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CTX127161 - How to Replace a Network Interface Card in a XenServ...


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How to Replace a Network Interface Card in a XenServer Host

Document ID: CTX127161 / Created On: 2010/10/28 / Updated On: 2012/3/10
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CTX127161 - How to Replace a Network Interface Card in a XenServ...


This document described the procedure to replace a NIC (Network Interface Card) in a XenServer Host. This procedure can be
used, for example, if you are required to replace a faulty NIC.


Console access to the XenServer host

Basic knowledge of the XenServer’s CLI


The XenServer host must be standalone and not joined to a resource pool.

Replacing the NIC used as management interface requires the use of the host console.


The following procedure describes the steps required to replace the management interface. If the NIC you are replacing is not
the management interface you can skip steps 2 and 8. Step 7 is only required if you need to assign an IP address to the PIF.

1. Shutdown all the virtual machines on the host using XenCenter or from the console:
xe vm-shutdown uuid=<vm_uuid>

2. Disable the management interface using the host-management-disable command:

xe host-management-disable

3. Remove the PIF records of the NICs being replaced using the pif-forget command:
xe pif-forget uuid=<pif_uuid>

4. Shutdown the host and replace the NIC:

xe host-disable host=<host_name>

5. Re-introduce the devices using the pif-introduce command:

xe pif-introduce device=<device_name> host-uud=<host-uuid> mac=<mac_address>
xe pif-introduce device=eth0 host-uuid=49e1cde9-a948-4f8f-86d5-3b681995566a mac=00:19:bb:2d:7e:7a

6. Verify the new configuration using the pif-list command:

xe pif-list params=uuid,device,MAC

7. Reset the interface address configuration using the pif-reconfigure-ip command:

xe pif-reconfigure-ip uuid=<pif_uuid> mode=static IP=<ip_address> netmask=<netmask> gateway=<gateway>

8. Reset the host management interface using the host management-reconfigure command:
Xe host-management-reconfigure pif-uuid=<pif_uuid>

More Information

This procedure is derived from the XenServer Administrators Guide: Re-Ordering NICs.

CLI commands reference: XenServer Administrators Guide: Command line interface

CTX124024 - XenServer 5.5 Update 2 Administrator's Guide

CTX124887 - XenServer 5.6 Administrator's Guide

This document applies to:

XenServer 5.5
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