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= -log10 [1] + log10 [10-3]

= - (0-3)
p = 3.
3. Calculate the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution whose pH is 4.45.

pH = 4.45
p = - log10 [H+]
= 4.45 = - log10[H+]
log10 [H+] = - 4.45 = ( - 4 - 1) + (-0.45)
= - 5 + 0.55
[H ] = Antilog of 0.55 x 10-5
[H+] = 3.548 x 10-5 g ions/litre.
4. If the pH of a solution is 5.25, calculate the hydrogen ion concentration of
the solution.
pH = 5.25
p = - log10 [H+]
5.25 = - log10 [H+]
log [H+] = - 5.25= (-6 + 0.75)
[ H+) = antilog (0.75) x 10-6
= 5.623 x 10-6 g ions/litre.

5. Calculate the pH of 0.1 m NaOH solution.

0.1 m NaOH means
= 0.1g ions/litre.
OH [0H–]
p = - log10
= - log10
[1 x 10-1]
= - log10
= - [- 1]
= 1.
pH + pOH = 14
pH + 1 = 14
p = 14 – 1 = 13
An indicator is a substance, which has one colour in acid solution and a
different colour in alkaline solution. Indicator is a substance, which indicates
the exact completion of a chemical reaction by changing colour at the end

Open space Harvesting
Open spaces around the buildings are used for rainwater harvesting as
1. With percolation/recharge pits
2. Recharge trenches
3. Recharge wells

The recharge method used depends on the soil condition.

Advantages of rain water harvesting
1. RHW increases the ground water level.
2. It avoids the depletion of underground water.
3. Soil erosion is prevented.
4. It also prevents flooding in urban areas during rainy season.
5. It ensures the availability of water for our future generation.
Types of impurities present in water
There are three types of impurities present in water. They are
(i) Suspended and colloidal impurities.
(ii) Dissolved salts.
(iii) Microorganisms.
Types of water
There are two types of water.
They are (i) soft water and (ii) hard water.
I. Soft water readily gives lather with soap.
II. Hard water does not give lather with soap.
Hardness of water
There are two types of hardness in water. They are:
(i) Temporary Hardness: (Carbonate hardness)
It is due to the presence of calcium bicarbonate [Ca(HCO3)2] and
magnesium bicarbonate [Mg(HCO3)2].
Temporary Hardness can be removed by boiling.
(ii) Permanent Hardness: (Non-Carbonate hardness)
It is due to the presence of chloride and sulphate salts of calcium and
Magnesium. (CaCl2, CaSO4, MgCl2, MgSO4).Hence it is called as
permanent hard water.


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