106-20232-Course Guidelines-V2

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Course Guidelines (Draft; subject to change)

PHYS 106 GENERAL PHYSICS II (Course Code 2300106)

Text Book : Physics for Scientists & Engineers with Modern Physics: Pearson New International Edition, 4/E, Giancoli
The text book is available at: https://www.odtuden.com.tr/fizik-bolumu-148
Chapter Topics of the chapters Solved Examples*
Chapter 21 Electric Charge and Electric Field 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 20, 49, 67, 86
Chapter 22 Gauss’s Law 1, 2, 3 9, 30, 38, 60
Chapter 23 Electric Potential 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 19, 35, 40, 83
Chapter 24 Capacitance, Dielectrics, Electric Energy Storage 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 18, 26, 39, 63
Chapter 25 Electric Currents and Resistance 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 30, 35, 85, 93
Chapter 26 DC Circuits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 36, 49, 68, 71
Chapter 27 Magnetism 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 9, 28, 74, 76
Chapter 28 Sources of Magnetic Field 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 24, 34, 57, 61
Chapter 29 Electromagnetic Induction and Faraday's Law 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 33, 35, 73, 78
Chapter 30 Inductance, Electromagnetic Oscillations, and AC Circuits 1, 2, 3, 4 4, 13, 18, 26
Examination Date and time Course content included
First midterm 06-April-2024 Saturday 10:00-11:30 Chapter 21, 22, 23, 24, 25
Second midterm 18-May-2024 Saturday 10:00-11:30 Chapter 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
Final 03-June-2024 Monday 09:30-11:30 All course content
Make-up Exam 10-June-2024 Monday 19:00-21:00 All course content
Laboratory ODTÜClass [Phys 106, 112, 182 Labs] General Physics II Labs
(*) The chapter-end problems to be solved as examples in the lectures.
ODTÜClass Course [PHYS 106 All Sections] GENERAL PHYSICS II
The course activities are carried via this course.
(01) Weights: 1st midterm 25%; 2nd midterm 25%; final 40%; laboratory 10%; online homework 3% (bonus).
(02) Exams: Examinations will be held face-to-face. No online exam will be offered or made available to an individual student or
a group of students upon demand. It is students' ethical responsibility of not cheating and wrongdoing.
(03) Request for Make-up: A student is allowed to ask for a make-up for only single (i) exam or (ii) experiment missed due to a
documented excuse. For a missed exam a student must fill in the request form during the time period that will be announced
later. For a missed experiment follow the instructions in the ODTÜClass course [Phys 106, 112, 182 Labs] General Physics II Labs.
The student is responsible for providing documentation substantiating the reason for the request and it must be provided with
the request form as an attachment. A medical report must be given or approved by the METU Medical Center. The make-up
exam includes the whole course content. The grade of the make-up exam replaces the exam missed. The grade I (incomplete) is
given to students who missed more than one exam due to a documented excuse and they are required to take a face-to-face
exam which includes the all course content.
(04) Attendance: Middle East Technical University Rules and Regulations Governing Undergraduate Studies: ARTICLE 23 – (1)
Students must attend the theoretical and practical class hours, examinations and other academic studies as required by the
instructors. Class attendance and participation is an individual student responsibility. Students learn better if they attend the
lectures regularly. This semester no bonus credit will be given to attendance.
(05) Section Change Requests: Each student must register to the section assigned by the system already. Only students with
schedule conflicts are allowed to change the assigned section with another section with no conflict. Students must fill in the
request form during the time period that will be announced later. The section change is done only by the Department of
(06) Laboratory: Laboratory sessions will be conducted face-to-face. To pass the course, laboratory work is compulsory. The
students must do ALL experiments and the average grade of all experiments must be 50 or greater. Missing even one
experiment or an average grade less than 50 will result in NA grade. The lab program, informing the students, grouping,
announcement of grades etc. will be carried out through ODTÜClass course [Phys 106, 112, 182 Labs] General Physics II Labs.
(07) Repeating Students: Repeating students with a previous average lab grade less than 50 are required to attend the lab.
Students completed all experiments with an average lab grade 50 or greater are not allowed to take the laboratory in this
semester and their previous laboratory (online or face-to-face) grades will be considered in letter grade assignment.
(08) Withdrawing/Dropping Students: If a student withdraws from or drops the course all grades of the student, including the
laboratory, become “invalid". Therefore, the laboratory grades for the semester a student withdrew from or dropped the course
cannot be counted. If you decide to withdraw from the course this semester, do not continue doing the lab work.
(09) Announcements: All announcements will be sent to students' METU e-mail addresses. It is students' responsibility to keep
their email addresses operative at all times. Students must check their e-mail addresses regularly in order to follow the
(10) Online Homework: The Pearson | Mastering | Physics online homework system is used to assign hw problems. Students
with a hw grade between 50 and 100 will get a bonus credit between 1 and 3, respectively. Any student with a hw grade less
than 50 will get no bonus credits. It will be announced later how to register for the Mastering Course.
Note that the information given in this guideline may change. Do not miss any and follow the announcements.
Course Coordinator: Dr. Mustafa Özbakan <ozbakan@metu.edu.tr>
Laboratory Coordination: physlab@metu.edu.tr

Semester 20232 Phys 106 Course Guidelines Page: 1

| Mastering | Physics
Student Registration Instructions

To register for METU106SPRING20232:

1. Go to https://mlm.pearson.com/enrollment/ozbakan64981

2. Sign in with your Pearson student account or create your account.

For Instructors creating a Student account, do not use your instructor credentials.

3. Select any available access option, if asked.

» Enter a prepaid access code that came with your textbook or from the bookstore.

» Buy instant access using a credit card or PayPal.

» Select Get temporary access without payment.

4. Select Go to my course.

5. Select METU106SPRING20232 from My Courses.

If you contact Pearson Support, give them the course ID: ozbakan64981

To sign in later:

1. Go to https://mlm.pearson.com

2. Sign in with the same Pearson account you used before.

3. Select METU106SPRING20232 from My Courses.


The students will do the experiments face-to-face and the lab program, informing the students, grouping, announcement of
grades etc. will be carried out through ODTÜClass [Phys 106, 112, 182 Labs] General Physics II Labs.

Laboratory Coordination: physlab@metu.edu.tr

Copyright © 2024 Pearson All Rights Reserved.

Semester 20232 Phys 106 Course Guidelines Page: 2

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