Condition Test

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1. We’ll have lunch outside in the garden, …………….. it’s too cold.

 A. if
 B. unless
 C. in case
 D. should
2. James …………….. win more races if he trained harder.

 A. would
 B. will
 C. would have
 D. shall
3. If the machine …………….. , press this button.

 A. stop
 B. stops
 C. would stop
 D. stopped
4. The lecturer didn’t know what he was talking about, but if Dr Mason
…………….. I would have listened carefully.

 A. lectured
 B. was lecturing
 C. would lecture
 D. had been lecturing
5. I can’t understand what she sees in him! If anyone treated me like that, I
…………….. extremely angry!

 A. am
 B. would be
 C. will be
 D. was
6. If you …………….. up all the peach juice that was carton, you ought to go
out and buy some more.

 A. drank
 B. drinking
 C. drunk
 D. drink
7. Rachel will be happy …………….. she passes her driving test.

 A. should
 B. will
 C. if
 D. unless
8. I …………….. you sooner had I known you were in hospital.

 A. visited
 B. visit
 C. had visited
 D. would have visited
9. If you had left the party earlier that night, you ……………………. able to get

 A. would be
 B. will be
 C. would have been
 D. would been
10. You can use my car ………………….. you drive carefully.

 A. unless
 B. as long as
 C. as soon as
 D. when
11. If everyone ………………….. an extra hour a day, it would greatly
increase production.

 A. work
 B. works
 C. working
 D. worked
12. If energy ………………….. inexpensive and unlimited, many things in the
world would be different.

 A. is
 B. were
 C. will be
 D. would be
13. Don’t bother to ring me ……………. it’s important.

 A. unless
 B. in case
 C. if
 D. as
14. If you help me with this exercise, I ……………. do the same for you one

 A. will
 B. would
 C. was
 D. am
15. According to the timetable, if the train …………… on time, we …………….
arrive at 5.30.

 A. leaves/ would
 B. left/ would
 C. leaves/ will
 D. was leaving/ would
16. If I could speak Spanish, I ……………. next year studying in Mexico.

 A. will spend
 B. had spent
 C. would spend
 D. would have spent
17. The teacher won’t stop talking. ……………. you understand the lesson

 A. if
 B. as soon as
 C. providing
 D. unless
18. You’d better take a coat ……………. it gets cold.

 A. if
 B. in case
 C. as long as
 D. while
19. If you ……………. to my advice in the first place, you wouldn’t be in this
mess right now.

 A. listen
 B. will listen
 C. listened
 D. had listened
20. If you ……………. better this weekend, we will go camping.

 A. will feel
 B. felt
 C. are
 D. being
21. If you don’t get home before 10 p.m, you …………… get in the dormitory.

 A. are not
 B. would not
 C. can not
 D. will not
22.You yourself ……………. ill if you don’t eat properly.

 A. were to make
 B. make
 C. would make
 D. will make
23. If the ball ……………. the line, that would have been the end of the game.

A. had crossed

 B. crossed
 C. crosses
 D. cross
24. ………………., I could call my neighbor.

 A. Should I need
 B. Needed
 C. I have needed
 D. I should need
25. Come on! ………………. we hurry, we’ll miss the plane!

A. if
 B. unless
 C. in case
 D. supposed
26. ………………. you like to see my coin collection?

 A. will
 B. would
 C. do
 D. have
27. I didn’t get home until after midnight last night. Otherwise, I ……………….
your call.

 A. would return
 B. had returned
 C. returned
 D. would have returned
28. If Jake. ………………. to go on the trip, would you have gone?

 A. hadn’t agreed
 B. doesn’t agree
 C. didn’t agreed
 D. wouldn’t agree
29. If I found Rob’s phone number now, I ………………. him about the
change in plans.

 A. called
 B. had called
 C. could call
 D. will call
30. If I see him, I ………………. him this gift.

 A. give
 B. would give
 C. gave
 D. will give
31. If I had a typewriter, I………………it myself.

 A. am typing
 B. would have typed
 C. would type
 D. typed
32. If you don’t keep silent, you ………………. wake the baby up.

 A. will
 B. can
 C. had
 D. would
33. If I had known that you were in hospital, I ………………. you.

 A. will visit
 B. would have visited
 C.would visit
 D. visited
34. I don’t understand this problem. I wish ………………. it better.

 A. understands
 B. would understand
 C. had understood
 D. understood
35. It never stops raining here. I wish it ………………. raining.

 A. stopped
 B. would stop
 C. had stopped
 D. will stop
36. If I ………………. his telephone number, I’d give it to you.
 A. knowing
 B. knew
 C. had known
 D. know
37. If you ………………. ten minutes earlier, you would have got a seat.

 A. arrived
 B. had arrived
 C. arrive
 D. would arrive
38. This exercise is very boring. I wish the teacher ………………. us some
more interesting things to do.

 A. gave
 B. would give
 C. had given
 D. will give
39. I would have visited you before if there ………………quite a lot of people in
your house.

 A. hadn’t
 B. hadn’t been
 C. wouldn’t be
 D. wasn’t
40. If you had driven to your office, you ……………… late for work.

 A. wouldn’t have been

 B. would be
 C. wouldn’t be
 D. would have been
41. If I …………….you, I wouldn’t go with him to the club.

 A. were
 B. are
 C. be
 D. was
42. I should never have said that. I wish I ………………. that.

 A. didn’t say
 B. wouldn’t say
 C. hadn’t said
 D. says
43. I speak terrible English. I wish I ………………. English well.

 A. spoke
 B. would speak
 C. had spoken
 D. speaks
44. If ………………. as the teacher told her, she would have succeeded.

 A. she has done

 B. she does
 C. she had done
 D. she did
45. You made a mistake by telling him a lie. It ………………. better if you
………………. to him.

 A. would be / hadn’t lied

 B. would be / didn’t lie
 C. will be / don’t lie
 D. would have been / hadn’t lied
46. John would be taking a great risk if he ………………. his money in that

 A. would invest
 B. invested
 C. had invested
 D. invests
47. I cannot sleep. The dog next door is making too much noise. I wish it
………………. quiet.

 A. kept
 B. would keep
 C. had kept
 D. will keep
48. If I ………………. her phone number, I ………………. her last night

 A. had known/ could have phoned

 B. knew/ could phone
 C. know/ can phone
 D. knew/would have phoned
49. The children will be happy if he ………………. them English.

 A. taught
 B. teaches
 C. teach
 D. would teach
50. If she ……………. a new hard disk, she would not have lost all data.

 A. hadn’t bought
 B. didn’t buy
 C. buys
 D. will not buy
51. If he ……………. the truth, the police wouldn’t arrest him.

 A. tells
 B. told
 C. had told
 D. would tell
52. I didn’t see the TV programme but everybody said it was excellent. I wish I
______ it.

 A. saw
 B. would see
 C. had seen
 D. seen
53. She says if she ……………. that the traffic lights were red she

 A. had realized / would stop

 B. realized / could have stopped
 C. has realized / stopped
 D. had realized / would have stopped
54. If I ……………. a cheap room, I will stay for a fortnight.

 A. find
 B. found
 C. was finding
 D. would find.
55. She wouldn’t have given them all the money if they ……………..

 A. required
 B. hadn’t required
 C. didn’t require
 D. had required
56. I am very thin. I think, if I …………… smoking, I might get fat.

 A. stop
 B. had stopped
 C. will stop
 D. stopped
57. This train is very slow. The earlier train was much faster. I wish I
……………the earlier train.

 A. caught
 B. would catch
 C. had caught
 D. catches
58. If I …………… that yesterday, I ……………them

 A. had discovered/ would inform

 B. had discovered/ would have informed
 C. had discovered/ could inform
 D. discovered/ can inform
59. Unless he worked more slowly, he …………… so many mistakes.

 A. makes
 B. will make
 C. would make
 D. had made
60. I shouldn’t drink that wine if I ……………you.

 A. were
 B. was
 C. are
 D. have been

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