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Student Center: How to View Your Grades

This tutorial explains how to view your grades and your academic standing in your Student
Under the uoZone Applications tab, click on My Grades:

1. In the View My Grades screen, select the desired term from the list and click Continue.

2. On the View My Grades page, the Class Grades and Term Statistics are displayed.

a. The Class Grades section displays the classes for the selected term as well as the
description, units and grades.

b. The Term Statistics section displays your units (credits) for the selected term, total units
(credits) throughout your academic career and GPA (grade point average)

c. To view grades from another term, click Change Term and repeat step 1.

3. Your Academic Standing will be displayed. Learn about Academic standing, probation and
mandatory withdrawal for undergraduate programs to review the regulations about a good
academic standing.

Student Center: How to View Your Grades Page 1 of 2

For assistance, contact the Service Desk at 613-562-5800, ext. 6555.

(End of tutorial)

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