The ranks go from 1 to -1, 1 means strong positive
correlation, whereas -1 shows strong negative correlation. Researching other streets would further our
evidence and help us to make a better conclusion. Also, after each graph there is a description of it. It
then rises significantly to reach the largest average depth of 23 before falling, rising and then falling
again to finish the average depth at Stop 10 being 8.67. Although applicable to any city, both terms
usually refer to larger cities. This is because it is in the core of Exeter and is the most popular part of
the core frame. ELDERLY DEPENDENT: The age range that usually have to rely on the
economically active. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave
some feedback. We are trying to investigate weather it applies to Exeter clear marks should be found
around the city that indicate that core and the frame exist. Below is how we found r2 using the
Spearman’s rank equation. At site 2 the cross sectional area was 0.28035 m2 which was higher than at
the. Southgate unlike Hitchin has no pedestrianised areas except the pavement, making it to be very
congested. The name derived from the south gate of Enfield Chase which stood roughly where
Chase Road now joins Winchmore Hill Road. Thisis Bradshaw’smodel andtellsushow
differentcharacteristics change. The middle course is less steep when compared to the upper course.
Out of the nineteen shops surveyed 10 are tourist dependent. This involved me going to the different
sites (the beach and Garden St) and deciding if there was litter, vandalism peace and quiet etc and
give a rating from -3 to 3. This is because are all the high order goods sold there, furthermore there is
the CBD there making it more attractive, as well as there being a Marks and Spencers for people
doing their daily shopping. There is proof for this as on the map you can see that there is a small area
with a high environmental quality. Additional data collected Comparing flowcharts To show
Cromer's growth as a tourist destination I will use two flowcharts to show the development of
Cromer compared with traditional seaside resorts. Your project will be marked out of 100 and the
total mark will then represent 25% of your final GCSE The marks will be awarded according to three
main areas. As the river was small, this would have affected my hypotheses. My second enquiry
question was if tourism offers Cromer a good economic future. Also the increase in employment is
due to the growth in tourist related shops and these jobs are usually low paid and seasonal and in the
secondary industry.
I chose these sites as both are popular with tourists and the beach is an area of beauty which should
be looked after. This photo can also be linked to Fig. 2 which is a pie chart that shows that residents
think the second biggest problem, tourism has brought to Cromer is litter. All of this information is
important to me as it will help to answer my main enquiry questions, on whether Cromer has a good
economic future and what the impact of tourism on Cromer is. Your project will be marked out of
100 and the total mark will then represent 25% of your final GCSE The marks will be awarded
according to three main areas. In summary, the environmental quality map shows a lot about the
environmental quality in Cromer and how tourism affects the environment. I would like to thank Mr
Matthews, Mr Orme, and Mr Parker for coming with us on. As the river was small, this would have
affected my hypotheses. See other similar resources ?5.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for
later Not quite what you were looking for. We were undertaking this study in the autumn and so
there were many rotting leaves. This is mainly because of package tourism in LEDC's. This shows
that the economic impact hasn't been as impressive as it could be as there are hardly any jobs in
Cromer that don't rely on tourism. This section will list some of the smaller independent shops, many
of which are owned by local families. These shops rely heavily on the business they receive from
tourists. Your project will be marked out of 100 and the total mark will then represent 25% of your
final GCSE The marks will be awarded according to three main areas. Below is how we found r2
using the Spearman’s rank equation. See other similar resources ?3.00 4.00 1 review BUY NOW
Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. The entire assignment was quite a great challenge
for me, but not for the writer at GetEssay. This means items bought less frequently such as furniture.
This is to accommodate the high amount of people using the core.(see below). I will interpret each
graph, by stating what the results show using figures, suggesting reasons for those results and finally
making links between the set of results I have and the enquiry questions. To collect the information, I
only needed a pen, clipboard and four copies of my questionnaire. This shows that the residents of
Cromer believe tourism has an immense economic impact by bringing money into the area and
improving services. Fig.1 also shows that 30 residents believe tourism creates jobs, this shows that
there is an economic impact, as there is a higher level of employment and job prospects. This is the
equation to work out Spearman’s Rank Correlation. Photographs To help me answer my enquiry
question on the impact of tourism, I took photos in Cromer of areas with beauty and places of nature
and also places that had some litter. But on the other hand the beach has a high environmental
quality and is also visited by tourists. Geography Field Trip, Tal-y-bont, Wales, River Study. My
second hypothesis was that the depth of the river would increase as you went from. Write a review
Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. This is also essential
for progression to GCE Geography. In this section I shall be describing the different sites at which
we collectedour.

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