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Writing coursework, especially on a specific topic like the Change of Sign Method for C3

coursework, can be challenging for many students. It requires a deep understanding of the subject
matter, strong analytical skills, and the ability to articulate ideas effectively. Here are some reasons
why students may find it difficult:

1. Complexity of the Topic: The Change of Sign Method in C3 coursework involves advanced
mathematical concepts that may be challenging for students to grasp.
2. Research and Analysis: Students often need to conduct extensive research to gather relevant
information and data for their coursework. Analyzing the data and drawing meaningful
conclusions can be time-consuming and requires critical thinking.
3. Time Constraints: Balancing coursework with other academic and personal responsibilities
can be difficult. Meeting deadlines adds pressure, making it challenging for students to invest
sufficient time in research and writing.
4. Writing Skills: Not all students have strong writing skills. Crafting a well-structured and
coherent coursework document requires proficiency in expressing ideas, using proper
academic language, and adhering to formatting guidelines.

Given these challenges, seeking assistance from external sources can be a viable option. ⇒ ⇔ is mentioned as a potential solution. However, it's important to note that using
external help should be done ethically, and students must ensure that they understand and can present
the content in their own words.

When recommending a writing service, it's crucial to emphasize responsible usage. Ordering
assistance should be seen as a supplement to one's own efforts, helping students learn and improve
their skills rather than as a shortcut to avoid the learning process. Additionally, students should
choose services that prioritize originality, ensuring that the work is plagiarism-free and adheres to
academic integrity standards.

In conclusion, while coursework writing can be challenging, seeking help should be approached with
care and responsibility. If students choose to use external assistance, they should do so with the
intention of supplementing their learning and improving their understanding of the subject matter.
The formulae that are entered into this spreadsheet are the same that would be applied in a successful
Newton Raphson investigation (see above). As shown on the graph below, this equation creates a
cobweb effect when these lines are drawn. The iterative formula calculates these values as they
converge. Again, the Newton-Raphson method will be applied to determine the root. The other
benefit of autograph is that there are certain functions that can be used, such as the Newton Raphson
lines and g(x) iteration lines can be drawn on the graph in autograph. Below, the formula which I
typed into my spreadsheet are shown. It is therefore necessary to find the points of intersection.
However, the spreadsheet is easy to set up and use. Change of sign method - Finding a root by using
change of sign method. Here is a graph and an integer search showing where the roots of this
equation are so that I have a number to start with. Therefore, we might miss the other two after
finding the first one. Furthermore, to find an error bound for increased accuracy, decimal search
needs to be carried out, again adding to the amount of work required. Also two graphs have to be
drawn, which did not prove to be difficult for me using autograph, but by hand, there is more chance
of error. For example if there are three roots between two integers, the spreadsheets can only find one
of those roots and so. However, if we do the integer search, we can only get 1 change of sign. A
tangent to the curve, at this point will be drawn. The computer was much easier to use because it has
a larger screen which I can zoom in on, and more than one thing can be looked at at one time.
Otherwise, it is possible for us to miss the other roots. I will also use the positive value for this
iteration as the root I am looking for is above zero. See other similar resources ?2.00 (no rating) 0
reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. However, the use of a
sketch graph can avoid these problems. As we can see from the close up of my graph below, tangents
are used to get an increasingly more accurate value for my root. Some computer programs, such as
Autograph, can carry out the iterations for you, which, if they are available to you, can make it easier
to use than a decimal search. It can also be subject to failure, for example, if the initial estimate is
made too far from the required root. If further accuracy is required, consecutives values could then
be found in increments of 0.01 and 0.001, until a change of accuracy is found, therefore giving one
root of the equation. For the spreadsheets I use edexcel, which was easy to use and much more
efficient than trying to work out f(x) or g(x) for each line. This method is similarly easy as the
Newton raphson method however is more likely to take more iterations. This method was very easy
to use with a spreadsheet and graphing software. To ensure that this is so, I will differentiate the
iterative formula, and check that the x 0 value gives a result that is less than one. The more steps I
do, then closer to the exact root value I will get.
When the line met the curve, a tangent is drawn and extended until it meets the x-axis and it is a new
point on the x-axis, called X 3, which is equal to -3.5566. From looking at a graph of my equation I
can find two integers that my root lies between, then from there, using spreadsheets, I can use the
change of sign method to discover where the root lies to five decimal places. It is first necessary to
look for a change of sign between integer values so as to choose a suitable starting value. It is
therefore necessary to find the points of intersection. This is the equation that is then typed into my
spreadsheet, shown above. Here is the table showing how the iterative formula has been used.
However, it continues infinitely upwards, as shown below. However, when we look at the graph with
the iteration cobweb on, we can see that in fact the cobweb spirals the wrong way, and continuously
moves outwards, away from the root, regardless of which integer we chose to start from. The
gradient can be shown to be greater than one with calculus as well. If further accuracy is required,
consecutives values could then be found in increments of 0.01 and 0.001, until a change of accuracy
is found, therefore giving one root of the equation. However, if we do the integer search, we can only
get 1 change of sign. If I look at the numbers that are present in the spreadsheet once the equation
has been entered, we can find the root to a give number of decimal places. This process is repeated
until the desired accuracy is achieved. Repeating the former process will cause the values where the
line meets each of the two equations to come closer together until they converge at the point where
the two curves intersect, and therefore at a root. Each method is explained with examples, and the
key element assessed are highlighted. ?5.00 Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is
required to reflect your happiness. Here is the table showing how the iterative formula has been used.
A tangent to the curve, at this point will be drawn. Since the equation of a straight line can be
written. Some computer programs, such as Autograph, can carry out the iterations for you, which, if
they are available to you, can make it easier to use than a decimal search. Therefore, we might miss
the other two after finding the first one. A tangent to the curve, at this point will be drawn.
However, if we look at the spreadsheet for the change of sign method, we can see that in fact, only
one root is found between these two values. Also two graphs have to be drawn, which did not prove
to be difficult for me using autograph, but by hand, there is more chance of error. Here is a graph and
an integer search showing where the roots of this equation are so that I have a number to start with.
Where this tangent cuts the x-axis, will be my next approximation of the root. The Newton Raphson
and rearrangement methods were both very quick to converge, however the Newton Raphson found
it in 4 rows, whereas the rearrangement took 5. This is due to its speed, ease to use and likelihood
not to fail. The other benefit of autograph is that there are certain functions that can be used, such as
the Newton Raphson lines and g(x) iteration lines can be drawn on the graph in autograph. However
this method fails many times and more than one iterative formula was required to find all the roots of
the equation.
Here is a graph and an integer search showing where the roots of this equation are so that I have a
number to start with. This reason is that the two points are too close to each other. If I look at the
numbers that are present in the spreadsheet once the equation has been entered, we can find the root
to a give number of decimal places. Furthermore, to find an error bound for increased accuracy,
decimal search needs to be carried out, again adding to the amount of work required. These roots are
unable to be found, and therefore the method fails for some equations. The value of g'(x) at this
point is far greater than 1, so the iterations do not converge. Also two graphs have to be drawn,
which did not prove to be difficult for me using autograph, but by hand, there is more chance of
error. The gradient can be shown to be greater than one with calculus as well. Here we can see how
the method converges to the root by moving between the two lines until a suitable value is found.
Change of sign method - Finding a root by using change of sign method. Our customer service team
will review your report and will be in touch. ?5.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later
?5.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 10 October 2017 Share this Share
through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share through facebook Share through
pinterest Gaspode74 4.84 46 reviews Not the right resource. Although this is a good indicator of
which method was the better ease of use must also be considered. Our customer service team will
review your report and will be in touch. ?2.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?2.00
(no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 22 February 2018 Share this Share
through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share through facebook Share through
pinterest Gaspode74 4.84 46 reviews Not the right resource. We need to look at the spreadsheets
however to make sure that the same root is found exactly to a given number of decimal places, I have
chosen to round to five. As the turning point of the graph was within the chosen interval, the
Newton-Raphson method has failed. A root can be more accurately found using a decimal search or
zooming in on a graph and identifying when a change of sign occurs. C3 Coursework - different
methods of solving equations. Therefore a decimal search to two decimal places will be more
accurate. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness.
Firstly I will require values for x 0 and I also need to know how many roots I am looking for. To
check that there is a sign change in this interval. This disadvantage can also be applied to the
graphical convergence method. Care must be taken when choosing a starting value and asymptotes
can cause the method to fail. For the spreadsheets I use edexcel, which was easy to use and much
more efficient than trying to work out f(x) or g(x) for each line. However, it is evident from the
graph that there are two roots (see magnified version of graph). However, it is evident from the graph
that there are two roots (see magnified version of graph). This is due to its speed, ease to use and
likelihood not to fail. This method could also be done easily with a graphical calculator as tables can
be produced. I will also use the positive value for this iteration as the root I am looking for is above
zero. Since the equation of a straight line can be written.
To make sure that the final answer that I have is correct I can have a look at the error bounds. This
can be done by totalling the number of iterations required to get the answer. I will also use the
positive value for this iteration as the root I am looking for is above zero. As shown on the graph
below, this equation creates a cobweb effect when these lines are drawn. In this method, there is also
a high failure rate, as it can diverge, oscillate or converge to the wrong root, as shown in the
calculations. As we can see from the close up of my graph below, tangents are used to get an
increasingly more accurate value for my root. Also two graphs have to be drawn, which did not prove
to be difficult for me using autograph, but by hand, there is more chance of error. Drawing the
gradient on the curve illustrates that despite choosing an initial value of x 0 that was close to the root,
suing the Newton-Raphson method has caused me to find another root. Where this tangent cuts the
x-axis, will be my next approximation, x 1, of the root. Shown above are only the first few rows of
the spreadsheet, to find the roots to a high enough accuracy, the formulas are filled down for more
rows. In this method, there is also a high failure rate, as it can diverge, oscillate or converge to the
wrong root, as shown in the calculations. A root can be more accurately found using a decimal search
or zooming in on a graph and identifying when a change of sign occurs. For the method to succeed,
the iterative formula must converge for the chosen value of x. If further accuracy is required,
consecutives values could then be found in increments of 0.01 and 0.001, until a change of accuracy
is found, therefore giving one root of the equation. Any search in interval bisection method is
unlikely to find these points out, i.e. they are undetected, so the interval bisection method fails in this
case. This process is repeated until the desired accuracy is achieved. Shown above are only the first
few rows of the spreadsheet, to find the roots to a high enough accuracy, the formulas are filled
down for more rows. Change of sign method - Finding a root by using change of sign method.
Change of sign method - Finding a root by using change of sign method. Here is the table showing
how the iterative formula has been used. This is shown on the graph where it crosses the x-axis and
when a change of sign occurs in the integer search. The gradient can be shown to be greater than one
with calculus as well. For example if there are three roots between two integers, the spreadsheets can
only find one of those roots and so. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required
to reflect your happiness. See other similar resources ?2.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save
for later Not quite what you were looking for. I can now use a spreadsheet to find this root to a
given number of decimal places. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in
touch. ?5.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?5.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW
Save for later Last updated 10 October 2017 Share this Share through email Share through twitter
Share through linkedin Share through facebook Share through pinterest Gaspode74 4.84 46 reviews
Not the right resource. The value of g'(x) at this point is far greater than 1, so the iterations do not
converge. Solving equations by numerical methods - The Interval Bisection method.
If I look at the numbers that are present in the spreadsheet once the equation has been entered, we
can find the root to a give number of decimal places. Consequently, we would be unlikely to seach
further in the intervals. Autograph was another very useful program because the graphs are drawn
neatly and accurately, with no chance of error, and is also very quick to use. This is shown on the
graph where it crosses the x-axis and when a change of sign occurs in the integer search. To check
that there is a sign change in this interval. To ensure that this is so, the iterative formula was
differentiated, and it was checked that the x 0 value gave a result that was less than one. This
method is slightly harder to perform with a graphical calculator as an iterative formula would need to
be input, however this method is very fast. This reason is that the two points are too close to each
other. The computer was much easier to use because it has a larger screen which I can zoom in on,
and more than one thing can be looked at at one time. A tangent to the curve, at this point will be
drawn. The iterative formula calculates these values as they converge. Furthermore, if there are a
number of roots close together, or there is a repeated root, the method can fail. Again, the Newton-
Raphson method will be applied to determine the root. The more steps I do, then closer to the exact
root value I will get. The formulae that are entered into this spreadsheet are the same that would be
applied in a successful Newton Raphson investigation (see above). This disadvantage can also be
applied to the graphical convergence method. Because of this it is the most difficult method to use,
especially if you do not have software to automate the iterations. The Newton Raphson and
rearrangement methods were both very quick to converge, however the Newton Raphson found it in
4 rows, whereas the rearrangement took 5. I will also use the positive value for this iteration as the
root I am looking for is above zero. It is shown in the purple line in the graph below. As we can see
from the close up of my graph below, tangents are used to get an increasingly more accurate value
for my root. The reason is that it only involves a few calculations and it is easy to calculate them.
However, when the numbers are entered, the spreadsheet looks like this. The diagram above shows
that the gradient of g(x) is within this range at the root which is found. Below, the formula which I
typed into my spreadsheet are shown. If further accuracy is required, consecutives values could then
be found in increments of 0.01 and 0.001, until a change of accuracy is found, therefore giving one
root of the equation. Autograph was another very useful program because the graphs are drawn
neatly and accurately, with no chance of error, and is also very quick to use. For my answer here I
can see that to five decimal places, my root between 1 and 2 is 1.10401. So I can use the change of
sign method to check my answer. This method is similarly easy as the Newton raphson method
however is more likely to take more iterations. Here is the table showing how the iterative formula
has been used.
Also two graphs have to be drawn, which did not prove to be difficult for me using autograph, but
by hand, there is more chance of error. It was again also very easy to use with a spreadsheet program
and graphing software although some time would have been spent in deriving the iterative formula.
Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. This
disadvantage can also be applied to the graphical convergence method. The tangent will cut the x
axis at the next approximation for the root, then tangent will then be found at that new point and so
on. Change of sign method - Finding a root by using change of sign method. A tangent to the curve,
at this point will be drawn. This reason is that the two points are too close to each other. In this
method, there is also a high failure rate, as it can diverge, oscillate or converge to the wrong root, as
shown in the calculations. If further accuracy is required, consecutives values could then be found in
increments of 0.01 and 0.001, until a change of accuracy is found, therefore giving one root of the
equation. The diagram above shows that the gradient of g(x) is within this range at the root which is
found. For the spreadsheets I use edexcel, which was easy to use and much more efficient than
trying to work out f(x) or g(x) for each line. Change of sign method - Finding a root by using change
of sign method. When the line met the curve, a tangent is drawn and extended until it meets the x-
axis and it is a new point on the x-axis, called X 4, which is equal to -3.5273. It is first necessary to
look for a sign change between integer values so as to choose a suitable starting value. Change of
sign method - Finding a root by using change of sign method. When the line met the curve, a tangent
is drawn and extended until it meets the x-axis and it is a new point on the x-axis, called X 3, which
is equal to -3.5566. Where this tangent cuts the x-axis, will be my next approximation of the root. If
my initial value is quite far way from a root, the iteration may be divergent, i.e. moving away from
the root. From looking at a graph of my equation I can find two integers that my root lies between,
then from there, using spreadsheets, I can use the change of sign method to discover where the root
lies to five decimal places. All of the formulae entered into the spreadsheets are the same as shown in
the individual analyses previously. The gradient can be shown to be greater than one with calculus as
well. Repeating the former process will cause the values where the line meets each of the two
equations to come closer together until they converge at the point where the two curves intersect, and
therefore at a root. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your
happiness. As shown on the graph below, this equation creates a cobweb effect when these lines are
drawn. Consequently, we would be unlikely to seach further in the intervals. However, it continues
infinitely upwards, as shown below. The iterative formula calculates these values as they converge.
For example if there are three roots between two integers, the spreadsheets can only find one of those
roots and so. However this method fails many times and more than one iterative formula was
required to find all the roots of the equation.

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