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Writing a coursework on a complex topic like schizophrenia can be a challenging and time-

consuming task. Schizophrenia is a multifaceted mental health disorder that requires in-depth
research, critical analysis, and a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Students are
often required to delve into the intricacies of its causes, symptoms, treatments, and societal impacts.

Here are some reasons why writing a coursework on schizophrenia can be difficult:

1. Complexity of the Topic: Schizophrenia involves a wide range of symptoms and

manifestations, making it a complex subject to study. Understanding the biological,
psychological, and social aspects of the disorder requires a deep dive into various scientific
and medical concepts.
2. Extensive Research: Producing a high-quality coursework requires thorough research.
Students need to explore academic journals, books, and reputable sources to gather relevant
information. This can be time-consuming and challenging, especially for those with limited
access to resources.
3. Critical Analysis:A coursework on schizophrenia often demands critical analysis of theories,
research findings, and real-world implications. Developing the ability to critically evaluate
complex information is a skill that takes time to hone.
4. Time Constraints: Students typically have multiple academic commitments, including other
coursework, exams, and extracurricular activities. The limited time available to dedicate to
each assignment can add pressure and hinder the quality of the coursework.

While it's important to recognize the difficulties, seeking help from external sources like ⇒ ⇔ can be a viable option. Here are a few reasons to consider using such services:

1. Expert Assistance: Professional writing services often employ experts in various fields,
including psychology and mental health. These experts can provide well-researched and well-
written content on complex topics like schizophrenia.
2. Time Management: Outsourcing coursework allows students to manage their time more
effectively, focusing on other academic and personal priorities.
3. Quality Assurance: Reputable writing services prioritize quality. They can deliver a well-
structured, thoroughly researched, and properly referenced coursework, meeting academic

It's essential to approach external assistance ethically. While using writing services can be beneficial,
it's crucial for students to engage with the material and gain a solid understanding of the topic.
Seeking help should complement one's learning process rather than replace it entirely.
The causes associated with mental disorders, such as schizophrenia, are yet to be fully understood.
While in not-too-distant past the disease was thought to be proof of demonic possession, today,
medical research has uncovered medications to help control symptoms and enabled a better
understanding of its causes. Smith, Brian, MS. (2014). What Causes Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia
usually develops gradually, so it can be hard to pinpoint when changes in behavior start or whether
they are something to worry about. According to the eMedicineHealth website, it is “a chronic,
severe, and disabling mental illness”. Basically, the complexity in distinguishing neurological
disorders from schizophrenia emerges mostly in the early onset of neurological disorder. This paper
explains the major causative factors, symptoms, treatments offered and how to generally cope with
schizophrenia. In addition support through adequate counselling and from family and friends have
also helped many people live a good life. Family caregivers are keenly aware that the sufferer must
take medications regularly or the symptoms, many times severe therefore dangerous, reoccur. Some
experts suggest that schizophrenia occurs in people with neurodevelopmental vulnerability and as a
result of interactions of this enduring vulnerabilities and environmental stressors. Sufferers can
become hostile rapidly if they think they are being conspired against or threatened. The actions by
the majority of suffers are entirely benign. Positive symptoms of schizophrenia and their relationship
with cognitive and emotional executive functions. This is 100% legal. You may not submit
downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Learn about a schizophrenia treatment
that controls symptoms for 1 full month. See other similar resources ?10.00 (no rating) 0 reviews
BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. Once monthly treatment to maintain
schizophrenia symptom control. Learn about a schizophrenia treatment that controls symptoms for 1
full month. It is a case study journal found in the schizophrenia Bulletin. As a BBC news producer,
she investigated issues such as the growing mental health crisis among young people in the UK. The
most promising of these models for the aetiology of schizophrenia is the model of the hereditary
factor being the predisposing factor in the development of schizophrenia, with environmental
stressors acting in concert for the manifestation of schizophrenia. Yet another issue that has impeded
identifying the genes involved in the development of schizophrenia is the belief that in the case of a
majority of the individuals a small number of genes interacting with the environment are responsible
for the development of the illness, but in a small number of individuals it is a pool of many genes
that increase the vulnerability to the illness and in different individuals this gene pool may operate in
different combinations. Those who live in rural areas are less likely than their urban counterparts to
develop schizophrenia. Learn about a schizophrenia treatment that controls symptoms for 1 full
month. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness.
Even though men and women have roughly similar rates of schizophrenia, they tend to develop the
condition at slightly different ages. While these changes might not be concerning by themselves, if
you or a loved one are having several of them, talk to a mental health professional. Read information
for healthcare professionals about a schizophrenia treatment for adults. See other similar resources
?7.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for.
Delusions, hallucinations and affective symptoms occur, but are usually less obvious.
Research indicates an alteration in the brain that includes structurally enlarged lateral and third
ventricles, decreased cortical volume and decreased volume of the temporal lobes and thalamus are
some of the changes which lead to altered cognitive development and behaviour much earlier than
the onset of the symptoms. Genetically multiple genes has been considered to increase susceptibility
to the disorder. Since each of the three individual genes makes a small contribution to the
development of schizophrenia, a very large sample size is needed to create the required dimensions to
identify the relatively small impact of each individual gene. For example, symptoms like
hallucinations would be present (positive) in someone with schizophrenia but would not be present in
someone who does not have the condition. They are seldom a threat to themselves or others but a
minority do display dangerous actions. I have also corrected the in-text citations and have followed
the APA referencing style for them. Condition characterized by insidious development of eccentric
behavior. Scientists still do not know what causes it and there is no cure but psychiatric medications,
therapies and mental health facilities have proven to be effective in mitigating the effects of this
complex disease. It is important to note that these delays are not always a sign of schizophrenia. A
continuing debility of cognitive functionality is usually observed. For majority of the patients in the
study, it was found out that, a combination of risperidone with adjunctive pharmacotherapy was
important. Teachers instruct and guide youths towards academic and professional success. Thought
disorders describe a dysfunctional, abnormal way of processing information. These symptoms are
subtle and usually identified only after tests have been conducted. Positive symptoms are broken
down into several subcategories: Hallucinations, Delusions, Thought Disorders and Movement
Disorders. When there is increased stress due to inflexible and inadaptable approaches in the family,
the stress increases and so does the risk for schizophrenia, if there is already a genetic disposition for
it. The conventional medicinal types administered are; Antipsychotics, Antidepressants and
Benzodiazepines (Martel, 2012). Drexel is a highly ranked name in education field. The lack of
success in applying the traditional genetic models to the aetiology of schizophrenia has resulted in
newer concepts of genetic models for aetiology of schizophrenia. But If they do, psychotherapy is
used to treat them. Estimates on the worldwide prevalence of schizophrenia put the prevalence rate at
1. Some locations offer programs to help the afflicted integrate into society. The treatment of the
mentally ill was seldom based on a scientific approach. The major neurocognitve changes observed
widely among schizophrenic patients includes inability to react correctly at the right time, reduced
memory and difficulty in executing tasks. While it has not been difficult to identify the heritability of
schizophrenia, which is estimated to be between sixty to eighty-five percent, it has proved to be
extremely difficult to identify the genes that are responsible for the genetic vulnerability to
schizophrenia. Lawmakers draft policies that enhance procedures for their areas of representation. If
the food product has less or chemical-based products, the food is good as compared to the food
products that are nothing but chemicals. The desire in me to serve the humanity while pursuing
career goals actually helped me in going for a medical program. Keep on browsing if you are OK
with that, or find out how to manage cookies. The age at which someone develops schizophrenia is
thought to influence the symptoms they will have. These symptoms tend to increase the tendency to
isolate and remain solitary.
Depression.Schizophrenia is a psychiatric syndrome in which specific psychological symptoms.
Schizophrenia has a strong genetic component and is highly heritable. The treatment experiences
were different for each person. Prevailing opinion among researchers is that drug abuse does not
cause schizophrenia. The onset may be rapid with the symptoms appearing progressively (Department
of Health and Ageing). It a complex question to a complex issue but, generally speaking, most
schizophrenics are inclined to withdraw emotionally when symptoms appear and are not dangerous.
We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Despite the illness people have coped with the
problem thorough good guidance, care exercise and medication. Sufferers can become hostile
rapidly if they think they are being conspired against or threatened. It can be hard to tell that these
symptoms will ultimately be related to schizophrenia since they are also common in other mental and
physical health disorders. Overall living a healthy and positive life has helped these and many more
overcome the illness (Chadwick et al, 2003, p 701-712). As is the case for other types of disease,
schizophrenia may result from a combination of physical, behavioral, biological and other sources.
Though educated persons had developed theories regarding care and therapy for those afflicted, the
general population, along with those in power, generally resorted to less than compassionate or
rational methods. Learn about a schizophrenia treatment that controls symptoms for 1 full month.
Schizophrenia. (2014). The National Institute of Mental Health. It is hard to diagnose schizophrenia
in adolescents because many of the features of the condition are also common during normal
childhood development. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to
leave some feedback. The person having these illnesses thinks in a significant different manner than
an average upright person. Counseling, referred to as psychosocial interventions, is a vital treatment
when paired with medications. In addition is the possibility that has emerged from evidence that in
very few cases families demonstrate schizophrenia form a single gene that has a major effect (Austin,
2005). Cognitive explanations, including dysfunctional thought processing. Keep on browsing if you
are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Schizoid and Schizotypal disorders also do
not have a known cause but are also related to Schizophrenia. People living with schizophrenia have
fewer of these traits, or may not have them at all. All the important facts that you need to know
compiled in an easy-to-understand handout. See other similar resources ?12.50 5.00 1 review BUY
NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. Revision lesson which focuses on essay
structure and AO3. For example, a normal part of childhood is having vivid imaginations and
fantasies. Schizophrenic symptoms can be divided into two type’s namely positive and negative
symptoms. Positive symptoms which are an excessive expression of normal thinking processes
include delusions or false beliefs, hallucinations or perceiving something that does not exist, and
disorganised thinking (McGorry and McGrath, 2001, p316-318; Department of Health and Ageing;
Mental Health Association NSW Inc, 2006). Bundle AQA A-Level Psychology Exam Question
Booklet Bundle (incl.
These symptoms are subtle and usually identified only after tests have been conducted. Once
monthly treatment to maintain schizophrenia symptom control. The final category is abnormal foetus
development, which is normally associated with low birth weight, though the association between
low birth weight and schizophrenia eludes explanation (Austin, 2005). A continuing debility of
cognitive functionality is usually observed. Essay Introduction Psychotic illness which poses a major
challenge to contemporary psychiatry is characterized by delusions, hallucinations and thought
disorders. Environmental Factors in the Aetiology of Schizophrenia. Some are able to function in
society and lead meaningful lives if symptoms arent too sever and are effectively managed. Write a
review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. While these
can be some of the early warning signs of schizophrenia, they can continue and may get worse
(especially if someone is not diagnosed with and treated for the condition). The PPD can be treated
by combining psychology therapy and medicine (Martel, 2012). Several factors determine the
effectiveness of medication treatment including availability, costs, side effects and whether or not
the patient takes those drugs as instructed. Living and Coping With Schizophrenic Disorder. (2010).
Mental Illnesses. Retrieved on December 1, 2014. Developmental differences between schizophrenia
and bipolar disorder. These medicines help to correct any biochemical imbalance that had triggered
the illness (Department of Health and Ageing). Many years of research have yielded several possible
genes, but none of these findings have been replicated for acceptance with confidence that they do
indeed have a role to play in the development of schizophrenia (Austin, 2005). Each of these factors
have progressive stages as shown in the disease’s stages and can be seen as “multiple pathological
processes at various neurodevelopmental stages (Buckley, 2005).” The aspects of schizophrenia,
behavioral and neuropsychological, can be seen as effects of these multiple pathological processes.
They are associated with some side effects like trembling and involuntary muscle movements,
however, newer medicines have lesser side effects and help in a more speedy recovery process
(Department of Health and Ageing; Mental Health Association NSW Inc, 2006). Students like the
way key information is organised and summarised. See other similar resources ?1.50 (no rating) 0
reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. Some experts suggest that
schizophrenia occurs in people with neurodevelopmental vulnerability and as a result of interactions
of this enduring vulnerabilities and environmental stressors. Keep on browsing if you are OK with
that, or find out how to manage cookies. An imbalance in neurotransmitters like dopamine is likely to
predispose a person to the illness and so does the use of alcohol (Department of Health and Ageing;
Mental Health Association NSW Inc, 2006). Learn about a schizophrenia treatment that controls
symptoms for 1 full month. Read information for healthcare professionals about a schizophrenia
treatment for adults. Schizophrenia is one such mental illness that manifests as changes in behaviour,
thinking, feeling and perception (Department of Health and Ageing; Mental Health Association
NSW Inc, 2006). Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies.
Schizophrenics, by definition, often do not think in rational ways. This is in sharp contrast to diseases
alleles involved in single gene disorders like Huntington’s disease. Despite these discrepancies, there
is agreement on the importance of studying this disease and providing treatment for individuals who
have been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Efforts to unravel the mystery that shrouds an
understanding of the aetiology of schizophrenia that can lead to better intervention means continues,
for schizophrenia is among the major public health problems that societies around the world have to
Too often schizophrenics are wind up in jail or homeless where they seldom get the aid they require.
The treatment of the mentally ill was seldom based on a scientific approach. The onset of symptoms
occurs much earlier some of which may include depression, withdrawal and reduced speech, and the
mode of onset differs from one person to another. Observations of the prevalence of schizophrenia
among the first generation and second generation immigrants demonstrate an increased risk for
schizophrenia, which cannot be explained by any other considerations (Austin, 2005). Reviews
Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. Research indicates
an alteration in the brain that includes structurally enlarged lateral and third ventricles, decreased
cortical volume and decreased volume of the temporal lobes and thalamus are some of the changes
which lead to altered cognitive development and behaviour much earlier than the onset of the
symptoms. Genetically multiple genes has been considered to increase susceptibility to the disorder.
As a BBC news producer, she investigated issues such as the growing mental health crisis among
young people in the UK. However, this data may be skewed due to a higher proportion of black
persons concentrated in the city. However, patients are also increasingly concerned about the rising
cost of medicines especially in the US and Britain. Write a review Update existing review Submit
review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. People are at risk for suicidal thoughts and may act
on those thoughts. Stress is a widely accepted risk factor for schizophrenia, though the exact
definition of the various factors involved in stress needs to be worked out more clearly (Austin,
2005). Counseling, referred to as psychosocial interventions, is a vital treatment when paired with
medications. Such concepts to understanding of the aetiology of diseases are not a novel idea, nor
are they considered only in the disease of schizophrenia. The concept of schizophrenia (formerly
dementia praecox) was introduced by the noted German Psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin who was
responsible for classifying psychotic disorders (McGorry and McGrath, 2001, p311). Hospitalization
may be required if a new drug is trialled or when patient safety is concerned. The lack of success in
applying the traditional genetic models to the aetiology of schizophrenia has resulted in newer
concepts of genetic models for aetiology of schizophrenia. Before the onset of schizophrenia,
adolescents often develop changes in behavior. They are likely to end up struggling in school—one
of the most common issues reported in teens diagnosed with schizophrenia. Overall living a healthy
and positive life has helped these and many more overcome the illness (Chadwick et al, 2003, p 701-
712). In a study of 34,653 people in the general population in the Laboratory of Epidemiology and
Biometry National Institute of health in the USA indicated that the incidences of personality
disorder were very high. Having a family member with schizophrenia increases your risk of
developing the disease. The term schizophrenia was coined in 1908 by the Swiss psychiatrist Eugen
Bleuler. The. Bundle AQA A-Level Psychology Exam Question Booklet Bundle (incl. Yet another
issue that has impeded identifying the genes involved in the development of schizophrenia is the
belief that in the case of a majority of the individuals a small number of genes interacting with the
environment are responsible for the development of the illness, but in a small number of individuals
it is a pool of many genes that increase the vulnerability to the illness and in different individuals this
gene pool may operate in different combinations. The disorder typically becomes evident slightly
earlier in men than it does in women. Learn about a schizophrenia treatment that controls symptoms
for 1 full month. For Peter a combination of medication, self-care and a rearranged thought process
worked well. It is important to note that these delays are not always a sign of schizophrenia. There is
clearly much left to be discovered about this disease.

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