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There are six persons i.e.

Peter, Jack, Gigi, Zen, Bella, Selena are sitting around an equilateral triangular table.
Three persons are sitting at the corner of the table and three persons are sitting at the middle of the sides of
the table. Some of them are facing towards the centre of the table and rest are facing outside the table. All
the information is not necessarily in the same order. Jack and Zen face the same direction. Jack sits to the
immediate right of Gigi but not to the immediate right of Bella. Bella does not sit in the middle of the sides of
the table. Bella sits third to the right of Peter. Selena faces the opposite direction to Jack. Peter sits second to
the left of Zen who faces the opposite direction to Peter. Gigi is an immediate neighbour of Peter but not an
immediate neighbour of Zen. Not more than three persons face inside the table.

छह व्यक्ति अर्था त् पीटर, जैक, गििी, जेन, बे लथ, सेलेनथ एक समबथहु गिभुजथकथर मे ज के चथर ों ओर बै ठे हैं । तीन
व्यक्ति मे ज के क ने पर बै ठे हैं और तीन व्यक्ति मे ज की भुजथओों के मध्य में बै ठे हैं । उनमें से कुछ कथ मु ख मे ज के
केंद्र की ओर है और शेष कथ मु ख मे ज के बथहर की ओर है । जरूरी नही ों गक सभी जथनकथरी इसी क्रम में ह ।ों जैक
और जेन एक ही गिशथ की ओर उन्मुख हैं । जैक िीिी के ठीक िथयें बै ठथ है ले गकन बे लथ के ठीक िथयें नही ों बै ठथ है ।
बे लथ मे ज की भुजथओों के बीच में नही ों बै ठती है । बे लथ पीटर के िथयें से तीसरे स्र्थन पर बै ठी है । सेलेनथ कथ मु ख जैक
के गिपरीत गिशथ में है । पीटर, जेन के बथएों से िू सरे स्र्थन पर बै ठथ है ज पीटर के गिपरीत गिशथ की ओर उन्मुख है ।
गििी, पीटर कथ गनकटतम पड सी है ले गकन जेन कथ गनकटतम पड सी नही ों है । तीन से अगिक व्यक्ति टे बल के
अोंिर उन्मुख नही ों हैं ।
There are six persons i.e. Peter, Jack, Gigi, Zen, Bella, Selena are sitting around an equilateral triangular table.
Three persons are sitting at the corner of the table and three persons are sitting at the middle of the sides of
the table. Some of them are facing towards the centre of the table and rest are facing outside the table. All
the information is not necessarily in the same order. Jack and Zen face the same direction. Jack sits to the
immediate right of Gigi but not to the immediate right of Bella. Bella does not sit in the middle of the sides of
the table. Bella sits third to the right of Peter. Selena faces the opposite direction to Jack. Peter sits second to
the left of Zen who faces the opposite direction to Peter. Gigi is an immediate neighbour of Peter but not an
immediate neighbour of Zen. Not more than three persons face inside the table.
How many persons sit between Jack and Peter
when counted from the left
of Jack?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
E. None of these

Who among the following sits opposite to the

one who sits to the immediate right of Peter?
A. Jack
B. Bella
C. Gigi
D. Peter
E. None of these
Eight friends Sana, Ria, Gita, Lakhan, Suraj, Priya, Raj and Rahul are sitting in a row facing south. Each of them
likes different sweets, viz Rasgulla, Gulabjamun, Rasmalai, Barfi, Kheer, Kajukatli, Jalebi and Laddu but not
necessarily in the same order. Suraj sits immediate right of Lakhan. Raj likes Barfi and is not an immediate
neighbour of the one who likes Rasgulla. Rahul is not an immediate neighbour of Priya. Rahul does not like
Rasmalai. The one who likes Kheer sits at one of the extreme ends of the row. The one who likes Kaju Katli sits
fourth to the right of Gita. The one who likes Jalebi sits exactly between the one who likes Laddu and the one
who likes Gulabjamun. Gita does not like Jalebi. Ria likes Rasgulla and sits second to the right of Priya, who
likes Gulabjamun. The one who likes Rasgulla does not sit on either end of the row. No one is sitting between
the one who likes jalebi and laddu.

आठ गमि सनथ, ररयथ, िीतथ, लखन, सूरज, गियथ, रथज और रथहुल एक पोंक्ति में िगिण की ओर मु ख करके
बै ठे हैं । उनमें से ित्येक क अलि-अलि गमठथइयथाँ पसोंि हैं , जैसे रसिुल्लथ, िुलथबजथमु न, रसमलथई, बर्फी,
खीर, कथजुकतली, जले बी और लड् डू ले गकन जरूरी नही ों गक इसी क्रम में ह ।ों सूरज लथखन के ठीक िथयें
बै ठथ है । रथज क बर्फी पसोंि है और िह रसिुल्लथ पसोंि करने िथले कथ गनकटतम पड सी नही ों है . रथहुल, गियथ
कथ गनकटतम पड सी नही ों है . रथहुल क रसमलथई पसोंि नही ों है । िह व्यक्ति गजसे खीर पसोंि है िह पोंक्ति के
गकसी एक अोंगतम छ र पर बै ठथ है । िह व्यक्ति गजसे कथजू कतली पसोंि है िह िीतथ के िथयें से चौर्े स्र्थन पर
बै ठथ है । िह व्यक्ति गजसे जले बी पसोंि है िह लड् डू पसोंि करने िथले और िुलथबजथमु न पसोंि करने िथले के
ठीक बीच में बै ठथ है । िीतथ क जले बी पसोंि नही ों है । ररयथ क रसिुल्लथ पसोंि है और िह गियथ के िथयें से
िू सरे स्र्थन पर बै ठी है , गजसे िुलथबजथमु न पसोंि है । रसिुल्लथ पसोंि करने िथलथ व्यक्ति पोंक्ति के गकसी भी
छ र पर नही ों बै ठथ है ।
जलेबी और लड् डू पसोंि करने िथले व्यक्ति के बीच क ई नही ों
बैठथ है ।
Eight friends Sana, Ria, Gita, Lakhan, Suraj, Priya, Raj and Rahul are sitting in a row facing south. Each of them
likes different sweets, viz Rasgulla, Gulabjamun, Rasmalai, Barfi, Kheer, Kajukatli, Jalebi and Laddu but not
necessarily in the same order. Suraj sits immediate right of Lakhan. Raj likes Barfi and is not an immediate
neighbour of the one who likes Rasgulla. Rahul is not an immediate neighbour of Priya. Rahul does not like
Rasmalai. The one who likes Kheer sits at one of the extreme ends of the row. The one who likes Kaju Katli sits
fourth to the right of Gita. The one who likes Jalebi sits exactly between the one who likes Laddu and the one
who likes Gulabjamun. Gita does not like Jalebi. Ria likes Rasgulla and sits second to the right of Priya, who
likes Gulabjamun. The one who likes Rasgulla does not sit on either end of the row. No one is sitting between
the one who likes jalebi and laddu.
Who among the following sit at the extreme ends of the
A. Sana-Rahul
B. Ria-Raj
C. Rahul-Raj
D. Suraj-Gita
E. Lakhan-Raj

Who among the following sits between the one who

likes Rasmalai and the one who likes Jalebi?
A. The one who likes Kaju Katli.
B. The one who likes Laddu.
C. The one who likes Rasgulla.
D. The one who likes Barfi.
E. None of these
P. Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are employees of an organisation working in three departments, viz Production, HR
and Accounts, with not more than three of them in any department. Each of them likes a different colour,
viz Red, Green, Blue, Pink, Yellow, White, Black and Brown but not necessarily in the same order. S works in
HR department and does not like either Red or Green. U works in Production department with only P, who
likes Brown. T and W do not work in the same department as S. R likes Black and does not work in Accounts
department. V does not work in HR department and does not like either Green or Pink. One of those who
work in HR department likes Red. The one who likes Blue works in Production department. None of those
who work in HR department likes either Pink or Yellow. W does not like Green
P. Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are employees of an organisation working in three departments, viz Production, HR
and Accounts, with not more than three of them in any department. Each of them likes a different colour,
viz Red, Green, Blue, Pink, Yellow, White, Black and Brown but not necessarily in the same order. S works in
HR department and does not like either Red or Green. U works in Production department with only P, who
likes Brown. T and W do not work in the same department as S. R likes Black and does not work in Accounts
department. V does not work in HR department and does not like either Green or Pink. One of those who
work in HR department likes Red. The one who likes Blue works in Production department. None of those
who work in HR department likes either Pink or Yellow. W does not like Green
Which of the following groups of employees work
in HR department?

Which of the following colours does V like?

A. Green
B. Pink
C. White
D. Yellow
E. None of these
Eight boxes A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are kept one above another such that bottom most box is numbered as
1, box above it as 2 and so on. Each of the boxes has different number of chocolates among 5, 6, 8, 11, 16,
19, 22 and 27. Box H has 2 chocolate more than that of box F. Box A is below box E, which is not the
topmost box. Box E is three box above the box, who has 19 chocolate. Box D is just above box G, which is an
even number box. There are three boxes above A. Box B, who has 22 chocolate, is just above box C, who
has 27 chocolate. Box H is above box F. Box A has 6 chocolate more than that of box E.
Eight boxes A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are kept one above another such that bottom most box is numbered as
1, box above it as 2 and so on. Each of the boxes has different number of chocolates among 5, 6, 8, 11, 16,
19, 22 and 27. Box H has 2 chocolate more than that of box F. Box A is below box E, which is not the
topmost box. Box E is three box above the box, who has 19 chocolate. Box D is just above box G, which is an
even number box. There are three boxes above A. Box B, who has 22 chocolate, is just above box C, who
has 27 chocolate. Box H is above box F. Box A has 6 chocolate more than that of box E.
What is the sum of total number chocolates box C, box
G and box A?
a) 10
b) 52
c) 62
d) 54
e) None of these

How many boxes are above box D?

a) Two
b) Five
c) Six
d) Four
e) One

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