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International Geology Review

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Metamorphic phase equilibria modelling

and zircon U–Pb geochronology of ultrahigh-
temperature cordierite granulites from the
Madurai Block, India: implications for hot
Gondwana crust

Li Tang, S. Rajesh, M. Santosh, Toshiaki Tsunogae, A.P. Pradeepkumar,

Yukiyasu Tsutsumi & Yusuke Takamura

To cite this article: Li Tang, S. Rajesh, M. Santosh, Toshiaki Tsunogae, A.P. Pradeepkumar,
Yukiyasu Tsutsumi & Yusuke Takamura (2017): Metamorphic phase equilibria modelling
and zircon U–Pb geochronology of ultrahigh-temperature cordierite granulites from the
Madurai Block, India: implications for hot Gondwana crust, International Geology Review, DOI:

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Metamorphic phase equilibria modelling and zircon U–Pb geochronology of

ultrahigh-temperature cordierite granulites from the Madurai Block, India:
implications for hot Gondwana crust
Li Tanga,b, S. Rajeshc, M. Santosha,d, Toshiaki Tsunogaeb,e, A.P. Pradeepkumarc, Yukiyasu Tsutsumif
and Yusuke Takamurab
School of Earth Sciences and Resources, China University of Geosciences Beijing, Beijing, China; bGraduate School of Life and
Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan; cDepartment of Geology, University of Kerala, Kariyavattom Campus,
Trivandrum, India; dCentre for Tectonics, Exploration and Research, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA, Australia; eDepartment of Geology,
University of Johannesburg, Auckland Park, South Africa; fDepartment of Geology and Paleontology, National Museum of Nature and
Science, Ibaraki, Japan


The Madurai Block (MB) is the largest Precambrian crustal block in the Southern Granulite Terrane Received 12 December 2016
(SGT) of India and hosts rare cordierite- and orthopyroxene-bearing granulites. Investigations based Accepted 28 March 2017
on field study, petrology, metamorphic P–T estimation, and detrital zircon geochronology of these KEYWORDS
granulites are crucial for understanding the ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) metamorphism and crustal Cordierite granulite;
evolution in this block. Here we investigate the petrology and zircon U–Pb geochronology of two new pseudosection modelling;
localities of cordierite granulites at Kottayam (southern MB; SMB) and Munnar (central MB; CMB). detrital zircon
Petrographic observations and phase equilibria modelling results indicate that these rocks experi- geochronology; Madurai
enced UHT metamorphism with the peak temperature exceeding 950℃ and involving clockwise P–T Block; Gondwana
paths. The prograde mineral assemblages define the P–T conditions of 6.8–8.7 kbar and 750–875℃.
The peak conditions are estimated using pseudosection modelling and geothermometry, which yield
P–T estimates of 7.1–9.1 kbar and 955–985℃. The retrograde cooling and decompression are inferred
at 860–790℃ and <6.5 kbar, respectively. Partial melting played an important role during metamorph-
ism and contributed to the overgrowth around detrital zircons. The melt production process was
probably related to biotite dehydration melting, and was mainly triggered by heating, with or without
the effect of decompression. Detrital zircons in cordierite granulite samples from the two localities
show similar age distributions and have dominantly Neoproterozoic ages (1024–760 Ma). The zircon
cores show oscillatory zoning with a wide range of Th/U ratios (0.01–0.96), implying complex
protoliths from multiple Neoproterozoic provenances from both southern and central domains of
the MBs. Zircon rims and homogeneous bright zircons yield mean ages of 549 ± 5 Ma, 536 ± 6 Ma, and
544 ± 6 Ma, which are interpreted to represent zircon overgrowths during the post-peak cooling and
decompression process. The timing of peak UHT metamorphism is constrained as 549–599 Ma, which
coincides with the assembly of the Gondwana supercontinent.

Introduction attention for investigations related to crustal evolution

and ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) metamorphism
The tectonic subdivision of southern India was earlier
(Sajeev et al. 2004; Kooijman et al. 2011; Teale et al.
based on the grades of metamorphism, but has been
2011; Santosh et al. 2017). Recent studies have shown
refined in recent studies from precise geochronologi-
that the MB is a collage of at least three sub-blocks
cal data and P–T–t histories, leading to the identifica-
rather than a single crustal block based on their dis-
tion of a number of distinct crustal blocks and
tinct age provinces, including the Northern Madurai
intervening suture/shear zones (e.g. Santosh et al.
Block (NMB), the Central Madurai Block (CMB), and the
2009, 2015, 2016; Chetty and Santosh 2013; Collins
Southern Madurai Block (SMB) (Plavsa et al. 2012, 2014;
et al. 2014; Kröner et al. 2015). The Madurai Block
Li et al. 2016; Santosh et al. 2017).
(MB) occupies the largest area of the Southern
Previous studies reported several localities of UHT
Granulite Terrane (SGT) and represents a composite
granulites within the MB, such as Mg–Al-rich granulite
mid- to lower crustal domain, attracting considerable

CONTACT Li Tang School of Earth Sciences and Resources, China University of Geosciences Beijing, 29 Xueyuan Road, Beijing,
100083 China; Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8572, Japan
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed here.
© 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

and sapphirine granulite from the Palni Hills (Raith et al. Shear Zone (Santosh et al. 2015, 2017), which merges
1997; Brandt et al. 2011), garnet–gedrite rock and asso- with the Moyar Shear Zone to the SE (Figure 1). The
ciated mafic granulite from Karur (Tsunogae et al. latter, together with the southern Bhavani Shear Zone,
2008a), Mg–Al granulites from Ganguvarpatti (Sajeev bounds the Nilgiri Block. The Neoarchaean Salem and
et al. 2004), Mg-rich orthopyroxene granulite from Madras Blocks occur to the north and northeast of the
Kambam (Shazia et al. 2012), and sapphirine-bearing PCSZ, respectively (Rao et al. 2006; Clark et al. 2009).
Mg–Al granulite and sapphirine–quartz-bearing meta- The MB occurs to the south of PCSZ (Figure 1). The
pelite from Rajapalaiyam (Braun et al. 2007; Tsunogae southern boundary of this block is defined by the
and Santosh 2010). Metamorphic P–T evolution ACSZ, beyond which lies the Trivandrum Block, which
recorded by these rocks display UHT conditions of is an accretionary complex of metasediments (Collins
880–1050℃ and clockwise trajectories (Raith et al. et al. 2007). The southern tip of the peninsular is com-
1997; Sajeev et al. 2004; Braun et al. 2007; Tsunogae posed of the Palaeoproterozoic Nagercoil Block
et al. 2008a; Brandt et al. 2011; Shazia et al. 2012). The (Santosh et al. 2009; Rajesh 2012; Kröner et al. 2015).
southern boundary of the MB is defined by the The MB comprises dominantly of charnockite massifs
Achankovil Suture Zone (ACSZ), which has been inter- intercalated with elongate narrow belts of metasedimen-
preted as the reworked southern margin of the MB, tary rocks including quartzites and cordierite granulites.
which underwent metamorphism during the assembly The charnockite massifs constitute the highlands of the
of Gondwana (Taylor et al. 2015a), although a recent Western Ghats mountain chains in south India (Rajesh
study identified extensive Neoproterozoic arc magma- 2007). Garnet-cordierite-sillimanite gneisses in the MB
tism and crustal outbuilding in this region (Santosh have been reported to occur as bands along the
et al. 2017). Cordierite granulites of ACSZ record UHT Kodaikannal and Madurai regions (Prakash 1999).
metamorphic conditions exceeding 900℃ based on Recent studies suggested that the MB includes
petrology and metamorphic P–T studies (Santosh Archaean to Neoproterozoic charnockite–granite associa-
1987, 2009; Nandakumar and Harley 2000; Cenki et al. tion along with gneiss, granulite, and quartzite (Ghosh
2002; Ishii et al. 2006; Shimizu et al. 2009; Taylor et al. et al. 2004; Plavsa et al. 2012; Brandt et al. 2014). All the
2015a). However, detailed elucidation of the meta- rocks show metamorphic overprinting at ca. 535 Ma
morphic P–T conditions based on phase equilibria mod- (Collins et al. 2014). Plavsa et al. (2012) reported U–Pb
elling in combination with detrital and metamorphic age (3000–2500 Ma) for the granite–charnockite associa-
zircon geochronology in cordierite granulites in the tion from the northern MB. However, they reported that
MB is still lacking, which limit the understanding of the charnockites from the southern part of the MB are of
UHT metamorphism in the MB and its relationship Neoproterozoic age (1007 ± 23 Ma and 784 ± 18 Ma). A
with the ACSZ during the assembly of Gondwana. distinct boundary has been demarcated between the
In this study, we investigate two new locations of north and west domains of the MB based on isotope
cordierite-bearing granulites from the SMB and CMB data from charnockite and other rock associations
through field studies, petrology, metamorphic P–T esti- (Plavsa et al. 2012). In a recent work, Santosh et al.
mation, and detrital zircon geochronology. Our results, (2017) identified that the SMB is largely composed of
in combination with previous data, provide further Neoproterozoic arc magmatic rocks developed during a
insights into the UHT metamorphism during the prolonged subduction–accretion event prior to the final
Gondwana assembly. collision and high-grade metamorphism during the lat-
est Neoproterozoic–Cambrian. UHT metamorphic assem-
blages have been reported from several localities in this
Regional geology
block, with peak metamorphic P–T conditions in the
The SGT in Peninsula India comprises a series of tec- range of 7–13 kbar and 900–1150℃ (Sajeev et al. 2004;
tonic units with distinct protolith origins and tecto- Tateishi et al. 2004; Braun et al. 2007; Kondou et al. 2009;
nothermal histories (Collins et al. 2014). The Dharwar Tsunogae and Santosh 2010; Brandt et al. 2011).
Craton gives way to the SGT across the Palghat Cauvery The ACSZ, which marks the southern boundary of the
Suture Zone (PCSZ) (Plavsa et al. 2012; Chetty et al. MB, is composed of various metamorphic and magmatic
2016). The PCSZ has been an area of considerable suites including garnet-biotite gneiss, garnet-sillimanite-
interest in recent years as this zone preserves the cordierite gneiss, charnockite (orthopyroxene-bearing fel-
imprints of multiple cycles of Precambrian plate tec- sic granulite), two-pyroxene mafic granulite, calc-silicate
tonic regimes (Chetty et al. 2016). In the northernmost rock, and quartzite (Taylor et al. 2015a). Pressure and
domain of the SGT, the Mesoarchaean Coorg Block is temperature estimates from various rock types of this
separated from the Dharwar Craton by the Mercara region show P–T conditions in the range of 5–9.5 kbar

Figure 1. Generalized geological and tectonic framework of the Southern Granulite Terrane of India showing the major crustal
blocks and intervening suture zones (after Collins et al. 2014; Santosh et al. 2015, 2017). The tectonic subdivision of the Madurai
Block is modified after Plavsa et al. (2012, 2014).

and 700–1040℃ (Santosh 1987, 2009; Nandakumar and cordierite, garnet, K-feldspar, orthopyroxene, and bio-
Harley 2000; Cenki et al. 2002; Ishii et al. 2006; Shimizu tite as the major minerals (Supplementary table 1). In
et al. 2009; Taylor et al. 2015a). The metasedimentary hand specimen, the rock shows weak migmatization
rocks in the ACSZ have Neoproterozoic maximum deposi- with patches or laths of cordierite aggregates, and
tional ages based on detrital zircon and monazite studies foliation defined by biotite (Figure 3).
(Santosh et al. 2006, 2009; Collins et al. 2007), and the
metamorphic ages of 580–480 Ma are interpreted to
record the final assembly of the Gondwana superconti- Kottayam: VDR-1
nent (Collins et al. 2007, 2014).
Location VDR-1 is an abandoned quarry near
Vadavathur (9°35ʹ52ʺN and 76°34ʹ05ʺE) in Kottayam
District, consisting predominantly of cordierite granu-
Sampling and petrography
lite, charnockite, and quartzo-feldspathic gneiss. All the
Cordierite-bearing granulites were collected for this lithologies show a gneissose structure with WNW–ESE-
study from Kottayam (SMB) and Munnar (CMB) trending foliations consistent with the regional foliation
(Figures 1 and 2). The bluish-coloured coarse cordier- trend of the ACSZ. The garnet-bearing cordierite gran-
ite-bearing rocks are composed of quartz, plagioclase, ulite occurs along the lithological boundary between

Retrograde metamorphic assemblage

In the matrix, the medium- to fine-grained and xeno-
blastic minerals of cordierite, biotite, plagioclase, quartz,
orthopyroxene, magnetite, and ilmenite define the ret-
rograde assemblage. The peak garnet commonly has an
embayed shape and is surrounded by symplectite of
cordierite + quartz and coronas of cordierite (Figure 4(b,
d)). The texture of garnet embayed by cordierite implies
the following reaction:
Garnet þ Sillimanite þ Quartz ! Cordierite: (1)
The cordierite + quartz symplectites surrounding the
porphyroblastic garnet have close relationship with
fine-grained ilmenite and magnetite in the matrix
(Figure 4(b)), suggesting the following reaction:
Garnet þ O2 ! Cordierite þ Quartz
þ Fe2 O3 inMagnetite: (2)
Locally, coarse-grained Fe-Ti oxide aggregates are sur-
rounded by cordierite + quartz coronas (Figure 4(a,c)).
Medium- to fine-grained biotites (<1 mm) occur as a
retrograde phase in the matrix, and are oriented parallel
to foliation (Figure 4(a,b)). Xenoblastic orthopyroxene is
observed around the plagioclase crystal, implying the
retrograde phase of orthopyroxene (Figure 4(d)).

Figure 2. Detailed geological map of the study area showing Kottayam: VDR-2
sample locations of the present study, a) Kottayam area (after
resource map of Geological Survey of India); b) Munnar area. Location VDR-2 is a large abandoned quarry at 9°34ʹ35ʺN
and 76°34ʹ38ʺE. The rocks types are mainly garnet-bear-
ing cordierite granulite, charnockite, and garnetiferous
charnockite and quartzo-feldspathic gneiss. The layers quartzo-feldspathic gneiss. The rocks also display NNW–
extend sub-parallel to the trend of the ACSZ. SSE foliations similar to the VDR-1 location. Garnet-bear-
ing cordierite granulite occurs along the boundary of
Peak metamorphic assemblage charnockite. Garnet is often surrounded by cordierite,
The peak metamorphic phase assemblage in this suggesting the formation of cordierite by the breakdown
rock is defined by the medium- to coarse-grained of garnet due to decompression or dehydration.
and porphyroblastic garnet (1–3 mm), orthopyrox- Foliations of these rocks are relatively weak compared
ene (0.8–2 mm), quartz (0.5–2 mm), plagioclase (1– to those in VDR-1. Characteristic mineral assemblages are
4 mm), and Al-rich opaque aggregate (magnetite + garnet, cordierite, orthopyroxene, feldspar and quartz.
ilmenite + spinel). The garnet porphyroblasts contain Magnetite is the accessory mineral.
rare mineral inclusion of quartz (Figure 4(a,b)).
Strongly pleochroic and porphyroblastic orthopyrox- Peak metamorphic assemblage
ene occurs commonly with garnet, plagioclase, The peak mineral assemblage of sample VDR-2 is defined
K-feldspar, and quartz, displaying a near-equigranu- as medium- to coarse-grained garnet (1–2 mm), orthopyr-
lar texture. Some orthopyroxene grains contain oxene (1–3 mm), quartz (0.8–2 mm), plagioclase (1–3 mm),
minor inclusions of biotite (Figure 4(a)). The Al-bear- magnetite (1–4 mm), and ilmenite (0.5–2 mm), with the
ing Fe-Ti oxide exsolved aggregates range in size porphyroblastic grains showing a near-equigranular tex-
between 1 and 5 mm, which are likely to be ture (Figure 5(a,–b)). The coarse-grained garnet and ortho-
magnetite-ilmenite-spinel. The exsolution texture pyroxene display a close relationship and they carry rare
suggests that spinel formed by later exsolution mineral inclusions of quartz and biotite. The Al-bearing Fe-
(Figure 4(d)). Ti oxide exsolved aggregates are similar to those in sample

Figure 3. Field relationships of the studied cordierite granulites from Munnar and Kottayam areas of Madurai Block showing the
mineralogical assemblages a) pegmatitic veins intruding the cordierite granulite at location MN-SL-2; b) cordierite granulite at MN-
SL-2 with cordierite-quartz-biotite-garnet assemblages; c) coarse cordierite in the cordierite granulite at VDR-1; d) well-foliated
cordierite granulite at VDR-2.

Figure 4. Representative photomicrographs showing mineral assemblages and textures of cordierite granulite sample VDR-1 from
southern India. (a) Coarse-grained garnet porphyroblasts and magnetite-ilmenite-spinel exsolution. Orthopyroxene occurs as
porphyroblast and as corona around plagioclase, biotite occurs as xenoblastic mineral in the matrix (plane polarized light).
(b) Coarse-grained garnet, orthopyroxene, quartz, and plagioclase porphyroblasts. Garnet is embayed by cordierite and cordier-
ite-quartz symplectite (plane polarized light). (c) Cordierite and quartz corona around ilmenite (BSE image). (d) Magnetite-ilmenite-
spinel exsolution. Cordierite-quartz symplectite surrounds garnet porphyroblast (BSE image).

Figure 5. Representative photomicrographs showing mineral assemblages and textures of cordierite granulite samples (VDR-2 and
MN-SL-2) from southern India. (a) Porphyroblastic garnet + orthopyroxene + quartz + plagioclase + magnetite. Biotite occurs as
fine-grained mineral in the matrix (VDR-2, plane polarized light). (b) Garnet relict is resorbed by cordierite corona. Cordierite and
orthopyroxene corona occurs around magnetite (VDR-2, cross polarized light). (c) Coarse-grained magnetite is rimmed by cordierite
and orthopyroxene corona. Magnetite-ilmenite-spinel exsolution (VDR-2, BSE image). (d) Porphyroblastic garnet carries numerous
mineral inclusions of sillimanite, quartz, magnetite, ilmenite, and plagioclase (MN-SL-2, plane polarized light). (e) Coarse-grained
mineral assemblage of orthopyroxene, quartz, plagioclase, and magnetite. Garnet occurs as fine-grained relict (MN-SL-2, plane
polarized light). (f) Porphyroblastic garnet carries mineral inclusions of biotite and quartz and is embayed by quartz, cordierite, and
plagioclase corona (MN-SL-2, BSE image).

VDR-1 with a grain size of 1–5 mm, and comprise magne- cordierite + orthopyroxene coronas are commonly sur-
tite-ilmenite-spinel (Figure 5(c)). rounded by coarse-grained magnetite and are closely
associated with garnet and quartz (Figure 5(b,c)), sug-
gesting the following reaction:
Retrograde metamorphic assemblage
The retrograde textures are characterized by cordierite + Garnet þ Quartz ! Cordierite þ Orthopyroxene: (3)
orthopyroxene coronas, fine-grained and xenoblastic
matrix minerals of biotite + plagioclase + quartz + mag-
Munnar: MN-SL-2
netite + ilmenite (Figure 5(a–c). Two types of reaction
texture are recognized: i) cordierite corona surrounding Location MN-SL-2 is at a road cutting along the road
the isolated and resorbed garnet (Figure 5(a,b)), and ii) towards Silent Valley Estate from Munnar, with co-ordi-
cordierite + orthopyroxene corona around magnetite nates of 10°05ʹ04ʺN latitude and 77°05ʹ07ʺE longitude.
(Figure 5(b,c). The retrograde cordierite partly replaces The cordierite granulites here are foliated and are asso-
garnet and separates the porphyroblastic garnet and ciated with alkali granites. A number of pegmatite veins
orthopyroxene, suggesting reaction (1) above. The intruded into the cordierite granulites and these are

mostly parallel to the foliation. In certain locations around Chemical compositions of the representative minerals
MN-SL-2, patches of charnockites are found within the are given in Supplementary table 2.
granite gneiss and migmatite. Cordierite granulite at the Whole-rock major elements were analysed at the
contact between granite and calc-granulite was found at Activation Laboratories of Ontario, Canada. Fresh rock
Devimalai. These occur along the intersection of the Attur chips were initially reduced to avoid surface alteration
and Karur–Kambam–Painavu–Thrissur lineaments. or weathering. Contents of major elemental oxides
were measured by ‘lithium metaborate/tetraborate
Prograde mineral assemblage fusion ICP whole rock (Code 4B)’, and the fused samples
The prograde mineral inclusions of quartz, sillimanite, were diluted and analysed by Perkin Elmer Sciex ELAN
magnetite, ilmenite, plagioclase, and biotite are well 6000, 6100, or 9000 ICP/MS. The detection limits of
preserved in coarse-grained garnet porphyroblasts major elements are 0.01%. The detailed analytical con-
(Figure 5(d,f)). Quartz, biotite, and opaque mineral ditions and detection limits are summarized in http://
inclusions display a rounded shape, implying resorption
of the prograde minerals to form the peak assemblage. Three cordierite granulite samples were crushed and
The fibrolitic sillimanites are fine-grained, and occur as milled, followed by gravimetric and magnetic separa-
inclusions in specific domains of garnet. tion and hand picking of zircon grains under a binocu-
lar microscope at the Yu’neng Geological and Mineral
Separation Survey Center, China. Representative zircon
Peak metamorphic assemblage
grains, zircon standard FC1 (206Pb/238U = 0.1859; Paces
The peak metamorphic phase assemblage of this sample
and Miller 1993), and NIST SRM 610 standard glass were
comprises garnet, orthopyroxene, quartz, plagioclase,
mounted on a transparent epoxy resin disk and then
opaque aggregate (magnetite + ilmenite + spinel), and
polished to expose the crystals. Backscattered electron
K-feldspar (Figure 5(d–f)). Garnet occurs as coarse-grained
and cathodoluminescence (CL) images, and U–Th–Pb
porphyroblasts (2–8 mm, Figure 5(d)) and fine-grained
isotopic analyses were performed at the National
sparse isolated relicts (<1 mm, Figure 5(e)). The equigra-
Museum of Nature and Science, Japan. Zircon U–Pb
nular orthopyroxene, quartz, K-feldspar, and plagioclase
analyses were conducted using an Agilent 7700x induc-
are medium-grained (0.8–1.5 mm), and are stable with
tively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS)
garnet in the peak metamorphic stage (Figure 5(e)). The
equipped with an ESI NWR213 laser ablation system.
Al-bearing Fe-Ti oxides also show exsolved aggregates of
Detailed analytical procedures and work conditions are
magnetite-ilmenite-spinel (Figure 5(f)).
similar to those described in Tsutsumi et al. (2012). A
Nd-YAG laser (213 nm wavelength and 5 ns pulse),
Retrograde metamorphic assemblage 25 μm spot size, and 4–5 J/cm2 laser power were used
The retrograde mineral assemblages are defined by in this study. All measurements were carried out using
cordierite + quartz + plagioclase + biotite + orthopyr- time-resolved analysis. U and Th concentrations were
oxene + magnetite + ilmenite. The garnet relict is calibrated using 29Si as an internal calibrant. The zircon
resorbed and is mantled by cordierite, suggesting the OT4 (191 Ma, Horie et al. 2013) and NIST SRM 610
retrograde reaction (1). Mineral inclusions are absent in standard glass were used as the reference material.
the garnet relict because of consumption (Figure 5(e)). Common Pb corrections for the concordia diagrams
In some domains, garnets are embayed by quartz + and each age were made using 208Pb based on the
plagioclase aggregates (Figure 5(d,f)). Cordierite also model for common Pb compositions proposed by
occurs as xenoblastic mineral in the matrix (0.5–2 mm). Stacey and Kramers (1975). Age data and plots were
processed using the Isoplot/Ex software (Ludwig 2003).

Analytical methods
Mineral chemistry
Electron microprobe analysis (EMPA) for mineral chem-
istry was carried out using an electron microprobe Garnet
analyser (JEOL JXA8530 F) at the Chemical Analysis Garnet porphyroblasts in the cordierite-bearing granu-
Division of the Research Facility Center for Science lites are mainly almandine-pyrope solid solutions with
and Technology, University of Tsukuba, Japan. The ana- minor spessartine (XSps < 0.05) and grossular (XGrs <
lyses were performed under conditions of 15 kV accel- 0.04) (Supplementary table 2, Figure 6). In the sample
erating voltage and 10 nA sample current, and the data VDR-1, garnet is almandine rich and shows near-homo-
were regressed using an oxide-ZAF correction program geneous composition (Alm57-59Pyr34-37Grs3–4Sps3-4). The
supplied by JEOL. The detection limits are 0.01%. garnet rim shows slightly higher almandine

core and rim in sample MN-SL-2 are homogeneous

(Figure 6), and the unzoned garnet shows a composi-
tion of Alm55-56Pyr37-39Grs3Sps3-4.

Orthopyroxene compositions in samples VDR-1 and VDR-
2 are correlated with the textural setting (Figure 7(a)). The
cores of porphyroblastic orthopyroxenes show higher Al
contents (6.48–7.50 wt.%), whereas the rims of orthopyr-
oxene porphyroblasts and the orthopyroxene corona
have relatively lower Al contents (5.28–6.13 wt.%), sug-
gesting different orthopyroxene generations. However,
these two types of orthopyroxenes have consistent FeO
(23.40–24.54 wt.%) and XMg (0.58–0.60) values. Only one
generation of orthopyroxene is observed in sample MN-
SL-2, and the porphyroblastic orthopyroxene shows high
Al content (6.77–7.66 wt.%), and constant FeO, MgO, and
XMg values of 23.49–23.97 wt.%, 19.50–19.97 wt.%, and
0.59–0.60, respectively.

Cordierites occur as retrograde corona and matrix
phase. Cordierites in all samples are magnesium rich,
with XMg in sample VDR-1 ranging from 0.79 to 0.82, in
sample VDR-2 varying from 0.79 to 0.81, and in sample
MN-SL-2 ranging from 0.73 to 0.74 (Supplementary
table 2). Cordierites in the corona and matrix display
uniform composition.

Two generations of plagioclase occur in our samples,
one as peak coarse-grained phase and the other as
retrograde corona or fine-grained matrix phase. The
plagioclase grains are albite-rich (Ab61-66) with moder-
ate anorthite (An31-34) and minor orthoclase (Or1-7) con-
tents (Supplementary table 2). In sample VDR-1, the
coarse-grained plagioclase cores show slightly higher
anorthite contents (An33-34) than those in the retro-
grade phase (An31-33). Plagioclases in VDR-2 display
constant compositions of albite (Ab63) and anorthite
(An33-34). In sample MN-SL-2, plagioclase coronas
around garnet (Figure 5(f)) have slightly higher
Figure 6. Compositional profiles of the porphyroblastic garnets
in cordierite granulites from southern India.
anorthite contents (An32-33) than those in the cores of
coarse-grained plagioclase (An31-32).
K-feldspars in sample VDR-1 show constant composi-
(XAlm = 0.58–0.59) and lower pyrope (XPyr = 0.34–0.35) tions of Or90-91 and Ab9. K-feldspars from MN-SL-2 con-
than the core, suggesting weak Fe–Mg exchange tain relatively lower orthoclase contents (Or82-86) and
between the garnet rim and the matrix minerals. In higher albite contents (Ab14-16).
the sample VDR-2, garnet consists predominantly of
almandine (XAlm = 0.56–0.59) and pyrope (XPyr = 0.34– Sillimanite
0.37), with a slight increase of Fe contents towards the Sillimanite occurs only as inclusions in garnet in sample
rim (XAlm = 0.58–0.59) associated with a concomitant MN-SL-2. The sillimanite inclusions show near-constant
slight increase of Mg contents (XPyr = 0.34–0.35). Garnet Al2O3 from 62.05 to 62.24 wt.% (=1.97 to 1.99 p.f.u.).

Figure 7. Compositional diagrams of orthopyroxene (a) and biotite (b) in cordierite granulites. PG, prograde stage; PK, peak stage;
RG, retrograde stage.

Biotite were neglected because of their low concentrations.

Two generations of biotite are recognized, one as pro- Fe2O3 was taken into account for the calculations
grade mineral inclusion and the other as retrograde because the rocks contain 3.34–4.77 wt.% Fe2O3 and
matrix phase (Figure 7(b)). Biotite inclusions in ortho- magnetite is present, and these values have been used
pyroxene of sample VDR-1 have Al2O3 contents of for the calculation of O values in the pseudosection.
14.39–14.42 wt.% (=1.26–1.27 p.f.u.) and XMg values of The FeO contents were determined by titration. The
0.66, whereas those in the matrix contain slightly higher occurrence of limited water-bearing mineral biotite sug-
Al2O3 contents (14.62–14.90 wt.%, 1.29–1.32 p.f.u.) and gests the moderate amount of unsaturated water con-
lower XMg values (0.63–0.65). In sample VDR-2, biotite tent during metamorphism; thus water contents were
inclusions in garnet display relatively higher Al contents fixed from loss on ignition (LOI) values.
(16.41–16.51 wt.%, 1.42 p.f.u.) and XMg contents (0.75), The P–T pseudosection calculations were performed
compared with those in the biotite matrix of 1.33–1.35 using THERMOCALC 3.33 (Powell and Holland 1988,
p.f.u. and 0.67–0.68, respectively. In sample MN-SL-2, updated October 2009) and the internally consistent ther-
biotite inclusions in garnet have relatively higher Al modynamic data set of tcds55 s (Holland and Powell
contents (15.56–17.69 wt.%, 1.35–1.53 p.f.u.) and XMg 1998). The phases considered in the modelling and the
contents (0.69–0.77) than those in the matrix with con- corresponding activity–composition (a–x) models include
stant Al2O3 of 15.00–15.14 wt.% (=1.31–1.32 p.f.u.) and garnet, biotite, and melt (White et al. 2007), orthopyrox-
XMg values (0.69). ene, spinel, and magnetite (White et al. 2002), plagioclase
and K-feldspar (Holland and Powell 2003), ilmenite (White
Oxide minerals et al. 2000), cordierite (Holland and Powell 1998), and
Ilmenite exhibits moderate TiO2 (46.87–50.20 wt.%) and sapphirine (Taylor-Jones and Powell 2010). The alumino-
FeO (47.10–50.51 wt.%). Magnetite has constant FeO con- silicates and quartz were considered as pure endmember
tents of 89.66–93.54 wt.% and variable Al2O3 contents of phases. The P–T pseudosections were constructed in the
0.28–2.02 wt.% (Supplementary table 2). Spinel from the ranges of 2–10 kbar and 700–1050℃ for all samples. The
magnetite-ilmenite-spinel solid solution displays Al2O3 pseudosections are interpreted by taking into account the
content of 58.14–58.78 wt.%, XMg value of 0.37–0.39, and observations made in previous sections on the petrogra-
a minor composition of ZnO (0.28–2.02 wt.%). phy and mineral chemistry.

Pseudosection modelling VDR-1

A model system of NCKFMASHTO (Na2O–CaO–K2O– The P–T pseudosection of sample VDR-1 is shown in
FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–Fe2O3) was chosen Figure 8(a). In this P–T diagram, quartz, plagioclase, mag-
for the P–T pseudosection calculations of the cordier- netite, and ilmenite are always present. The melt phase
ite-bearing granulites. The effective bulk-rock composi- appears at the high-temperature field (>850℃) by the
tions for pseudosection calculation, normalized into consumption of biotite, sillimanite, and quartz.
mole proportions in the model system, were calculated Orthopyroxene is stable in the low-pressure field and
based on the bulk-rock geochemical results sapphirine is stable in the high P–T field (Figure 8(a)).
(Supplementary table 3). MnO, P2O5, Cr2O3, and V2O5 The peak mineral assemblage of garnet + orthopyroxene

Figure 8. P–T pseudosection for cordierite granulite samples calculated in the system NCKFMASHTO, (a) VDR-1, (b) VDR-2, (c) MN-
SL-2. The yellow line is the solidus. Mineral abbreviations: Grt, garnet; Crd, cordierite; Opx, orthopyroxene; Pl, plagioclase; Qtz,
quartz; Kfs, K-feldspar; Bt, biotite; Ilm, ilmenite; Mt, magnetite; Sill, sillimanite; Ky, kyanite; Sa, sapphirine; Liq, liquid. PG, prograde
stage; PK, peak stage; RG, retrograde stage.

+ quartz + plagioclase + magnetite + ilmenite + are stable in the lower-pressure parts, whereas garnet is
K-feldspar occupies a field in the range 7.3–8.2 kbar stable in the higher-pressure fields. Melt phase is absent in
and 955–1030℃. The field is confined by the cordierite- the low P–T fields (Figure 8(b)). The P–T conditions of the
in line for the down-temperature, garnet-out line for the peak metamorphic stage are constrained at 7.6–9.3 kbar
down-pressure, and sapphirine-in line for the up-pres- and >960℃, using the peak mineral assemblage of garnet
sure. The retrograde mineral assemblage of cordierite + + orthopyroxene + quartz + plagioclase + magnetite +
orthopyroxene + biotite + quartz + plagioclase + mag- ilmenite. The peak field is restricted by the cordierite-in
netite + ilmenite + K-feldspar defines the P–T condition line for the down-temperature, the garnet-out line for the
of <5.8 kbar and <840℃. The retrograde field is well down-pressure, and the sillimanite-in and orthopyroxene-
constrained by the garnet-in line at the upper pressure out lines for the up-pressure. The retrograde minerals are
and the biotite-out line at the upper temperature. The characterized by the orthopyroxene and cordierite coro-
above results and the occurrence of cordierite, orthopyr- nas, and biotite in the matrix. The retrograde P–T condi-
oxene, and quartz coronas suggest a clockwise P–T path. tions are set as <6.5 kbar and 790–860℃, as the field is
defined by the orthopyroxene-out line at the down-tem-
perature, the biotite-out line at the up-temperature, and
the garnet-in line at the up-pressure. The result displays a
The P–T pseudosection of sample VDR-2 is shown in
clockwise P–T path, involving the appearance of cordierite
Figure 8(b). Quartz, plagioclase, magnetite, and ilmenite
and biotite.
are also present in all fields. Cordierite and orthopyroxene

MN-SL-2 976–985℃ (VDR-2), and 957–985℃ (MN-SL-2) at 8 kbar.

The P–T pseudosection of sample MN-SL-2 is shown in The geothermometer of Aranovich and Berman (1997),
Figure 8(c). In the diagram, quartz, plagioclase, and based on the solubility of Al2O3 in ferrosilite in equilibrium
ilmenite are always present. K-feldspar is absent only with almandine garnet over the P–T range 12–20 kbar and
at the high-temperature low-pressure field. The melt 850–1100℃, gives temperature estimates at 903–922℃
phase occurs at the higher-temperature parts (VDR-1), 904–926℃ (VDR-2), and 906–954℃ (MN-SL-2).
(>870℃). The prograde mineral inclusions sillimanite + The pressures were calculated at 950℃, a reference
biotite + quartz + plagioclase + ilmenite + magnetite temperature inferred from the peak temperature esti-
are well preserved in porphyroblastic garnet. The pro- mated by phase equilibria modelling and a geotherm-
grade field is well constrained by the magnetite-out, ometer as described above. The garnet-orthopyroxene-
biotite-out, orthopyroxene-in, and cordierite-in lines plagioclase-quartz geobarometer (Mg endmember reac-
with P–T conditions of 6.8–8.7 kbar and 750–875℃. tion), based on the experimental calibration of Perkins and
Coarse-grained and porphyroblastic minerals of garnet, Chipera (1985), gives pressures of 8.6–9.1 kbar (VDR-1),
orthopyroxene, quartz, plagioclase, magnetite, and 8.7–9.0 kbar (VDR-2), and 8.9–9.3 kbar (MN-SL-2).
ilmenite provide evidence for the peak P–T conditions Moecher et al. (1988) applied new thermodynamic and
of 7.1–8.4 kbar and >960℃. The peak field is confined experimental data on this geobarometer, which shows
by the cordierite-in line for the down-temperature, the near-consistent pressure estimates of 8.3–8.7 kbar, 8.3–
garnet-out line for the down-pressure, and the ortho- 8.6 kbar, and 8.5–9.0 kbar for samples VDR-1, VDR-2, and
pyroxene-out line for the up-pressure. The following MN-SL-2, respectively (Supplementary table 4).
retrograde stage is not constrained due to the very
rare reaction texture, whereas the cooling and decom-
Zircon U–Pb geochronology
pression path is inferred by the occurrence of cordierite
and the absence of garnet. The above-mentioned VDR-1
results define a clockwise P–T path with isobaric heat- A total of 80 spots were analysed from 68 zircon grains
ing from the prograde stage to the peak stage, and in sample VDR-1. The dated zircon grains have rounded
involve the subsequent cooling and decompression to subhedral morphologies with aspect ratios of 2:1 to
process (Figure 8(c)). 1:1 (Figure 9(a)). In transmitted light, the grains are
translucent, colourless, or light brownish in colour. The
Geothermobarometry CL images of most grains are dark, showing core–man-
Based on petrographic and mineral chemical studies, tle–rim or core–rim textures. Most grains contain dis-
the porphyroblastic garnet, orthopyroxene, plagioclase, tinct irregular cores with black to white heterogeneous
and quartz are considered to be in equilibrium at the domains and weak oscillatory zoning. Thin homoge-
peak stage (Figures 4 and 5). The garnet-orthopyroxene neous mantles are well preserved around the relict
geothermometer (Harley and Green 1982; Lee and cores and display recrystallization features, enclosed
Ganguly 1988) and the garnet-orthopyroxene-plagio- by highly luminescent rims with isometric morphology,
clase-quartz geobarometer (Perkins and Chipera 1985; which may reflect granulite-facies metamorphic over-
Moecher et al. 1988) are therefore used to estimate the print (Vavra et al. 1999). Minor grains show homoge-
peak metamorphic P–T condition. The calculations were neous bright CL images without zoning patterns
based on the core compositions and the results are (Figure 9(a)).
listed in Supplementary table 4. The dating results are shown in Figure 10(a,b) and the
The garnet-orthopyroxene geothermometer of Lee and data are given in Supplementary table 5. he Based on the
Ganguly (1988) is based on the experimental calibration of internal structure and the U–Th–Pb isotopic results, four
Fe–Mg exchange between garnet and orthopyroxene at types of zircon have been recognized: (1) type I, relict
20–45 kbar and 975–1400℃ in the FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 zircon cores with 206Pb/238U ages varying from
(FMAS) system. The peak metamorphic temperatures were 954 ± 12 Ma to 635 ± 8 Ma, and where the older ages
calculated at 8 kbar and the results were estimated at (954–780 Ma) are concordant and distributed near the
854–892℃, 847–873℃, and 902–984℃ for samples VDR- concordia, whereas the younger ages (750–635 Ma) are
1, VDR-2, and MN-SL-2, respectively (Supplementary table distributed along the Pb loss line or fall away from the
4). The garnet-orthopyroxene geothermometer suggested concordia, implying that the latter might correspond to
by Harley and Green (1982) is based on experimental Pb loss or isotopic mixing; (2) type II, zircon mantles and
results of the mineral pair at 5–20 kbar and 800–1200℃. some rims with 206Pb/238U ages ranging from 627 ± 15 Ma
Application of the method of Harley and Green (1982) to 587 ± 9 Ma; (3) type III, highly luminescent rims and
yields temperature estimates at 968–981℃ (VDR-1), homogeneous bright zircons with 206Pb/238U ages

Figure 9. Cathodoluminescence (CL) images of representative zircons in cordierite granulite samples VDR-1 (a), VDR-2 (b), and MN-
SL-2 (c), showing analytical positions, spot numbers, and 206Pb/238U ages. Scale bars are in 100 μm.

ranging from 576 ± 7 Ma to 527 ± 6 Ma; and (4) type IV, much brighter because of their lower U contents
one spot at the zircon rim showing the youngest age of (Figure 9(b), Supplementary table 5). Most zircons are
483 ± 5 Ma. The type I detrital zircons scatter along the characterized by oscillatory zoned or fractured hetero-
concordia and can be divided into two age populations of geneous cores, bright luminescent rims, and with or
881–954 Ma and 780–841 Ma, suggesting various detrital without homogeneous mantles that separate the
provenances. The type II zircons contain 12 spots and cores and rims. The majority of the mantles and rims
yield a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 599 ± 6 Ma display isometric and stubby zoning (Figure 9(a)), which
(MSWD = 1.4); the results display Th, U, and Th/U ratios is common in granulite-facies rocks where the stability
of 261–576 ppm, 11–60 ppm, and 0.02–0.16, respectively, of planar faces is low (Vavra et al. 1999). Minor grains
implying typical metamorphic origin. The type III zircon show a homogeneous bright colour without zoning
rims have Th, U, and Th/U values in the range of patterns in CL images (Figure 9(b)).
223–677 ppm, 4–61 ppm, and 0.01–0.26, respectively. The dating results are shown in Figure 10(c,d) and
The 32 analyses on the rim domains are concordant and are listed in Supplementary table 5. The zircons from
show a mean age of 549 ± 5 Ma (MSWD = 4.4). The spot on this sample can also be divided into four types based
the type IV zircon rim has low Th/U = 0.09, suggesting the on their internal structure and ages. (1) Type I, relict
youngest thermal overgrowth. zircon cores display 206Pb/238U age range of
1024–649 Ma and have Th/U ratios varying from 0.01
to 0.96. The 1024–958 Ma ages are concordant, whereas
the 892–649 Ma ages are distributed along the Pb loss
A total of 77 spots from 68 zircon grains were dated for
line, implying the former as detrital origin and the latter
sample VDR-2. The zircon grains are rounded to subhe-
as the result of Pb loss. (2) Type II, 10 analyses on
dral, translucent and colourless or light brownish in
mantles and some rims display 206Pb/238U ages ranging
colour, showing grain size of 40–150 μm and length
from 630 ± 9 Ma to 582 ± 13 Ma with a mean age of
to width ratios of 2:1 to 1:1. In the CL images, the
613 ± 11 Ma (MSWD = 2.4), with Th, U, and Th/U ratios
zircons show similar core–mantle–rim or core–rim tex-
of 94–459 ppm, 5–33 ppm, and 0.01–0.17, respectively.
tures with sample VDR-1, although the zircons are

Figure 10. Tera-Wasserburg concordia diagrams and relative probability diagrams of cordierite granulite samples. (a–b) Sample
VDR-1; (c–d) VDR-2; (e–f) MN-SL-2.

(3) Type III, 28 analyses on rims and homogeneous rounded to subhedral morphologies, and were translu-
domains with 206Pb/238U ages varying from cent and colourless or light brownish in colour. The
559 ± 9 Ma to 509 ± 7 Ma, and yielding a mean age grain size shows a range of 50–150 μm and the aspect
of 536 ± 6 Ma (MSWD = 2.8). They show a large range of ratios vary from 2:1 to 1:1. In CL images, the zircons also
Th/U ratios from 0.01 to 0.38 (mean = 0.15; 26 analyses show similar core–mantle–rim or core–rim textures with
have Th/U < 0.27). (4) Type IV, four analyses on highly rounded rims, implying overgrowth during granulite-
luminescent rims comprising the youngest age cluster facies metamorphism (Vavra et al. 1999). The relict
on the concordia line, with 206Pb/238U ages varying cores are usually small and irregular with distinct oscil-
from 495 ± 6 Ma to 467 ± 8 Ma and yielding mean latory zoning and fractured domains, which are con-
age at 488 ± 13 Ma (MSWD = 2.0; Th/U = 0.03–0.13). sumed and enclosed by thin zones of mantle or bright
rims. The homogeneous mantles show a distinct dark
MN-SL-2 colour and separate the cores and rims, suggesting
A total of 84 spots were analysed on 76 zircon grains recrystallization features. Some grains are homogenous
from sample MN-SL-2. The zircon grains showed and bright without zoning patterns (Figure 9(c)).

The age data are plotted in Figure 10(e) and the

analytical results are listed in Supplementary table 5.
The zircons from this sample can be also divided into
three types based on their internal textures and ages.
(1) Type I, 13 analyses on small zircon cores show
Pb/238U ages ranging from 977 ± 12 Ma to
694 ± 7 Ma. The results scatter along the concordia
line and can be divided into two age populations:
915–977 Ma (Th/U = 0.29–0.88) and 760–843 Ma (Th/
U = 0.06–0.44), except for three discordant data (694–
741 Ma). (2) Type II, 37 analyses on dark mantles give
Pb/238U ages ranging from 621 ± 7 Ma to
575 ± 13 Ma and a mean age of 601 ± 4 Ma
(MSWD = 3.0). Their relatively low Th/U ratios (0.01–
0.11) imply recrystallization origin. (3) Type III, 32 ana-
lyses on rims and homogeneous bright zircons showing
concordant ages between 568 ± 11 Ma and
513 ± 10 Ma, and yielding a mean age of 544 ± 6 Ma
(MSWD = 3.5). The type III zircons show Th, U, and Th/U
contents of 89–908 ppm, 3–42 ppm, and 0.01–0.07,
respectively, suggesting metamorphic overprint
(Figure 11).
In summary, the detrital zircon cores display two
groups of ages in the range of 881–1024 Ma and
760–843 Ma. The zircon mantles and rims give three age
groups of 599–613 Ma, 536–549 Ma, and 483–488 Ma,
representing multiple stages of metamorphism.

Figure 11. Th/U versus 206Pb/238U age of zircons from cordierite

Discussion granulite samples analysed in this study. The Th/U discrimina-
tion between magmatic zircon and metamorphic zircon is 0.1
Metamorphic evolution: UHT metamorphism and (Vavra et al. 1999).
clockwise P–T path
The combination of petrographic textures, mineral
compositions, and quantitative P–T pseudosection assemblage of garnet + orthopyroxene + quartz + pla-
modelling has allowed us to constrain the P–T evolution gioclase + ilmenite + magnetite ± K-feldspar. The tem-
of the cordierite granulite samples from two new loca- perature estimates for the peak metamorphic stage are
tions in the MB. The results define clockwise P–T paths, defined by pseudosection modelling and geotherm-
which involve isobaric heating from prograde to peak, ometers (Harley and Green 1982; Aranovich and
and decompression and cooling during the retrograde Berman 1997), and the results show consistent tem-
stage. The peak metamorphic temperature constrained peratures of 955–980℃, 960–985℃, and 960–985℃
by pseudosection modelling and geothermobarometers for samples VDR-1, VDR-2, and MN-SL-2, respectively
of garnet-orthopyroxene reaches 950℃, suggesting (Supplementary table 4). Notably, the temperatures
UHT metamorphism. estimated by Al in the orthopyroxene thermometer
The prograde stage is represented by mineral inclu- (Harley and Green 1982; Aranovich and Berman 1997)
sions of sillimanite + biotite + quartz + plagioclase + are 50–100℃ higher than the Fe–Mg exchange thermo-
ilmenite + magnetite preserved in porphyroblastic gar- meter (Lee and Ganguly 1988), probably due to the
net of sample MN-SL-2. The mineral inclusions are rarely different diffusion rates of Al, Fe, and Mg during retro-
preserved in samples VDR-1 and VDR-2 due to extreme grade metamorphism as the diffusion of Al is slower
annealing during the subsequent peak metamorphic than that of Fe and Mg. Correspondingly, these three
stages. The proposed mineral assemblage defines the samples display peak pressures at 7.3–9.1 kbar, 7.6–
prograde P–T condition of 6.8–8.7 kbar and 750–875℃ 9.3 kbar, and 7.1–9.3 kbar, respectively, based on pseu-
(Figure 8(c)). The peak metamorphic P–T conditions are dosection modelling and geobarometers (Perkins and
constrained by the medium- to coarse-grained mineral Chipera 1985; Moecher et al. 1988). The retrograde

reaction textures are only preserved in samples VDR-1 Tsunogae and Van Reenen 2014; Karmakar and
and VDR-2, and the mineral assemblages of biotite + Schenk 2015; Pownall 2015). The general lines of evi-
cordierite + orthopyroxene + quartz + plagioclase + dence of the melt phase in the rocks of the present
ilmenite + magnetite ± K-feldspar imply that retrograde study include: (I) weakly migmatized nature (Figure 11);
decompression and cooling occur at <5.8 kbar, <840℃ (II) the melt phase present in the higher-temperature
and <6.5 kbar, 790–860℃, respectively. field and absent in the lower-temperature field with
UHT rocks are exposed in several localities in the MB steep solidus in the pseudosections, and the peak
and have been the focus of several studies (Raith et al. metamorphic phases are stable above the solidus
1997; Sajeev et al. 2004; Braun et al. 2007; Tsunogae (Figure 8)
et al. 2008a; Brandt et al. 2011; Shazia et al. 2012). Raith There is a general consensus on the major factors that
et al. (1997) reported clockwise P–T evolution for sap- led to the partial melting of meta-pelitic rocks in the
phirine granulites from the Palni Hills, involving peak deep continental crust: (I) dehydration melting involving
UHT metamorphism (1000℃, 13 kbar), followed by an the breakdown of prograde hydrous minerals biotite
initial stage of near-isothermal decompression and a and/or muscovite (Vielzeuf and Holloway 1988; White
further stage of near-isobaric cooling. Brandt et al. et al. 2004; Guilmette et al. 2011; Zhang et al. 2015a;
(2011) proposed that the Mg–Al-rich granulites from Tian et al. 2016); (II) the effects of temperature during
the Palni Hills have experienced the heating process prograde heating (Douce and Harris 1998; White and
to UHT conditions (ca. 1000℃, 13 kbar) at the deep Powell 2002; Johnson et al. 2008; Kelsey and Hand
crustal level and post-decompressional cooling to sub- 2015); and (III) decompression melting (Auzanneau
solidus conditions of <800℃, yielding a clockwise P–T et al. 2006; Groppo et al. 2012; Xu et al. 2013; Zhang
path. Tsunogae et al. (2008a) reported peak UHT meta- et al. 2015b). The cordierite-bearing granulites investi-
morphism at 880–1040℃ and 9.8–12.5 kbar as indi- gated in this study carry rounded and corroded inclu-
cated by thermobarometric computations in the sions of biotite and quartz (Figures 4 and 5), implying
garnet gedrite rock and the associated mafic granulite that they are reactants during the biotite dehydration
from Karur in the northernmost part of the MB. The reaction. The sample MN-SL-2 preserves integrated P–T
subsequent retrograde metamorphism at 720–760℃ evolution from the prograde to peak stages involving
and 4.2–5.1 kbar implies a clockwise exhumation trajec- near-isobaric heating from 750–875℃ to 960–985℃,
tory (Tsunogae and Santosh 2010). Tsunogae and suggesting that the partial melting was triggered by
Santosh (2010) suggested that the sapphirine-bearing the prograde heating process. Thus, the melt production
Mg–Al granulites from Rajapalaiyam underwent of cordierite granulite in this study was probably related
T > 1000℃ peak metamorphism. Sajeev et al. (2004) to biotite dehydration melting, and was mainly triggered
estimated near-peak metamorphic conditions of by heating, with or without the effect of decompression.
950–1050℃ and 11 kbar for Mg–Al granulites from The melt-producing and melt-consumption processes of
Ganguvarpatti. The proposed multistage evolution pro- cordierite granulites in the Kerala Khondalite Belt have
cess of the Mg–Al granulites implies an initial decom- also been proposed in previous studies (Cenki et al. 2002;
pression deduced from multi-phase symplectites, Sreejith and Kumar 2012).
followed by cooling during biotite formation. Shazia
et al. (2012) suggested that the Mg-rich orthopyroxene
granulites of Kambam have experienced high-grade Detrital zircon geochronology and provenance
Cores of detrital zircons in three cordierite granulite
metamorphism with temperatures of 1025℃ and pres-
sures around 8 kbar, followed by an isobaric cooling, samples from the CMB and SMB show similar age dis-
inferred by the sapphirine–cordierite pods. Our study tributions and have dominantly Neoproterozoic ages
(Figure 10(e)). The analysed zircon cores show various
on cordierite granulites from two different locations in
CMB and SMB confirms that the MB experienced the features of oscillatory zoning, fractured domains with
same UHT metamorphism, and the clockwise P–T evo- different appearances in CL images, together with wide
ranges of Th/U ratios (0.01–0.96, Figure 10(d)), implying
lution is interpreted as resulting from extreme thermal
metamorphism related to continent–continent collision complex protoliths from both magmatic and meta-
during the assembly of Gondwana. morphic provenances (Hoskin and Black 2000).
Figure 12 compiles available zircon geochronological
data from the CMB and SMB, ACSZ, and the
Partial melting and the role of melt phase
Trivandrum Block (207Pb/206Pb ages were used for
Melt phase, the result of partial melting, usually plays
ages older than 1.0 Ga and 238U/206Pb ages were used
an important role during UHT metamorphism, with
for ages younger than 1.0 Ga). The results suggest that
temperatures exceeding 900℃ (Moraes et al. 2002;

anorthosite complex. Sato et al. (2011) proposed the

mean age of 760 ± 16 Ma, marking the timing of active
mid-Neoproterozoic arc magmatism associated with
the subduction of the Mozambique Oceanic slab. The
Munnar A-type granite has been dated as 804 ± 6 Ma
(Brandt et al. 2014). Plavsa et al. (2015) reported the
crystallization age of 762 ± 7 Ma of a granodiorite from
the NE MB. The above-mentioned magmatic and meta-
morphic lithologies are considered as the most prob-
able source materials detritus of these cordierite
granulites exposed at Munnar (CMB).
In the SMB, the Neoproterozoic magmatic events
mark two periods of granitoid crystallization at
1007 ± 23 Ma and 784 ± 18 Ma (Plavsa et al. 2012). In
a recent study, Santosh et al. (2017) analysed zircons in
a large suite of magmatic rocks including alkali granites,
charnockites, enderbites, and gabbros from the south-
ern margin of the MB, and their data reveal multiple arc
magmatism along the SMB during distinct pulses
throughout the early to late Neoproterozoic, suggesting
an active convergent margin along this zone at this
time. Thus the proximal Neoproterozoic sources from
the SMB might have contributed the detritus to the
protoliths of the cordierite granulites exposed at
Kottayam (SMB). Li et al. (2016) reported two quartzite
samples from the SMB with exclusively Neoproterozoic
(950–550 Ma) ages, sharing similar Neoproterozoic pro-
venances from the SMB.
Southern India was located at the central domain of
the Gondwana supercontinent, with Madagascar and
East Africa to the west, Sri Lanka and East Antarctica
to the east, and Australia to the north (Collins et al.
2014). Potential Neoproterozoic sources for cordierite
granulites in the MB might also include those in the
Figure 12. Summary of geochronological data for this study adjacent fragments of Gondwana. Central Madagascar
(A), Northern Madurai Block (B), Southern Madurai Block (C), contains abundant early to mid-Neoproterozoic arc-
Trivandrum Block (D), and Achankovil Suture Zone (E). related mafic-felsic plutons and orthogneisses formed
during the subduction of the Mozambique Ocean
the Neoproterozoic detritus were mainly derived from (Handke et al. 1999; Kröner et al. 2000; Tucker et al.
granitoid rocks from both SMB and CMB (Figure 12). 2011). Middle Neoproterozoic magmatic arcs are abun-
Early to middle Neoproterozoic magmatic and meta- dant in the East Africa orogen, which record the closure
morphic events were widely reported from the NBM, of the oceanic basin (Kröner et al. 2000; Jöns and
which are correlated to the Cryogenian subduction– Schenk 2008; Raharimahefa and Kusky 2010). In Sri
collision process prior to the closure of the Lanka, the latest Mesoproterozoic to Cryogenian arc-
Mozambique Ocean (Kooijman et al. 2011; Sato et al. related mafic and granitoid plutons (1.1–0.75 Ga) are
2011; Teale et al. 2011). In the Kadavur region, mag- widely exposed in the Wanni Complex (Kröner et al.
matic zircons from the gabbro–anorthosite complex 2003; Santosh et al. 2014; Dharmapriya et al. 2016;
and felsic gneiss yield crystallization age of Takamura et al. 2016). In addition, the Lützow–Holm
829 ± 14 Ma and 766 ± 8 Ma, respectively, and the Complex in East Antarctica marks a prominent Early
zircon rims present in quartzite give a metamorphic age Neoproterozoic magmatic event (965–999 Ma,
of 843 ± 23 Ma (Teale et al. 2011). Kooijman et al. (2011) Tsunogae et al. 2015). Thus, the provenances for the
reported concordant metamorphic ages of 955 ± 16 Ma cordierite granulites in this study are mainly derived
and 810 ± 7 Ma for zircon rims from the Kadavur from the Neoproterozoic provenances of both SMB

and CMB/NMB with possible contributions from the obtained from southern India and other Gondwana
adjacent Gondwana fragments (Madagascar, East fragments to represent the peak metamorphic ages
Africa, Sri Lanka, and East Antarctica). during the assembly of the Gondwana supercontinent
(e.g. Santosh et al. 2006; Collins et al. 2007; Sato et al.
Timing of the UHT metamorphism and tectonic 2011; Taylor et al. 2015a). Santosh et al. (2009) proposed
implication for the Gondwana Assembly that the 500–550 Ma age peaks commonly defined in
In high-grade granulite-facies metamorphic rocks, zir- previous studies might represent the subsequent ther-
con overgrowths usually occur during the cooling and mal events, and the UHT metamorphism probably
decompression process after the peak, rather than occurred at ca. 580–600 Ma. Clark et al. (2015) sug-
recording the peak metamorphism (Wei et al. 2014; gested that the UHT metamorphic conditions recorded
Clark et al. 2015; Johnson et al. 2015). Two mechanisms by two meta-sedimentary gneisses from the MB were
have been proposed for metamorphic zircon growth in achieved at ca. 560 Ma. Brandt et al. (2011) identified ca.
high-grade metamorphic rocks. I) For granulite-facies 555 Ma HP-UHT metamorphism in Mg–Al granulites
metamorphism accompanied by partial melting, zirco- from the Palni Hills in the SGT.
nium tends to be dissolved in the melt in the prograde In summary, the cordierite granulites from the central
heating process and zircon growth occurs during melt and southern domains of the MBs in this study, together
crystallization in the post-peak cooling process (Wei with data from other high-grade metamorphic rocks in
et al. 2014; Johnson et al. 2015). II) The growth of the SGT in southern India (e.g. Collins et al. 2007, 2014;
metamorphic zircon is attributed to the release of zir- Santosh et al. 2008, 2009; Tsunogae et al. 2008b;
conium held in garnet and ilmenite when these miner- Korhonen et al. 2011; Tsunogae and Santosh 2011; Yano
als break down (Bingen et al. 2001; Clark et al. 2015; et al. 2016), suggest the following processes. I) The early
Taylor et al. 2015b). Hence, silicate melt formed by prograde metamorphism with isobaric heating and bio-
biotite dehydration melting and prograde quartz con- tite dehydration occurred during 599–613 Ma, corre-
sumption (Figure 5(d)), and breakdown of garnet are sponding to the closure of the Mozambique Ocean. II)
two possible mechanisms of zircon overgrowths. The regional UHT metamorphism occurred during
The isometric morphology of zircon mantles and 549–599 Ma, related to the final assembly of the
rims and their relatively low Th/U ratios (most <0.1) Gondwana supercontinent. III) The peak metamorphism
suggest that most of these domains grew during was followed by retrograde cooling and decompression
high-grade metamorphism (Vavra et al. 1999). at 530–549 Ma, marking the post-collisional extension of
Analyses on zircon mantles and some rims display the Gondwana supercontinent (Clark et al. 2009). IV) The
mean ages of 599 ± 6 Ma, 613 ± 11 Ma, and latest thermal event occurred at 480–490 Ma, which is
601 ± 4 Ma, implying the timing of early prograde correlated to the intrusion of the undeformed pegmatites
metamorphism, and the related partial melting was (Plavsa et al. 2015).
triggered by isobaric heating from prograde to peak
stages at 599–613 Ma (Figure 10). Raith et al. (2010)
proposed that the ca. 615 Ma age was probably
related to the earlier high-temperature metamorph-
ism within the MB. In the adjacent fragments of (i) Peak temperature estimates of 955–980℃
Gondwana, the 600–620 Ma metamorphic ages were (VDR-1), 960–985℃ (VDR-2), and 960–985℃
correlated with the East African Orogen that formed (MN-SL-2) for three cordierite granulites from
during the closure of the Mozambique Ocean (Fritz the CMB and SMB define UHT metamorphism.
et al. 2013). In the Anoysen and Androyen domains of The corresponding peak pressures were esti-
southern Madagascar, the early stage of metamorph- mated at 7.3–9.1 kbar, 7.6–9.3 kbar, and 7.1–
ism is dated as 600–620 Ma with P–T conditions of 9.3 kbar, respectively. The results define clock-
>835℃ and >7 kbar (Tucker et al. 2011; Fritz et al. wise P–T paths, which involve isobaric heating
2013). from prograde to peak, and decompression
Analyses on zircon rims and homogeneous bright and cooling during the retrograde stage.
zircons in the three cordierite granulite samples give (ii) Melt plays an important role during the meta-
mean ages of 549 ± 5 Ma, 536 ± 6 Ma, and 544 ± 6 Ma. morphism and overgrowth of metamorphic zir-
The results suggest that the peak UHT metamorphism cons, and the melt production in the studied
occurred before ca. 549 Ma. Thus, the timing of peak rocks was probably related to biotite dehydra-
UHT metamorphism is constrained during 549–599 Ma. tion melting, and was mainly triggered by heat-
Many previous studies interpreted the 500–550 Ma ages ing, with or without the effect of

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Acknowledgements quartz-bearing metapelites from Rajapalayam, Madurai
block, Southern India: Evidence for polyphase
We thank Editor-in-Chief Professor Robert Stern, referee Diana Neoproterozoic high-grade metamorphism: Chemical
Plavsa, and an anonymous referee for helpful comments that Geology, v. 241, p. 129–147. 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2007.02.010
improved this article. This study was jointly supported through Cenki, B., Kriegsman, L.M., and Braun, I., 2002, Melt-producing
the Foreign Expert grant from China University of Geosciences and melt-consuming reactions in the Achankovil cordierite
Beijing to M. Santosh, and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research gneisses, South India: Journal of Metamorphic Geology, v.
(B) from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) to 20, p. 543–561. 10.1046/j.1525-1314.2002.00388.x
Toshiaki Tsunogae (No. 26302009). The first author thanks Chetty, T.R.K., and Santosh, M., 2013, Proterozoic orogens in
award of the China Scholarship Council (No. 201506400008) southern Peninsular India: Contiguities and complexities:
for one year’s study at the University of Tsukuba, Japan. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, v. 78, p. 39–53. 10.1016/j.
Chetty, T.R.K., Yellappa, T., and Santosh, M., 2016, Crustal
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Zone, southern India: Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, v.
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors. 130, p. 166–191. 10.1016/j.jseaes.2016.07.003
Clark, C., Collins, A.S., Timms, N.E., Kinny, P.D., Chetty, T.R.K.,
and Santosh, M., 2009, SHRIMP U–Pb age constraints on
Funding magmatism and high-grade metamorphism in the Salem
Block, southern India: Gondwana Research, v. 16, p. 27–36.
This study was jointly supported through the Foreign Expert
grant from China University of Geosciences Beijing to M.
Clark, C., Healy, D., Johnson, T., Collins, A.S., Taylor, R.J.,
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