Supplemental Materials For UPF vs. Processed Food Addiction Study

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Food Addiction Correlates with Emotional and Craving Reactivity to Industrially

Prepared (Ultra-Processed) and Home-Cooked (Processed) Foods but not

Unprocessed or Minimally Processed Foods

Supplementary material

Instructions to apply the gMLS rationale on valence, arousal, dominance, and craving ratings

We used the following procedure to facilitate the food image assessment while participants
kept in mind their personal minimum- and maximum-intensity experiences. For each scale, we
first described its instructions (according to the original instructions of the Self-Assessment
Manikin/SAM [Bradley & Lang 1994] and craving SAM scale [Miccoli et al., 2014, 2016; Muñoz
et al., 2010]) and subsequently, participants were asked to identify their own experiences that
could anchor both the lowest and highest values in each dimension.

Valence. Please, think about a situation that you experienced as extremely unpleasant (take a
few seconds). That feeling should be placed on the left-most end, where the manikin shows a
sad face. Next, think about a situation that you experienced as extremely pleasant (take a few
seconds). Situate that feeling at the right-most end, where the manikin is smiling. Please, keep
in mind those imagined situations to indicate how you feel. from unpleasant to pleasant, while
rating the images that will be presented later on.

Craving. Think about what gives you the strongest craving you have ever experienced, of any
kind (take a few seconds); that feeling is your anchor point for the high value of the scale, the
manikin that has a drooling mouth. Then, think about what gives you the weakest craving you
have ever experienced, of any kind (take a few seconds); that feeling is the anchor point for
the low value of the scale, the manikin with its mouth closed. Remember those extreme
feelings that correspond to your strongest and weakest cravings when rating the images.

Dominance. As in the previous scales, think about what makes you feel the most dominated,
influenced, or intimidated (take a few seconds); that feeling is your anchor point for the
bottom of the scale, where the manikin is very small. Next, think about what makes you feel
the most influential, in control, important, dominant, and autonomous (take a few seconds);
that feeling is your anchor point for the top of the scale, where manikin is the largest.
Remember these two extremes that respectively make you feel controlled or in control when
rating the images.

Arousal. Please, think about what extremely activates you (take a few seconds). That feeling or
sensation is you anchor for the top of the scale, where the manikin looks most excited. Next,
think about what makes you feel extremely relaxed (take a few seconds); that feeling, or
sensation anchors your bottom of the scale, where the manikin looks most relaxed. Please,
remember these two extremes that respectively make you feel extremely relaxed or activated
while rating the images that you will see later on.

Supplementary table

List and description of Ultra-Processed, Processed, and Minimally Processed Foods.

NOVA group Food Description

Ultra Processed
Hamburger 1 Two beef patties topped with bacon, cheese, and mustard served between
industrially baked buns
Hamburger 2 Breaded chicken patties topped with lettuce, tomato, onion, pickles, and ketchup
between industrially baked buns, served with a side of fast-food fries.
Pizza 1 Baked frozen pizza (red sauce, ham, and cheese).
Pizza 2 Baked frozen pizza (red sauce cheese and tomatoes).
Pizza 3 Baked frozen pizza (red sauce, cheese, mushrooms, and black olives).
Pizza 4 Baked pizza (red sauce, cheese, and veggies).
French fries French fries, covered with melted cheese, bacon bits, and mustard, served with
ranch sauce.
Nuggets 1 KFC-style nuggets with ketchup.
Nuggets 2 KFC-style nuggets with ketchup.
Croquettes Fried frozen croquettes.
Cheesecake Ice cream cheesecake with a top layer of jam and cookie crust.
Ice cream Different flavors ice cream served with banana, whipped cream, chocolate syrup,
chocolate shavings, walnuts, and candied cherries.
Crepe Chocolate Nutella and strawberries between two crepe layers decorated with more
strawberries and chocolate syrup.
Cake Cut molten chocolate cake that shows melted chocolate oozing out.
Mousse Dark and white chocolate mousse served in a wine glass.

Salmon Grilled salmon with vegetables
Fish Grilled fish with broccoli
Meet Grilled meet with vegetables
Fried eggs 1 Fried eggs with home fries and jamon serrano (prosciutto)
Fried eggs 2 Fried eggs with home fries and jamon serrano (prosciutto)
Fried potatoes Thick, wedge-cut home fries.
Antipasto 1 Antipasto with cheese and jamón serrano (OLAF: at_0118).
Antipasto 2 Jamón serrano.
Steak Grilled steak with grilled veggies and mushrooms.
Roast 1 Baked chicken with home fries.
Roast 2 Roasted chicken thigh served with rice.
Roast 3 Roasted chicken wings and potatoes.
Spanish omelet Spanish potato omelete.
Pasta 1 Spaghetti with cream sauce.
Pasta 2 Spaghetti with cream sauce and a side of garlic bread.

Minimally Processed
Watermelon A halved watermelon, a slice of watermelon and a glass filled with watermelon juice.
Fruit salad 1 Kiwi, strawberries, melon, orange, and peaches (OLAF: fru_0024).
Fruit skewers 1 Strawberry skewers on a plate (OLAF: fru_5795).
Fruit salad 2 Orange, melon, strawberries, kiwi, banana, apple, and plums. (OLAF: fru_0083).
Strawberries 1 Close up picture of strawberries (OLAF: fru_0144).
Fruit salad 3 Strawberries, orange, banana, kiwi, and cherries (OLAF: fru_0190).
Fruit combo 1 Plate with slices of kiwi, strawberry, and bananas (OLAF: fru_0289).
Strawberries 2 Fruit and granola filled strawberries (OLAF: fru_0337)
Fruit skewers 2 Banana, kiwi, cherry, and orange fruit skewers 1 (OLAF: fru_0384)
Pineapple 1 A half pineapple shell filled with pineapple cuts (OLAF: fru_0492)
Pineapple 2 A Half pineapple shell filled with pineapple cuts (OLAF: fru_0495)
Fruit skewers 3 Mango, plums, and grape skewers (OLAF: fru_0511)
Fruit skewers 4 Kiwi, strawberry, orange, and raspberry skewers (OLAF: fru_0613)
Fruit combo 2 Orange slices, kiwi, strawberries, and peaches (OLAF: fru_0670)
Fruit combo 3 Pieces of kiwi, peach, plum, and strawberries (OLAF: fru_0683)
Note: OLAF = images provided by Miccoli et al. (2014, 2016).

Bradley, M. M., & Lang, P. J. (1994). Measuring emotion: the self-assessment manikin
and the semantic differential. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental
Psychiatry, 25(1), 49–59.

Miccoli, L., Delgado, R., Guerra, P., Versace, F., Rodríguez-Ruiz, S., & Fernández-
Santaella, M. C. (2016). Affective pictures and the Open Library of Affective Foods
(OLAF): tools to investigate emotions toward food in adults. PloS One, 11(8),

Miccoli, L., Delgado, R., Rodríguez-Ruiz, S., Guerra, P., García-Mármol, E., & Fernández-
Santaella, M. C. (2014). Meet OLAF, a good friend of the IAPS! The Open Library of
Affective Foods: a tool to investigate the emotional impact of food in adolescents.
PloS One, 9(12), e114515.

Muñoz, M. A., Viedma-del-Jesus, M. I., Fernández-Santaella, M. C., Peralta-Ramírez, M.

I., Cepeda-Benito, A., & Vila, J. (2010). Assessment of tobacco craving by means of
the affective image visualization paradigm. Motivation and Emotion, 34(1), 93–

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