Time in Grade Policy Making Draft

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A. Introduction and Background of the Issue

The Philippine Navy is a military organization which is one of the three

branches of the Armed Forces of the Philippines in which employs and organize
military personnel in combat and administrative duties. But due to the nature of some
offices of the organization it requires specialties of the civilian personnel which is
necessary for the proper functioning of the organization. Due to the unfixed nature of
deployment of Military personnel some offices require civilian personnel to be long
staying to be able to have more in depth knowledge and familiarity of the unit’s
function, issues and concerns. The civilian human resource is required to apply for a
plantilla position in order to be promoted. In order for them to have a progressive pay
they have to reapply for a higher position, however concerns were raised to Higher
Headquarters to cases wherein there is a very limited avenue for career
development and growth of the Civilian Human Resource of the Philippine Navy.

B. Statement of the Problem

There is a problem for the career advancement of the civilian human

resource of the Philippine Navy since there is no time-in-grade policy and they are
occupying plantilla positions wherein if there will be no vacant higher position due to
the following reasons;
a. There is no available higher plantilla position for the civilian human
resource to pursue for higher career growth and there will be no
movement or the status quo will remain.
b. The higher position held is currently occupied and for some reason the
civilian human resource does not want to resign from that position.
c. The plantilla is limited due to the budget allocation given by the DBM for
the Philippine Navy Civilian Human Resource.

There are cases of the high attrition rate of the civilian human resource due
to the lack of career growth despite of their proper performance of their duties as the
civilian human resource of the Philippine Navy in which poses a great problem to the
stability of the Philippine Navy units and offices.

C. Objective

The objective of this policy is to establish guidelines and criteria for the Time-
in-Grade (TIG) requirements for civilian human resources within the Philippine Navy.
The TIG policy aims to ensure a fair and structured approach to career progression
while aligning with the Navy's organizational goals.

A. Current Policies

Currently, the HPN SOP Nr 19 dated 18 September 2020 (Merit Selection

Plan on Recruitment and Promotion for AFP Civilian Human Resources) provides
some guidelines with regards to the promotion of the civilian human resources.
However, there is no existing policy with regards to the time-in-grade system of the
civilian human resource which will support the morale and welfare of the committed
and well- performing civilian human resource of the Philippine Navy.

B. Alternative Solutions

According to the initiated interview of the researcher to the Civilian Resource

Development Office, Philippine Navy there is a move to come up with a proposed
scheme to provide a progressive career by providing the following;

a. To provide Civilian Human Resource a basic and advance Career

Courses to supplement their career growth;

1. Strengths: This alternative is already existing in the Civilian Human

Resource system and is providing a good educational path in order to
provide civilian human resource an avenue for the development of
their knowledge on how they will perform their duties and
responsibilities in a military organization set-up;
2. Weaknesses: This alternative only addresses the educational and
technical growth of the civilian human resource. However, it does not
fully address the welfare of the personnel due to unavailability to
exercise their expertise and educational growth on a higher level due
to the problems of overstaying civilian human resource on a higher
3. The Civilian Resource Development Office as well as the Philippine
Navy in general supports this alternative;
4. There is no opposition on this alternative.

b. To create a system for the time-in-grade policy in order to address the

desire of the committed civilian human resource of the Philippine Navy;

1. Strengths: This alternative will address the problem of overstaying

civilian human resource to a position held and will also enable them
to have a continuous progressive career whenever eligible. This will
also give them a motivation since there will be an increase in their
pays. This will also give them a clear timeline and a healthy
competition that the Philippine Navy will benefit with;
2. Weaknesses: There is a limitation imposed by the DBM with regards
to the employment of civilian human resource to the Armed Forces of
the Philippines;
3. The Civilian Resource Development Office as well as the Philippine
Navy in general supports this alternative, however the CSC still does
not have an implementing guideline and policy;
4. Currently, the DBM opposes on this alternative.

According to the CRDO of the Philippine Navy, the management team of Civilian
Human Resource is highly supporting this policy. However, the need of the approval of
the Civil Service Commission and the policy making of the Legislative body in order for
the basis of the DBM to come up with the appropriation for the said implementation of
the policy is required.

The adoption of this policy is feasible since the DOTMPLF is already existing and
the concept of this policy is already on the process of evaluation of the CRDO and senior
civilian human resource which will be submitted for evaluation of higher headquarters.
The potential challenges will only be to the level of congress and the approval of the
executive body of the National Government.


Section 1: Purpose

1. Career Progression:
The Time-in-Grade policy is designed to support the career progression of
civilian employees within the Philippine Navy by establishing clear criteria for
promotion eligibility.

Section 2: Eligibility Criteria

2. Minimum Service Period:

To be eligible for promotion, civilian employees must have completed a
minimum period of service in their current grade, as specified in the TIG

3. Demonstrated Competence:
Eligibility for promotion is not solely based on time served but also
requires a demonstration of competence and effectiveness in the current

Section 3: Time-in-Grade Requirements

4. Grade-Specific Requirements:
Specific TIG requirements will be established for each grade, reflecting
the complexity of responsibilities and the skills required for advancement.

5. Training and Professional Development:

Completion of relevant training and professional development activities
may be considered in the TIG requirements, emphasizing continuous
improvement and skill enhancement.

Section 4: Promotion Process

6. Merit-Based Evaluation:
The promotion process will be merit-based, considering an employee's
performance, skills, and contributions to the organization.
7. Review Board:
A promotion review board will be constituted to assess the eligibility of
employees for promotion, ensuring transparency and fairness.

Section 5: Exceptions and Waivers

8. Exceptional Performance:
Employees who demonstrate exceptional performance may be
considered for promotion even if they haven't met the standard TIG

9. Waivers:
In exceptional circumstances, the Navy may grant waivers to the TIG
requirements, subject to a thorough review and justification process.
Section 6: Communication and Training

10. Communication of TIG Policy:

The TIG policy will be communicated transparently to all civilian
employees, providing clarity on the promotion criteria and process.

11. Training and Guidance:

Training sessions and guidance materials will be provided to help
employees understand the TIG requirements and how they can contribute to
their career advancement.

Section 7: Appeals Process

12. Appeals Committee:

An appeals committee will be established to handle appeals from
employees who believe they were unjustly denied promotion based on TIG

13. Fair and Impartial Process:

The appeals process will be fair, impartial, and conducted in accordance
with established procedures.

Section 8: Review and Revision

14. Regular Review:

The TIG policy will be subject to periodic review to ensure its continued
relevance and effectiveness.

15. Policy Revision:

Updates and revisions to the TIG policy will be made as necessary to
align with changes in organizational needs or external factors.

By implementing this Time-in-Grade policy, the Philippine Navy aims to

establish a structured and fair approach to career progression for civilian employees,
fostering a workforce that is motivated, skilled, and aligned with the Navy's mission
and values.

The creation and approval of this policy will have a great impact and
effectiveness of the performance of the Civilian Human Resource of the Philippine Navy
due to the possible effects such as a healthy competition and continuous progress of the
civilian human resource of the Philippine Navy. The policy will be measured with the
attrition rate and the satisfactory rating of the civilian human resource.

Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Time-in-Grade (TIG) Policy for Civilian Human Resources
in the Philippine Navy

1. Introduction: The Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) aims to assess the economic

feasibility and impact of the Time-in-Grade (TIG) Policy for Civilian Human
Resources in the Philippine Navy.

2. Costs:
a. Implementation Costs:

Training: Costs associated with training staff to implement and

understand the TIG policy.

Communication: Expenses for disseminating information about the

policy to employees.

b. Ongoing Costs:

Monitoring and Evaluation: Expenses related to continuous monitoring

of employee performance and eligibility.

Appeals Process: Costs incurred in managing the appeals mechanism.

3. Benefits:

a. Increased Workforce Productivity: The TIG policy aims to improve

workforce productivity by encouraging continuous professional development,
contributing to organizational effectiveness.

b. Employee Retention and Satisfaction: A satisfied workforce leads to

reduced turnover, saving costs associated with recruitment and onboarding.

c. Organizational Performance: Improved employee performance, resulting

from a more qualified and motivated workforce, contributes to overall organizational

4. Quantitative Analysis:

a. Cost Savings from Reduced Turnover: Calculate potential cost savings by

comparing turnover rates before and after the implementation of the TIG policy.

b. Productivity Gains: Assess the impact of the policy on productivity by

measuring key performance indicators (KPIs) such as project completion rates and
task efficiency.
c. Return on Investment (ROI): Evaluate the ROI by comparing the costs of
policy implementation against the financial gains derived from increased productivity
and reduced turnover.

5. Qualitative Analysis:

a. Employee Satisfaction: Use employee surveys and feedback to qualitatively

assess the impact of the policy on job satisfaction and morale.

b. Organizational Culture: Evaluate how the TIG policy aligns with and
enhances the organizational culture, contributing to a positive work environment.

6. Recommendations:

a. Continuous Monitoring: Establish mechanisms for ongoing monitoring of

policy implementation to identify areas for improvement.

b. Employee Development Programs: Invest in employee development

programs to enhance the benefits derived from the TIG policy.

c. Regular CBA Reviews: Conduct periodic reviews of the CBA to ensure that
the TIG policy remains economically viable and aligned with organizational goals.

7. Conclusion: The Cost-Benefit Analysis reveals that while there are initial
implementation costs, the long-term benefits of the Time-in-Grade Policy for Civilian
Human Resources in the Philippine Navy, such as increased productivity and
employee satisfaction, outweigh these costs. The policy contributes positively to the
overall economic sustainability and effectiveness of the organization


The adoption of the Time-in-Grade (TIG) Policy for Civilian Human

Resources in the Philippine Navy is a strategic move aimed at enhancing
workforce professionalism, productivity, and job satisfaction. The policy
establishes a structured framework for career advancement, emphasizing
continuous learning and skill development.

Key components of the TIG policy include:

Qualification Requirements: The policy outlines clear qualification criteria

for each grade level, promoting transparency and fairness in career progression.

Training and Development: A robust training and development program is

integrated into the policy, ensuring that employees have access to resources
that facilitate their growth and enhance job performance.

Monitoring and Evaluation: The TIG policy incorporates mechanisms for

regular performance assessments and evaluations to track employee progress
and eligibility for grade advancements.

Appeals Process: To maintain fairness, an appeals process is established,

providing employees with a means to address grievances and seek
reconsideration of grade-related decisions.

The adoption of the Time-in-Grade Policy for Civilian Human Resources in

the Philippine Navy is a progressive step towards fostering a highly skilled and
motivated workforce. The policy is designed to:

Improve Workforce Competency: By setting clear qualification standards,

the policy encourages employees to continually enhance their skills, contributing
to a more competent and capable workforce.

Enhance Organizational Performance: A skilled and motivated workforce

directly impacts organizational performance, leading to increased efficiency,
effectiveness, and mission success.

Promote Job Satisfaction: The structured career advancement

opportunities provided by the TIG policy contribute to job satisfaction and
employee morale, reducing turnover and promoting long-term commitment.

Align with Best Practices: The TIG policy aligns with international best
practices in human resource management, ensuring that the Philippine Navy
remains competitive in attracting and retaining top talent.

In conclusion, the adoption of the Time-in-Grade Policy reflects a commitment to

investing in the professional growth of civilian human resources, ultimately
strengthening the Philippine Navy's capabilities and contributing to the overall
success of its mission.

1. GHQ SOP Nr 19 dated 18 September 2020 ( MERIT SELECTION PLAN ON


2. CSC MC No. 14, s. 2018

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