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Introduction to Geotechnical Modelling

Geotechnical Modelling

G. Della Vecchia
Personal card

Prof. Gabriele Della Vecchia

Associate Professor of Geotechnical Engineering

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering DICA

Building 4, second floor

Phone: (02-2399) 4264

The course

• prof. Donatella Sterpi
• Prof. Gabriele Della Vecchia

Teaching assistant and practicals:

• Dr. Liliana Gramegna

• One homework to be devoloped during the course (to deliver at least one week
before the oral examination)

• Oral examination, about the homework and the theoretical aspects developed
during the course
Educational material – Part I

• Slides used during the lectures

• Selected papers uploaded on BEEP

Suggested books:

• David Muir Wood – Geotechnical Modelling – Taylor

& Francis
Educational material – Part I

• Slides used during the lectures

• Selected papers uploaded on BEEP

Suggested books:

• J.C. Simo & T.J.R. Hughes – Computational Inelasticity

– Springer
Modelling and design

Design: a specification of an object, intended to accomplish specific goals, in a

particular environment, using a set of primitive components, satisfying a set of
requirements, subject to constraints

Modelling activities are at the basis of the development of a geotechnical design:

‘ Modelling is an implicit part of all engineering design but many engineers are not
aware either of the fact that they are making assumptions as part of the modelling or of
the nature and consequences of those assumptions’

D. Muir Wood, preface to Geotechnical Modelling

Modelling and design?

Modelling = the activity of using mathematical models (i.e. simple

descriptions of a system or process) to make calculations or predict what
might happen
Modelling and design?

A model is an appropriate simplification of reality

The skill in modelling is to reach the appropriate level of simplification, to recognize

those features which are important and those which are unimportant

Engineering is fundamentally concerned with modelling

Engineers should be able:

• to see through the essence of the problem
• identify the key features which need to be modelled, i.e. those features of which we
need to take into account
• include them the design
A model is an appropriate simplification of reality

Reality: maybe not to be definided in this course...

Plato’s theory of Forms (or theory of Ideas) typically refers to the

belief that the material world as it seems to us is not the real
world, but only an "image" or "copy" of the real world
A model is an appropriate simplification of reality

Reality: maybe not to be definided in this course...

Plato’s theory of Forms (or theory of Ideas) typically refers to the

belief that the material world as it seems to us is not the real
world, but only an "image" or "copy" of the real world

Despite Plato, for our purposes reality coincides with physical

objects in the material world, as we can observe them: esse est
percipi (to be is to be perceived), George Berkeley (1685-1753)

Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist (Ludwig Wittgenstein): there
are two different layers: the world on the one hand and its
logical image on the other hand
Examples of reality in structural engineering

Grattacielo Pirelli, Milano

Examples of reality in structural engineering

Golden Gate, San Francisco

Examples of reality in geotechnical engineering

Foundation pad
Examples of reality in geotechnical engineering

Cantilever wall
Example of models in structural engineering

Building frame: columns and beams

Example of model in structural engineering

Bridge: finite element model

Example of model in geotechnical engineering

Anchored sheet pile

From Nova
Example of model in geotechnical engineering

Gravity retaining wall with inclined drain

From Nova
This is not a pipe

Example: how to pass from reality to a FEM solution?

Example: modelling scheme of a structural system and prediction via the finite
element method (Tamagnini, 2013)

Example: how to pass from reality to a FEM solution?

Example: modelling scheme of a structural system and prediction via the finite
element method (Tamagnini, 2013)

Example: how to pass from reality to a FEM 21

How to build the mathematical model?

The physical system is replaced by a mathematical model (whose response as a

consequence of external solicitations is known) by correspondence laws (semantic
rules that connect the axioms of a theory to something that can be empirically
determined (Losee,1972))

The behaviour of our system is defined on the basis of:

1) Conservation laws: mass (continuity equation); linear momentum (static/dynamic

equilibrium); moment of momentum (rotation equilibrium); energy; electric charge...

2) Constitutive laws: they define the specific behaviour of each material involved in the
system (e.g. stress-strain relations, Darcy law, perfect gas law, Ohm’s law, Fick’s law...).
Example: how to pass from reality to a FEM 22

Building the mathematical model generally requires

1. Definition of the geometry of the system;

2. Definition of the different materials involved;

3. Choice of constitutive laws which describe, for each material, the fundamental
features of its behaviour (mechanical, thermal, hydraulic ....)

4.Quantitative determination of the values taken by the mechanical/hydraulic/thermal

(etc.) properties depending on the constituive laws chosen (e.g. density, strength,
stiffness, permeability, thermal conductivity...)
Example: how to pass from reality to a FEM 23

Building the mathematical model generally requires

1. Definition of the geometry of the system;

Depth and width of the wall, position of the

ground anchors, soil stratigraphy
Example: how to pass from reality to a FEM 24

Building the mathematical model generally requires

2. Definition of the different materials involved


Example: how to pass from reality to a FEM 25

Building the mathematical model generally requires

3. Choice of the constitutive model  it may depend on the limit state considered


Soil: Winkler idealization


Concrete: linear elastic

Example: how to pass from reality to a FEM 26

Building the mathematical model generally requires

3. Choice of the constitutive model  it may depend on the limit state considered


Soil: rigid perfectly plastic


Concrete: rigid
Example: how to pass from reality to a FEM 27

Building the mathematical model generally requires

4. Quantitative definition of the mechanical parameters  it depends on the model

chosen in step 3


Soil: Winkler idealization  Winkler constant k


Concrete: linear elastic  Young modulus and Poisson ratio

Example: how to pass from reality to a FEM 28

Building the mathematical model generally requires

4. Quantitative definition of the mechanical parameters  it depends on the model

chosen in step 3


Soil: rigid perfectly plastic  coesion and friction angle


Concrete: rigid
Comparison between structural and geotechnical 29

1. Definition of the geometry of the system

In structural engineering all the dimensions of the system are known or determined
during the design stage

In geotechnical engineering a part of system characteristics are a priori unknown, and

specific investigations are mandatory
Comparison between structural and geotechnical 30

2. Definition of the different materials involved

In structural engineering all the material are chosen by the designer

In geotechnical engineering the materials involved (i.e. subsoil) are not known a priori
and an adequate ground investigation should be performed
Comparison between structural and geotechnical 31

4. Quantitative definition of the mechanical parameters for the chosen constitutive


In structural engineering the mechanical properties of materials are chosen by the

designer, given by the supplier or determined by means of correlation proposed by
specific regulations

In geotechnical engineering material properties of the ground are not know a

priori and should be determined by means of ad hoc in situ or laboratory
Example: how to pass from reality to a FEM solution?

Example: modelling scheme of a structural system and prediction via the finite
element method (Tamagnini, 2013)

Empirical models

There is a long tradition of empirical modelling in geotechnical engineering

Empiricism is a theory that states that knowledge comes only or primarily from sensory
experience and rejects all a-priori knowledge.

John Locke (1632–1704): the only knowledge

humans can have is a posteriori, i.e., based
upon experience.

Locke is famously attributed with holding the

proposition that the human mind is a white
paper, on which the experiences derived from
sense impressions as a person's life proceeds
are written
Empirical models in geotechnical engineering

Why empirical models in geotechnical engineering?

• Soils are tricky materials to deal with, and more rigorous modelling tools have tended
to lag behind the demands of industry

• These procedures have been found to provide satisfactory answers even though the
logical path cannot always be continuously traced

Actually empirical models in geotechnical engineering are semi-empirical, because they

mix (i) basic axioms, (ii) established scientific laws, and (iii) previous experimental results in
order to engage in reasoned model building and theoretical inquiry.
Example: vane strength correction for undrained 35

Application: undrained bearing capacity of a shallow foundation

How we can estimated the value of undrained strength?

Laboratory tests In situ tests

• …
Example: vane strength correction for undrained 36

The Field vane test is principally used for the in-situ determination of the
undrained shear strength of intact, fully saturated soft clays (Su<50-60 kPa)

Main idea: find the relation

between the external maximum
torque measured during the test
Mmaxext and the shear resistence
mobilized along the cylindric failure

The vane measures a mixed

strength, combining shearing on
horizontal and vertical surfaces of
the soil
Example: vane strength correction for undrained 37

Main idea: find the relation between the external maximum torque measured during
the test Mmaxext and the shear resistence mobilized along the cylindric failure surface

Hp. Rigid-perfectly plastic soil, characterized by an undrained shear strenght Su,v on

vertical surfaces and Su,h on horizontal surfaces (if isotropic Su= Su,v= Su,h)

Moment equilibrium:
The external torque applied to the rod should be
equal to the net torque due to the stresses
trasmitted by the soil to the vane

surface (SL)

Base (SB)
Example: vane strength correction for undrained 38

Most of strength models forget complicating issues in soil behavior (e.g. rate effetts,

Which assumptions are hidden is the procedure of obtaining Su from M?

• Perfectly plastic behavior

• Tresca-like failure criterion on terms of total stresses

• Isotropy of strength

• Negligible rate effects

Example: vane strength correction for undrained 39

Under these assumptions:

...despite any actual failure mechanism of geotechnical structures will require the
clay to shear along surfaces having completely different alignments

…despite the strain rate induced by the vane rotation maybe very different from the
strain rate induce by slope insability

Muir Wood, 2004

Example: vane strength correction for undrained 40

Empirical evidentce: Su values estimated from the vane test generally proved to be
different from the values obtained by back-analysis of real scale tests also due to
time effects:

1) the excess pore pressure induced by vane penetration should be already

dissipated before applying the torque

2) the rotation rate of the blades can influence the estimated values of Su if the soil
has viscous properties (Su increases for increasing rotation rate)

Bjerrum (empirical) correction factor (1972)

Example: vane strength correction for undrained 41

From Lancellotta

 The correction factor has been determined empirically: they can be applied
with some confidence to future ULS to embankments and excavations which
share the same generic characters of the bank of observations from which
they were deduced
 They do not provide any secure route for extrapolation from vane strengths
to design calculations in other circumstances: very specific application!
Example 2: determination of the oedometer 42
modulus via the flat dilatometer test

The test consists in inserting the dilatomer probe

to the depth of interest, by driving or pushing

Flat dilatomer: steel blade (thickness 14 mm) with

a flexible circular membrane on one side
(diameter 60 mm)

The membrane is connected to a pneumatic

system which allows the application from the
inside of a known pressure. An electric
displacement transducer is able to measure the
inflection w of the membrane.

Example 2: determination of the oedometer 43
modulus via the flat dilatometer test
The dilatometer is pushed in the soil at a constant rate (same equipment used for CPT
testing), measuring the resistance to blade penetration


During penetration, the blade is stopped every 20 cm to perform the real

dilatometric measurements
Example 2: determination of the oedometer 44
modulus via the flat dilatometer test

DMT measurements constist in measuring two characteristic pressure values acting on

the membrane

• p0: internal membrane pressure (initially inflected toward the inside due to the
horizontal stress in the soil) needed to restore the at rest condition (w = 0)

• p1: pressure needed to obtain a membrane external expansion of w=1.1 mm.

Example 2: determination of the oedometer 45
modulus via the flat dilatometer test

Lateral stress index

σ’v0 = in situ effective vertical stress

Allows estimating the earth coefficient at rest K0:

• If no penetration disturbance were present, p0 would coincide with σh0, so that

KD would be equal to K0  due to the effect of the insertion of the finite-
thickness probe blade, a correction must be applied

• Ok for NC o slightly OC clays, over-estimation for highly OC clays

Example 2: determination of the oedometer 46
modulus via the flat dilatometer test

Estimate the oedometer modulus Eed from the dilatometer modulus Ed

Example 3: Schmertmann method to estimate 47
settlemente via CPT

Settlement δ evaluation at the center of a circular footing on sand

For a linear isotropic soil in axis-symmetric conditions:

Stress variable that drives the


Increase in vertical stress Increase in deviator stress

Example 3: Schmertmann method to estimate 48
settlemente via CPT

Variation in stress which drives the settlement ∆σsett

∆σsett /∆q

Evolution of ∆σsett
(normalized with the
applied pressure ∆q) with
normalized depth from
elasticity theory

Muir Wood, 2004

Example 3: Schmertmann method to estimate 49
settlemente via CPT

Variation in stress which drives the settlement ∆σsett

∆σsett /∆q

• Huge contribution of
shearing in settlement
evolution (not just vertical

• Maximum value of ∆σsett

does not occur at the

Muir Wood, 2004

Example 3: Schmertmann method to estimate 50
settlemente via CPT

Schmertmann took inspiration from the theory of elasticity to device his procedure

Dimensionless influence factor which varies

with depth

Elasticity theory Schmertmann

Example 3: Schmertmann method to estimate 51
settlemente via CPT

Schmertmann uses a simplified profiles of Iz, partly derived

form the theory, partly inspired by experiments
Example 3: Schmertmann method to estimate 52
settlemente via CPT

Logical engineering approach:

• Stress changes induced by the

foundation fall with depth

• Maximum Iz at z=B/2, according to

elasticity theory

• For z>2B negligible influence factor:

real soils tend to become stiffer with
depth and soil stiffness becomes
higher for reducing applied strain
Potential errors wrt to empirical models: 53
1) don’t go beyond the range of experience

 The problem of empirical modelling is related to the problem of induction:

no number of confirming observations can verify a universal generalization.

Are all swans white?

Up to now probably you have just seen white swans, but the absence of
evidence does not coincide with the evidence of the absence.
Potential errors wrt to empirical models: 54
1) don’t go beyond the range of experience
Be careful with the black swans! these methods cannot be secure if
extrapolated to new geological conditions or to different soil types!

The use of empirical models is appropriate for interpolation within the range of
experience and for known soils from which the empirical rules were originally
generated. Just in the case such procedures will be secure.
Potential errors wrt to empirical models: 55
2) don’t consider them useless

Despite the limitations described, empirical modelling is


Karl Popper stresses the problem of demarcation -

distinguishing the scientific from the unscientific - and
makes falsifiability the demarcation criterion, such that:
 what is unfalsifiable is classified as unscientific
 and the practice of declaring an unfalsifiable theory
to be scientifically true is pseudo-science

A theory in the empirical sciences can never be proven, but it

can be falsified, meaning that it can and should be scrutinized by
decisive experiments.
Theoretical modelling

A theoretical model in classical geotechnical engineering consists in the

solution of a problem that satisfies the following requirements:

1.Balance equations, e.g. linear momentum balance (equilibrium) and water

mass balance (if Sr=1);

2.Compatibility: no rupture or overlapping of the soil. The requirement is

imposed on soil deformations, and it can be ensured by defining consistent

3.Constitutive laws: they express the properties of the considered material,

e.g. Stress-strain relation form the mechanical point of view, Darcy’s law from
the hydraulic one

4.Boundary conditions
Theoretical modelling

1. Balance equations

• Expressions of the conservation of some physical quantity

• Applicable to all material continua and result in equations that must always be

From the practical point of view….

 If you want to calculate stress, strains, displacements --> linear momentum balance
equation (i.e. equilibrium)
Theoretical modelling

1. Balance equations

• Expressions of the conservation of some physical quantity

• Applicable to all material continua and result in equations that must always be

From the practical point of view….

 If you want to calculate pore water pressure and water flow  water mass balance
equations for saturated porous medium
Theoretical modelling

1. Balance equations

• Expressions of the conservation of some physical quantity

• Applicable to all material continua and result in equations that must always be

From the practical point of view….

 If you want to calculate pore air pressure and air flow  air mass balance equation

 If you want to calculate temperature and heat flux –> energy balance equation

 If you want to calculate contaminat concentration and flux  solute species mass
balance equation
Theoretical modelling

• The balance laws are usually formulated in the context of global (integral)
relationships derived by a consideration of the conservation of some property of the
body as a whole

• The global equations are then be used to develop associated field equations which are
valid at all points within the body and on its boundary
Theoretical modelling

In geotechnics, all the balance equations are coupled!

Example: hydro-mechanical coupling for saturated soil

Theoretical modelling

2. Compatibility: link between displacement and strain field, to avoid overlapping and
fracture in the continuum
Theoretical modelling

3. Constitutive laws

• Balance equations are developed for all continuous media, but they say nothing about
the response of specific materials

• Constitutive equations specify the mechanical/hydraulic/thermal (etc) properties of

particular materials based upon their internal constitution

• Mathematically, the usefulness of these constitutive equations is to describe the

relationships among the kinematic, mechanical, thermal (etc) field equations and to
permit the formulations of well-posed problems in continuum mechanics

• Physically, the constitutive equations define various idealized materials which serve as
models for the behavior of real materials

• It is perhaps philosophically correct to think of constitutive equations as being

representative of a particular behavior rather than of a particular material
Theoretical modelling

3. Constitutive laws: examples

• Mechanical constitutive equation: link between stress and strain tensor

Theoretical modelling

3. Constitutive laws: examples

• Hydraulic constitutive equation:

 Darcy law linking water discharge to hydraulic head gradient

Theoretical modelling

3. Constitutive laws: examples

• Air constitutive equation:

 ‘Darcy-like’ law linking air discharge to air head gradient

 u 
qa = - K a ( Sr ) ∇  z + a 
 γa 

 Link between air pressure and air volume (air compressibility)

Theoretical modelling

3. Constitutive laws: examples

• Thermal constitutive equation:

 Fourier law linking heat flow to temperature gradient

Temperature gradient
Specific heat flux

Material thermal
Theoretical modelling: analytical solutions

Some theoretical models are characterized by

• Simple geometry

• Simple constitutive laws

…such that for given boundary conditions an analytical solution does exist

Analytical solutions in
geotechnical engineering are
exceptions, rather than the rule!
Theoretical modelling: analytical solutions. 69
Example 1
Theory: the steady flow of an incompressible fluid through a saturated rigid porous
medium  the governing PDE is the Laplace equation

 Constant porosity
 Incompressible fluid
 Saturated porous medium
 Water velocity is linearly dependent on the hydraulic gradient (Darcy’s law)
 Isotropic material from the hydraulic point of view
 2D conditions
Theoretical modelling: analytical solutions. 70
Example 1
Flow through a permeable half-space under a sheet pile wall

Muir Wood, 2004

Flow lines are confocal ellipses

Equipotential lines are confocal hyperbolae

Theoretical modelling: analytical solutions. 71
Example 2

If the ground can be considered to be

• Isotropic
• Homogeneous
• Elastic
• Linear

The combination of
• Equilibrium equations
• Kinematic compatibility (i.e. The definition of strain in terms of gradient of
• Elastic constitutive law (Hooke’s law)

leads to a set of PDEs which is capable of exact explicit solutions for certain sets of
boundary conditions.

Another significant advantage of assuming linear elastic response is that stress resultants
deduced as effects of different applied loading can be superimposed
Theoretical modelling: analytical solutions. 72
Example 2

Stress state produced by a vertical point load P acting at the surface of a semi-
infinite elastic half space

Muir Wood, 2004

Theoretical modelling: analytical solutions. 73
Example 2

Stress state produced by a line load of intensity p per unit length acting at the
surface of a semi-infinite elastic half space

Major principal stress

Minor principal stress

Intermediate principal stress

Muir Wood, 2004

Theoretical modelling: analytical solutions. 74
Example 2

Stress state produced by a uniformly loaded strip of intensity ζ per unit area
acting at the surface of a semi-infinite elastic half space

Muir Wood, 2004

Theoretical modelling: analytical solutions. 75
Example 2
Any elastic solution for problems of relevance in geotechnical engineering is presented in
the Poulos & Davis (1984) book

Free download:

Theoretical modelling: analytical solutions. 76
Example 3
Consolidation is a transient process of unsteady flow in which there is coupling
between flow and volume change as the soil gradually adjust to a new effective stress

Assumption: Saturated soil, incompressible fluid and Darcy law, small strains

Water mass balance equation

Muir Wood, 2004

Theoretical modelling: analytical solutions. 77
Example 3
Assumption: linear elastic mechanical behaviour

Assuming also constant total vertical stress and introducing the coefficient of
consolidation cv a standard diffusion equation is obtained

Using non-dimensional variables

Theoretical modelling: analytical solutions. 78
Example 3

In the simple case of a layer of soil for which the vertical stress has been increased
rapidly over an area of large lateral extent:

Muir Wood, 2004

Initial condition: for T=0, U=1 everywhere

Boundary condition: for Z=0, U=0 for T>0 (overlying soil fully drained)
Theoretical modelling: analytical solutions. 79
Example 3
Solution for semi-infinite layer

being erf the error function

Dimensionless variation of
pore pressure with depth

Muir Wood, 2004

Theoretical modelling: analytical solutions. 80
Example 3
Solution for a compressibile finite layer of thickness H underlain by impervious rock

being m an integer

Dimensionless variation of pore

pressure with depth

Muir Wood, 2004

Theoretical modelling: analytical solutions

Laplace equation for fluid flow, but...

• The soil can be heterogeneous
• The soil can be unsaturated
• Fluid density may not be constant (e.g. sea-water inclusions, density driven flow)
• Non linear relation between seepage velocity and hydraulic grandient

Stress distribution and settlement evaluation via elastic solutions, but...

• The soil is not linear also at small strain
• The soil is not elastic
• Superimposition principle does not hold
• Soil is not homogenours

1D consolidation theory, but...

• During consolidation of soft clays, strains may not be small (high void ratio
• Soil is not linear: stiffness depends on the effective stress and permeability depends
on the void ratio
• Possible variation of stiffness and permeability during the consolidation process
Theoretical models. Numerical solutions

Theoretical modelling: real comprehension of the physics of the problem

But exact closed-form solutions are in general only obtainable for a rather limited set of

 When the departure from the ideal situation is clearly too great, there is the
possibility of using numerical techniques to obtain a solution

 The starting point is also in this case a theoretical description of the problem on a
local scale, but the numerical approximation allows
• Realistic boundary conditions
• Realistic geometry
• Complex material models

to be accomodated

E.g. Finite Element Method, Finite Difference Method and so on

Theoretical models. Numerical solutions

Example. FEM simulation of plane strain compression of rock: shear band development
(brittle-damage constitutive model)

pc = 5 MPa

Experimental Numerical
Theoretical models. Numerical solutions

Example. FEM simulation of hydraulic fracturing of a porous medium: damage

distribution (brittle damage constitutive model, hydro-mechanical coupling)
Theoretical models. Numerical solutions

Example. FEM simulation of piled foundations (complex geometry, stratigraphy, soi-

structure interaction)

Courtesy Castellanza
Theoretical models. Numerical solutions

Example. PFEM simulation of dam breaking tests on a liquefied sand (large

displacements, Bingham rheology)
Theoretical models. Numerical solutions

Example. PFEM simulation of pipeline flotation in a reconsolidating soil after liquefaction

(large displacements, soil-structure interaction with a fluidized soil, Bingham rheology
with evolving parameters)
Theoretical models. Numerical solutions

One of the key motivation in using numerical models in geotechnical engineering is to

overcome the idealisations in terms of soil mechanical response necessary to develop
simple theoretical models.

Linear Elasticity: convenient because of the wide range of analytical results

Rigid perfectly plastic soil: possibility to have analytical solution account for non-
linearity of soil response

Muir Wood, 2004

Theoretical models. Numerical solutions

What if I use the wrong constitutive law in my model?

The elastic material clings togheter: a movement in

one location is felt at great depth

The plastic material is happy to separate into blocks

of soils as it gradually form a failure mechanism

 Displacements entirely contained into the failure

 Gradients of displacement only occur at
boundaries between the sliding blocks
 Elements of soil at depths below the mechanism
are completely unaware of the presence of the

Muir Wood, 2004

Theoretical models. Numerical solutions

What if I use the wrong constitutive law in my model?

In the elastic material each pile of the

group tends to drag down the
surrounding soil in which the adjacent
piles are founded.

The plastic material all the

displacements are concentrated at the
interface between the pile and the soil
 no effect beyond the interface
Muir Wood, 2004

Non linearity of the mechanical response can have a major effect on the
interaction between soils and structures!
Theoretical models. Numerical solutions

Lesson learned:

• Each constitutive model is a simplification of soil behavior, but it is a simplification

inspired by experimental observations

• The art of constitutive modelling is to identify the features of soil behaviour that are
necessary in a particular application

• The penalty for increased complexity in the constitutive model is the increased
number of material properties that must be defined from a greater number of
laboratory and in situ tests
Physical modelling: full scale

A full-scale physical model is usually associated to the performance of physical testing

of complete physical systems, usefull when we loose confidence on our theories

• assumptions are too sweeping

• material response is too complex: role of actual soil fabric and structure
• numerical simulations are not reliable

 In full scale physical model we test the real soil under real loading conditions
Physical modelling: full scale

Example: trial embankments to evaluate processes of ground improvement

Physical modelling: full scale

Example: trial embankments to evaluate processes of ground improvement

• Evaluation of the role of different types and spacing between drains to speed up the
consolidation process in clays  drain installation produces fabric changes and in
situ fabric has a strong influence on flow characteristics

• Evaluation of the effects of ground improvements via grids, grounting, installation of

stone columns

• Installation processess difficult to be reproduced at a small scale

• Uncertainties make theoretical and numerical analysis often not viable

Physical modelling: full scale

Example: trial piles

• Uncertainties linked to the construction technique

Most reliable method to
• Empirical parameters for calculations
evaluate pile behaviour
• Direct verification of ULS and SLS
• Role recognized also by Eurocode and NTC
Physical modelling: full scale


• We work with real ground conditions, real soils, real loads, real stress levels, real
stress histories (all things that we need to consider in any geotechnical modelling)

• We don’t need to tune theoretical model parameters

• Unknown details or complicating issues (e.g. soil anisotropy) are already built in in
the model

• Fundamental tool to validate theoretical models

Physical modelling: full scale


• Time: a full scale embankment test on a soft ground may take years to complete

• Cost: the large the size of the test, the larger the cost

• No control of some details of the model

Physical modelling: small scale

Key question: is the model valid at a scale smaller than the real one? Do we have a
secure route to extrapolate the result obtained at the small scall to the expected
behaviour at the prototype scale?

 Relevant role of supporting theoretical models for small scale test interpretation 
Extrapolation is possible if scaling laws and dimensional analysis are correctly

• Full control on all the details of the model: boundary conditions, loading conditions,
• Short duration of the test due to smaller drainage paths
• Possibility of repeating observations changing key parameters
• Geometrical scaling of soil particles, with respect to structure dimesions: may we
use the same material?
The course

Mainly focused on:

• Theoretical modelling (balance equations + constitutive laws), including unsaturated

soils and the role of pore fluid chemistry

• Numerical modelling (FEM)

The course

Theoretical and
numerical model

Inductive process: choice/ Deductive process

formulation of the model

- Design needs - Use of the

- Experimenta
data - Calculation of
the required
- Technical skills quantities

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