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Exercise : Present Tense

1. Teacher : “Students, the earth … around the sun almost 24 hours a day.”
Student : “Wow, amazing.”
A. is rota ng
B. has rotated
C. will rotate
D. rotates

2. Nanda … le er regularly every month to her pen friend.

A. is sending
B. has sent
C. send
D. sends

3. The violist … her instrument on the stage melodeons.

She makes the audience lean impressed of her playing.
A. is playing
B. has played
C. will play
D. plays

4. Anne … to cook for this en re month.

A. learn
B. learns
C. are learning
D. is learning

5. I … “Pursuit of Happiness” many mes.

A. watches
B. watch
C. has watched
D. have watched

6. I know that one of my student … in your company since he graduated.

A. work
B. have worked
C. working
D. has been working

7. She must be … right now.

A. sleep
B. sleeping
C. have slept
D. has slept

8. Alina … that movie three mes this month.

A. watch
B. watched
C. has watched
D. have watch

9. The sun … in the East.

A. rises
B. rose
C. was rise
D. rise

10. They … the mountain.

A. climb
B. are climbing
C. had climb
D. have climb

11. She has been … for two hours.

A. swim
B. swam
C. swum
D. swimming

12. I … wri en le er to Mr. Kim.

A. has
B. have
C. was
D. been

13. They … living here since 1975.

A. has been
B. was been
C. have been
D. were been

14. We … our uncle every Sunday.

A. visit
B. visits
C. was visited
D. visited

15. He … a diligent boy.

A. are
B. were
C. was
D. is

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