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* SU NNODALONCRNCHESON DOO AOTC TAT Tring Dpitige Bich Kos Ho Ch tah City Calvert of Tebnoogy DE CUONG HQC PHAN Course Syllabus 1. Théng tin v8 hge phn (Course information) 1.1. Thing tn tng quan (General information) Tn he phn: Phuong php tinh ( Numerical MeThods) = Mi lige phn (Course !D): MT1009 = S6 in chi (Credits): 3 (ETCS: 6) = Hige ky ép dung (Applied from semester): 20232 = cite hge phi (Course format) Hiinh thie hoe tap $6 tidvigio] 86 tin chi] Gi cha (CFeaching/study type) Hours) | (Credits) | Notes) Lg tuyée 30 2 (Lectures) Tho tain (THL)/ The hah tai 1p CTH) (utorial) Ti aghigm (INg)/Tawe tip xarimg (TT) (Labs Practices) Bi tp lon (BTL)BS an (DA) 4 Projects) Tipe (Selfstudy) o Khe (Others) 15 Tong eng Toray 150 3 (Git chi: Ca Fink mn Tipe a LT 3) TY 1@ nb gi vi hin thie kiém tralthi (Evaluation form & ratio) inh thie déab gid TR ‘inh thie ‘Thoi gian (Evaluation ype) (Ratio) (Format, uration) "Tho lun (THLY Taye hah tai lop (TH) (Cutorial) Thi nghigm (LabsiPractices) Bai tp lon (BTL)BS an (DA) Projects) Kidm ta 25% | Tre agin (chim may) [0 phir (minutes) (Midterm Exam) (Multiple choice (MCQ)) Thi 50% | Tide aghiém (chim may) [70 phit (minutes) (Final Exam) (Multiple choice (MCQ) Ting cing 10% (Tonal) 1.2. Ditu kia tin quyét (Prerequisites) HITVKN: Recommended, TQ: Preveq, SH: Coreg 39¢ phn] Tén hoe phin Tién quy&t (TQ)/song hinh (SH) (Course 1D) | (Course tite) | Prerequisite - Prereg/Co ~ requisite - Coreg) MTI003 | Giaitich 1 ut Caleulus 1 Sik Tae RIF, Pen 6, Qu 0 TPO 2a a rS) TRUONG Dal HOC HACE KHOA DHOGHCM Mi hoe pha (Course 1D) Ten hye phin (Course tite, Tita quyét (TQ)/song hinh (SH) (Prerequisite - Prerey/Co~ requisite ~ Coreg) M1007 [Dai sé Tuyén sinh [HT Linear Algebra 1.3. He phan thuge khi kién thite (Knowledge block) ‘© Kign tite giéo dye dai euong (General education) ‘© Kign thc gito dye chuyén nghiép (Professional education) © Kin thie ca sé nginh (Foundation) © Kién tite nginh (Major) © Kikn thie chuyén nganh (Specialty) © Kién tire T8t nghigp (Graduation) 1.4. Bom vi phy tréch (Khoa/B8§ mén) (Unit in-charge) 'B9 mén//Khoa phu trich (Department) Tain ing Dung - Khoa Koa Hoe Ung Dung (eaculty of Applied Science) Van phong (Office) ‘Van phong b6 mén Toda Ung dung, 10484 ign thoxi Phone number) 0909992149 Ging vién phy trich (Lecturer in-charge) DANG VAN VINH HOANG HALHA DAU THE PHIET dangwvinh@hemst edu.vn hoanghaiba@hemutedu.va ddauthephiet@hemut edu.vn 2. Ma th hge phn (Course description) ag ni dung sau dy sé cage ging day va tho lun trong mén hye: $6 gn ding, si sd, quy te lam tn sb 6 gin ding, si, quy te lim mon sb. Gias gin dng phuomg tinh phi tayen Giai gin ding he phuong tin tuyén tinh Nai suy vi xdp xi bam, Gidi gin ding phuomg trinh vi phn thutmg( Bai tosn Cauchy cép 1, cép 2, bf phuong tinh eép 1). Giai gin ding bai ton b ip 2. * Tinh pln ding dgo him va tich phan xe dinh Ghai phn ing phuomg tinh do hans ring: phuomg tinh lpi, phuomg trish parabolic vi phuong trish Hyperbolic ‘ng dung cée phuomg phip tén 4 pi quyét cdc bai ton I thuyét va thye Gili quyét cdc vin 48 duge dé c§p trong mén hoc bing ci The following topic wil be presented and discussed inthis course. Approximate numbers, errors, the rules of rounding number Solving approximately nonlinear equation Solving approximately algebraic linear system. Interpolation and approximation of functions. Evaluating derivatives and definite integrals [Numerical methods for solving ordinary differential equation{ Cauchy problem) Boundary problem jor differential equation second order Numerical methods for solving PDE (Parabolic, Eliptic and Hyperbolic equations) str dung cdc phin mém tinh tos, Application of numerical methods in solving theoretical and applied problems. Solving all discussed problems by using computer software 3. Gif trinh va tai igu hoe tap (Course materials) Tiny Tans iF, Poo Qa TPO & "aida noaNioa AOTC TAT “Ta liga hge tip bao gbm slide bai ging va video s€ duge cap abgt len Gang BKEL (hijulleaming RomuLSLvan. Bes eqn 6, sinh vgn 66 thé ny hoe, tits higu su hon thing qua eke ti ligu dus dy: ‘Sch va ldo inh ehiah (1) £8 Thii Thanh, Gido winh Phuong Phép Tinh, DHQG-HCM, 2017 + Tai ligutham kno: [2] Burden, R.D and Faies, D., Numerical Analysis, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company. [3] Steven €.Chapra, Raymond P, Canale, Numerical methods for Engineers, McGraw-Hill Education Learning materials including lecture notes and video can he downloaded from e-learning webpage ( jttp/-learning h Besides, students can selfstudy and find deeper knowledge from the following reference books: [1] Lé Thdi Thanh, Gio trink Phuong Php Tinh, DIIQG-HC [2] Burden, RD and Faires, D., Numerical Analysis, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company. £3] Steven C.Chapra, Raymond P.Canale., Numerical methods for Engineers, MeGraw-Hill Education 4. Mye tigu va két qua ge tip mong dgi (Goals and Learning outcomes) 4.1, Mye teu cia he phn (Course goals) Mén hoe phuong phip tinh nhim cung ep cho sinh vign kiém thée ea bin vé cic phuome phip giai gin ding ede md hinh ton hoc Dig thin trang bf cho sinh vign Kn ning nh bit, p dng va gai quyé! cde vin &@ len quan én tinh odn s, Sinhvign duge phit tugs ky mdngthye hash vi Kh nding lr vige ahs tong vige si dung cé phia mém lp vi dé gai quyét ede ba tod hye te The course provides students with basic knowledge about mumerical methods for solving mathematical models. Besides, the course ‘equips the students with the ability to recognice, apply and solve problems involving numerical computation problems. Finally, the students develop their skills using a programing language and the ability to work in groups to sole given practical problems, 42. Chun din ra hge phin (Course learning outcomes) 1.0.1 -C6 due eée kién tie eo bi trong phrong phip tinh. (Gain the basic knowledge of numerical methods) - C6 kha ning phit bigu Auge cée dinh ghia, dinh I, ng thie mét each chish xée (Ability to state definitions, theorems, formulas precisely.) 1,0.1.2- C6 kha ning ms t4cée phuomg php vi thust ton ly thuyét d8 git quyét cfc bi toan gin ding, (Abily 10 describe some methods and algorithms to solve approximate problems.) 1.0.2 -Cé ki ning phn ch, lua chon phuong phip cu thé dé gid quyét mot bai toin ev thé (Ability to analyze and choose suitable tools to solve problems.) Lo2t- (Abily to solve basic problems with provided methods.) <8 git quyét m6ts6 bai toin dom gin king dp dung cf th C6 khi ning phin tch cic bai ton phit tp va la chon duge phuomg php 4 git quyét (Ability to analyze a complex problem and understand the main objects, then manage to salve the problem.) 1.03 - Co khi ning sit dung phin mém ing dung dé xi If nbiing bi toin inh thie va shing bai tosia trong hj thu (Ability 0 use the softwares fo solve mathematical problems.) - C6 khd ning sit dung phi mém tinh todd xi nlng bli ton hinb tht va nhing bai fon trong ky thud (Ability 1 use the softwares to solve mathematical problems and practical problems. ) 1.04 - C6 kh ning im vige nhOm Bigu qui, (Ability to work in a team effectively) - C6 khi nang 6 che shém vi hogt dng uhm higu qua (Ability 1 form and work in a group) Saag Thee iF, Poo Gale TPO Ty Thay EW, Wad Dat TOON Mah Os, Vt & "aida nocaNnioa AOTC TAT L.0.42- C6 Khd ning vigt bio edo, va thuyét tinh bao cio mgt cieh Koa Boe (Ability write and represent ascienifie report) 5. Phuong thite gitng day vi hoe tip (Teaching and assessment methods) 5.1, Phurong thire ging day (Teaching methods) STT | Phuong thie gling day (e)| Teaching methods) 5.2. Phuong phip giing day (Teaching activites) Loai hogt ding "Ten ogi ho Noi dung (Assessment methods) (Compoments act (Content) TES-Kiém ta gitta ky (Midterm||A.0.1 ~ Kidm tra gita kj Sinhvign tham gia thi gita ky. (Students take a mid-term test) exam) (Mid-term Test) TEXM-Thi cubi ky (Final exam) [.A.0.2 - Thi cubi ky (Final Sink vigm dham gia thi cudi kj Gp trung. (Stdents take the final Exam) exam) THWBAI tip ch nhin ve nha [A.O.3 BU cp (Exercie) | Sinh vin lim ele bil tip Gage giao vE nhl, (Snudens do given (individual tomework) homework) GHW-Bai tip nhim vé aha |A.0.4- Bai tp lém (Prajec) | Sinh vién tham gia lim bai tp lén theo nhiém va d8 Gi duge (Group homework) (Students workin groups for the given projects.) 5.3. Hinh thite din gi (Assessment methods) (Chulin du ra chi at oat dong anh gis (Learning outcome) (Evaluation activities) TOLL 1-G6 thi lng pit bia dupe che inh ghia, dah, cbng [A.0.1-Kibm Go eta KY Midterm Te thse mat eéch chinh xc. (Ability to state definitions, theorems, | A:O.2-Thi cubs ky (Final Exam) formulas precisely.) ‘S.0.3-Bii ip (Exercise) A.O.-Bhi ip lim (Project) L.0.1.2-C6 Ki ning mo ti ede phuong php vi thult toin Ij | A.0.1-Kidm ta git ky (Mid-term Test) thuyét dé giai quyét ede bai todn gin ding. (Ability 10 describe | A.0.2-Thi cubi kj (Final Exam) some methods and algorithms to salve appraximate problems.) | A.0.3-Bi tap (Exercise) A.O.8-Bai tp lon (Project) [.0.2.1-C6 ki ning dp dung ede thulttoin d& gidi quyét mot s6 | A.0.2-Thi eubi Kj (Final Exam) sion dom gn (Abi solve base problens wth provided] .0.3-Bil ip Exercise) methods.) i bp lem (Projec /L-023-Co Kha ning phn tch eie bai ton phite yp va Iya chon [A.0.2-Thi eubi ky (Final Exam) duge phuong php a gisi quyét, (Ability to analyze a complex | A.0.4-Bai tgp lon (Project) [problem and understand the main objects, then manage to solve the problem)é kh nang sé dung phn mm tinh toan a8 xi If nhtng | A.0.3-BAi tp (Exercise) bi ton hinh thie va nhimg ba ton trong ky thu. (Ability use| A.O.4-Bai tp lim (Project) the softwares to solve mathematical problems and practical problems.) L.0.4.-Cé hi nang t chive nom vi hoat dg uhm higu qua. | A.0.3-Bui tp Exercise) (Ability 1 form and work ina group) A.0.4-Bii tip kin (Project) T.OA2-C6 Kh ning vidt blo cio, va thoy wink bio clo mbt [A.O.3-BAi ip (Exercise) sich Khoa hoc. (Abily to write and representa scientific report) | A.0.&Bi ip lim (Project) 5.4, Hung din céch ge (Study guidelines) + Sinh viga cin xem video va dge bai gi + Lam diy di ede bi Qui tye tuyén + Tham gia it mbit 70% gi@ len lop ( duge ding, rade gid len lop, 'BK-Eleaming (hoge myopenmath.com). inh gid chuyén cin), + Students must prepare (view the video and read the lecture notes) before attending the clas. TiaTy Tone Ri, Pome Ga 0, TPO Ty Thong Ke Wd TDi Te Ch Mak Os, coat ¢3 {TRLONG DAL HOC BACH KHOA - DHQGHEM i dung chi tiét eda hpe phiin (Course content) 1.0. Chui dia ra chi tide (Detailed learning outcomes) A, Host dng dnh gis (Assesoment activity) Lee. Hogt ding day Gilg vin (Lecturer) ‘Siu. Host dong oe Sinh vida (Student) Gai Noi dung (Conteny) Hoat ding day va hoc (Lecturing) 1-2 [Cheong |; Phuong anh phi tuyea, LL Sai 6, 36 gia ding. Lim tr suis 1.2. Phuong phip lp va sa 6 1.3. Phuong phap chia d6i 1.4. Phuong phip lip don. 1.5. Phuong phip Newton (Chapter 1 Non linear equations 11. Error analysis. Round: offeror 1.2 Ervor Analysis for lerative Methods. 1.3 Bisection method, 14 Fixed: point iteration. 15 Newton's method. ) + L0.12(A01,A.02,A.03,A04) © Lec: 1.1 Gidi thigu més bec, giéo wink, phuomg thie Stu: - Chun bj bi trade gitr len lap - Nehe gidng va hoat ding nim theo yéu clu cia ging vign (Preparing before the clas.» Listening the lecture and] working in groups to salve given exercises.) oF (Chong 3: Ly thoy&t xdp xi 3.1: NOisuy da thie. 52: Spline bjc be 3.3: Phiome php binh phuong eye tu, (Chapter 3: Approximation Theory. 3.1 Polynomial Interpolation. 3.2: Cubic Spline 33: Least square method) + L021(A02,A03,A04] © Lee: Ii Dinh ghia da thie agi suy. Sy duy nbét eta da ‘thie noi suy. 2/ Tinh iy da thie ni, suy Lagrange anh gid sal s8, ww digm vi nhuge digm cia phuong ‘hip n6i suy Lagrange 3/ TY sai phin. Trinh bay da thie 1ngi suy Newton, N6i suy Newton tiga Ii. Dé i sai 48, Ui diém vi nhuge itm cia phuong php n6i sy Newion 4 Spline bic ba: dinh nghia, tinh chat, cng the ay ding cho digu kign bign te nhién va ring bube 5 Trinh bay phyong php binh phuong eve tiéu: xt cfc dang da the bie nbit, bic ha, va truemg bop ting quit (U! Define interpolation polynomial. Uniqueness. of| interpolation polynomial. 2/ Present — Lagrange interpolation polynomial. Evaluate the error and discuss the advamages and disadvantages of the Lagrange interpolation method. ith divided difference. Present ‘Neston interpolation polynomial, Newton's forward and hackward difference formula. Evaluate. the error Advantages and disadvantages of the. Newton interpolation ‘method. 4/ Cubic splines: definition Dropertes, construction formula for natural and clamped| boundary conditions. / Present the least square method consider polynomials of degre one. degree two, and the general case) ‘© Stu: = Chun bi bai ude git Ién lop - Nehe giing vi hoat dig shom theo yéu cau eda ging vies. ~ Lim bil tap ve aha (Preparing before the class. - Listening the lecture and] working in groups to solve given exercises. ~ Doing] homework.) «BIL {thi gia Ky va huge din ba tp Him. Ki ta Hi hye ifn bi pm easing nom (Do exercises and guide o projet) + LOA2[A04,A03] © Lec: Hemg din sinh vién gidi bat tip Hurimg din sinh vim lim bai tgp Ia (Guide to do exercises Guide to do the project) ‘© Stu: Giai ede bai tip va chudn bi bai tp lon (Solve exereises and prepare for the project) ‘Chisang 4: Dao him vi ich phi «3 4.1: Dao ham sb 42: Phuong phép Newton - Cotes, taper 4: Numerical differentiation and integration 41: Numerical Differentiation. 42: Newton - Cotes methods) + LO21[A02,A403,A04] © Lec: Ii Xép xi do him. CSc eOng thie: sat phan tf, sai ‘phan hur tim va sai phan li cho ba digm cdch du. 2) ‘Xép xi tich phn: Phuong phip hinh thang mé ring va Gin gid sal s6. Xp xi teh, phn: Phuong phip Simpson mé ring vi dinh gid sai sb (U/ Present the numerical differentiation. Formulas: forward difference, central difference, and backward AT Tne iF, Poa Qa TRIO a e3 TRUONG DAIHOC BACH KHOA DHGCHCM Budi (Session) Noi dung (Contens) Hogt ding day va hoe (Lecturing) The composite trapezoidal rule and error estimation. 3 Introduce the composite Simpson's rule and error estimation) ‘© Stu: - Chutin bj bai tube git len lop - Nehe ging vi host dng nhém theo yéu edu cia gidng vies, - Lim ba tgp ve nha (Preparing hefore the class. - Listening the lecture and] working in groups to solve given exercises, ~ Doing| homework.) ‘Chisomg 5: Phuong wish vi phan thing 5.1: Bi toda gid ti . 5.1.1 Phuong phip Euler va Euler cai tiga 5.1.2 Phong phap Runge - Kutta gidi phyomg trinh vi hé phvong tinh vi pin 5.2: Bi todn git bign vi phuong php sai pha hu han (Chapter 5: Ordinary diferenial equations S.I: Initial-value problems SL: Bulers method and modified Euler method 5.1.2: Runge - Kutta method in solving ODE and system of| ODEs of order 1 5.2: Boundary-value problem and the difference method. ) + L012[A02,A03,A04] © Lec 1/ Trinh bay phcong phip Euler d€ gidi phuong tei vi phi eép 1 2/ Trinh bay phugug paép Euler ed tiéo dé ii phong wink vi phin cfp 13! Trinh bay phuong phip Runge Kutta bgc bin dé pi phuong tinh viphin cip 1 4/ Phuong phap s6 git he phuong tinh vi phi edp 1: phuomg phap Euler, Euler edi tgn vi Range = Kutta bée bin. 5/ Phuong tinh vi phn tuyén tinh ep 2: bai toin bign. Phuong phi sai phn hw ban (U. Present the Euler method for solving first-order diferential equations. 2/ Present the improved Euler ‘method for solving first-order differential equations. 3/ Present the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method for solving JSirstorder differential equations. 4/ Numerical methods for solving first-order systems of diferential equations Euler method, improved Euler method, and fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. 5/ Second-order linear differential equations: houndary value problems. Finite difference method) © Stu: ~ Chui bj bai rude git Kn lip - Nahe eine va hoat dng nhém theo yéu céu ev ging vga. ~ Lim ba tip ve aha (Preparing before the class. Listening the lecture and] working in groups to solve given exercises. ~ Doing homework) (BT. | Gi ai Gp vd udng din bai ip Kin. Kidm wa ida db hye] » LOAI[AOA, AOS) hig bi tp lm. Yeu edu: xong pn Ij thuyét © Lec: Hung din sinh vién gid bit tip Hudng dn sinh (Do exercises and guide to projec) wisn im ba pin {Guide todo exercises Instructing students to present the report and evaluate the ress) «© Stu: Gi ee ai tp va hun bb tp om (Solve exercises and prepare forthe projet) 15-18-13 | Chung 6. Phuong in dao him ing + L022[A02,A04) 6.1 Tog quan vé phuong tn Spo him ing 62 Phuong phép sa phan hu han iat phuome tt elise, parabol va Hyperbol Xét phuong trib parabolic tong ining bop 1 chidu, 2 chidu vi 3 chigu din vi gi a phuomg php sai phn hw han 64 Cae tng dong tye cho mii To pheong bins (Chapter 6. Partial digerential equations {61 Introduction to partial ferential equations 2 Finue diference method for epic, parabolic and ‘yperbolic equation. Consider the Id, 2d and 3 parabaic equations. 3 Stability and convergence anabsit of flute diference methods 4 Applicaion foreach ype of equations) © Lee: 1 Gi thigu ve phuong trih dao him vin, nghig gi teh, mehigm gin ding 2/ Trinh bay phuome ‘hip sai phin hike han 42 git phong tinh Ellipice + Trinh biy phuomg php sei phin hiw has dé iit phuong trinh Paraboloe: net ede tong hop 1 chibu, 2 chiéu vd ba chida 4 Trinh bay phwomg phap sai phan by baad sil phuong trnh Hyperbole 5/ Neu mbt img dung cho tabi fou phoone ink {1 Give an introduction to partial diferental equations, tnalical solutions, and numerical salutions.2/ Present the fit dference method for solving elliptic equations. 3/ Present the finite diference method for solving parabolic equations: considering one dimensional, two ‘dimensional and three-dimensional caves. 4/ Preset the Finite ference method for solving hyperbole equations 5/ Introduce one aplication for each pe of PDE) ‘Stu: Chin bj Ba tae ie Len le - Nehe ging va oat dng nm theo yéu chu ca ging vgs {RT Tne iF, Poa Qa TPO oui, Noi dung (Contens) Hogt ding day va hoe (Lecturing) © Praparing before the class ~ Listening the Tectare and working in groups to salve given exercises) + 1022[A02,A404] © Lee: 5) Trinh bay vé tinh én dink va sx nGi eda phone phap sai phan hirw han 6/ Gioithigu mdi los Phuong tink mgt img dung thyeté { Lecturing combined with slide show; introducing] the concepts of the chapter. » Preparing exerese and] hhome-works for students) © Stu: Chuin bj bai trade gid én lap - Nghe ging vi hhoatdfng nhém theo yéu ciu eda ging vie, © Preparing before ihe clas, Listening the lecture land working in groups to solve given exercises) 'S_BTL | Sinh vign bio edo bai ip én, (Students present the report) + L042(A03,A04] © Lec: Hung din sinh vign trish bay va dinh gid Két qua (instructing students to present the reports and evaluate the results) ‘© Stu: Sinh vign viet va tinh by bai bio edo, (Students write and represent the reports.) + L03.1[A04,403] © Lee: HE thy sinh vién trong vige vit code eho dé ti bai tip Ion (Support students in writing code for the project) © Stu: Lya chon ngén ng lip trinh va vit code (Choose programing language and writ code) + L0.4.1[A.03,404) > Lee: Hug din sinh vign gid bai tip Hutmg din sinh vin trinh bay bai tp Ion va dink gid ket qua (Guide to do exercises Instructing students to present the report and evaluate the results) Stu: Sinh vign lim vige theo nhém, (Students work in groups.) 7. Yeu clu kde v2 hoc phn (Other course requirements and expectations) 4. Bién sogn vA cp mht a2 cuong (Editing information) - BE cuong duge bign sogn vio nim hoe hoe ky (Syllabus edited in year-semester): 20232 = BB cong de chin a1 TRUONG KHOA CHU NHIEM BO MON ean) (read of Depariment) thi (Baiting version): DCMH.MT1009.14.1 = NGi dung due chinh sia, efp nh, thay dBi 6 Hin gn ne (The lates editing conten): Tp.H8 Chi Minh, ngiy 25 thing 1nd 2024 HCM City, January 25 2024 CB PHY TRACH LAP BE CUONG (Cecturer in-charge) Tia Thee Rip, Pome Gate TRIO

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