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Lopez National Comprehensive

High School

“Automated Level and Endurance River Tracker (A.L.E.R.T)”


Dan Jenniel Cedeño

France Quia Belle Vilar

The municipality of Lopez in Quezon, Philippines, is no stranger to the devastating
consequences of riverine flooding. Situated near several rivers and subject to seasonal
rainfall, the community faces recurring threats to life and property. To address this issue,
there is a pressing need to investigate the implementation of water level sensors as part of an
early warning system designed to provide timely alerts about rising river water levels in
Lopez, Quezon. The current early warning system in Lopez relies heavily on manual
observations, a method that is susceptible to human error and may not hold the necessary lead
time for residents to prepare or evacuate. This raises problem: how can water level sensors be
effectively integrated into the existing warning system to enhance its accuracy and
timeliness? There is a research gap when it comes to who’s going to benefit from the project
and using the water level sensor instead of the ultrasonic one, and that is what this study aims
to answer. The researchers seek to enhance the community's resilience against the recurrent
threat of flooding and reduce the potential risks to lives and property. Through the
implementation of advanced sensor technology and real-time data accessibility. The aim to
significantly improve the accuracy and lead time of flood warnings, ensuring that residents
receive timely and reliable alerts

1. What are the efficiency of using A.L.E.R.T for detecting rising river water levels?
2. What are the cause of rising river water of riverine flood?
3. How can the water level sensors determine the speed of the water flow?
4. What is the maximum range that the GSM module can reach?

It is expected in the introduction of A.L.E.R.T will lead to great insights into flood
monitoring, accidents preventing, improvement on disaster alerts, etc on Lopez, Quezon.
This expected outcomes are based on the presumption that the sensing and automation
capabilities of the project will smoothen the process. Sensors will indicate the water level
while the GSM module will send messages to nearby residents and give caution. As
mentioned earlier, another expected outcome is the improvement of flood monitoring. By
using modern technologies and Artificial Intellegence (A.I), the researchers anticipates
greater results compared to the manual methods.

The researchers expects great results for A.L.E.R.T. The researchers anticipates that
the A.L.E.R.T project will provide great insights into flood monitoring, accidents preventing,
improvement on disaster alerts and etc.


This project involves obtaining various components from both online and local
hardware stores, including an Arduino UNO, a 15-foot PVC Pipe, Curved PVC Pipe, Long
jumper wires, Breadboard, SIM900a Module, 3 Water sensors, and 14500 batteries. Essential
tools like screwdrivers, soldering tools, wire strippers, and plywood for the main frames are
also required.

The water sensors are crucial for detecting rising river water levels. Once a sensor
detects water rise, it sends signals to the Arduino UNO and then to the SIM900a module.
Three water sensors are strategically positioned and labeled according to their levels: Level 1
at the lower part of the PVC pipe indicates the initial rise, Level 2 in the middle signals
potential overflow, and Level 3 at the highest point indicates the river has overflowed,
prompting immediate evacuation.
The project aims to understand the Arduino IDE Software thoroughly. This phase
involves delving into the Basic Arduino Program Structure, exploring concepts like Data
Types, Variable Scopes, and essential technical terminology for code creation. Codes tailored
for specific tasks, such as automated water sensing and messaging, will be created using the
Arduino Software IDE.

The central unit of the robot, housing sensors and lights, will utilize the Arduino UNO
board as the Microcontroller. Ensuring disturbance-free connections is crucial for the
system's flawless functioning. The container holds hardware components, including the
SIM900a, Arduino Uno with wire connections, and a battery, working together to power the

To assess the system's efficiency, the project undergoes rigorous testing in various
scenarios, recording observations through a non-linear descriptive method. This approach
provides insights for refining and optimizing the flood monitoring solution.


In accordance with the ethics statement outlined in the book "International Rules for
Pre-College Science Research Guidelines for Science and Engineering Fairs 2022–2023" by
the Society for Science, both student researchers and adults involved in their projects are
expected to uphold the highest ethical standards. These standards encompass various aspects,

A. Integrity: Upholding honesty, objectivity, and avoiding conflicts of interest throughout all
phases of the project. The project should reflect independent research by the student(s), free
from fraudulent data or plagiarism, and represent only one year's work.

B. Respect for Confidentiality and Intellectual Property: Honoring confidential

communications, patents, copyrights, and other forms of intellectual property. The use of
unpublished data, methods, or results requires permission, and proper credit must be given for
all contributions to the research.

C. Acknowledgment of Risks: Recognizing and assessing the hazards and risks associated
with the project, as well as preparing for emergencies.

Engaging in robotics projects involves inherent risks that require careful consideration
and safety precautions. One primary concern is the potential for physical injury due to
moving parts or sharp objects, emphasizing the importance of cautious handling. Electrical
hazards associated with wiring and power sources also exist, necessitating proper
management to prevent accidents. Projects reliant on software carry the risk of data loss or
corruption, underscoring the importance of safeguarding digital information. To mitigate
these risks, several safety measures should be implemented.

Firstly, it is crucial to utilize appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), such as

gloves, safety glasses, and lab coats, to minimize the risk of injury. Proper training in the safe
operation of equipment is essential for both individuals and team members. Conducting a
thorough risk assessment is vital to identify potential hazards and develop effective
mitigation plans.
Adhering to electrical safety practices, including the use of surge protectors or circuit
breakers, can prevent electrical accidents. Familiarity with emergency procedures is essential
to ensure prompt and effective responses to accidents or unforeseen incidents. Moreover,
securing data through regular backups is imperative to prevent loss or corruption.
By implementing these safety measures, individuals involved in robotics projects can
significantly reduce associated risks, creating a safer working environment.
D. Human Participant Protection: The utmost priority is the health and well-being of the
student researcher(s) and human participants.

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