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. ------- NARAYANA .


11 . Primary alkyl h111idQ#pri:for 10 1111()trgu
11) SN I reaction bJ SN2 ruction

p ·{
~) (,"tf d)CI·
C) Addill.011 1~,aciwn dJC(11lM!'maioo rca.ctiori
l't ,\ ·2l tH!f·Ul,li K:\llt\Al'A KA 12. When Phenol is treait<J wlth execs& oflm,m/M water, IrJivc:s
a) m-bromoprn,ool I>) o-W}d p-bfc/lJll;lpbeTJiofa
DATE: 25,02.2024
c) 2,4-dibromopbenol dJ 2,4.6--tribromopbeool
t t l-1\ ' jj14_>t1n lt,UltlllllrS 13. In Clemmensc:n reduction, Clltbonyl compound utrec11ed with ,.... ..... ..tom con.espoodmg
( 'HEMISTRY hydrocarbon.
a) Zinc amalgam + HCI b) Sodiltln amalgam+ HC/
PART-A • c) Zinc amalgam+ HNOJ d) Sodium amalgam + HNO,
1. sd~-, thr ,-11rn'l' f option Ihm th~ given tboices . hlS = 15 14. Amongst the following the strongest base in aqueoll5 medium is
a) CH1NH2 b) (CH1)3N c) (CHJ)iNH d)Ci.H~Nfh
.}.'/a:>•'.11, ,,1a subs1anc, is depeods on
,;1 ' :-- dtu fl' l)f ,olutt b) Temperature
15. Name one base present in DNA but not in RNA.
, l rtt-ssurt d) All of these
J1 l\ h l1.' h modt of express ion the concenlr11tion of solution remains independent of temperature a) Adenine b)TI1ymine c) Guanine d) C'ytnsm~
~l \ ,,tume pl.'.lwn1 b) Molarity
II. Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate word from those given in the
~l ~h)lalit) d) Fonnality
bnickets: I Vapour pressure, Aniline, Monosacharide, exponentially, Non super
~ Whtch of the following is not colligative property
imposablef 1xM
a) Optical activity b) Osmotic pressure
16. When a non volatile solute is dissolved in pure solvent, ___ of the solution d«rtaSes .
c) Depression in freezing point d) Elevation of boiling point
17. In a first order reaction the concentration of the reaction decreases _ _witb time.
4 DU{ing the l!lectrolysis of molten sodium chloride, the reaction occurs at anode is
18. Optically active isomers which are_ _ on their mirror images are c.1lled enan.tiomers.
a) Chloride ions are oxidized b) Chloride ions are reduced
19. _ _ _ is a weaker base than ammonia.
c) Sodium ions m oxidized d) Sodium ions are reduced
20. Carbohydrate that cannot be hydrolysed into simpler unil is called_ __ .
5. The un n of rate constant for zero order reaction .J\ 1·I
',,- \ \ PART-8
a) Ls·1 b) L mol s· 1 11 o~
d) mol s· 1 Ill.Answer any Tb rte of tbe following, Each question carries two mark.s. 3 x 2=6
c) mol L·1s· 1
6. Acid hydrolysis of ethyl acetate is an example for 21 . Define molarity. How does it vary with temperature?
a) Zero order reaction
c) Scc-0nd order reaction
7 Aroong the fuHowing which one is colourless?
a) Cu'
c) Cus-

b) Pseudo first order reaction

d) Fractltn t>rder reaction
b) Cu,.
d) Fi/'

- 22. State Kohlrausch law of independent migration of io11s. Write 1he ma1hema1ical e~pre;sion for
limiting molar conductivity of sodium chloride.
23 . Define molecularity. For a zero-order reaction will the molecularity be «(ual to zero'>
Y,What is lanthanoid contraction'? Mention any one of its consequences.
)Yi> What is the composition ol'Lucas reagent'!
z Whdt (If lht: following is parasnagnetic'/ ii) What is genninal halide'/ Give an ex.ample.
~J z,i• b) Cu'· \:) Sc,-l• dJ Cui, 26. Whal is linkage isomerism? Give example,
9 ~ d.ffl~ ~hicil doc'5 not , how varntble oxidalion m te 1s PART - C'
i,J ~ b) V c) Fe dJ Hg J xJ ..09
IV. An1wer ■ ny thne or the followl ■ g. Earb QUfifioa carrlu thrt.e markw
}~J 1-.:t r ~ e 11f llfflbwertl.a1e hgll1d is
r.If, - H - <'II,
n l'•k-..:l:ili' lllc it,o"'•R'ltt moment l'f Al '·•·~•'°" {: ~ 24) ~ r ite the IUPAC ttame of I
!~ \\ hAl ~ ,lll.:t'Sti1,1\ oompo11nds? Wntc 1111) l'llt of their cha11ctc1islics CH,
N ~mhc th~ prqw-11100 of potassium rcrmangan11c from MnO, a) Wotc the 1-iawocth stn~c or a - f'.,..,fmc0W

~O l' , mg \ ll1 ll()QCllntt for the gcomcll)•. hybndiz.alion and magnetic property of [,\liC/, )'" . b) Wbat arc cssenual amioo IIGld&? Giv.: an examples
c) Name the nrtrog1:n005 ~ preiicm oofy m P~~A bat 00( 11s V:<V\
3 l •' C'alC1Jla1c th• ·$r m c,nl) · magncuc moment of M3 ' (aq) ion (Z - 27)
VII Answer any lbrtt of the fo\lowini, e-a.c.h qunkm carr:in t.bru m..-b 3- .i. 3.. 09
h) S.O'' ,, c-.,1<,rl<-<• Cil\"C rcMon 44 The boiling po,nt ofbenunc: If JS1.2JK Wb:rt l J.,sa ~ ~ - ~ « Mt o(btr<lfflC
,2 Ho" ,, pure pota.mum d1chromatc manufactured by chromite ore? thcboihngpomt1 ~ r10sed1t>3S-t 111'. ~thcmda-1 /!tl'I<'~ t K, l o " ~
\' , A11s,,-rr any t,,•o or thr following. F..ub quution carries thrtr marks. 2 1 J-()6 = 2.53 K kg mar )
J.1 a) Dnm lhc glllph ofv11pour pressure agams1 mole fractions of two volatile liquids fonning an ideal
$0lutioo 45 300 cm' ofanaqueoossohA1on of al)Rll,eul CO!ll.l<~2 1'4of ~ ~.,, r -.,OOll:lO'bl< ::r-a!'-'C):::
solution at 300 K is found to be 3 g9 ,. 10·' w .<:aw..-lhe ,zdar c:.:3 c,<.,. ~ . •?. ·' tU t. t.r
t,1 What ,s the SI mi! o f molar t levntion constant (K, )? mor' K'' )
'.14. Dcn,-i: 111 integrated rate equntion for rate constant of a first order reaction.
3 5 Writt any three di~rcncc between ideal and non-ideal solutions.
36. Draw a neat la.helled di:igrarn of H - 0, fuel cell. Write cathodic. anodic and overall cell reaction.
1 Given that: E"~ ,.,, = - 2.)71'. ~ _,. 0 = --0.J,lV
PART-D 47 The electrode potcntlal for the Da.-.~I ctn P>!CII ~ IS i I'•
\ 'I At11wN an) fo ur of tbt following. Eac.11 question carries fin marks. 4x 5• 20 Zn(s)\zn'' (aq)\\cu'· (aq)\Cu(&)
3?,, a) Explam S, 2 mechanism witl1 an example.
b) Aryl halides arc less reactive towards nucleophilic substitution compared to alkyl halides. Give Wntc overall cell reaction and cakulatt the SlaDdard' J . ~ fur lb< rtaCb:n lF =%4r C 1 -.!l
• c) G example of Freons 48 The rate constant ofa reacuon is doobled ,.-heft t h e ~ = ,s c i c r ~ fl=~<; .,: 1,: t l~ Cuo.1b11e
f3 g
te tlx- mcdlanism of acid catalysed dehydration of ethanol to ethcnc. the activation energy (E.).[ R = g )14 JK "' m<>f"' J
~/' )>,What lS ~ ficat10n~ Gtvc an example
~9 t Rmcnmwid rcd.Ud:loll with equation
49 Rmc c-OllSlant of a frr,ionkt ~ 15 0069) = -•. C'a..~ ~ ~ ol Oe ~rame'1<.""-I!
at the end of 60 min\lles
J b) How docs propanooc (CH ,COCH, ) reacts with h)•dnzinc? Give equation.

c) ~ c an cmdtsing agent used in the Etan!' s rcactton..

4{• a Eqil:am prcp:n110n of II carl,,oxyhc acid ·from Grignard rcagmt. Write gCt\Cnl equation..
f' ✓l b;pll'!l.'1 Brrcnmlltion ofbcnroic
a.cid wim cquati~- . . . .
1 a l Wntc the reactK'lll mvolvcd in the Gahncl pbtlll1hm1dc syntbcsts of a pnmlll)• ammc.

_! b\Wnu:ibclUPA C r.ame ofCH,CH,1''H,

,r H,)
AITIIJF !ht , fal\owm.r, ll!1l1lfl

,,- . /\'.(CH).- ,,-. 1-1 ,CH.)'71,.

111 1ht- ord"' of the1r incr~ basie natur~

JC. a)'F~ eari,uimnme reacuoo wUb ~

__, jt "klv.. dO<':' 0 1trober.LellC IS redueed w lllUUlle" GM e,qu,aticm.

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