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 Sebastian left the job because of the long working hours. WHY: The reason why Sebastian left the job
was the long working hours.
 We have to wait here. THIS: This is where we have to wait.
 Jennifer started the strike. PERSON: Jennifer was the person who started the strike.
 I used to live around the corner. THE PLACE: The place where I used to live is around the corner.
 It was your next-door neighbour who complained. THE ONE: The one who complained was your next-
door neighbour.
 I want you to copy this down in your notebooks. TO DO: What I want you to do is (to) copy this down in
your notebooks.
 First of all, we checked the insurance details. FIRST THING: The first thing we did was to check the
insurance details.
 The climbers reached the peak at six o’clock. WAS: It was at six o’clock when the climbers reached the
 Before leaving we switched off the power supply. LAST THING: The last thing we did before living was
to switch off the power supply.
 They moved to Andalusia because of the climate. REASON: The reason why they moved to Andalusia
was the climate.
 The company has imposed a ban on private e-mails. HAS DONE: What the company has done is
imposed a ban on private e-mails.
 The only thing we want is our money back. ALL: All we want is our money back.
 Our boss told us the news. IT: It was our boss who told us the news.
 I want you to appreciate that it’s not my fault. WHAT: What I want you to appreciate is that it’s not my
 The introduction of stamp duties led to the loss of the American colonies. THAT: It was the introduction
of stamp duties that led to the loss of the American colonies.
 Mary said Pete crashed her car last night. WHO: According to Mary it was Pete who crashed her car
last night.
 Although it’s cold, we’re still going rowing. MAY: Cold thought it may be but we are still going rowing.
 I like going on holiday, but not the journey. WHAT: I like going on holiday, but what I don’t like is the
 “Paul didn’t break the window, John did”, said Claire. TO: According to Claire, it was John who broke
the window.
 She has so many commitments that I can’t understand how she manages to stay calm. HOW: With all
her commitments, how she manages to stay calm is a mystery to me.
 Susan’s music is bothering the neighbours, not me. BUT: It’s not me but the neighbours that Susan is
bothering with her music.
 Even if it rains, we won’t cancel the match. MAY: Rain though it may, the match won’t be cancelled.
 Some children in Class 3 painted pictures of the sea and won an award. WHOSE: The Children in
Class 3 whose paintings were of the sea won an award.
 “I had nothing to do with the robbery!” said Adrian. DENIED: Adrian denied having anything to do with
the robbery.
 “You are coming home for some lunch and I won’t take no for an answer! Tom said to me. INSISTED:
Tom insisted on inviting me home for lunch.
 “It’s going to snow this week – I can tell” William announced. PREDICTED: William predicted that it
would snow that week.
 “I’m sorry for what I said yesterday” said Andrew. FOR: Andrew apologised for what he had said the day
 “You really should try our local Thai restaurant – it has fantastic food” said Lewis. RECOMMENDED:
Lewis recommended that we try our local Thai restaurant because it has fantastic food.
 “I really don’t want you to get a tattoo!” mum said. OBJECTED: Mum objected to me getting a tattoo.
 It’s very kind of you to give me a lift. APPRECIATE: I appreciate you giving me a lift.
 If I take the job I’ll have to move to Paris. MEAN: Taking the job will mean moving to Paris.
 Parking is not permitted here. PARK: You are not allowed to park here.
 “Shall I carry that bag for you, Pauline?” Said John. OFFERED: John offered to carry Pauline’s bag for
 Winning the football pools meant we could buy a new car. ENABLED: Winning the football pools
enabled us to buy a new car.
 There is a risk that he will miss the plane if he waits. RISKS: He risks missing the plane if he waits.
 I believed you were the murderer because of this clue. LED: This clue led me to believe that you were
the murderer.
 Does using the hotel swimming pool cost extra? PAY: Do you have to pay extra to use the hotel
swimming pool?
 I think that this is the right street. APPEARS: This appears to be the right street.
 Jean succeeded in finishing all her work on time. MANAGED: Jean managed to finish all her work on
 They said they would like me to stay with them in Florida. INVITED: They invited me to stay with them
in Florida.
 Calling Jim is pointless, because his phone is out of order. USE: It’s no use calling Jim because his
phone is out of order.
 It is compulsory for all students to leave a cash deposit. REQUIRED: All students are required to leave
a cash deposit.
 You waste time if you copy your work out again, so don’t do it. COPYING: Don’t waste time in copying
your work out again.
 I bet you wouldn’t ask David to come with you to the party! IF: I dare you to ask David if he will come to
the party with you!
 “Please don’t leave me on my own”, Martin begged us. HIM: Martin begged us not to leave him on his
 If you work for this company, you have to travel a lot. INVOLVES: Working for this company involves a
lot of travel.
 Joe doesn’t like it when people treat him like a child. RESENTS: Joe resents being treated like a child.
 It was resolved that the matter would be brought up at the next meeting. BRING: They resolved to bring
the matter up at the next meeting.
 The police were told that the use of unnecessary force was forbidden. NOT: The police were instructed
not to use unnecessary force.
 He has so many enemies that I can’t understand why he’s still alive. HOW: With all his enemies, how he
stays alive is a mystery to me.
 We thought Andrew would get fired, and he did. AS: Andrew got fired just as we thought he would.
 Sally like David, not Peter. BUT: It’s not Peter she likes, but David.
 “Janet didn’t steal the money, Mandy did”, said John. IT: According to John it was Mandy, not Janet,
who stole the money.
 I love vanilla ice cream, but not chocolate. WHAT: I like vanilla ice cream, but what I don’t like is
 “I’m going to come top of my year in the exams!” Said Andrew. PREDICTED: Andrew predicted what he
was going to come top of his year in the exams.
 “I’m sorry but I’m not going to that restaurant again”, my husband said. OBJECTED: My husband
objected to going to that restaurant again.
 If you let me come with you, I’ll behave myself”, said the little boy to his brother. PROMISED: The little
boy promised to behave himself if his brother let him go with him.
 “I’m taking you to the airport and that’s final” said my father. INSISTED: My father insisted on taking me
to the airport.
 “I am really sorry I let you down last night”, my brother said. FOR: My brother said sorry for having let
me down the previous night.
 “Why don’t you try taking some Royal Jelly? It really makes your hair shiny”, said the woman.
RECOMMENDED: The woman recommended I take Royal Jelly to make my hair shiny.
 You must do exactly what the manager tells you. CARRY: You must carry out the manager’s
instructions exactly.
 We had to finish all the work before we could leave. UNTIL: We had to stay until we had finished all the
 Tim had not expected the concert to be so good. BETTER: The concert was better than Tim had
 If Cheryl doesn’t train harder, she’ll never get into the swimming team. DOES: Cheryl will never get into
the swimming team unless she does more training.
 “Do you realise what the time is, Steve? Asked Chris. WHAT: Chris asked Steve if he realised what time
it was.
 The company decided to advertise the job in a national newspaper. PUT: The Company decided to put
an advertisement for the job in a national newspaper.
 At the end of his speech, the winner thanked his parents. FINISHED: The winner finished his speech
before thanking his parents.
 I applied for the job a month ago. MONTH: It has been a month since I applied for the job.
 They received many letters of support after they had appeared on television. FOLLOWING: They
received many letters of support following their appearance on television.
 I don’t know why you bother going to that German class, since you never do your homework! WELL:
You never do your homework for German, so you may as well give it up!
 Sally decided then and there to go to France was a nanny for a year. BECOME: I Know! I will become a
nanny and go to France for a year!” Said Sally.
 Why didn’t you offer to pay for the damage to that woman’s car, seeing as the accident was your fault?
OFFERED: You could have offered to pay for the damage to that woman’s car, since the accident was
your fault!
 “Kathy doesn’t like David very much, so she’s not going to be easily persuaded to go to his party,” said
John to himself. PERSUADE: John realised that it would be difficult to persuade Kathy to go to David’s
party, as she didn’t really like him.
 Those kids next door keep playing basketball against my living room wall! STOP: I wish those kids
would stop playing basketball against my living room wall!
 You haven’t done anything - not even the dishes. COULD: You could at least have done the dishes.
 There is a lot of disagreement among politicians about government spending on space travel.
DISPUTE: Politicians are in dispute over government spending on space travel.
 An impression of what life was like thousands of years ago can be gained from the cave paintings.
CONVEY: The cave paintings convey an impression of what life was like thousands of years ago.
 Don’t bother trying to stop Steven - he’s determined to go. SET: Steven is set on going, so don’t bother
trying to stop him.
 Scientific information is available to the general public via the university website. ACCESS: The
university website allows the general public to access scientific information.
 Darren used examples of local business to illustrate his idea. CLARIFIED: Darren clarified his idea by
putting forward examples of local business.
 Just as we were leaving to go on holiday, my boss called me to say there was an emergency meeting!
SET: We were set to go on holiday, when my boss called me to an emergency meeting!
 Why don’t you turn off the television and get some fresh air! HIGH: It’s high time you turned off the
television and got some fresh air!
 Instead of colonising another planet I think we should try to save this one. RATHER: I’d rather try to
save this planet than colonise another.
 It’s a pity I was so careless and ignorant in my youth. WISH: I wish I had not been so careless and
ignorant in my youth.
 It will be amazing if you see a blue whale! IF: Imagine if you saw a blue whale!
 The Yangtze River dolphin became extinct because the river was so polluted! BEEN: If the river had not
been so polluted, the Yangtze River dolphin would not have become extinct.
 Miriam doesn’t know everything but sometimes she behaves like she does. IF: Sometimes Miriam
behaves like if she knows everything but she doesn’t.
 I think you should stop wasting your life! TIME: It is (high/about) time you stopped wasting your life!
 It’s a pity you didn’t come to my opening night. WISH: I wish you had come to my opening night.
 You should take some sun protection cream with you. BETTER: You had better take (some) sun
protection cream with you.
 I’d love to know how Sara is doing at college. KNEW: I wish I knew how Sara is doing at college.
 I regret not going sky-diving when I had the chance. ONLY: If only I had gone sky-diving when I had the
 I’d prefer you to help in the kitchen. RATHER: I would rather you helped in the kitchen.
 It’s a shame I sold my grandmother’s jewellery. WISH: I wish I hadn’t sold my grandmother’s jewellery.
 It will be brilliant if we win the National Lottery! IF: Imagine if we won the National Lottery.
 Your plants died because you didn’t water them enough. HAD: Your plants would not have died if you
had watered them properly.
 You really ought to clear out all those weeds in the garden. HIGH: It’s high time you cleared out all
those weeds in the garden.
 Instead of buying a new car, I think we should buy a second-hand one. RATHER: I’d rather we bought a
second-hand car than a new one.
 I think it’s terrible that you didn’t apologise to her for breaking that vase! MIGHT: You might have
apologised to her for breaking that vase!
 “I demand to see the manager at once!” said the angry customer. INSISTED: The angry customer
insisted on seeing the manager immediately.
 We went for a coffee because the train was delayed. BEEN: The train having been delayed, we went for
a coffee.
 We’d thought Dale would cancel dinner, but he didn’t. AS: Dale didn’t cancel dinner as we’d expected.
 Although she had no idea where she was going, she packed her bags and left. KNOWING: She packed
her bags and left, not knowing where she was going.
 My poor head! Someone please tell Nick to stop practising on his drums! WOULD: I wish someone
would tell Nick to practising on his drums! I’ve got a headache!
 As he continued to listen to the speech, Richard became increasingly sleepy. SLEEPIER: The more
Richard listened to the speech, the sleepier he became.
 The damage to the painting is so minor that it won’t be very noticeable to most people. HARDLY: I’m
sure that most people will hardly notice such minor damage to the painting.
 I hate it when people lie to me which is why I split up with Simon. STAND: I can’t stand being lied to,
which is why I split up with Simon.
 Do you think you could help me take these boxes outside? MIND: Would you mind giving me a hand
taking these boxes outside?
 Senator Jackson announced his intention to resign a short time ago. KNOWN: Senator Jackson has
just made known his intention to resign.
 Joe would only agree to continue the trip if he could drive instead of Paul. TAKING: Joe insisted taking
over from Paul as the driver before he would agree to continue the trip.
 Remember that there’s a chance it will rain when you pack for the camping trip. POSSIBILITY: Please
bear the possibility of rain in mind when you pack for the camping trip.
 John needs to arrive soon or we’ll have to go without him. BEHIND: We’ll have to leave John behind
unless he turns up soon.
 We managed to escape just before the whole building caught on fire. HAD: No sooner had we escaped
than the whole building caught on fire.
 “You should stop your children watching so much television”, Mary’s sister told her. LET: Mary’s sister
advised her not to let her children watch so much television.
 The local council wants to impose a ban on driving at more than 30 kilometres per hour anywhere in
this area. ILLEGAL: The local council wants to make it illegal to drive at more than 30 kilometres per
hour anywhere in this area.
 Tom missed his plane because he was late leaving for the airport. TIME: If only he had left on time for
the airport, he wouldn’t have missed his plane.
 The guidelines for the appointment of new staff need to be thoroughly revised. THOROUGH: There
needs to be a thorough revision to the guidelines for the appointment of new staff.
 The employment rate rose gradually as the economy began to recover. GRADUAL: There was a
gradual rise in the employment rate as the economy began to recover.
 The other students don’t mind whether you give your presentation on Thursday or Friday.
DIFFERENCE: It makes no difference to the other students whether you give your presentation on
Thursday or Friday.
 “What are you thinking of doing for the college’s centenary celebration?” the tutor asked the students.
MIND: The tutor asked the students what they had in mind for the college’s centenary celebration.
 Dr Ramesh’s colleagues regarded him so highly that they forgave his inability to remember people’s
names. HELD: Dr Ramesh was held in such high regard by his colleagues that they forgave his inability
to remember people’s names.
 As learning new languages had never been a problem to her, Katy didn’t expect to have any difficulties
when she went to live abroad. COME: Learning new languages had always come easily to her so Katy
didn’t expect to have any difficulties when she went to live abroad.
 I think we owe this passenger an apology, as she was apparently given incorrect train times by our call
centre staff. MISINFORMED: I think we owe this passenger an apology, as she seems to have been
misinformed about train times by our call centre staff.
 If her party wins the election, which is unlikely, she’ll become President. EVENT: In the unlikely event
her party wins the election, she’ll become President.
 I’d love to know how John is getting on. KNEW: I wish I knew how John was getting on.
 You should take an umbrella with you. BETTER: You had better take an umbrella with you.
 I think taxes should be increased. TIME: It is time taxes were increased.
 He behaves like the President of the company. THOUGH: He acts as though he were the President of
the company.
 I regret not inviting Cathy to the party. ONLY: If only I had invited Cathy.
 I’d prefer you to get home early tonight. RATHER: I would rather you got home early tonight.
 It’s a pity the car is so expensive. WISH: I wish the car were not so expensive.
 It will be better for you to come alone. SOONER: I would sooner you came on your own.
 I got wet because I forgot to take an umbrella with me. CONSEQUENTLY: I forgot to take an umbrella
with me and consequently I got wet.
 To ensure he’d get the job, John researched the background of the company. ORDER: John researched
the background of the company in order to make sure he’d get the job.
 It’s such a beautiful afternoon, so why don’t we go out? SEEING: Let’s go out, seeing it’s such (or
seeing as it is) a beautiful afternoon.
 I was the only person with any money, so I paid for everyone. BEING: I paid for everyone, being the
only person with any money.
 Even though he hated thrillers, he decided to go to see the film. SPITE: He decided to go to see the
film, in spite of the fact that he hated thrillers.
 I wanted to get fit, so I took up cycling. WHY: The reason why I took up cycling was that I wanted to get
 I’d become complacent, so losing the match to Michael Stephenson really taught me a lesson.
SHOCKED: Losing the match to Stephenson shocked me out of my complacency.
 Sorry! I misunderstood you. I thought you wanted me to lock the door. END: Sorry! I got the wrong end
of the stick! I thought you wanted me to lock the door.
 Jake’s announcement of his engagement surprised us as we’d never expected him to get married.
CONFIRMED: We’d all believed that Jake to be a confirmed bachelor until he announced he was
getting married.
 The new teacher has relaxed slightly now, but at first she was really strict! LAW: The new teacher really
laid down the law at first, but she’s relaxed a little since then!
 I’m going to feel guilty that my parents are upset about my decision. CLOUD: I’m not going to allow my
parents’ feelings to cloud my conscience about my decision.
 The president called a press conference to reassure the public that the rumours of an alien invasion
were not true. DISPEL: The president called a press conference to dispel rumours of an alien invasion.
 I thought Sue’s original plan was to move to Australia. IMPRESSION: I had the impression that she was
originally planning to move to Australia.
 Mr Smith was well-known as a bad-tempered man, but he was also fair. REPUTATION: Despite having
a reputation for being bad-tempered, Mr Smith was also fair.
 Signing the contract without the director’s approval is not allowed. CIRCUMSTANCES: Under no
circumstances must you sign the contract without the director’s approval.
 It looks like you didn’t sleep well last night. IF: You look as if you didn’t have much sleep last night.
 I don’t believe that Jane ran that distance in only five minutes! POSSIBLY: Jane can’t possibly have run
that distance in only five minutes!
 Simon doesn’t agree with me about which slogan is best for the campaign. DIFFERENCE: Simon and I
have a difference of opinion over which slogan is best of the campaign.
 Jane’s lawyer suggested that she ignored all the reporters. ATTENTION: Jane’s lawyer advised her not
to pay attention to all the reporters.
 I doubt that Simon will lend us the money. CHANCE: I think there is not much chance of Simon lending
the money to us.
 Despite having managed to pass the test, John still didn’t feel confident in his abilities. SUCCEEDED:
Although he had succeeded in passing the test, John still didn’t feel confident in his abilities.
 He’ll probably be accepted onto the course. LIKELY: He is likely to be accepted onto the course.
 No-one could have predicted the result. IMPOSSIBLE: It was impossible for anyone to have predicted
the result.
 The last time I saw my sister was at her wedding. SINCE: I haven’t seen my sister since her wedding.
 As soon as I had sat down, the concert started. SOONER: No sooner had I sat down than the concert
 You shouldn’t speak to him under any circumstances. CIRCUMSTANCES: Under no circumstances
should you speak to him.
 It’s such a shame that I didn’t go to Rome when I had the chance. REGRET: I regret not going to Rome
when I had the chance.
 If you hadn’t come to my rescue, I would have drowned for sure. COMING: But for your coming to my
rescue, I would have drowned for sure.
 I regret losing the instructions. LOST: I wish I hadn’t lost the instructions.
 They told us not to go there after dark. WARNED: We were warned not to go there after dark.
 If you don’t give me a lift, I’ll be unable to get there on time. ABLE: I won’t be able to get there on time
unless you give me a lift.
 You can stay at home if you don’t want to come. HAVE: You don’t have to come if you don’t want to.
 He used to play the guitar a lot more often when he was younger. AS: He doesn’t play the guitar as
often as he used to when he was younger.
 “I didn’t steal the money!” Said John. DENIED: John denied stealing the money.
 Sarah wasn’t surprised at all to hear that she hadn’t got the job. AS: It came as no surprise to Sarah to
hear that she hadn’t got the job.
 Personally, I would prefer to spend my vacations hiking in the mountains. RATHER: Personally, I would
rather spend my vacations hiking in the mountains.
 I wish I hadn’t let Sarah borrow my car. NEVER: I ought never to have let Sarah borrow my car.
 It’s impossible to relax before going on stage. EXCITED: It’s impossible not to get excited before going
on stage.
 I was just about to give her a call when she came round the corner. POINT: I was on the point of giving
her a call when she came round the corner.
 Jane always said it was her own fault when things went wrong. HERSELF: Jane always blamed herself
when things went wrong.
 Instead of finishing the leftovers, I’d prefer to cook something fresh. RATHER: I would rather cook
something fresh than finish the leftovers.
 Anthropologists have learnt a lot about human behaviour by studying dolphins. SO: If anthropologists
hadn’t studied dolphins, they wouldn’t have learnt so much about human behaviour.
 I’d sooner find out some things about their culture first. BETTER: It would be better if I found out some
things about their culture first.
 Even though he hated cartoons, he agreed to watch it with the kids. FACT: He agreed to watch it with
the kids despite the fact that he hated cartoons.
 No sooner had the lightning struck than all the lights went off. WHEN: Hardly had the lightning struck
when all the lights went off.
 My dad’s pie is far tastier than this one. NEARLY: This pie isn’t nearly as tasty as the one my dad
 It was very easy for someone to steal the car because Dad forgot to lock it. STOLEN: Dad forgot to lock
the car which explains why it was stolen so easily.
 Anne told me that she doesn’t intend to stop working. INTENTION: Anne told me that she has no
intention of giving up her job.
 I don’t usually learn anything useful from the television, but last night I did. CHANGE: It made a change
to learn something useful from the television last night.
 Despite usually feeling comfortable when he spoke in public, John felt quite nervous this time. USED:
Even though John was used to speaking in public, John felt quite nervous this time.
 Jill wished she had tried to have a better relationship with her father. GET: Jill regretted not trying to get
on better with her father.
 We protested when Jim offered to pay but he wouldn’t accept our refusal. TAKE: We protested when
Jim offered to pay but he refused to take to for an answer.
 The team are determined to finish the race however tough it is. MATTER: The team are determined to
finish the race not matter how tough it may be.
 Jack did not feel like going to be party. MOOD: Jack was in no mood to go to the party.
 Although we booked a table, it wasn’t necessary because the restaurant was empty. NEED: There was
no need to have made a reservation because the restaurant was empty.
 John resigned because he wants to travel, not because he wants a new job. DO: John’s resignation is
more to do with his desire to travel than wanting a new job.
 Albert’s wife said he had to start being interested in their children’s lives. TIME: Albert’s wife said it was
time he took an interested in their children’s lives.
 I almost didn’t recognize Takeshi because he had lost so much weight. DUE: I hardly recognized
Takeshi due to the amount of weight he’d lost.
 I wish Jack had bought tickets for Venice but we went to Paris instead. RATHER: Jack bought us tickets
to Paris but I would rather have gone to Venice.
 From the time Elena and Alex finished their relationship, they’ve both been sad. SEEING: Ever since
they stopped seeing each other, Alex and Elena have both been sad.
 It was wrong of you not to tell me that information. KEPT: You should not have kept that information
from me.
 The council officer promised to get someone to remove the rubbish. HAVE: The council officer promised
he would have the rubbish taken away.
 The constant public attention on famous people must have an effect on them. EYE: Constantly being in
the public eye must have an effect on famous people.
 This building would be ideal for our new office except that there are no parking facilities nearby. FROM:
This building would be ideal for our new office apart from the lack of parking facilities nearby.
 It’s only because of the quality of the lead singer’s voice that people listen to the album. WORTH: It’s
the quality of the lead singer’s voice that makes the album worth listening to.
 The hotel wasn’t just far from the sea, it was expensive too. ONLY: Not only was the hotel a long way
from the sea, it was expensive too.
 Jenny felt she had stayed too long at the party. HIGH: Jenny felt it was high time she left the party.
 Hannah’s essay doesn’t have a clear enough explanation of the main point to be awarded top marks.
CLEARLY: Hannah’s essay doesn’t explain the main point clearly enough to be awarded top marks.
 Do you mind if John joins us for the meeting? TO: Do you have any objection to John joining us for the
 Dan abandoned his studies at university because he was ill. RESULTED: Dan’s illness resulted in the
abandonment of his studies at university.
 As soon as the tennis players went onto the court, it started raining. HAD: No sooner had the tennis
player gone onto the court than it started raining.
 “We’ll have to postpone the meeting until next week, as a lot of people are on leave,” the manager said.
OFF: The manager said the meeting would have put off until the following week, as a lot of people were
on leave.
 As visibility was getting worse and worse, Bod and Jane had to cut short their sailing trip. BUT: As
visibility was getting worse and worse, Bob and Jane had no other choice but to cut short their sailing
 Please tick this box if you don’t want us to inform you about future events. RATHER: Please tick this
book if you would rather not be sent any information about future events.

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