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DATE: APRIL 12, 2022



GENERIC: Diazepam Modulates postsynaptic effects of INDICATION/S: CNS: Drowsiness, fatigue, ataxia, BEFORE
GABA-A transmission, Management of anxiety disorders or for confusion, paradoxic rage, dizziness,
BRAND: Valium increasing presynaptic inhibition. the short-term relief of the symptoms of vertigo, amnesia, vivid dreams, • Verify patient.
Appears to act on part of the anxiety. Anxiety or tension associated headache, slurred speech, tremor; • Check for allergies.
THERAPEUTIC: limbic system, as well as on the with the stress of everyday life usually EEG changes, tardive dyskinesia. • Assess vital signs.
Antianxiety Agents, thalamus and hypothalamus, to does not require treatment with an • Educate the patient about the drug.
Anticonvulsants, induce a calming effect. anxiolytic. In acute alcohol withdrawal. CV: Hypotension, tachycardia,
Sedative/Hypnotics, Skeletal edema, cardiovascular collapse. DURING
Muscle Relaxants (centrally Valium may be useful in the symptomatic
acting) relief of acute agitation, tremor, EENT: Blurred vision, diplopia, • Monitor for adverse reactions.
impending or acute delirium tremens, and nystagmus. • Observe/monitor the patient from time to
PHARMACOLOGIC: hallucinosis. time.
Benzodiazepines GI: Xerostomia, nausea, constipation, • Encourage the patient to verbalize feelings
Valium is a useful adjunct for the relief of hepatic dysfunction. and concerns.
DOSAGE: 10mg skeletal muscle spasms due to reflex
spasms to local pathology (such as Urogenital: Incontinence, urinary AFTER
ROUTE: Oral inflammation of the muscles or joints, or retention, gynecomastia (prolonged • Assess vital signs.
secondary to trauma), spasticity caused use), menstrual irregularities, • Assess for any adverse reactions.
by upper motor neuron disorders (such as ovulation failure. • Encourage the patient to immediately report
cerebral palsy and paraplegia), athetosis, any untoward reactions to the physician/nurse.
and stiff-man syndrome. SKIN: Rashes

Oral Valium may be used adjunctively in Respiratory: Hiccups, coughing,

convulsive disorders, although it has not laryngospasm.
proved useful as the sole therapy.
Other: Pain, venous thrombosis,
phlebitis at the injection site.

Valium is contraindicated in patients with

a known hypersensitivity to diazepam
and, because of lack of sufficient clinical
experience, in pediatric patients under 6
months of age. Valium is also
contraindicated in patients with
myasthenia gravis, severe respiratory
insufficiency, severe hepatic
insufficiency, and sleep apnea syndrome.
It may be used in patients with open-
angle glaucoma who are receiving
appropriate therapy but is contraindicated
in acute narrow-angle glaucoma.


GENERIC: Phytonadione (Vitamin Fat-soluble naphthoquinone INDICATION/S: CNS: Headache (after an oral dose), BEFORE
K) derivative chemically identical to brain damage, death.
and with similar activity as naturally Blood clotting; prevents hemorrhagic • Prepare medication properly.
BRAND: Mephyton occurring vitamin K. Vitamin K is disease of the newborn (HDN). GI: Gastric upset. Hematologic: • Hold the infant’s leg tightly.
essential for hepatic biosynthesis of Paradoxic hypoprothrombinemia • Educate the mother about the
CLASS: Vitamins blood clotting Factors II, VII, IX, (patients with severe liver disease), medication.
and X CONTRAINDICATION/S: severe hemolytic anemia.
synthesis of clotting factors by an Hypersensitivity to AquaMEPHYTON; METABOLIC:
unknown mechanism. Do not reverse severe liver disease. Hyperbilirubinemia, kernicterus. • Administer via IM injection,
the anticoagulant action of heparin. Respiratory: Bronchospasm, anterolateral aspect of thigh or
Reportedly demonstrates a wide dyspnea, the sensation of chest deltoid region is preferred.
margin of safety when used in constriction, respiratory arrest.
newborns. Skin: Pain at the injection site, • Aspirate carefully to avoid IV
hematoma and nodule formation, injection
erythematous skin eruptions (with
DOSAGE: 0.5-1 mg immediately repeated injections). AFTER
after delivery Special Senses: Peculiar taste
sensation. • Apply gentle pressure to the site
ROUTE: IM/SC, Can also be given following injection.
by mouth as drops, but doses aren’t
as effective • Monitor for any untoward


GENERIC: Tranexamic Acid Tranexamic acid competitively INDICATION/S: CNS: Dizziness BEFORE
inhibits activation of plasminogen
BRAND: Lysteda (via binding to the Kringle domain), Treatment of excessive bleeding resulting EENT: Visual abnormalities • Check the Doctor’s Order
thereby reducing the conversion of from systemic or local hyperfibrinolysis > • Verify Patient
CLASS: Antihemophilic Agent plasminogen to plasmin prophylaxis in patients with coagulopathy CV: Hypotension, • Check for allergies
(fibrinolysin), an enzyme that undergoing surgical procedures. thromboembolism thrombosis • Observe the 10 rights of
THERAPEUTIC: Hemostatic degrades fibrin clots, fibrinogen, administering medications.
Agent and other plasma proteins, including Treatment of excessive bleeding resulting Gl: Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting • Educate the patient about the
the procoagulant factors V and VIII from systemic or local hyperfibrinolysis. medication.

PHARMACOLOGIC: A: 100% bioavailable with IV DURING

Antifibrinolytic administration D: Penetrates readily CONTRAINDICATION/S:
into the joint fluid and synovial Hypersensitivity, Active Intravascular, • Administer medication as ordered.
DOSAGE: membranes M and E. 95% excreted Clotting, Acquired defective color vision, • Monitor for any untoward
Maximum dose: 1g IV unchanged the in urine Subarachnoid, Hemorrhage. reactions.
Minimum Dose: 0.5g IV • Do not use this medication without
Onset. Unknown telling your doctor if you are
ROUTE: IVTT breastfeeding a baby
Peak. Unknown Duration: 7-8hours
Drug Half-Life: 6 hours

• Instruct the patient to immediately

report any untoward reactions to the
physician or nurse.
• Advise patient to take the
medication exactly as directed.
• Store this medication at room
temperature away from moisture and


GENERIC: Bacillus Calmette- BCG vaccine is an attenuated strain INDICATION/S: CNS: malaise, fever BEFORE
Guerin live of bacillus Calmette-Guerin
Mycobacterium Bovis used as a Active immunization against tuberculosis. GI: nausea, vomiting, anorexia, • Check the Doctor’s Order
BRAND: TICE BCG biological response modifier. It is diarrhea • Verify patient
THERAPEUTIC: Antituberculotic also used as an active Prophylaxis of carcinoma in situ of the • Check for allergies
Immunotherapy for the treatment of urinary bladder. GU: dysuria, urinary frequency, • Educate the mother about the
PHARMACOLOGIC: Biological bladder carcinoma in situ by hematuria, cystitis, urinary urgency, benefits of immunization.
Response Modifier Causing a local, chronic Prophylaxis of primary Ta and/orT1 nocturia, urinary incontinence,
inflammatory response involving papillary tumors following transurethral urinary tract infection, cramps, pain, DURING
DOSAGE: 0.05mL macrophage and leukocyte resection. decreased bladder capacity,
infiltration of the bladder, resulting nephrotoxicity, genital pain • Check for Doctor’s order
ROUTE: Intradermal in the destruction of superficial Prophylaxis of recurrent Ta and/orT1 • Administer intradermally on the
tumor cells of the urothelium. papillary tumors following transurethral HEMATOLOGIC: anemia, deltoid area.
resection. leukopenia • Observe sterility in administering
the medication
Treatment of carcinoma in situ of the HEPATIC: liver dysfunction
urinary bladder. AFTER
CONTRAINDICATION/S: arthralgia • Instruct parents about the potential
reactions and report any occurrence.
Hypersensitivity. Impaired immune OTHER: hypersensitivity reaction,
response, Congenital or acquired | Immune chills; disseminated mycobacterial • Instruct the parents on good
deficiencies (e.g., HIV-infection, leukemia, infection; lymphadenopathy (Tice personal hygiene and to keep
lymphoma cancer therapy, Hodgkin's BCG) vaccination up to date.
disease), active tuberculosis, acute severe
febrile illness, generalized infected skin
conditions, current or previous _ evidence of
BCG infection, urinary tract infection, gross
hematuria, <14 days of biopsy, TUR, or
traumatic catheterization Concomitant
therapy with immunosuppressive agents,
bone marrow depressants, antibiotics
radiation therapy


GENERIC: Xylocaine (lidocaine) Similar to those of procainamide INDICATION/S: CNS: Drowsiness, dizziness, light- BEFORE
and quinidine, but has little effect on headedness, restlessness, confusion,
BRAND: Lidopen myocardial contractility, AV and Prevention and control of pain in procedures disorientation, irritability, • Check Doctor’s Order
intraventricular conduction, cardiac involving the male and female urethra apprehension, euphoria, wild • Verify Patient
CLASS: Local Anesthetic output, and systolic arterial pressure excitement, numbness of lips or • Assess Pain level
in equivalent doses. Exerts tongue, and other paresthesia • Assess Injection site
THERAPEUTIC: It prevents pain antiarrhythmic action (Class IB) by including sensations of heat and • Prepare medications
by blocking the signals at the nerve suppressing automaticity in the His- CONTRAINDICATION/S: cold, chest heaviness, difficulty in • Educate the patient about the
endings in the skin. Purkinje system and by elevating speaking, difficulty in breathing or function of the medication
the electrical stimulation threshold Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase swallowing, muscular twitching,
PHARMACOLOGIC: Stabilizes of the ventricle during diastole. (G6PD) deficiency tremors, psychosis. With high DURING
the neuronal membrane by inhibiting Action as a local anesthetic is more methemoglobinemia, a type of blood doses: convulsions, respiratory
the ionic fluxes required for the prompt, more intense, and longer- disorder depression, and arrest. • Assess injection site
initiation and conduction of lasting than that of procaine. a type of slowed heart rhythm disorder • Monitor for any untoward reactions
impulses, thereby giving local called heart block CV: With high doses, hypotension, • Instruct patient to verbalize
anesthetic action. decreased lung function bradycardia, conduction disorders feelings and concerns.
liver problems including heart
DOSAGE: 10mL seizures block, cardiovascular collapse, and
a condition where the body is unable to cardiac arrest. AFTER
ROUTE: Intramuscular maintain adequate blood flow called shock
large open wound Special Senses: Tinnitus, decreased • Assess injection site
anemia from pyruvate kinase and G6PD hearing; blurred or double vision, • Assess pain level
deficiencies impaired color perception. • Instruct the patient to immediately
sepsis. report any untoward reactions to the
SKIN: Site of topical application physician or nurse.
may develop erythema and edema.

GI: Anorexia, nausea, vomiting.

Body as a Whole: Excessive

perspiration, soreness at IM site,
local thrombophlebitis (with
prolonged IV infusion),
hypersensitivity reactions (urticaria,
rash, edema, anaphylactoid


GENERIC: Carboprost Carboprost is a synthetic INDICATION/S: CNS: headache, anxiety, hot BEFORE
Tromethamine prostaglandin. It binds the flashes, paresthesia, syncope,
prostaglandin E2 receptor, causing In patients with a history of asthma, hypo- weakness, fever. • Assess vital signs
BRAND: Hemabate myometrial contractions, causing or hypertension, cardiovascular, renal, or • Check for allergies
the induction of labor or the hepatic disease, anemia, jaundice, diabetes, CV: chest pain, arrhythmias, • Check Doctor’s order and verify
THERAPEUTIC: Abortifacient expulsion of the placenta. or epilepsy flushing. the patient.
Prostaglandins occur naturally in the
PHARMACOLOGIC: body and act at several sites in the Hepatic Impairment and Renal Impairment EENT: blurred vision, eye pain. DURING
Prostaglandin body including the womb (uterus).
They act on the muscles of the GI: vomiting, diarrhea, nausea. • Assist patient in taking medication
DOSAGE: 250mcg/mL womb, causing them to contract. CONTRAINDICATION/S: if needed.
• Monitor for any adverse reactions.
GU: endometritis, uterine rupture,
ROUTE: IM Incomplete abortion, trauma; Benzyl alcohol • Instruct patient to verbalize
uterine or vaginal pain.
hypersensitivity; Infection; Caesarean feelings and concerns.
section, surgery; Chorioamnionitis; Cardiac
Musculoskeletal: backache.
disease, hypertension; Hypotension;
Asthma, pulmonary disease; Anemia, AFTER
Respiratory: cough, wheezing.
diabetes mellitus, hepatic disease, jaundice,
renal disease, seizure disorder • Assess the effectiveness of the
Skin: rash, diaphoresis. medications
Children, infants, neonates, Pregnancy and • Monitor for adverse effects
Breast-feeding Other: chills, breast tenderness, leg • Instruct the patient to immediately
cramps. notify the physician or nurse of the
occurrence of adverse reactions.
GENERIC: Oxytocin Injection It increases the sodium permeability INDICATION/S: Body as a Whole: Fetal trauma BEFORE
of uterine myofibrils, indirectly from too rapid propulsion through
BRAND: Pitocin stimulating the contraction of the Stimulation of uterine contraction during the the pelvis, fetal death, postpartum • Check the Doctor’s order
uterine smooth muscle. The uterus third stage of labor and control of hemorrhage, edema • Verify patient
THERAPEUTIC: Uterine- Active responds to oxytocin more readily in postpartum bleeding or hemorrhage. • Assess vital signs and FHR
the presence of high estrogen CV: Fetal bradycardia, increased • Educate the patient about the
PHARMACOLOGIC: Posterior concentrations and with the blood flow, ECG changes medication.
Pituitary Hormone increased duration of pregnancy. CONTRAINDICATION/S:
GI: Nausea, vomiting
DOSAGE: 10 units/mL Hypersensitivity to oxytocin, Significant DURING
cephalometric disproportion, fetal GU: Abruption placentae, tetanic
ROUTE: IV/IM intolerance of labor, Hypertonic uterine uterine contractions, postpartum • Administer medication as ordered.
patterns., Anticipated nonvaginal delivery. hemorrhage, uterine rupture, • Monitor any untoward reactions.
impaired uterine blood flow, pelvic • Promote relaxation, techniques
hematoma, and increased uterine needed to reduce pain.
motility. • Promote comfort.


• Monitor any changes in vital signs

and FHR
• Provide safety measures such as
side rails and adequate lighting.
• Provide comfort such as voiding
before dosing or taking the food
with a drug.
• Instruct the patient to immediately
notify the physician or nurse of the
occurrence of adverse reactions.

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