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Knowing When to Ask for Help

Directions: We all want to be able to help our friends when they need support. Read each statement
and consider whether this friend needs help or can handle it alone. Then, offer a specific suggestion as
to what they can do to resolve the situation and who can offer help. Be sure to respond in complete

I had such a busy weekend. I can’t believe it’s Monday morning already. It so hard to wake up early
for school.
 Can handle alone  Needs help
How would you advise this friend? Offer a specific suggestion, including who can help (if
What I would advise is what I do every school week, I think about the positive side of the
situation and try to think about how Friday is just around the corner, so the week goes by faster
and I don't suffer so much.

For the past few weeks, I just want to stay in bed. I can't deal with getting up and going to school.
 Can handle alone  Needs help
How would you advise this friend? Offer a specific suggestion, including who can help (if
I think he can manage on his own, just by brightening up his day and being positive about

I am so nervous about going to my new school. Ever since my parents told me last month, I keep
worrying about what it will be like, how I will make new friends, and what my classes will be like.
Every time someone asks me about it, I feel sick to my stomach. I am so anxious; I can’t sleep or eat.
 Can handle alone  Needs help
How would you advise this friend? Offer a specific suggestion, including who can help (if
I would help her by advising her to go to a psychologist, as I went when I changed schools and it
has helped me a lot.

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Content curated via Safer, Smarter Teens.

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