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Grade eight English

Adjectives: -Ed
or - Ing
We can use adjectives that end with (-ed) to describe people’s feelings.

Let's take a look at this example:

Ann was very frightened

The subject of the sentence (Ann) is
the person who has the feeling
The subject is "Ann."
We can use adjectives that end with (-ed) to describe people’s feelings.

Let's take a look at this example:

We are all surprised by the news.

I wasn‘t nevous before the exam; I was relaxed.

When you dissappointed by the film?

We can use adjectives that end with (-ed) to describe people’s feelings.

Let's take a look at this example:

I’m interested in your idea.

He was excited by the game ended.

I was very tired at the end of the journey.

Adjective (-ing)
We use an adjective thats ends with - ing to talk about a thing or a
person that makes us have a feeling

Let's take a look at this example:

The ghost was very frightening.

The subject of the sentence

causes the feeling.
Adjective (-ing)
We use an adjective thats ends with - ing to talk about a thing or a
person that makes us have a feeling

Let's take a look at this example:

The news is surprising.

The movie was exciting, with lots of action scenes.

The view from the mountaintop was absolutely

Do you have any
Let's Practice! terrify exhaust touch

amaze excite
Fill in the blamks with the correct adjective using word in the box

1. The horror movie was so __________ that I couldn't sleep at night.

2. After the challenging hike, we felt __________ but accomplished.

3. The kids were __________ when they found out about the surprise party.

4. The movie was __________, making everyone feel emotional.

5. She was __________ by the breathtaking view from the top of the mountain.
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