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Automatic Waste Segregator (AWS)

Roy Angelo D. Cantara
Erika Anne Q. Talain
Shannen Rhane Fedelis
“Automatic Waste Segregator (A.W.S)”

One of the current problems here in the philippines is segregating waste. According to the
Philippine News Agency, 61% of Filipino families have frequently segregated their garbage
since July 12, 2023, and because of the situation, improper segregation of waste can cause many
problems in the environment, such as air pollution, waste pollution, land pollution, climate
change, etc. And those are the reasons why the researchers have come up with a solution called
AWS (Automatic Waste Segregator).

Statement of the research problem

This research aims to answer the following questions: (1)Can this robot help peoples in
segregating waste?(2)Can this robot perform its task properly?
1. H1: The A.W.S. will be able to perform its task properly.
H0: The A.W.S. will not be able to perform its task properly.
2. H1:The A.W.S. sensor will be able to sense the waste that the robot picked up.
H0: The A.W.S. sensor will not be able to sense the waste that the robot picked up.
The general objective of this research is to determine how fast will A.W.S. segregate.
Specifically , this research aims to determine how fast will this robot segregates/separates metals,
non metal, plastics, and waste that cannot be detected using the sensor.

Scope and Limitations

This research focuses on segregating metals, non-metals, plastics, and waste that cannot
be detected using the sensor for people who tend to not segregate their waste properly
using the inductive sensor capacitive. This study's limitations focuses on the robot's
functionality, which is to segregate metals, non-metals, plastics, and other objects that
cannot be detected by sensors, not to segregate biodegradable waste and non
biodegradable waste. This is also used for normal-size waste such as cans, plastic bottles,
paper, etc., not for big trash like boxes, large auto parts, etc.
Review of the Related Literature
Automatic Waste Segregator (A.W.S) this robot is used in segregating waste such as
metals, non metals, plastics, and waste that cannot be detected by the sensor.
A device that allows you to regulate a DC motor's speed and direction is a bidirectional
DC motor controller. It functions by modifying the current that passes through the coils of the
motor. The motor can now rotate in both directions as a result (Motion Dynamics, n.d.).
For those who are new to electronics and coding, the Arduino Uno is the ideal board type.
As technology advances, Arduino Boards are crucial to creating intelligent solutions for the futur
e. The Arduino Uno is one of the best boards for beginners because it is simple to use and progra
mme.Now that we have a thorough understanding of every aspect of the Arduino Uno architectur
e, let's dig in(Gupta,n.d.).
Inductive proximity sensor is the sensor that the researchers will use in making this
robot,An inductive proximity sensor is a type of sensor that uses electromagnetic radiation instea
d of physical contact to identify metal targets.An inductive proximity sensor's sensing range vari
es according to the kind of metal it detects(eaton, n.d.).
An electronic device known as an ultrasonic sensor uses ultrasonic sound waves to
measure an object's distance and then transforms the sound waves' reflection into an electrical
signal. The speed of audible sound—that is, sound that people can hear—is slower than that of
ultrasonic waves. The transmitter and receiver are the two primary parts of an ultrasonic sensor.
The transmitter uses piezoelectric crystals to generate sound, and the receiver detects the sound
after it has traveled to and from the target(Just,2019).
Waste is described as resources that are unwanted and unusable and is considered to be
something that has no value. Garbage is another term for waste. Trash is mostly regarded as a
type of solid trash, which comprises wastes from our homes (domestic waste), businesses
(industrial wastes), and schools (municipal wastes)(BYJU'S,n.d.).
This chapter presents the data that the researchers gathered, including the research design,
respondents, data analysis, resources/materials and provenures, and, finally, the anticipated

Research Design
For the research design of Automatic Waste Segregator (A.W.S.), the researchers will use
experimental because this research is about gathering information or data through observations
and trial and error.
Data Analysis and Methods

Tests will be carried out to determine the appropriate measurements, and the
researcher will employ quantitative data analysis for this investigation. The researchers will
employ survey and observation approaches, experimenting with these techniques to get data for
this study.

The people who take out trash and other staff who are in charge of collecting rubbish will
be the study participants. The researchers will be able to determine how beneficial this study will
be for the participants with their assistance. This shows that the study will benefit employees and
garbage collectors will also be demonstrated by the participation.

What are the resources/materials and procedures that you will use to achieve the result?
To achieve the researchers goal in this study, the researchers will be needing
materials/equipments for building the A.W.S. The following materials that the researchers will be
needing are Arduino uno, Bidirectional motors, Ultrasonic sensor, and Inductive proximity
sensor, the researchers will be using these sensor to detect metal and plastic waste. In achieving
the results the researchers also needs to gather some data or information from the internet, books,
and other existing studies so that the researchers will be able to achieve their goals and

Discussion of expected outcomes

It is anticipated that the study would yield important details regarding the effects of
A.W.S. separating bots. Trash collectors and others who will use the A.W.S. bot to separate waste
may find that the study's findings have a big influence. To significantly influence the
environment and observe the value of this A.W.S. research.

BYJU’s.(2023).Source and types of Waste.

Eaton.(n.d.). Inductive proximity sensor.
Gupta, A.(2023).What is Arduino Uno?.
Jost, D.(2019).What is an Ultrasonic Sensor?.
Motion dynamics.(n.d.). Bidirectional Dc Motor.

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