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SAD Unit 1

System: a set of elements arranged in an orderly manner to accomplish

an objective.
• A System means an organized relationship among functioning units
or components.
• It is an orderly grouping of interdependent components linked
together according to a plan to achieve a specific objective.
• The word System is derived from Greek word Systema, which means
an organized relationship between any set of components to
achieve some common cause or objective.
• Systems analysis and design is a systematic approach to identify
• Problems
• Opportunities
• Objectives
• analyzing the information flows in organizations;
• designing computerized information systems to solve a problem
Analysis: The process by which an individual studies a system such that
an information system can be analyzed, modeled and a logical
alternative can be chosen. The different sources from which we can
gather information are books, internet, news and by communication.
Design: An outline, sketch or a plan that is to be executed or
constructed. Design comes from Latin word Designare that means to
draw a plan.

System Concept
• A System is a set of components that interact with one another and
serve for a common purpose or goal.
• Basically, there are three major components in every system, namely
input, processing and output

Input Output

Types of System
1) Open and Closed System
• An open system must interact with its environment. It receives
inputs from and delivers outputs to the outside of the system. For
example, an information system which must adapt to the changing
environmental conditions.
• A closed system does not interact with its environment. It is
isolated from environmental influences. A completely closed
system is rare in reality.

2) Abstract and Physical System

 Abstract System: is conceptual, a product of a human mind. That
is, it cannot be seen or pointed to as an existing entity. Social,
cultural systems are abstract systems. None of them can be
photographed, drawn or otherwise physically pictured. However,
they do exist and can be discussed, studied and analyzed.
 Physical System: in contrast, has a material nature. It is based on
material basis rather than on ideas or theoretical notions.
3) Natural and Manufactured System
• Natural systems occur in nature, e.g., solar system, whereas
manmade systems are specially created for specific objectives,
e.g., defense system, telephone system, accounting system,
production system, etc.

4) Man Made Information Systems

 It is an interconnected set of information resources to manage data
for particular organization, under Direct Management Control
 This system includes hardware, software, communication, data,
and application for producing information according to the need of
an organization.
Man-made information systems are divided into three types −
 Formal Information System − It is based on the flow of
information in the form of memos, instructions, etc., from top
level to lower levels of management.
 Informal Information System − This is employee-based system
which solves the day-to-day work-related problems.
 Computer Based System − This system is directly dependent on
the computer for managing business applications. For example,
automatic library system, railway reservation system, banking
system, etc.

Properties of a System
A system has the following properties −
Organization implies structure and order. It is the arrangement of
components that helps to achieve predetermined objectives.
It is defined by the manner in which the components operate with each
For example, in an organization, purchasing department must interact
with production department and payroll with personnel department.
Interdependence means how the components of a system depend on
one another. For proper functioning, the components are coordinated
and linked together according to a specified plan. The output of one
subsystem is the required by other subsystem as input.
Integration is concerned with how system components are connected
together. It means that the parts of the system work together within
the system even if each part performs a unique function.
Central Objective
The objective of system must be central. It may be real or stated. It is
not uncommon for an organization to state an objective and operate to
achieve another.
The users must know the main objective of a computer application
early in the analysis for a successful design and conversion.

System Elements:
Brief overview of each element
1. Input: Information entered into system
2. Processor: Operational component that involves actual
transformation of input to output
3. Output: Outcome of processing
4. Feedback: It provides the control in a dynamic system. It can be
positive or negative.
5. Control: It guides the system. And acts as a decision-making
6. Environment: A supersystem in which a system/organization
7. Boundaries and interfaces: Boundaries are limits that identify its
components, processes and interrelates when it interfaces with
another system

Introduction to SDLC
System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a conceptual model which
includes policies and procedures for developing or altering systems
throughout their life cycles.
SDLC is used by analysts to develop an information system. SDLC includes
the following activities −
 requirements
 design
 implementation
 testing
 deployment
 operations
 maintenance
Phases of SLDC:
• Planning
• Analysis
• Design
• Implementation
• Maintenance
Advantages and Disadvantages of SDLC


1. With an SDLC Model, developers will have a clear idea on

what should be or shouldn’t be built. Since they already
have an idea on the problems that should be answered, a
detailed plan could be created following a certain SDLC
2. With an SDLC model, developers could even create a
program that will answer different problems at the same
time. Since everything will be laid out before a single code is
written, the goal is clear and could be implemented on time.
3. Although there is a great possibility of deviation from the
plan, a good project manager will take care of that concern.
4. With an SDLC Model, programs built will have a clear
documentation of development, structure and even coding.
In case there are problems once the program is adopted for
public use, developers will always have the documentation
to refer to when they need to look for any loopholes.
Instead of testing it over and over again which will stop the
implementation for a while, developers will just look at the
documentation and perform proper maintenance program.

This means SDLC will breathe more life to the program. Instead of
frustrating developers in work if something goes wrong, SDLC will make
sure everything goes smoothly. It will also be a tool for maintenance,
ensuring the program created will last for a long time.


Thinking about the disadvantages of a SDLC model is like looking for a

needle in the haystack. But the closest disadvantage anyone could think
of SDLC is:

1. The difference between what is written in paper and what is

actually implemented. There are things that are happening in the
actual work that the paper doesn’t see. This gives a good
impression for the clients especially for 3rd party developers but
when the software is actually launched it’s on a very bad
situation. The actual situation of software development could be
covered by fancy paperwork of SDLC.
2. Another disadvantage of a program or software that follows the
SDLC program is it encourages stiff implementation instead of
pushing for creativity in different software. Although there are
SDLC models where programmers could apply their creative
juices, it’s always in the realm of what is needed instead of freely
implementing what the developers think of necessary in the
present environment.

There are so many things that could be done by developers if there are
no boundaries or limitations in what should be developed.

Considerations for system planning and control for system success

System planning and control are essential for the success of any system
implementation. By carefully planning and controlling the system, we
can increase the chances of achieving the goals and objectives.

Here are some considerations for system planning and control:

 Clarity of goals and objectives. What do we hope to achieve by

implementing the new system? What are we specific goals and
objectives? Having a clear understanding of we goals will help we
to choose the right system and to measure the success of the
 Risk assessment. What are the potential risks associated with the
system implementation? How will we mitigate these risks? By
identifying and mitigating risks, we can reduce the chances of
problems occurring.
 Resource planning. What resources will we need to implement
the system? This includes people, time, and money. By carefully
planning we resources, we can ensure that we have what we need
to complete the project successfully.
 Communication plan. How will we communicate with
stakeholders throughout the system implementation process?
This includes keeping them informed about progress, addressing
concerns, and resolving issues.
 Change management plan. How will we manage change within we
organization? Change can be difficult, so it's important to have a
plan for managing change throughout the implementation
 Testing plan. How will we test the new system? This is an
important step that should be carefully planned and executed.
 Go-live plan. How will we launch the new system? Go-live is a
critical moment, so it's important to have a plan in place for
making the transition to the new system as smooth as possible.

System Planning
Planning: Planning is the process of establishing the goals and
objectives of a project and determining the resources and actions
needed to achieve those goals.
The planning system involves the management, control and regulation
of development, balancing public and private development needs with
the protection of amenity, and the environment in the wider public
Planning for information system development must be done within the
framework of the organization’s overall plan. It may be viewed from
two dimensions:

The time horizon dimension specifies whether it is short range, medium

range or long-range plan.
The focus dimension tells whether the primary concern is strategic,
managerial or operational.
Strategic Planning
Strategic planning is an orderly approach that determines the basic
objectives, the strategies and policies needed to achieve the objectives,
and the plans to implement the strategies. The first task in strategic
planning is to set the objectives and the results expected. The
objectives must be set in such a way that they meet the organization’s
needs. Once the objectives are set, policies are defined as a guideline to
carry out the plan. These policies are in turn translated into long-range,
medium-range and short-range plans for implementation.

Dimensions of Planning
The operating plan requires more user involvement to define the
system requirements. System development must support
organizational objectives as laid out in the corporate plan. System
development must also identify and select applications that are the
organization’s priorities. The 3 stages for planning are:
 Strategic system planning – establishing relationships between the
organization plan and the plan for a candidate system.
 Information requirements analysis – identifying organization
requirements to direct the specific application of system development
 Resource allocation – determining hardware, software,
telecommunications, facilities, personnel and financial resources to
execute the development of the system.
Thus, planning for system development activities is a major aspect.
Broad corporate strategic objectives should be the basis for system
development objectives, which specify the goals in the form of specific
action plans. Formalizing the planning process makes it easier to
reorient and gain the support of upper, middle and operating
management for candidate systems. The following figure shows a top-
down approach to planning, the relationship between the corporate
strategic plan and the goals and activities of the system development

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