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‘Course outtine ‘sae 2: resntation ane tac 6: Yat Pract Sy tact 10 Spates in ‘Wook & Communication sls '3:Viinnonvoroa and aural Week: nterpersnal Weck interpersonal Wook & Developing ey wos ‘oreatwy eter tng Ged prebem sahing Week 7: Motion bersuason egolaion end Wook scant and sities ‘ext Warserois Books ‘About the Course Assignment 2 ‘Ted date for suming this asgnment ha passa Due on 2020-02-12, 23:58 IST. 'As per ourrecores you have not submtoa ths assent 9) presentation i a form of eral communication in which person shares factual nfmation vvthan audience tha ie generally i Specife i Small si Lage i Mined to, america Sear ‘Accented Aree: 2 To uakeapresctation effective and impressive, you should use ‘A. Techsicl seatnces beyond the comprehension of aeace B. Simple and active form of sentences © Complex sesences DB. Sentences wih nny jrgocs Only &D me corect, Only C&D areconext tii, Only Bis comect Only BAC ave corect. ‘conte Anewor 8) Tobe ableto give a good preseatation fl eheasal i A Necessary B Unease . Avsience based 1D. Optional aly Ai comet Only A C&D are concet Only A & B are comect Oaly Cs coset, to, anor isicore. secre omnes: © When te autience is er laze itis wise to ‘A. Look into eyes of every indedoal 1B. Divide audience sao usin space and look a those waite © Juslook at stasgt diection D. Jasookroward he celine i Only Biscomect i Only. C&D are conect iii AIA,B.C&Dareconect, we OnlyB, C&D arecomect ‘copie Anewors ©) Which of the ellowina indicates that your presentation ena interesting? “A. Blank stares of anience 1B Fend of muence in thee hand C Crossed legeed 'D. Proper e contact 1 OntyD is correct, & OnyA BAC are cones AILA,B.C& Dare corect, Be OnlyB. C& Dare conect te, anomeric. ‘Accented Aree: © The fs impzession ofthe presenter hisher clothes, style, voice ec plays a very important sole ia uupresing the audscnce i Te False t,o anes ‘Aecentes Aree: 7) Which of the following ican eal porta hile precetin? 4. Lean on things Hiding besa the lectrs Folding your ans arose soar chest Standing up seaaht ‘econo Anewor "Wc of tae following statement is INCORRECT? TImages can expres sense of pity Tnmages can expres sons of oct Tages can expres emotien None ofthe above BER. ‘Accent Answers: ° Read te following statements and choose the CORRECT cption. i. Ifthe poston ofthe images and tents are changed, they might produce diffeent interpretations. A Stae tots can act as images and es ats. SS Taconciete port, tens ata ators Is. None of the above ‘Accented Aree: 9) Which ofthe follwing word is communication deived fom? to, anor iio. scopes owes: @ Which types of communicators are direct, straightforward and like to express their honest epinoas? ‘Noble communicator Socratiseommiicator ‘Reflective commuieator None ofthe bore oe ‘conte Anewors 8 Which kindof commoniatar is po Hstenee™ i. Noble communicator i Socratic commanicatoe i, Reflecuve communicate Allof dhe above e e snmer icone ‘Accented Aree: 'S) Am effective group occurs when the members have and recognize that ther personal succes i dependent on the succes of ots i similar jobe ‘conan work envizoement the same leader ‘como zoel ‘Accent Answers: "4 Ip Fisher's model of group progression, in which stage does the group members get to [know one anther and come up withthe problems they bave convened 9 deal with? i Conftits is Emergence i Oneniation fe Reinforcement ‘Aecente Answers: 9 isan importa htc which helps a group to function effectively 4 Amine Good slationship fit Personality Presentation eal eset Arar: 1 point ome 1 point 1 ome 1 point + pom: + pom: ‘ome 1 point 1 ome ‘ome ‘ome

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