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Mag 5000 / 6000

And Associated Sensors

Installation Guide Section 1.0

Part Number GB3:E9003400

1 2 3 4

Sensor shipped with Sensor-Prom installed in junction Box.

Remove Sensor Prom before burying sensor.

Make sure Sensor-Prom details match details of Magflow Sensor, Cal Factor & Serial Number

Install Sensor-Prom into transmitter REMOTE junction box (as shown).
Sensors: MAG1100, MAG3100, MAG3100W, MAG5100W

Signal Converters: MAG5000, MAG6000

Requirements are for two screened cables between sensor and signal converter.

Electrode Circuit (Terminals 82, 0 and 83) Must be a three core cable with overall screen to
Do not use a twin pair or multi core cable.

Coil Circuit (Terminals 85 and 86) Same three core cable can be utilized on this
connection. Additional un-used core is not a
Problem on the coil circuit.

Keep un-screened lengths to an absolute minimum

(Less than 50mm at each end).
Both cable screens to be earthed at the flow sensor.
Coil Cable screen only to be earthed at the PE terminal on the signal converter connection board.

Use a single cable run from flow sensor to signal converter. Avoid junction boxes and terminal rails in

Full cable specification is 3 core BS5308 Part 1 or Part 2 (Braided screen or foil screen) Type 1 flexible
cable or type 2 armored cable.
i.e. BS5308, Part 1, Type 1, 3 core, 1.5mm section

Our own engineers use a 1.5mm section for ease of handling. Manual states minimum 0.5mm section for
the coil circuit and 0.2mm section for the electrode circuit.

If armoured cable is used suitable glands to fit our PG 13.5 threaded cable entries will be required.

If the guidelines are not followed the flowmeter could give unstable readings due to electrical
interference. If the flowmeter works to a satisfactory standard, it will not pass the Verificator insulation
test. The Verificator will identify the following points and fail the system.

Cross talk between cables, caused by un-screened cable lengths.

External electrical interference, caused by un-screened cable lengths or spare cores in electrode cable
acting as an arial.
Screens not continuous or not earthed to the recommendation in the Siemens Manual.
For Connection to Electrodes Pin 82, 0, 83.

BS 5380 Siemens - FDK 083F3095

Standard Cable Require for Empty Pipe Detection

Recommend LPU’s and connection details.

mA Output

Current Output - “Time Constant” effects response time of unit, (Mag 6000/5000) not just the mA
Time Constant can only be altered if mA is set to ON.
If the output terminals (31, 32) are not connected , Turn off mA output after adjusting “Time
Constant”, this will prevent P42 alarm. May require power re-cycle to clear alarm.

Digital Output Set to Pulsed

What to do if Sensor Prom Fails
Make sure Characteristics match
installed sensor.
Quick Fix for P40 Sensor Prom error.
Remove Sensor Prom
Suppress P40 error Yes.
Enter Sensor Size in Meters
Enter Calibration Factor.
Enter Excitation Frequency.
These parameters can not be altered
if Sensor Prom is functioning
Parameters are sorted in volatile
memory, therefore keep power
connected until new Sensor Prom is
Mag 5000 / 6000
And Associated Sensors

Fault Finding Guide, Section 2.0

1. Moving Coil Meter - Required to measure resistance across Electrode Connections.

Metrix ITT MX230 analogue multimeter (Recommendation only)

2. Insulation Tester (Megger) – Required to test resistance to earth for Coil Connections.

Fluke Insulation & DMM combined Fluke (1577 or 1587) (Recommendation only)

3. Digital Multi Meter – Moving Coil meter could be used here.

Fluke Insulation & DMM combined Fluke (1577 or 1587) (Recommendation only)

4. Verificator – May be required as a last resort. Will help identify wiring inadequacies
that other instrument can not detect. Talk to Siemens.
The converter system is equipped with an error and status log system with 4 groups of information.
1. Information without a functional error involved
2. Warnings which may cause malfunction in the application. The cause of the error may
disappear on its own.
3. Permanent errors which may cause malfunction in the application. The error requires an
operator intervention.
4. Fatal error which is essential for the operation of the flowmeter

2 menus are available in service and operator menus for registration of information and errors
1. Error pending
2. Status log

Two Flashing Triangles indicate a Fault Condition

The current Error can be viewed in run Mode

Press Until Error Pending is Displayed

Error Logs Can be view under Service Mode

When checking SITRANS F M MAGFLO installations for malfunction the easiest method to check the
transmitter is to replace it with another MAG 5000/6000 transmitter with a similar power supply.

A replacement can easily be done as all settings are stored in and downloaded from the SENSORPROM. unit
- no extra settings need to be made. If no spare transmitter is available - then check transmitter according to
check table.

W = Warning P = Permanent F = Fatal

1. Ensure correct Sensor Prom is fitted. Check the “Sensor
Characteristics” menu on the transmitter matches Sensor
name plate details.

2. Check for noisy installations by turning off “Excitation Voltage”

using the “Service Menu”. The signal should now be 0 l/s.
(units may very). Any deviation from zero would indicate a bad
installation usually with respect to the electrode cable. Ensure
correct cable is used and that all unscreened lengths are get to a
maximum of 50mm. Check earth connection on base plate is
fitted, (Compact mount units only).

3. Using Insulation Tester. Check continuity between 85 & ground

and 86 & ground this should be greater than 500V.

4. Using DMM or Moving coil meter check resistance between 85

and 86 and compare to “Table 1 below”. Any errors here are
usually indicated by a F70 error of the transmitter.

5. Using Moving coil meter. Check resistance between 82 & 0, then 83 & 0. At this stage the pipe needs
to be full because the resistance of the material / fluid in the pipe is being measured. The recorded
values should be between 5 and 50K but should be within 2K of each other. Any deviation would
indicate a wiring problem with regards to electrode circuit, connections 82,0,83.

6. Always repeat tests at sensor end with all remote connections removed. This will establish if the Mag
sensor is faulty, or if poor / incorrect remote connections are causing inaccuracies.

7. If all the above tests have proved successful and there are still inaccuracies or unstable readings then
the Siemens Verificator could be use to highlight any more sensitive errors.

Fig 1 Earth Connection

Coil Resistance Table

Sensor Operating Range

There are a number of possible reasons why the Verificator may fail the Insulation test on a Magflo flowmeter.
The most common reasons are listed below.

1.0 Converter Failed

1. Press ESC to end Verification
2. Replace MAG5000/MAG6000

2.0 Insulation Test Failed

2.1 Compact Mounted Converter
1 Black moulded coil and electrode connectors not mounted on the connection card.
2 The pipe is not full of fluid.
3 Moisture in the connection box.
4 Electrodes or coil circuit grounded. (Carry out sensor checks)

2.2 Remote mounted converter

1 The pipe is not full of fluid.

2 Meter body not grounded to the fluid. (Confirm if Magflo type has earthing electrodes or an earthing
ring fitted).
3 Incorrect wiring connections of the coil and electrodes
4 Unscreened lengths of wire on the electrode circuit. Max unscreened 50mm (better with 25mm
max) at any point including Junction Boxes and cabling inside panels.
5 Discontinuous screen in any Junction Boxes or panel terminations.
6 Incorrect cable being used i.e multi core (spare cores act as signal pick up aerials) or unscreened
7 Two separate cables not used for coil and electrodes.
8 Screen on the coil cable not connected at both ends
9 Crimps used on wiring and poor connection made.
10 Moisture in either the sensor or remote electronic connection boxes.
11 Electrodes or coil circuit grounded. (Carry out sensor checks)
12 Lightning arresters in circuit. (These have a built in grounding circuit)
13 Crossed connection between two sensors i.e electrode connections made to a different converter to
the one driving the coils.

If possible try a signal converter compact mounted in order to eliminate cable problems. From our experience
incorrect cable installation is the main cause of Insulation failure when using the Verificator.

3.0 Sensor Failed – Magnetism Fault

Data relating to magnetic properties deviates from data stored in Sensorprom
Trouble shooting may reveal: -
1. Short circuit within excitation coils or to ground.
2. Bad or missing connection of coil cable.
3. Corrosion or loose connection within the magnetic circuit.
4. Foreign magnetic material within the flow sensor
5. Sensorprom failed or corrupted (Indicated by error F61 on signal converter display)
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