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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education

Region V
Estancia, Malinao, Albay


SY 2023-2024

Name: Date:
LRN # Parent’s Signature:

I. Instruction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The period which brought liberal ideas and internationalism to literature.

a. Pre-colonial Period b. American Colonial Period
c. Spanish Colonial Period d. Contemporary Period
2. A long narrative poem about the death of Christ.
a. Sinakulo b. Pasyon c. Sarswela d. Korido
3. A metrical tale written in octosyllabic quatrains.
a. Korido b. Awit c. poem d. Sarswela
4. The first Filipino short story written in English.
a. Blue Blood of the Big Astana b. Dead Stars
c. This Miss Pathuphats d. Goodbye, Flipper
5. The period of Literature where Theatre was introduced.
a. American Colonial Period b. Spanish Colonial Period
c. Contemporary Period d. Pre-colonial Period
6. A form of literature which deals with heroism and bravery of a character.
a. Legend b. Folk Song c. Epic d. Fables
7. A period wherein free verses and modern short stories where introduced.
a. Contemporary Period b. Spanish Colonial Period
c American Colonial Period d. Pre-Colonial Period
8. A literary form which is typically a debate song performed by a man and a woman.
a. Harana b. Balitaw c. Awit d. Sarswela
9. A literary period centered on the literary workshops and literary consciousness.
a. American colonial Period b. Spanish Colonial Period
c Pre-colonial Period d. Contemporary Period
10. A folk narrative which presents misleading or puzzling question to be solved or guessed
for entertainment purposes.
a. Proverbs b. Fables c. riddles d. Epic
11. The author’s main idea or the underlying meaning in a piece of writing.
a. Conflict b. Resolution c. Setting d. theme
12. The series of events or arrangement of events that develops ideas in a drama or a story.
a. Conflict b. Plot c. Setting d. Exposition
13. A literary genre which focuses on characters and plots than the sounds and pattern.
a. Poetry b. Prose c. Non-Fiction d. Drama
14. A standard of good literature which deals with being timeless and timely of a written work.
a. Artistry b. Permanence c. Spiritual Value d. Universality
15. A literary genre which focuses on sounds and typically follows specific patterns.
a. Prose b. Narrative c. Poetry d. Fiction
16. The Author of the Bisayan short story “Pamato”.
a. Alejandro Abadilla b. Merlie Alunan
c. Eugenio Viacrusis d. Lakambini Sitoy
17. The main idea of the short story “This Miss Pathuphats”.
a. views about foreign Products
b. discrimination against people who have black complexion
c. Acculturation and Colonial Mentality
d. Change of attitude due to discrimination
18. A short story which manifests the individual’s point of view and a reflection of
personal observations and experiences on how homosexuals are treated in the society.
a. Pamato b. Geyluv c. Mga Mata sa Dagat d. Visayan Love
19. One of the standards of good literature which is associated with its emotional power.
a. Artistry b. Universality c. Permanence d. Suggestiveness
20. A literary writer who advocated modernism in his poetry.
a. Jose Garcia Villa b. Alejandro Abadilla c. Angela Victoria d. Paz
Marquez Benitez
21. The prevailing feeling or atmosphere in a poem.
a. Theme b. Conflict c. mood d. connotation
22. It is an element of a plot where the conflict is slowly revealed.
a. Exposition b. rising action c. denouement d. falling action
23. The main character of Eugenio Viacrucis’ story “Mga Mata sa Dagat”.
a. Felimon b. Carding c. Benjie d. Simon
24. The use of other bodily entities to describe specific words in poetry.
a. Rhetorical devices b. metaphor
c. imagery d. onomatopoeia
25. The main character of a story is called
a. Antagonist b. Protagonist c. Antigonist d. Protogonist
26. The point of view used in the story “Geyluv”.
a. First person b. first person omniscient
c. third person d. third person omniscient
27. The father of the Pampanga Literature.
a. Vicente Sotto b. Juan Crisostomo Sotto
c. Alejandro Abadilla d. Pedro Bukaneg
28. A small unit or group of lines in a poem.
a. Meter b. rhyme c. stanza d. rhyme scheme
29. What is the primary purpose of using imagery in a poem?
a. To enhance rhyming scheme
b. To help create visual ideas through words.
c. To create sounds in every line of the stanzas
d. All of the above
30. The “pamato” in the story of Merlie Alunan is used as a symbolism for
a. Childhood b. identity
c. hometown of the author d. People of Duenas
31. Which of the four genres of literature “presents a story that is invented and not literally ‘true.’ It
is written to be read rather than to be acted or performed, and the events depicted are told to us by a
narrator, not enacted or dramatized.”?
A. Prose Fiction B. Poetry C. Drama D. Non-fiction Prose
32. Which of the four genres of literature is “a piece of art written by a poet in meter or verse
expressing various emotions which are expressed by the use of variety of techniques including
metaphors, similes, and onomatopoeia. The emphasis is the use of aesthetics of language and the
use of techniques such as repetition, meter and rhyme. It heavily uses imagery and word association
to quickly convey emotions.”?
A. Prose Fiction B. Poetry C. Drama D. Non-fiction Prose
34. It involves idealized romantic love, as in romance.
A. Farce B. Satirical Comedy C. Black Comedy D. The Comedy of Manners E. Romantic Comedy
35. It induces laughter as a kind of defense mechanism when a situation, dispassionately considered,
would be simply horrifying.
A. Farce B. Satirical Comedy C. Black Comedy D. The Comedy of Manners E. Romantic Comedy
36. It depends upon ridiculous situations, exaggerated character types, coarse humor, and
horseplay for its comic effects.
A. Farce B. Satirical Comedy C. Black Comedy D. The Comedy of Manners E. Romantic Comedy
37. It is a biography written by the person himself or herself.
A. Essay B. Autobiography C. Editorial D. Magazine
38. It is a personal account of a person’s life written by another person.
A. Character Sketch B. Diary C. Journal D. Biography
39. It is an abbreviated portrayal of a particular characteristic of people.
A. Character Sketch B. Diary C. Journal D. Biography
40. It is a daily record of events in a person’s life. (Choose two answers)
A. Character Sketch B. Diary C. Journal D. Biography
41. It is a statement or an article by a news organization, newspaper, or magazine that expresses
the opinion of the editor, editorial board, or publisher.
A. Essay B. Autobiography C. Editorial D. Magazine
42. It is a brief work of nonfiction that offers an opinion on a subject.
A. Essay B. Autobiography C. Editorial D. Magazine
43. Which of the following is NOT a purpose of essay?
A. To express ideas or feelings B. To persuade C. To entertain D. To analyze
E. To inform
44. Which of the following is not a critical approach in studying literature by Roger Don SJ. Cerda?
A. Reader-Response Approach B. Marxism C. Feminism D. Queer Theory
45. It is a critical approach that establishes the interaction between the reader and the piece
of literature. It recognizes reader’s dynamism, that is, each reader carries with him his
intelligence, schema, and experience to make sense of the text without making reference to author’s
life history and the text’s historical and cultural circumstances. It embraces the idea that each text is
an organic unity, meaning the text itself has meaning independent from its creator.
A. Reader-Response Approach B. Formalism C. Queer Theory
D. Historical-Biographical Approach
46. It is a critical approach that focuses on class conflicts as well as class distinctions by
emphasizing social, economic, and political inequalities as exemplified by the characters in a
literary work. It establishes the tension between the privileged and the deprived, the superior
and the inferior, the strong and the influential, and the weak and the insignificant. It also
“structural violence” affects people in their quest for social justice and equality.
A. Feminism B. Deconstruction C. Moral/Intellectual Approach D. Marxism
47. It is a critical approach that examines the subjugation of women in the society and how they
were personified in literature whether independent or dependent, superior or inferior, strong or
weak, liberated or conservative, assertive or submissive, uncompromising or accommodating,
expressive or timid. It defies the stereotyped representation of women grounded on the idea or
notion that they are only secondary to men in terms of their economic, social, and political roles.
A. Feminism B. Deconstruction C. Moral/Intellectual Approach D. Marxism
48. It is a critical approach that scrutinizes, problematizes, and criticizes the role of gender in
literature. It confronts the concept of normative sexualities as types of social structures and social conflicts which
delineate our ideas about sexuality as an identity where a man is expected to be attracted to a woman and vice
versa. It advocates recognition on both homosexuals and lesbians as sexual preferences or identities not deviant to
what we consider as normal and natural.
A. Reader-Response Approach B. Formalism C. Queer Theory D. Historical-Biographical
49. It is a critical approach that focuses on the inherent feature of the text. These features
encompass the literary elements and devices such as plot, character, setting, point of view, and
conflict, as well as how they work together to support the theme and to form organic unity. It
reduces the importance of a text’s historical, biographical, and cultural contexts as supposed to
Historical-Biographical Approach. It capitalizes on form rather than content.
A. Reader-Response Approach B. Formalism C. Queer Theory D. Historical-Biographical
50. It is a critical approach that embraces the idea that text and author are inseparable, thus, in order
to make sense of the text, the reader must dig the author’s life history to know what compelled him
from writing the text. It also enables the reader to have greater knowledge from which to draw
conclusion by understanding the way of life on a certain time period.
A. Reader-Response Approach B. Formalism C. Queer Theory
D. Historical-Biographical Approach
II. Arrange the following in sequence. Label each A-E.

Elements of a Plot (31-35) Biag ni Lam-ang (36-40)

Falling Action Lam-ang defeated the Igorots

Exposition/Introduction Lam ang bathe at the river

Rising Action Lam-ang fell in love with Ines

Climax Lam-ang’s body parts were retrieved

Denouement Lam-ang went to dive in the ocean

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