Model Questions#Final ADT

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Model Question: Artificial Intelligence

1. Why do we need FOPL? State any three rules of inference. How can we make the machine
with learning capacity.
2. Assume the following facts:
john likes all kind of food.
Apples are food. Chicken is food.
Anything anyone eats and is not killed by is food.
Bill eats peanuts and is still alive.
Sue eats everything bill eats.
Prove that John likes peanuts using resolution.
3. State steps in conversion of FOL into CNF
4. Given premises:
All oversmart person are stupid.
Children of oversmart people are naughty.
Ram is children of Hari.
Hari is oversmart.
To prove: Show that Ram is naughty using FOPL based resolution method.
5. Why probabilistic reasoning is important in the AI? When do we use Bayes Network?
6. Differentiate between forward and backward chaining.
7. What is Machine Learning? What is fuzzy logic? Explain inference with suitable example.
8. “Learning is an essential characteristic for intelligent agent” list down the justification on this
statement. Write about the role learning with suitable example.
9. Justify “the study of gene is one of the important part in the AI”. List down the steps
involved in Genetic Algorithm with example. Explain operators in Genetic Algorithm.
10. Suppose a genetic algorithm uses chromosomes of form x = a b c d e f g h with a fixed length
of eight genes. Each gene can be any digits between 0 and 9. Let the fitness of individual x
be calculated as: f (x) = (a + b) − (c + d) + (e + f) − (g + h) and let the initial population
consists of four individuals with the following chromosomes:
x1 = 6 5 4 1 3 5 3 2
x2 = 8 7 1 2 6 6 0 1
x3 = 2 3 9 2 1 2 8 5
x4 = 4 1 8 5 2 0 9 4
Problem: Evaluate the fitness function for each individual sequences, and cross the fittest two
individuals using one-point cross at mid point cross over in first iteration; and in second iteration,
cross best fittest two at point b. List best 3 genetic sequence.

11. Differentiate supervised learning and unsupervised leaning.

12. How best attribute is selected in a decision-tree? Explain the selection method with suitable
13. Define machine learning, supervised learning and unsupervised learning.
14. Explain each components of architecture of Fuzzy logic with suitable diagram.
15. Define inductive learning. State steps in algorithm and solve the following covid data
(example#2 in module#6) problem to decide whether infected or not.
16. State steps in algorithm and solve the following profit data (example#3 in module#6)
problem to decide whether infected or not.

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