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Argumentative Writing

Writer vs. Researcher

vs. A.I. Generator

The next step in our exploration of argumentative writing using traditional essay writing techniques
and incorporating internet research and A.I. technology is to compare and contrast similar essays
written through different methods. Last class, you should have written a brief essay using only the
help of your own varied knowledge and experiences, and those of your brilliant classmates.
Today, you will work with your group to expand on those essays. Your group must assign roles to
each of your members with at least one person being each of the following:

* Writer(s) - the best natural writer(s) should take the task of using the best parts of the
hand written essays written last class and composing a new, more complete
and dynamic essay. Should be typed and no more than 500 words.

* Researcher(s) - student(s) will use the Google or another search engine (no A.I.) to
research the chosen topic for your group’s essays. You can find facts and
relevant essay to support your best arguments, or even find drafts of other
related essays to quote from. Must cite sources, typed, max 500 words.

* A.I. Generator(s) - student(s) who prefer artificial intelligence will use ChatGPT,
Bard or similar A.I. to create a new essay on the same topic. Make multiple
queries to produce and refine results that fit the parameters of our class
assignment. Edit the essay carefully to avoid misinformation. Cite sources,
typed, max 500 words.
Each of these essays should be worked on only by members of the group that are assigned to that
method – no cross collaboration. After your group has produced three different versions of the
essays exploring your group’s chosen argumentative topic, it will be up to the world to decide
whether the human mind is still superior to artificial intelligence.
In order to keep the writing methods
anonymous to the public, we will use
aliases to identify the creators of each
version. Choose the name of a Marvel or
D.C. character (ie. Bruce Wayne, Peter Parker,
Lois Lane… any others) as the author of the
essay. On a separate document, let me
know which name represents which
writing method and the group
members that worked on that essay.
Finally, next class, we will take the time to read all the essays
and decide which version is the best and whether we can
recognize natural vs. artificial intelligence.

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