Class 11 Annual 2020 (Comp SC P.ed)

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(Maximum Marks: 70)
(Time allowed: Three hours)
(Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper.
They must NOT start writing during this time)

Answer all questions in Part I (comulsory) and six questions from P'art-11, choosing two questions

from Section-B and two from Section-C.

from Section-A, wo

the sheet the

norking, including rough work, should be done on same as
rest of the answer.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].

PARTI (20 Marks)

Answer all questions
Hhile answering questions in this Part, indicate briefly your working and reasoning,
wherever required.

Question 1

(a) Write the truth table fora 2-input conjunction in proposition. [1

(6) Using NAND gate, draw the logic circuit for an OR gate. [1]

(c) From the logic circuit given below, find the final output expression F.




(d) Find the 1's complement for ( 1001011 )2 using 8 bit representation. (11
(e) If A denotes "has a computer/mobile" and B denotes "uses e-mail", then express 1
the following symbolic forms in statements:

() B->A


This Paper consists of 6 printed pages.

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Copyright reserved
Question 2
Give one exampic
number systems.
between decimal and hexadecimal
(a) Dterentiate
of cach.
Convert the following arithmetic expression into java statement
F-a+ 2c
(c) What are data files? Name the different types of data files.
(d) State the difference betwcen compareTo() and equals() string functions.
What are javapackages? Name any two java packages.

The following is a method /function of some class. Give the output of the function comp) I51
when the value of a =4 and b =7. Show the dry run/working.
void comp( int a, int b)

int an, s, k;
if (a < b)




an =k;

while (an %s!=0)

an +k,

System.out.println(" Answer ="+ an );

PART I1 (50 Marks)
Answer six questions in this
part, choosing fwo questions
Section A, two from Section B and two from
from Section C.
Answer any two questions.
Question 4
Perform the following convcrsions/operations:
() 11011)2 + (110 ) + ( 1001)2
(ii) (74.36 )s + ( 177.6 s (?
(ii) (10111011): 2 )s 21
(iv) (2AB.A )16=( ? » (21
(11101 )2- (1010 )2 = ( ? 2 using 2's complement
(V) 12
(a) A Cricket Association Coach intends to find the possibilities of the team winning a
competition based on the following criteria:

Batsmen perform well and either bowlers or fielders perform well.

All three perform well.

The inputs are:

B Batsmen perform well

F Fielders perform well

D Bowlers perform well

(In all the above cases 1 indicates yes and 0 indicates no.)
X- Denotes [l indicates win and 0 indicates lose in all cases.]
Derive the terms with conjunctive
Draw the truth table for the inputs and outputs.
column. Also, write a
for cach of the true values (1's) from the output
terms with disjunction operators.
propositional expression by joining the
is valid or invalid. 31
(b) Using a truth table, verify if the following proposition
(p=>q)a (q=>p)=(pvq)
Boolean expression using only [21
(c) Draw the logic circuit diagram for the following
NAND gates.
F a.b+ b' + c'.a
Question 6
for sum and
the expressions
(a) How is Half adder different from Full adder? Write
for a Full adder.
carry and draw the logic circuit diagram
(b) State and prove Modus Ponen in proposition.
Draw the truth table for a 3-input XNOR gate. (2
Answer any two questions.
Each program should be written in sucha way that it clearly depicts the logic of theproblem.
This can be achieved by using mnemonic names and comments in the program.
(Flowcharts and Algorithms are not required.)
The programs must be written in Java.

Question 7

A class MyString enables the user to accept a sentence and displays the words beginning [101
and ending with the same alphabet.

Example: EXAMPLE begins and ends with the alphabet 'E

Some of the members of the class are given below:

Class name MyString

Data members/instance variables:

str to store the sentence

Member functions/methods:

MyString() default constructor

void accept( ) to accept a sentence in UPPER case

boolean check( String s) checks the first and last character of the string
and returms true if same, otherwise returns
void show() displays the sentence along with the words
beginning and ending with the same alphabet by
calling the function check()
Define the class MyString giving details of the constructor( ), void accept( ). boolean
check(String) and void show(). Define the main() function to create an object arnd call the
functions accordingly to enable the task.
Question 8
A class NonBound contains a squarc matrix which finds the sum of the non-boundary 101
elements of the matrix.
Some of the members of the class are given below:
Class name Non Bound
Data members/instance variables:
arr[][] array to storc integer
to store the order of the matrix
Member functions/nmethods:
constructor to initialize the data
NonBound( int mm) parameterized
member n=mm

void fillarray() to fill the array clements

the non-boundary
void sum_of_non() finds and displays the sum of
with an appropriate
elements in the matrix
elements in matrix form
void display(). displays the array
constructor(int), void fillarray(),
Define the class NonBound giving details of the to create an object and
Define the main( ) function
Sum_of_non( ) and void display().
call the functions accordingly to enable the task.

Question 9
to the value of [101
the to sort any integer number according
A class ArrangeNum enables

its digits.
Example: Input: 59672
order of their values.
Output: sorting the digits in ascending
25679 after
are given below.
Some of the members of the class
Class name
Data members/instance variables:
:to store the integer number
array to store the digits of the number
Member functions/methods:
to initialize the data member
ArrangeNum( int nn )
extracts the digits of the number and stores it in
void fill_array()
the array
sorts the array elements in ascending order using
void arrange()
any standard sorting techniquue
with the
void show) displays the original number along
elements of the sorted array With an appropriate

Define the class ArrangeNum giving details of the
constructor(int), void fill_array(),
function to create an object and call
void arrange() and void show(). Define the main(()
the fünctions accordingly to enable the task.


Turn over

Answer any wo question

the problem stepwLse.
Each method should be written in such a way that it clearly depicts the logic of
This can be achieved by using mnemonic names and comments in the progran
(Flowcharts and Algorithms are not requircd.)
The methods must be written in Java.

Question 10

(a) Write a Method to return the nth term of a Fibonacci series 2,3,5,8,... [4
using recursive technique.
[Fibonacci series: The sum of the previous two terms is equal to the next term J

The method declaration is as follows:

int fibo( int n)
(b) What is meant by base case in recursion?

Question 11

A text file named "Student.txt" contains the students' names (std) and marks (mks) 4
of number of students.

Write a Method to check and display the names of the students who have secured
more than 75 marks.
The method declaration is as follows:

void check()

(b) State the significance of the statement:

FileWriter fileout new FileWriter("Book.txt", true);

Question 12

Answer the following questions:

What are freeware?
(ii) Explain the term 'Copyright'.
What is ethical hacking?
(iv) What is spamming'?
What is loT?
Class XI (ISC)

Maximum marks: 70
Time: Three hours
*Answers to this question paper musi be wrillen on the answer script provided separately.
miutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT
Candidates are alloued additiomal 1S
start writing during this tim
The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
*The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in hrackets [ .
* Please do not write amthing on your question paper exrcept your name and roll number.
* All subsections of cach question mmust be answered in the correct order.
*Do not copr the questions on your answer script but copy the correct question number.
*Answer am five questions from Section A.
Section B comprises of one question on each game, withfive subparts (a), (b), (c), (d) and
e). Select amy two games from this section. Answer any three ofthe five subparts (a). (b),
c).(d) and (e) from each of the two games selected by you in this Section.

SECTION A (40 Marks)

Answer any five questions.
Question 1
What do you mean by joints? Explain the various types of joints with examples. [2+61
Question 2
Enlist the elements of a balanced diet. Explain any three elements and sources of
a balanced diet in detail. [2+6
Question 3
Enumerate the effects of exercise and training on the circulatory system.

Question 4
Write short notes on the following:
(a) Closing Ceremony of Olympic Games 4
b) Characteristics of Play. 4
Question 5
Discuss the contents and administration of Kraus-Weber Tests in detail.

V-3 This paper consists of three printed pages. Turn over

Define Lecadership. Explain thc desirable qualities ofa leader in the field
of physical education.

What do you mean by the tem 'physique? Explain the classification of body
type of individuals in detail as given by William Hlcrbert Sheldon. [2+6]

SECTION B (30 Marks)

Select any two games,from this section.
Answer any three
of the five subparts (a). (b). (¢), (d) and (e) from each of the two games
selected by you. Each subpart is for 5 marks.

(a) Differentiate between Direct Free Kick and Indirect Free Kick.
(b) Explain the procedure of substitution.

(c) In how many ways is the game restarted in a football match?

(d) Write short notes on each of the following:
(i) Block Tackle
(i) Drop Kick.
(e) Explain the methods of trapping the ball.

(a) Draw a neat diagram of cricket ground and mention any ten fielding positions.
(b) Explain each of the following terms:
(i) Dolly catch (i) Powerplay (ii) Seam
(iv) Hat trick (v) Bouncer.
() Explain the duties of a captain. [5]
(d) In which situations the innings may be closed?

(e) What do you by 'drive'? Enlist the types of drive.


V-3 (2)
Question 10 BASKETBALL
(a) What signals will
the referee
) A give in the
following situations
charged time out
(ii) Stop clock for foul
(i) Substitut ion
(V) Travelling ? (Iv) Three points
(b) () Explain pivoting' in basketball
(ii) Describe
Twenty-four Seconds [5
(c) Explain Three-point Field Goal Area Rule
and No-charge Semicircles.
(d) () Describe the duties of Scorer [5)
and Assistant Scorer.
(1) Enumerate about the
(e) What do you important tournaments. (5
mean by Double Foul and its
penalties? (51

Question 11 VOLLEYBALL
(a) State any five duties of a Coach.
(b) Mention the rules about substitutions
in detail.
(c) Enumerate the
responsibilities of the Captain.
(d) List any five faults that a player is (51
likely to commit during game of
Volleyball. a

(e) Explain the following:

i) Winning a set (i) Intervals and change of courts.

Question 12 BADMINTON

(a) Draw a neat diagram of badminton court for doubles with all its
(b) State the duties
of service
(c) Explain the following terms: [S]
i) Let
(ii) Back Court Return.
(d) Explain the following fundamental skills: [2 +24]
() Drop shot (i) Drive.
(e) State the situations of change of ends.


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