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Which proffessions do you trust the most and why?

People are choosing their professions based on their hobbies, on what they love, what they
are interested in or what they studied. It is important to have a job, we must earn money to
live. But sometimes, when people are choosing their career, they think “what other people
will think about my choice? Am I choosing right?”. And it is completely normal thing, because
nowadays it is easy to lose trust to someone’s. If a doctor treated us in a bad way, we
automatically think a lot of rude stuff not only about this one human, who choose their
profession as a doctor, but also about all people who are working in this.

So which profession we should choose to be sure that everyone (or most of people) is going
to esteem us? I believe most of us think about doctors and nurses. These jobs are necessary
and we need clinicians. They always going to help us, sometimes they can even safe our life
and life of our friends, family, people we care about. When we are at the hospital, they are
always watching our steps and making sure we are going to be okay and healthy. Also, before
you get your medical degree, you are spending tons of hours on studying new things. I trust
them, because I know, that they are not fools.

Next job I can think about, is, maybe surprisingly, the farmer. In my opinion, they are as
important, as doctors. The world has changed and nowadays people live mostly in big cities,
where there is no place for farmlands and farms. They provide us with food. It is very, very
hard job – no vacations, always being ready to go to work, being addicted to the weather. If
the weather is bad, the harvest will be worse. Then only a step away from hunger. I trust
them, because my father is a farmer, and I know how hard he works and I am sure, that
people would not stay alive long without farmers.

Last but not least – teachers. All those big fishes in the world, all the businessmans and
lawyers – they all started everything from being at school as a kids. Teaching is also not easy
– kids are not always cooperative, sometimes are rude, and you have to be really patient if
you want to work in the school. However, being able to make a dumb human the smartest in
the world? What a genius you have to be! Without lecturers we would not even know how to
read or count. And everything started from small things teachers do.

To cut the long story short, I believe most of the professions I trust, are the jobs which I
know, are incredibly hard. These people are important to the world. We must pay respect to
them and we should choose them. Of course, they always going to be couple of exeptions,
where someone can let us down – life is brutal and not perfect. But we must know, that all
the people – are just people and they can make mistakes.

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