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I like it when my best friend spends food on me and supports me, we have known
each other since 2016, we met in college when I took my first class. We are very
different but we both like to eat empanadas she is very friendly. Her name is Laura
Franco, she lives in Madelena with her boyfriend. we see each other once a month,
and maybe we will go to cinema and disco bar. She is very funny. I missed when
we went together at the university. I hope that someday we will study something
together again because. We are both certified public accountants. I have nothing
more to tell about our beautiful friendship.


Week Cultural Liceo San Mateo

In the college that my daughter realized every year an event. This event consists in
showing us his learning during the year regarding art. My daughter was dancing
this year with his classmates fifth grade, and I had arrived of my work just when
star this event. When my daughter was dancing, the parents applauded very hard.
Well, you can see the great effort that was made. I was also eating when I met the
mother of one of my daughter's colleagues, so we spent the night together. I had
saved an empanada for my daughter because she was dancing when they sold
I invite you to this event, which is open to the public.


When you visit Colombia, there are some important things you should know. The
first thing to remember is that no matter which house you visit, you must bring a
small gift with you, this is a sign of good manners. Do not arrive early. On public
transport you are expected to get up from your seat if there is an elderly person or
a pregnant woman. You are also expected to say hello wherever you go.
Colombia is a beautiful country, do not hesitate to come and get to know it. There
are lots of places to visit and the people are always very friendly and will help you
not to get lost.
I ordered a cell phone cover from Mercado Libre for boyfriend’s birthday. But I had
a bad experience because this shipment It took me too long to get home
approximately 2 months. I call mercado libre every day and always tell me the
same thing that the shipment would arrive in those days. Later from two months
when arrive the cell phone cover was in poor condition and came broken. Later I
filed a complaint online, but they never responded to me either for my money or for
a new product.

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