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WORLD History Mr.

Kassube Room #5

World History – The Muslim World Expands: Ottoman Empire

By 1300, the Byzantine Empire was declining, and the Mongols had destroyed the Turkish Seljuk
kingdom of Rum. Anatolia was inhabited mostly by the descendants of nomadic Turks. These militaristic
people had a long history of invading other countries. Loyal to their own groups, they were not united by
a strong central power. A small Turkish state occupied land between the Byzantine Empire and that of the
Muslims. From this place, a strong leader would emerge to unite the Turks into what eventually would
become an immense empire stretching across three continents. The Ottomans established a Muslim
empire that combined many cultures and lasted for more than 600 years.
Use information from class discussion, textbook (beginning on page 72) and the video to answer the
following questions

1. What is an empire? What are some former empires that have existed throughout history?

2. The Ottoman Empire originated in Anatolia, which is what modern-day country?

3. Look at the images of the three men at the top of this paper. These men were all sultans. Explain
what a sultan was and the role they played.

4. Do you agree or disagree with how the Ottoman’s viewed religious diversity in their empire?
What do you think their view on religious diversity says about them?

5. Explain the connection between ghazis and Islam

6. The Ottoman’s were very successful with their military conquests. A lot of this success can be
attributed to what specifically?
WORLD History Mr. Kassube Room #5

7. Why do you think the Ottomans were tolerant of the people they conquered?

8. How did the conquest of Constantinople help unite the empire?

9. Why were the conquests of Selim the Grim culturally significant?

10. Look at the primary source on page 75 to answer the following question: In what details do the
two sources agree and disagree?

11. Look at the primary source on page 75 to answer the following question: Why do you think the
Sultan wept over the destruction?

12. Why was taking Constantinople so important to Mehmed II?

13. Which cultural achievements of Suleyman’s reign were similar to the European Renaissance?

14. By what means did the early Ottomans expand their empire?

15. Why was Suleyman called the lawgiver?

16. Explain who the Janissaries were

17. How powerful was the Ottoman Empire compared to other empires of the time?

18. In general, what factor caused the decline of the Ottoman Empire?

19. By the 17th century, the Ottoman Empire began to face internal challenges, including corruption,
military defeats and territorial losses. In response, a series of reform efforts known as the
________________, were undertaken in the 19th century to do what to the empire?

20. What impact did World War I have on the Ottoman Empire?

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