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Health and Hygiene

1. The human body has 206 bones of various shapes and sizes.
2. Bones give shape,firmness to the body and protects vital organs like
brain,heart,lungs,spinal cord,etc.
3. Bones and classified according to shapes as Long bones, short bones,
flat bones, irregular bones, sesamoid bones.
4. Sesamoid bones develop in the tendons of the muscles around the
5. Heart is the most important organ of blood circulation.
6. Muscular system consists of voluntary, involuntary and cardiac types 0f
7. Voluntary muscles are attached to surface of bones and cardiac
muscles form main part of heart wall.
8. Involuntary muscles are controlled by Autonomic Nervous System.
9. Blood is known as the transport system of the body.
10. The components of blood are Haemoglobin, RBC, WBC & platelets.
11. Types of blood vessels are veins, arteries and capillaries.
12. Arteries carry pure blood from heart to all parts of body.
13. Excretion is the process by which waste products are removed out of
14. Skin removes waste in the form of sweat.
15. Main organs of urinary system are kidneys, ureters,urinary
16. Main components of personal hygiene are sleep, bathing,eating and
drinking, care of skin,hair,teeth,exercise.
17. Clarification is the removal of suspended matter through filtration by
passing it through filter beds of gravel and sand or sterilized filters.
18. Potassium permanganate is used for pinking of wells.
19. Sterilization is done by chlorine gas or bleaching powder.
20. Pasteurization is heating milk at very high temperature ,temp 130 C
( 1-2 sec) to destroy the pathogens.
21. Sanitation means keeping living areas and surroundings clean.
22. The 3R’s are Recycle, reuse and reduce.
23. Domestic refuse consists of ash,rubber and garbage.
24. Hospital wastes are disposed in the process of inceneration.
25. Name the diseases spread by the following carrier insects –
Mosquito- Malaria, Dengue and filarial.
Sandfly- Sand fly fever, Kala Zar, Oreiental Sore
Lice- typhus, relapsing fever
Ticks- relapsing fever , typhus
26. Dysentry, diaorreah,jaundice,cholera are 4 water borne diseases.
27. Rabies is an animal borne disease caused by rabid dog.
28. Name the vaccines to prevent following diseases;
Rabies – Inj Rabipur
Typhoid-Inj TAB
Hepatitis B- Inj Hepatitis ‘B’
Tetanus- Inj TT
Polio- Oral polio
29. Asphyxia is a condittion that occurs when anything interferes with
respiration producing irregularities in breathing.
30. Causes of asphyxia are suffocation, drowning, hanging and
31. First stage of unconsciousness is called delirium.
32. The patient responds minimum to maximum stimulus is Semi coma i.e
3rd stage of unconsciousness.
33. Few causes of coma can be head injury, brain hameorrhage, heart
failure, epilepsy, hysteria,etc
34. Wound caused by sharp object like razor is called inside wound.
35. A contusion is an injury in which some tissues or a part is irregularly
torn or ruptured but the skin may not be broken.
36. Lacerated wound is caused by blunt objects.
37. Fracture is a discontinuity in bone resulting in dissolution of
supporting framework of the body.
38. The 8 fold path of yoga was made by Sage Patanjali and they are
Yama, niyama, asana, pranayama,pratyahara,
39. Expand the following abbreviations –
DTL- Deep Trench Latrines
STL- Shallow Trench Latrines
MBSR- Mindfulness based stress reduction
40. There are 12 steps in Suryanamaskar
41. Name any 10 Asanas.
42. Write the first aid in case of simple, compound fractures and in case of
43. Write the first aid incase of snake bite and dogbite.
44. Discuss different types of food hygiene.
45. List various organ systems and their importance.

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