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The 50 Day Divine

Manifesting System
Christy Whitman
2007, Christy Whitman

Welcome to the Personal Empowerment 50 day, Divine Manifesting System. This system
has been designed to assist you in creating abundance in every area of your life. It is
based on the premise that your inner world creates your outer world. The more you
concentrate on changing your inner reality, the faster you will see new results in your
outer reality.
The premise of this coaching program is based on The 7 Essential Universal Laws. What
you focus your attention on expands. It is only when your thoughts, emotions and actions are all in alignment that your desires manifest. Your thoughts lead to feelings,
feelings lead to actions and actions lead to results. This system will help you get your
energy field and your vibration in a high place so you may attract with ease and
effortlessness. This activities book will assist you in applying what you have learned
in the 7 Essential Universal Laws ebook.
When we are thinking and feeling (vibrating) in accordance with what we desire, the actions come from a place of inspiration and it is always the right action to take. The results
in your life naturally flow into manifestation.
You are the source of your abundance. By working with your feelings, thoughts, and
intentions, you can become a master creator. YOU are the source of your riches, not
your job, your investments, your spouse, or your parents. By linking with the unlimited
abundance of your soul or higher self, by opening your connection to the higher forces,
by expressing and radiating your higher qualities of inner peace, joy, love, well-being,
and freedom, you become the source of your abundance.

1. Purchase a notebook or journal where you can write down
your insights.
2. Establish a specific date to start your system. Count out 50
days on your daily planner and mark the date of completion.
Write in your daily planner/calendar 50 days to remind you to
do your coaching exercises each and every day.
3. On page 5 write down all that you want to manifest in each
area of your life (financial, physical, relationships, career, and
4. On page 6 write down one thing you want to manifest during
these next 50 days. Make it believable!
5. You will apply each of the 7 Essential Universal Laws for 7
days using this process.
6. Each day complete one page of this activities book. Day One
will be the first day, and so on.
7. After you read the statement on your daily page, either right
after you wake up in the morning, or right before you go to bed,
meditate on the statement for 15 minutes. The more time you
dedicate to the meditation process you will experience even
greater results.
8. Following each meditation, write down in your journal the
thoughts that come to you. Make sure to do this daily after your
meditation. Your goal should be to write at least 3 pages in your

9. Visualize what you want to create. Imagine as if you already

have what you desire. See yourself having it. Feel what it feels
like if this was your current reality. Do this for 2 min.
10. Write 10 things that you are grateful for and feel the gratitude inside your body.
11. Do the VAKS Exercises with the daily statement demonstrated
on page 7 & 8.
12. If you need assistance with this process, or if you want to take
a quantum leap in your growth by personal or group coaching,
contact Christy Whitman by email:
Christy Whitmans group coaching programs:
The 5 Week Abundance Principle Program
The 4 Week Magnetizing and Manifesting Program
The 4 Week Creating Your Ideal Body Program
The 4 Week Attracting Your Ideal Partner Program

The 50 Day Divine

Manifesting System

I Intend to Create

I Intend to ReceiveBecause

The Essential Law #1:

The Law of Attraction
DATE: __________

The Daily Statement: The Universe is safe. I am secure.

Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
Journal daily thoughts _______
Visualization 2 min. _______
I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________

6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.

7. Actions I will take today:
Note: The Universe is always supporting you. The vibration and information that you
give it, is what you get back.

The Essential Law #1:


The Law of Attraction

DATE: ___________

The Daily Statement: I believe in my ability to create what I want.

Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
Journal daily thoughts _______
Visualization 2 min. _______
I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________

6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.

7. Actions I will take today:
Note: You can create what you want. You are always creating from your attitude and beliefs.


The Essential Law #1:

The Law of Attraction
DATE: _________

The Daily Statement: I think in unlimited ways.

Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
Journal daily thoughts _______
Visualization 2 min. _______
I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________

6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.

7. Actions I will take today:
Note: You have a choice in the thoughts that you think. So why not choose thoughts that
are empowering?


The Essential Law #1:

The Law of Attraction
DATE: ___________
1. The Daily Statement: I am trusting in my ever-increasing ability
to create abundance.
2. Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
3. Journal daily thoughts _______
4. Visualization 2 min. _______
5. I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.
7. Actions I will take today:
Note: Trust is a belief in something before it manifests. Your desires are being created
and you are moving toward them.


The Essential Law #1:

The Law of Attraction
DATE: ___________
1. The Daily Statement: I manifest love, light, prosperity and guidance of my Divine Self.
2. Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
3. Journal daily thoughts _______
4. Visualization 2 min. _______
5. I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.
7. Actions I will take today:
Note: Your Divine Self is your inner being and is always in alignment with joy and enthusiasm.


The Essential Law #1:

The Law of Attraction
DATE: ___________
1.The Daily Statement: My Divine Self always brings me the right
things at the right time.
2. Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
3. Journal daily thoughts _______
4. Visualization 2 min. _______
5. I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.
7. Actions I will take today:
Note: The Universe knows when is the perfect time for your manifestations to appear.
Trust the timing. It is all for your higher good.


The Essential Law #1:

The Law of Attraction
DATE: ___________
1.The Daily Statement: I am magnetic to my higher good and it is
magnetic to me.
2. Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
3. Journal daily thoughts _______
4. Visualization 2 min. _______
5. I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.
7. Actions I will take today:
Note: What you want, wants you. When you stay focused on what you want, you are in
the vibration of receiving it.


The Essential Law #2:

The Law of Deliberate Creation
DATE: ___________
1.The Daily Statement: I expect only the best to happen and it does.
2. Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
3. Journal daily thoughts _______
4. Visualization 2 min. _______
5. I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.
7. Actions I will take today:
Note: What if only the best could happen to you? What if it was even more than what you
thought was possible? Imagine and enjoy!


The Essential Law #2:

The Law of Deliberate Creation
DATE: ___________
1.The Daily Statement: I manifest what I want easily.
2. Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
3. Journal daily thoughts _______
4. Visualization 2 min. _______
5. I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.
7. Actions I will take today:
Note: You are a deliberate creator. You have everything you need to create what you
want with ease and grace. Struggle is an option that you dont have to choose.


The Essential Law #2:

The Law of Deliberate Creation
DAY 10
DATE: ___________
1.The Daily Statement: I create money and abundance through joy.
2. Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
3. Journal daily thoughts _______
4. Visualization 2 min. _______
5. I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.
7. Actions I will take today:
Note: Imagine the joy that you will feel when you have the money and abundance that
you want. Know that joy can be created without the money, and that is the magnet of how
to draw it to you. Feel joy first.


The Essential Law #2:

The Law of Deliberate Creation
DAY 11
DATE: __________
1.The Daily Statement: I am the source of my abundance.
2. Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
3. Journal daily thoughts _______
4. Visualization 2 min. _______
5. I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.
7. Actions I will take today:
Note: There is no other source to your abundance than you and the Universe. The Universe is always giving you what you are asking for. Claim that you are the source and
what you want!


The Essential Law #2:

The Law of Deliberate Creation
DAY 12
DATE: ___________
1.The Daily Statement: I manifest what I want easily.
2. Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
3. Journal daily thoughts _______
4. Visualization 2 min. _______
5. I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.
7. Actions I will take today:
Note: What would it be like if you could create what you wanted with ease and effortlessness?
YOU CAN! You are an amazing creator.


The Essential Law #2:

The Law of Deliberate Creation
DAY 13
DATE: ____________
1. The Daily Statement: I am linked with the unlimited abundance
of the universe.
2. Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
3. Journal daily thoughts _______
4. Visualization 2 min. _______
5. I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.
7. Actions I will take today:
Note: You are always connected to the abundance of the Universe. You are abundant and
there is no other truth. You can never be disconnected from this Source.


The Essential Law #2:

The Law of Deliberate Creation
DAY 14
DATE: ___________

The Daily Statement: I feel all the good things coming to me.
Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
Journal daily thoughts _______
Visualization 2 min. _______
I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________

6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.

7. Actions I will take today:
Note: What does it feel like knowing that all that you want is on its way to you?
Guess whatit is!


The Essential Law #3:

The Law of Allowing
DAY 15
DATE: ___________

The Daily Statement: The Universe is safe. I am secure.

Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
Journal daily thoughts _______
Visualization 2 min. _______
I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________

6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.

7. Actions I will take today:
Note: Albert Einstein said that the most important question you can ask yourself is Is
this a friendly or hostile Universe? Decide to make it friendly. Remember, you create
from your beliefs.

The Essential Law #3:

The Law of Allowing
DAY 16
DATE: ____________

The Daily Statement: I believe in my ability to create what I want.

Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
Journal daily thoughts _______
Visualization 2 min. _______
I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________

6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.

7. Actions I will take today:
Note: You can create what you want. You are always creating from your attitude
and beliefs.


The Essential Law #3:

The Law of Allowing
DAY 17
DATE: ____________

The Daily Statement: I think in unlimited ways.

Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
Journal daily thoughts _______
Visualization 2 min. _______
I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________

6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.

7. Actions I will take today:
Note: There is only abundance in the Universe. When you allow yourself to think, dream
and imagine in unlimited ways, you raise your vibration, as long as you dont doubt your
ability to create these things.

The Essential Law #3:

The Law of Allowing
DAY 18
DATE: ____________
1. The Daily Statement: I manifest love, light, prosperity and
guidance of my Divine Self.
2. Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
3. Journal daily thoughts _______
4. Visualization 2 min. _______
5. I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.
7. Actions I will take today:
Note: Do you believe in your ability to manifest what you want? Do you know that you
are that which you are seeking? If you want love, be love. If you want prosperity, be prosperity. Feel it. Connect to the feeling. Feelings are the magnet!


The Essential Law #3:

The Law of Allowing
DAY 19
DATE: ____________
1. The Daily Statement: I am trusting in my ever-increasing
ability to create abundance.
2. Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
3. Journal daily thoughts _______
4. Visualization 2 min. _______
5. I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.
7. Actions I will take today:
Note: What would your life be like if your trusted and believed in yourself? Everything
that you want and desire will come quicker to you when you start loving yourself and believing in YOU!


The Essential Law #3:

The Law of Allowing
DAY 20
DATE: ____________

The Daily Statement: The Universe is safe. I am secure.

Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
Journal daily thoughts _______
Visualization 2 min. _______
I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________

6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.

7. Actions I will take today:
Note: Why do you want more money, to feel secure? Money will never make you feel secure. When you give so much meaning to money, you are putting money as the solution
to your problems. There is only one solution: connection to your higher self. Alignment
with YOU!


The Essential Law #3:

The Law of Allowing
DAY 21
DATE: ____________
1. The Daily Statement: My Divine Self always brings me the
right things at the right time.
2. Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
3. Journal daily thoughts _______
4. Visualization 2 min. _______
5. I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.
7. Actions I will take today:
Note: Allow the Universe to deliver your manifestations at the perfect time. Remove any
disbeliefs, doubts, fears, or any emotion that takes you away from feeling joy!


The Essential Law #4:

The Law of Sufficiency & Abundance

DAY 22
DATE: ____________
1. The Daily Statement: I am magnetic to my higher good and it
is magnetic to me.
2. Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
3. Journal daily thoughts _______
4. Visualization 2 min. _______
5. I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.
7. Actions I will take today:
Note: Remember to stay focused on what you want. Turn your attention off of what you
dont want. Ask yourself. What do I want? Why do I want it? How will I feel when I receive it?


The Essential Law #4:

The Law of Sufficiency & Abundance

DAY 23
DATE: ___________

The Daily Statement: I expect only the best to happen and it does.
Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
Journal daily thoughts _______
Visualization 2 min. _______
I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________

6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.

7. Actions I will take today:
Note: Have you started noticing the little successes in your life? It is no coincidence.
There are no coincidences, just the law of attraction bringing to you what you are deliberately asking for. What little things happened?


The Essential Law #4:

The Law of Sufficiency & Abundance

DAY 24
DATE: __________

The Daily Statement: I manifest what I want easily.

Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
Journal daily thoughts _______
Visualization 2 min. _______
I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________

6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.

7. Actions I will take today:
Note: Are you focused on your abundance, and all the things you do have in your life
right now? Or are you focused on the lack of those things? What you focus upon expands. The Universe is abundant always. It will give you what you are focused on Abundance or lack!


The Essential Law #4:

The Law of Sufficiency & Abundance

DAY 25
DATE: ____________

The Daily Statement: I create money and abundance through joy.

Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
Journal daily thoughts _______
Visualization 2 min. _______
I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________

6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.

7. Actions I will take today:
Note: Do you know that there are no limitations in this universe? We were trained to
think in negative and limitations. Limitations and lack do not exist in this Universe.
Focus on what you want and how it will feel to have it!


The Essential Law #4:

The Law of Sufficiency & Abundance

DAY 26
DATE: ____________
1. The Daily Statement: I am linked with the unlimited
abundance of the universe.
2. Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
3. Journal daily thoughts _______
4. Visualization 2 min. _______
5. I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.
7. Actions I will take today:
Note: You are half way there! Hopefully by now you are sensing a deeper connection
to your higher self, to your abundance, to your source. Write in your journal all your


The Essential Law #4:

The Law of Sufficiency & Abundance

DAY 27
DATE: ___________

The Daily Statement: I feel all the good things coming to me.
Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
Journal daily thoughts _______
Visualization 2 min. _______
I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________

6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.

7. Actions I will take today:
Note: What are successes? It doesnt have to be something big. Every time you change
a negative thought to a positive thought, you are successful! When you are kind to a
stranger that is a success. When you are loving to yourself, that is a success!


The Essential Law #4:

The Law of Sufficiency & Abundance

DAY 28
DATE: ___________

The Daily Statement: The Universe is safe. I am secure.

Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
Journal daily thoughts _______
Visualization 2 min. _______
I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________

6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.

7. Actions I will take today:
Note: Put your intention for how you want to feel today. During your meditation focus on
the feeling of being abundance. You draw to you what you want by the feeling. We are
energy in motion and all of everything is energy. Feel, feel, feel, feel!


The Essential Law #5:

The Law of Pure Potentiality

DAY 29
DATE: ___________
1. The Daily Statement: My Divine Self is endless and
beginning less. It is Consciousness itself.
2. Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
3. Journal daily thoughts _______
4. Visualization 2 min. _______
5. I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.
7. Actions I will take today:
Note: Do you even know how amazing you are? Just the fact that you are in this physical
body says that you deserve to be here. Focus on your worth and value. And then say
Thank you!


The Essential Law #5:

The Law of Pure Potentiality

DAY 30
DATE: ___________
1. The Daily Statement: My Divine Self is guiding me in every
moment to my best life.
2. Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
3. Journal daily thoughts _______
4. Visualization 2 min. _______
5. I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.
7. Actions I will take today:
Note: You were created out of pure love and consciousness. All the energy in the universe
is on its way to becoming something. You were once pure energy, and now a physical
being. What do you want to create out of nothing?


The Essential Law #5:

The Law of Pure Potentiality

DAY 31
DATE: ____________
1. The Daily Statement: I allow myself to connect with
abundance, peace, harmony, and joy.
2. Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
3. Journal daily thoughts _______
4. Visualization 2 min. _______
5. I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.
7. Actions I will take today:
Note: You are made up of pure light and love. Feel the love that is already inside of you.
Your source adores you and is always cheering you on. You have no idea how much the
Universe wants you to be in joy!


The Essential Law #5:

The Law of Pure Potentiality

DAY 32
DATE: ____________
1. The Daily Statement: I am in alignment with my freedom, joy,
and self-love.
2. Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
3. Journal daily thoughts _______
4. Visualization 2 min. _______
5. I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.
7. Actions I will take today:
Note: Go into your inner being and feel the freedom that is available to you always. You
dont have to wait for anyone or anything to give you freedom. You were born free. Reconnect to this truth and you will experience more of it!


The Essential Law #5:

The Law of Pure Potentiality

DAY 33
DATE: ___________
1. The Daily Statement: The more expansive my thoughts, the
more expansive my reality.
2. Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
3. Journal daily thoughts _______
4. Visualization 2 min. _______
5. I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.
7. Actions I will take today:
Note: What are you doing to celebrate yourself? Yes. CELEBRATE YOU!


The Essential Law #5:

The Law of Pure Potentiality

DAY 34
DATE: ____________
1. The Daily Statement: I appreciate and give thanks for
everything in my life.
2. Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
3. Journal daily thoughts _______
4. Visualization 2 min. _______
5. I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.
7. Actions I will take today:
Note: Start paying attention to your successes. If you arent paying attention to it, the
Universe wont either. Celebrate the little successes, because they lead to the bigger successes.


The Essential Law #5:

The Law of Pure Potentiality

DAY 35
DATE: ___________

The Daily Statement: I live in a limitless world.

Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
Journal daily thoughts _______
Visualization 2 min. _______
I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________

6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.

7. Actions I will take today:
Note: Are you checking in with your emotions? Are you asking yourself how you are
feeling throughout the day? If you are feeling lower level emotions you are attached to
something that has not happened. Let go and return back to joy.


The Essential Law #6:

The Law of Detachment

DAY 36
DATE: ____________

The Daily Statement: I let go easily and trust that all is divine.
Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
Journal daily thoughts _______
Visualization 2 min. _______
I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________

6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.

7. Actions I will take today:
Note: Relax and know that the Universe has a birds eye view of your life. Trust that it
has your best interest at heart!


The Essential Law #6:

The Law of Detachment

DAY 37
DATE: __________

The Daily Statement: The Universe is safe. I am secure.

Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
Journal daily thoughts _______
Visualization 2 min. _______
I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________

6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.

7. Actions I will take today:
Note: Check in with your goals. Are you looking at them and feeling as if you already
have it in your life right now? FEEEEEEELLLL as if you already have it now.


The Essential Law #6:

The Law of Detachment

DAY 38
DATE: __________
1. The Daily Statement: I am flexible and trust that the
Universe will provide for me.
2. Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
3. Journal daily thoughts _______
4. Visualization 2 min. _______
5. I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.
7. Actions I will take today:
Note: Do you trust the Universe? Do you trust yourself to create what you want? Watch
your thoughts and change them if they are disempowering!


The Essential Law #6:

The Law of Detachment

DAY 39
DATE: ___________
1. The Daily Statement: My Divine Self brings me the right
things at the right time.
2. Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
3. Journal daily thoughts _______
4. Visualization 2 min. _______
5. I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.
7. Actions I will take today:
Note: Did you know that a belief is just a thought that has been thought over and over and
over until it becomes a belief? A thought can be changes, so can a belief. Dont believe
everything your mind tells you! Detach from your thoughts!


The Essential Law #6:

The Law of Detachment

DAY 40
DATE: _________

The Daily Statement: I am free.

Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
Journal daily thoughts _______
Visualization 2 min. _______
I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________

6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.

7. Actions I will take today:
Note: What if the Universe was just waiting for you to get in vibrational alignment in
order to bring you what you want? How do you do that? Feel good now, regardless of
your current situation or circumstance.


The Essential Law #6:

The Law of Detachment

DAY 41
DATE: __________

The Daily Statement: I allow uncertainty in my life.

Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
Journal daily thoughts _______
Visualization 2 min. _______
I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________

6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.

7. Actions I will take today:
Note: Thoughts lead to feelings, feelings lead to actions, and actions lead to results. Do
you know what starts the thoughts? Your beliefs! Follow an emotion to find the thought.
Follow the thought to find the belief.


The Essential Law #6:

The Law of Detachment

DAY 42
DATE: __________
1. The Daily Statement: I trust in the Universe as my power and
2. Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
3. Journal daily thoughts _______
4. Visualization 2 min. _______
5. I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.
7. Actions I will take today:
Note: Replace your existing belief with the daily statements. That is what the VAKS
exercise is doing for youhelping you shift your limiting beliefs.


The Essential Law #7:

The Law of Polarity

DAY 43
DATE: __________

The Daily Statement: I detach and let go and expect miracles.

Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
Journal daily thoughts _______
Visualization 2 min. _______
I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________

6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.

7. Actions I will take today:
Note: Remember, every subject is really two subjects. What you want, and what you
dont want. If you are focused on what you dont want, ask yourself what you do want
and change the point of polarity!


The Essential Law #7:

The Law of Polarity

DAY 44
DATE: __________

The Daily Statement: I choose to see the good in my life.

Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
Journal daily thoughts _______
Visualization 2 min. _______
I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________

6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.

7. Actions I will take today:
Note: Can you believe you are almost finished with the 50 days? You need to celebrate
yourself. What can you do today to show yourself kindness and appreciation?


The Essential Law #7:

The Law of Polarity

DAY 45
DATE: __________
1. The Daily Statement: All things work together for my
higher good.
2. Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
3. Journal daily thoughts _______
4. Visualization 2 min. _______
5. I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.
7. Actions I will take today:
Note: Even the thoughts that you have about yourself have two different points of attraction! Good and bad. Empowering and disempowering. What thoughts are you choosing?
What side of the pole are you on?


The Essential Law #7:

The Law of Polarity

DAY 46
DATE: __________
1. The Daily Statement: I place my predominant focus on that
which is positive.
2. Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
3. Journal daily thoughts _______
4. Visualization 2 min. _______
5. I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.
7. Actions I will take today:
Note: What is good in your life right now? What are the positive aspects of your life?
When you focus on those things, you will attract more of the same. Focus on the what I
want and positive point of the pole!


The Essential Law #7:

The Law of Polarity

DAY 47
DATE: __________

The Daily Statement: I accept everything as it is.

Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
Journal daily thoughts _______
Visualization 2 min. _______
I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________

6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.

7. Actions I will take today:
Note: Can you accept what is? Can you make peace with where you are? When you make
peace with where you are, and also excited to create more in your life, you are in the perfect place for manifesting anything!


The Essential Law #7:

The Law of Polarity

DAY 48
DATE: __________
1. The Daily Statement: I trust myself and believe I can create
what I want.
2. Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
3. Journal daily thoughts _______
4. Visualization 2 min. _______
5. I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.
7. Actions I will take today:
Note: What successes are you noticing in your life? Remember, you need to deliberately
focus on your successes. When you are focused on even the smallest success, you attract
more successes to you.


The Essential Law #7:

The Law of Polarity

DAY 49
DATE: __________
1. The Daily Statement: I choose thoughts of peace and
2. Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
3. Journal daily thoughts _______
4. Visualization 2 min. _______
5. I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.
7. Actions I will take today:
Note: The Universe doesnt care what you are focused on. It will give you what you are
asking for by your focus and attention. It is an inclusion based Universe. Choose your
point of attraction to what you want to experience!


The Essential Bonus Law:

The Law of Reflection

DAY 50
DATE: ____________
1. The Daily Statement: The beauty I see in others is the
beauty I see in myself.
2. Meditation for at least 15 min. _______
3. Journal daily thoughts _______
4. Visualization 2 min. _______
5. I am grateful for:
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
6. VAKS Exercise with the daily statement.
7. Actions I will take today:
Note: Congratulations! You have made it through your first 50 days. If you still havent
received what you want, start the process again. You never knowit could be right
around the corner. Celebrate yourself today!


Four Week Attracting Your Ideal Partner

Coaching Program
Are you tired of dating the wrong people? Are you tired of attracting the same type of
relationships? Are you sick of being alone? Are you fed up with the on-line dating scene? Do
you feel that there is no chance that you will ever find your soul mate? By the time you finish
the 4 Week Attracting Your Ideal Relationship Coaching Program, you will have a better
understanding of why you are NOT with your perfect partner right NOW. Its not your fault.
You just need to learn the processes. I can show you how to attract your perfect mate into your
life who will:
Enhance who you are
Connect with you at a soul level
Be responsive to your love
Share a common path and purpose
Be a true source of love for you.
I used this process to bring in my two dogs, as well as my new and amazing life partner, Frederic.
I have also helped many clients bring in their ideal partners by using the same process. I can
help you too!
Are you ready to meet your soul mate? This is a coaching course on how to attract a special
person into your life! You can use the processes taught in this course to:
Attract a life partner
Draw to you a child before conception
Draw to you an animal
Bring a deep and lasting friendship into your life.
You can have the loving relationship you seek!
The 4 Week Attracting Your Ideal Relationship Coaching Program will include:
4 Attracting Your Ideal Relationship Recorded Teleseminars: These Teleseminars are recorded
and will be approximately 60-90 minutes in length. Because they are recorded, you can listen
to them on your own schedule. The Teleseminars include guided meditations, step by step,
easy instructions to implement these tools into your daily life as well as inspirational and
motivational messages and teachings. These recorded Teleseminars are with other like-minded
individuals so you can relate your own personal experiences with theirs. We can learn so much
from others that are experiencing the same processes. It helps us get out of our own minds so
we may see beyond ourselves and our limitations. This is why coaching is so important.

Attracting Your Ideal Relationship Activity book: This activity book will guide you step by
step through the meditations so you may learn how to do them by yourself, with or without
the recordings.
Within three days of starting this process, I met my wife! L.J. in New York
I met the most wonderful man using this process. I would recommend it to anyone. It is
magical. C.D. in Chicago
You can sign up three ways:
Sign up on line at
Email Christy at
Visa/MC/Amex/Discover and personal checks accepted
Four Week Creating Your Ideal Body Coaching Program
Maybe your overweight and have been struggling with diets all your life. You may lose a couple
pounds here or there and then before you know it, youve gain them back. You find yourself
sabotaging your success and eating foods that you know are not good for you, or are not on your
diet. This leads to feeling of disappointment, failure, and shame. The more you shame yourself,
the more weight you seem to gain. You finally get back on your diet, and again you lose a few
pounds, and a few months later guess what? There they are back again. More self-sabotage.
Lets consider that its not the diet, or the food you eat that has you lose the weight and put it
back on. Lets consider that maybe its the mindset and the way that you view yourself or the
way that you speak to yourself. Are you never satisfied with how you look? What if I told you
that I could teach you simple methods that could help you create your idea body? Now Im
not saying that you can go out and eat anything in the world you want, but what I am saying
is that you do not need these extreme diets that will inevitably crash.
What you need is simply is:
An understanding of the causes of your current weight and body
Release the old beliefs, build a new self-image
Understand the Laws of the Universe and how it applies to creating your ideal body
A plan to implement the laws
An easy-to-follow eating plan that is a life change, not a diet.
To finally feel good about yourself and your own body!


Join this 4 Week Coaching Program that will help you transform your body for good! This is
NOT another diet plan. This is a lifestyle change!
Join with your Higher Self to create the body you want- not only a thinner body, but a healthy,
beautiful, and fit body. Feel better about yourself as you create a body that reflects you inner beauty.
Learn how to:
Talk to your body and listen to it
Go directly to the center of your cells to reprogram at a cellular level
Rewrite earlier decisions about food, and feel and look beautiful as you create your ideal body.
This is a powerful life changing coaching course that I used to go from a size 10 to a size 4! I
have helped many of my coaching clients dealing with weight issues and self sabotage use this
process and create their ideal bodies.
We need to stop focusing on losing weight. When we focus on losing weight two things happen.
First, based on the Law of Attraction we are focused on what we dont want, and continue to create
more of the same. Second, have you noticed when you lose weight you always seem to find it?
We will be focusing on releasing weight, because extra weight on your body is just resistance. When
you release your resistance, you return to your natural, healthy, and lean body. It is that simple!
The 4 Week Creating Your Ideal Body Coaching Program will include:
4 Creating Your Ideal Body Recorded Teleseminars: These Teleseminars are recorded and will
be approximately 60-90 minutes in length. Because they are recorded, you can listen to them
on your own schedule. The Teleseminars include guided meditations, step by step, easy
instructions to implement these tools into your daily life as well as inspirational and
motivational messages and teachings. These recorded Teleseminars are with other like-minded
individuals so you can relate your own personal experiences with theirs. We can learn so much
from others that are experiencing the same processes. It helps us get out of our own minds so
we may see beyond ourselves and our limitations. This is why coaching is so important.
Creating Your Ideal Body Activity book: This Activity will guide you step by step through
the meditations so you may learn how to do them by yourself, with or without the recordings.
A free recorded Fall-Asleep Meditation: As you fall asleep, listen to affirmations about creating
your ideal body. Put new ideas into your subconscious about how easily you release weight,
ad program for a new, think you!
You can sign up three ways:
Sign up on line
Email Christy at
Visa/MC/Amex/Discover and personal checks accepted

The Five Week

Abundance Principle Coaching Program
Maybe you are frustrated because you are dysfunctional with money. Maybe you know how to
make money, but constantly find yourself broke. Maybe you struggle with your bills and your
debt. Did you know that a persons financial condition does not depend on external factors,
but on their internal environment? Who you perceive yourself to be, how you think, how you
need to express yourself emotionally is all part of the internal environment. Your relationship
with money reflects more about your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings than it does about the world
of finance. This is good news, because when you get that you are the source of your money,
you can do something about it. When you learn and apply the Laws of the Universe that are
taught in this 5 Week Coaching Program, you will begin to understand your relationship with
money and be able to start creating what you truly want. This course will help you in the areas
that you may be sabotaging your financial situation and teach you how to over come those
situations. Do you feel that the job you are working at is unfulfilling? Do you find that you
cant wait for your day to be over? Do you find that you dont know what exactly you want to
do, but you know that what you are currently doing is not it? Are you constantly wondering
about what you want to be when you grow up? Are you fed up with your boss? Do you find
yourself down and almost depressed because of this?
Once you learn and apply The Law of Abundance by taking this 5 Week Coaching
Program you will:
Experience a renewed hope and passion for your life.
Understand how you attracted your current situation and what you can do to change it.
Gain clarity on what you want to do in the world as your creative expression.
Learn the steps to move in the direction of your dreams.
What is abundance? What does abundance mean to you? Abundance is defined as an allsufficiency of supply, a full measure of infinite good. Do you think of abundance as money,
love, success, prosperity, joy, freedom, or wealth? Abundance relates to all those things and
more. There are principles of abundance when learned and applied will free us from lack and
limitation. During the recorded 5 week coaching program, Christy will teach you those


You will Learn:

If subconsciously you have an aversion to wealth, and if you are keeping wealth apart from you?
Releasing any resistance that holds you apart from your abundance.
How money is an effect, not the cause.
How money, relationships, and success are all an outer symbol of the inner supply within us.
How to shift from a consciousness of effects (materiality) to a consciousness of cause (spirituality).
Learn how to stop looking for your abundance from any person, place, or situation.
Everything you need to create abundance is within you now. Christy will teach you how to
get in touch with that Source.
Here is what others are saying about the plan:
After just 9 days into the program I attracted three new clients to my business! -P.K. in Texas
Just after I completed the course with Christy I received a HUGE promotion at work, with
an 18% pay increase. -A.R. in California
I completed the program and attracted a wonderful woman into my life. She is amazing! R.V. in Pennsylvania
I was offered a new job making $30,000 more a year, plus amazing benefits that I didnt have
at my other company, like 4 weeks vacation, 401K and pension! -L.T. in California
I just float through my days. I am so full of joy. I am manifesting things like magic, but for me it
is more about the joy I feel all the time. -T.D. in Texas
I am half-way through the program and already I am experiencing daily miracles in my life,
and growing marvelously. I am becoming whole! -C.J. in California
I began the program for abundance 10 days ago and it is absolutely amazing the revelations I
have been receiving about myself. Today I feel I have been given a shot of cosmic strength and
faith. -L.D. In California
After completing the program I received a huge promotion at work, with an 18% increase in
pay. My relationship with my wife is also better than it has ever been. -A.R. California
I have noticed the increase in abundance already, due I believe to the increased and
expanded consciousness created by the practices. -E.P. In Tennessee
This Prosperity Program is showing me the way to live each day in total joy and fulfillment.
-S.S. in Alabama
I had been troubled with the thought of money-letting it rule me. Then I began the Prosperity
Program and all things were made new. Thank you! -P.H. in Texas

Join Christy Whitman for a five week coaching program and release the abundance that
is already part of your True Nature.
The Abundance Principle Coaching will include:
5 Live-Recorded Abundance Principle Coaching Teleseminars: These 60-90 minute
Teleseminars include step by step, easy instructions to implement this principle into your daily
life as well as inspirational and motivational messages and teachings. These recorded
Teleseminars are with other like-minded individuals so you can relate to what they went
through during the program.
Free download recordings of these Teleseminars.
One personal and private 30 minute coaching session with Christy where you will work
individually to release anything that is preventing you from allowing your True Abundance
to flow.
One 40 day (5 week) activity book that outlines what you need to do on a daily basis to literally
change your life. This will take less than 20 minutes per day.
Take less action outside of yourself, and let you True Power come through from the
inside to help your path be of ease and effortlessness. -Christy
You can sign up three ways:
Sign up on line
Email Christy at
Visa/MC/Amex/Discover and personal checks accepted


The Monthly Magnetizing Meditation Program

Meditation is for new age people, right.
Athletes like Michael Jordon and Tiger Woods meditate to improve their performance.
Presidents and CEOs of major companies, like PG&E meditate, because it improves their
creativity and mental clarity.
People just like you that want to:
- Dramatically improve your mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
- Create real and constant happiness in your life, regardless of your past or present
- Improve your creativity, intelligence, and mental functioning.
- Significantly improve your overall sense of well being and inner peace.
- Get more things accomplished in a shorter amount of time with ease and effortlessness
(its almost as if you get more time!).
- Create your own success in the world, along with the personal satisfaction and sense of
fulfillment that comes with being successful.

It is now widely acknowledged that daily meditation (even if it is 5-10 minutes) is not just good
for you, it is proven to actually extend your life, create more happiness, increase inner peace,
dramatically lower stress levels, and increase mental clarity and thinking ability. And, it makes
using the Law of Attraction to get what you want in life, much quicker and easier than ever
However, if you are like most people, you probably feel you dont have the time, patients, or
ability to meditate. As a coach, I hear this all the time from my new clients.
One of the participants at the Manifesting Intensive I held this past year in Hawaii told me on
the very first day, I cant meditate. It is too hard for me. I cant get my mind quiet. I informed
him that is the exact reason he should meditate. And, if he put out the strong intention that he
wants to and can meditate, it will happen. I told him If you are saying, I cant meditate, it is
too hard, that will be your reality. He was a bit skeptical to say the least, but he put out his
intention and continued to try. By the end of the first day, he came out of a meditation with
two thumbs up in the air and had a feeling of ecstasy all throughout his body. He said, I learned
how to meditate, wow! He didnt think he could, and now he can.

One of my coaching clients came to me because he wanted to create greater success in his life.
He was also very skeptical that as a middle aged man could learn something like mediation and
actually get something out of it. I explained to him that learning anything for the first time
may feel a little strange and awkward. It is like when you played golf for the first time, where
you any good? He replied, No. But as you continued to play, you got better, didnt you?
He replied, Yes. Learning to meditate is the same way. It just takes practice to become better
at it. He learned how to mediate and within 9 days, yes just 9 days, he received a contract for
three new consulting jobs worth over $100,000. He also informed me that he went away for a
weekend of golf, and played the best he has ever played.
So, what is stopping you?
If it is that you dont have enough time. It literally takes less than 15 minutes a day. You will
quickly find that when you add meditation to your daily practice, things flow and you actually
feel like you have more time. I know for myself, when I dont meditate the day is much more of
a struggle and I dont get half the stuff on my list completed. But, when I do meditate, everything
on my list magically gets completed and the day is full of flow and joy.
If it is that you dont feel that meditation is right for you, or that you cant do it. Know that
each and everyone of my clients felt the same exact way, and they now feel differently. I know
I felt the same way in the beginning, and now I cant imagine my life without it.
If it is that you dont have the money to learn how, I will tell you that when you get in touch
with your creativity, money is one of those things that will flow into your life. One of my clients
received a promotion and an 18% pay raise after he learned how to meditate.
If it is that you dont know where you can learn-that is why I am offering a monthly meditation
subscription. These meditations will either be delivered by an email for you to download right
on your computer, or by CD through the mail. It is your choice.
Here is a list of magnetizing meditations to look forward to improve every aspect of your life:
Increase your personal power and self confidence
Creating loving relationships
Attracting your soul mate
Letting go of a relationship
Create your ideal body
Overcome addictions
Clearing blockages
Feeling inner peace
Staying in your center

Opening to receive
Magnetizing yourself
Clearing beliefs and old programs
Awaken your prosperity self
My perfect career
Opening creativity
Learning to concentrate-Focus, Focus, Focus
And many, many, many more


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