2023 UHS MDCAT Vocab 843 Words by SLMN Grammar

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1. Maximum Synonyms
2. Short-Listed Vocab
3. MDCAT Vocab + Preposition
4. Connotations + Collocations
5. Sentence Completion Guidelines
6. Important Phrasal Verbs
7. Prepositional Noun Phrases
8. Irregular Verbs

Salman ul Waheed

S mn Grammar Accounts
(Multan, Lahore, Islamabad)

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Author: Salman ul Waheed

Published by: Chaudhry Salman ul Waheed
For suggestions contact at:
030 66 333 466

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Head office:
Prof. Salman ul Waheed
‘slmn Grammar Accounts’
Green Huts Society, Zakariya Town, Multan

Price (in Pakistan)

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Dedicated To
My Mother


Dear MDCAT Aspirants,

It is understood that the UHS MDCAT

Vocabulary enjoys lion’s share in the
MDCAT English Paper. No one can even
thing of achieving 100% marks in English
section without preparing UHS Vocab well.
My guidelines are very clear and are as

1: Prepare at least 30 synonyms per UHS word

2: Be able to make groups of similar UHS Words
3: Connotations of UHS Words
4: Collocations of UHS Words
5: UHS Words followed by certain prepositions

Further to this book, download UHS Pictorial

Vocabulary from www.salmanulwaheed.com
and also listen to my YouTube lectures on
MDCAT Vocabulary.

Love to see you becoming a great doctor!

Salman ul Waheed

Section No. 1
2 Strangeness, peculiarity, weirdness, Crankiness, Unorthodoxy, eeriness,
ABERRATION idiosyncrasy, incongruity, Glitch, anomaly, deviation, divergence, abnormality,
(in/of) irregularity, variation, digression, freak, rogue, rarity, quirk, oddity, curiosity,
mistake, abnormality, irregularity, eccentricity, deviation, transgression, straying,
lapse, aberrancy, disorder, defect, disease, irregularity, instability, derangement
Capacity, capability, potential, potentiality, power, faculty, aptness, facility,
propensity, wherewithal, means, preparedness, inability, incapacity, talent, skill,
expertise, expertness, adeptness, aptitude, skillfulness, prowess, mastery, artistry,
2 ABILITY caliber, accomplishment, competence, competency, proficiency, dexterity,
adroitness, deftness, cleverness, smartness, flair, finesse, gift, knack, brilliance,
Compurgation, forgiveness, pardoning, exoneration, remission, dispensation,
indulgence, purgation, clemency, mercy, pardon, reprieve, discharge, amnesty,
delivery, acquittal, clearing
freedom, liberation, deliverance, release, condoning, vindication, exculpation
Inhalation, consumption, soaking up, sucking up, drawing in, drawing up, taking in,
taking up, blotting up, mopping up, sponging up, sopping up, incorporation,
assimilation, integration, appropriation, taking in, subsuming, inclusion, co-opting,
4 ABSORPTION swallowing up, reduction, decrease, lessening, softening, deadening, cushioning,
immersion, intentness, raptness, involvement, engrossment, occupation,
engagement, preoccupation, captivation, monopolization, fascination, enthrallment,
Abstract, vague, confusing, profound, obscure, arcane, esoteric, little known,
recherché, rarefied, recondite, difficult, hard, puzzling, perplexing, enigmatic,
5 ABSTRUSE inscrutable, cryptic, Delphic, complex, complicated, involved, above one's head, over
one's head, incomprehensible, unfathomable, impenetrable, mysterious
Large in number, sufficient, plentiful, copious, ample, profuse, rich, lavish, liberal,
generous, bountiful, large, huge, great, bumper, overflowing, superabundant,
6 ABUNDANT infinite, inexhaustible, opulent, prolific, teeming, abound, be plentiful, be numerous,
exist in abundance, proliferate, be thick on the ground
Person who has faith in something, Adherent, Religionist, supporter, stalwart,
follower, Somebody accepting debt, an atom accepting electrons
Part, accompanying, item, attachment, extra, addition, add-on, retrofit, adjunct,
appendage, appurtenance, component, additional component, fitment, supplement,
adornment, embellishment, finery, trimming, ornament, ornamentation, decoration,
complement, fashion detail, frill, supplementary, supplemental, auxiliary, ancillary,
secondary, subsidiary, supportive, assisting, reserve, complementary, further,
more, add-on

Make or become adapted, adjust, acclimatize, accommodate, attune, habituate,

9 ACCLIMATE (to) acculturate, conform, adapt, adjust, acclimatize, attune, habituate, accommodate,
assimilate, acculturate, inure, harden, condition, reconcile, become resigned, resign
Strong, laud, honour, recognition, privilege, award, gift, title, tribute, commendation,
ACCOLADE acclaim, applause, ovation, acclamation, approval, admiration, approbation,
(to/for/of) testimonial, praise, welcome, flattery, kudos, adulation, homage, compliment, pat on
the back, eulogy, encomium, panegyric
Increase by growth or addition, pile up, enhance, result, arise, follow, ensue,
emanate, stem, spring, flow, be caused by, be brought about by, be produced by,
11 ACCRUE (to/from)
originate in, attend, accompany, be consequent on, accumulate, collect, gather, build
up, mount up, amass, grow, increase, augment, be added
Agree with some reluctance, accommodate, adapt, adjust, permit, consent to, agree
to, allow, assent to, give one's consent to, accept, concur with, give one's assent to,
12 ACQUIESCE (in/to)
give one's blessing to, say yes to, give the nod to, give one's approval to
comply with, conform to, abide by, respect, stand by, cooperate with, tolerate, brook
Astuteness, awareness, shrewdness, acuity, sharpness, sharp-wittedness,
cleverness, brightness, smartness, judgment, understanding, sense, common
13 ACUMEN sense, canniness, discernment, wisdom, wit, sagacity, perspicacity, ingenuity,
insight, intuition, intuitiveness, perception, perspicuity, penetration, capability,
enterprise, initiative, resourcefulness, flair, vision, brains,
Treatment, therapy, stylostixis, cure, surgery, pricking, piercing, A treatment for pain
14 ACUPUNCTURE and illness in which thin needles are positioned just under the surface of the skin at
special nerve centers around the body.
Perplex, woozy, To make someone feel confused and unable to think clearly, rattled,
15 ADDLED (with) muddled, confused, fuddled, befuddled, bewildered, dazed, dizzy, disoriented,
disorientated, stupefied, unbalanced, unhinged, demented, deranged
Head-to-head, attached, adjoining, neighbouring, next door to, abutting, close to,
16 ADJACENT near to, next to, by, close by, by the side of, bordering, bordering on, beside,
alongside, abreast of, contiguous with, proximate to, attached to, touching, joining
Reprimand, reproach, chiding, scolding, berating, Caution, warning, reprimand,
ADMONITION rebuke, reproof, remonstrance, stricture, lecture, criticism, recrimination, tirade,
(to/about/from) diatribe, philippic, harangue, attack, scolding, chastisement, castigation, upbraiding,
berating, reproval, censure,
Craft, skill, skillfulness, prowess, expertise, expertness, adeptness, handiness,
nimbleness, dexterity, dexterousness, deftness, ability, capability, competence,
competency, mastery, virtuosity, proficiency, accomplishment, artistry, art, knack,
18 ADROITNESS bent, faculty, facility, aptitude, flair, finesse, talent, gift, giftedness, quick-wittedness,
cleverness, intelligence, wisdom, brilliance, brightness, sharpness, cunning,
artfulness, astuteness, diplomacy, discretion, shrewdness, resourcefulness,
ingenuity, inventiveness

Involve, concern, influence, exert influence on, have an effect on, act on, work on,
condition, touch, have an impact on, impact on, take hold of, attack, infect, strike,
strike at, hit, change, alter, modify, transform, form, shape, control, govern,
19 AFFECT determine, decide, guide, sway, bias, upset, trouble, hit hard, overwhelm,
devastate, damage, hurt, pain, grieve, sadden, distress, disturb, perturb, agitate,
shake, shake up, stir, pretend, feign, fake, counterfeit, sham, simulate, fabricate,
give the appearance of, make a show of, make a pretence of, play at,
Attraction, empathy, rapport, sympathy, accord, harmony, like-mindedness,
closeness to, fellow, feeling for, understanding of, liking for, fondness for,
AFFINITY inclination towards, partiality for, penchant for, similarity, resemblance, likeness,
(for/ with/ between) kinship, correspondence, relationship, association, link, analogy, similitude,
agreement, compatibility, congruity, parallelism, consonance, identity,
identicalness, uniformity, equivalence, relationship, bond, connection, propinquity
Cheerfulness, quickness, eagerness, willingness, readiness, enthusiasm, ardour,
ALACRITY (of/ in/
21 fervour, keenness, joyousness, liveliness, zeal, promptness, haste, briskness,
with) swiftness, dispatch, speed
Calm, smooth, pacify, Ameliorate, Appeasing, reduce, diminish, decrease, lessen,
assuage, alleviate, ease, relieve, soothe, soften, take the edge off, dull, cushion,
22 ALLAY mollify, moderate, calm, lull, temper, mitigate, palliate, blunt, deaden, abate, tone
down, dispel, banish, dismiss, dissipate, drive away, drive off, chase away, put to
rest, quell, check, eliminate
All hearted, humane, Benign, unselfish, selfless, self-sacrificing, self-denying,
considerate, compassionate, kind, decent, noble, public-spirited, generous,
23 ALTRUISTIC magnanimous, ungrudging, unstinting, charitable, benevolent, beneficent, liberal,
open-handed, free-handed, philanthropic, humanitarian, walkway, covered walk,
corridor, aisle, arcade, loggia, gallery, piazza
Ambulant, vagrant, Walking or moving around, Mosey, travelling, peripatetic,
wandering, wayfaring, roving, roaming, rambling, touring, nomadic, gypsy, migrant,
24 AMBULATORY migratory, homeless, drifting, transient, roving, roaming, floating, unsettled,
footloose, itinerant, wandering, nomadic, mobile, on the move, journeying,
rambling, touring, vagabond, migrant, migrating, migratory,
Mitigate, meliorate, restructure, revolutionize, remodel, reorganize, modernize,
Enrich, relieve, ease, retrieve, rectify, correct, better, upgrade, refine, enhance,
25 AMELIORATE boost, build on, help, raise, revamp, brush up, polish up, perk up, tweak, improve,
make better, better, make improvements to, enhance, help, benefit, boost, raise,
amend, reform
Comfort, luxuries, niceties, equipment, provision, solutions, assistance, facility,
26 AMENITIES (of) service, convenience, resource, utility, system, appliance, aid, advantage, comfort,
benefit, arrangement, opportunity
Irregular, shapeless, formless, unformed, unshaped, structureless, unstructured,
indeterminate, indefinite, vague, nebulous

Representation, correlate, similarity, watch, sound, counterpart, equivalent,

28 ANALOGUE (of/for)
likeness, correspondent, match, twin, duplicate, equal, coequal, mirror
Considered, tested, think, estimate, questioned, break down, resolve, separate,
reduce, decompose, disintegrate, dissect, divide, assay, test, examine, inspect,
survey, scan, study, scrutinize, look over, peruse, search, investigate, explore,
probe, research, enquire into, go over, go over with a fine-tooth comb, check, sift,
audit, judge, review, evaluate, interpret
ANAPHYLACTIC Allergic, delicate, irritable, tender, empthatic, Exaggerated, allergic, reaction to a
(in) foreign protein or drug
Acidity, aneurism, cyst, amnesia, aortic, aneurysm, stroke, A fluid-filled sac in the
wall of an artery that can weaken the wall
Disease of the heart, congestive heart failure, myocardial infraction, A disease
32 ANGINA which causes strong pain in the chest because blood containing oxygen is
prevented from reaching the heart muscle by blocked arteries
Gradient, slant, inclination, geometrical relation, corner, intersection, point, apex,
bias, nook, niche, recess, crook, perspective, way of looking at something, point of
view, viewpoint, standpoint, position, side, aspect, slant, direction, approach,
outlook, light, present, slant, give a particular slant to, orient, skew, distort, twist
Aberration, eccentricity, deviation, Irregularity, difference, variance, glitch,
ANOMALY oddity, peculiarity, abnormality, irregularity, inconsistency, incongruity, deviation,
(in/to/of) aberration, quirk, freak, exception, departure, divergence, variation, rarity,
(person causing problem) bad person, contender, adversary, opponent,
35 Aggressive, hostile, opposed, on the warpath, adversary, opponent, enemy, foe,
(to/in) nemesis, rival, competitor
Beginning, prior, former, precedent, past, Forward, frontal, front
forepart, fore, foremost part, anterior, forefront, nose, head, earlier, previous,
36 ANTERIOR preceding, foregoing, antecedent, advance, preparatory, preliminary, initial, before,
until, till, up to, previous to, earlier than, preceding, leading up to, in advance of,
ahead of,
Immunizer, neutralizer, gamma, globulin, antiseptic, vaccine, counteractant, A
37 ANTIBODY (to) protein produced in the blood which fights diseases by attacking and killing
harmful bacteria.
Uncaring attitude, dullness, laziness, indifference, lack of interest, lack of
enthusiasm, lack of concern, unconcern, uninterestedness, unresponsiveness,
38 APATHY impassivity, passivity, passiveness, detachment, dispassion, dispassionateness,
lack of involvement, phlegm, coolness, listlessness, lethargy, languor, lassitude,
torpor, boredom, ennui, accidie
39 APERTURE Break, breach, fissure, Camera hole, regulator, micropyle, stoma, orifice, crack,

opening, hole, gap, space, slit, slot, vent, passage, crevice, chink, crack, fissure,
perforation, breach, eye, interstice
1: Fear, anxiety, trepidation, arrest, alarm, worry, uneasiness, understanding,
2: Comprehension, realization, cognizance, consciousness
40 APPREHENSION 3: Arrest, capture, seizure, catching, detention, imprisonment, incarceration
angst, unease, nervousness, misgiving, disquiet, concern, agitation, restlessness,
edginess, fidgetiness, nerves, tension, perturbation, consternation, panic,
fearfulness, dread, shock, horror, terror, foreboding, presentiment
Trendsetter, style guru, go-between, adjudicator, arbitrator, judge, umpire, referee,
assistant referee, linesman, line judge, mediator, conciliator, intervenor,
41 ARBITER (in)
intercessor, go-between, negotiator, peacemaker, judge, authority, determiner,
controller, director, governor, master, expert, pundit
(relating to a tree) branchy, arborous, jungly, uncut, Of or pertaining to trees,
Noun: Curve, arch, half-moon, curvature, bend, bow, semicircle, electrical
43 ARC conduction, discharge, spark, curve, bend, bow, crescent, convexity, curling, curl,
Verb: curve, swerve, spin, turn, soar, sail, fly, ascend, mount, climb
Hidden, secret, mysterious, esoteric, enigmatic, recondite, deep, mysterious,
secret, hidden, concealed, covert, clandestine, enigmatic, dark, esoteric, obscure,
abstruse, recondite, little, known, recherché, inscrutable, impenetrable, opaque,
incomprehensible, cryptic, occult
Principal, superior, chief expert, accomplished major, head, Playful, mischievous,
roguish, curved, flex, bend, camber, skilled
(a place where records are stored) library, registry, office, storage, Records, files,
documentation, annals, records, annals, chronicles, registers, accounts, papers,
46 ARCHIVES documents, rolls, dossiers, files, deeds, ledgers, history, information, evidence,
documentation, paperwork file, log, catalogue, pigeonhole, store, record, register,
chronicle, cache, document, put on record, post
Expressive, understandable, assertive, coherent, eloquent, clear, fluent, eloquent,
fluent, communicative, effective, persuasive, coherent, lucid, vivid, expressive,
47 silver-tongued, vocal
(with) cogent, illuminating, intelligible, comprehensible, understandable, ventilate, vent,
give vent to, pour out, enunciate
Monk, hermit, self-denier, abstemious, abstaining, puritanical, Self-denial,
Austere, abstinent, frugal, Spartan, austere, self-denying, abstinent, abstemious,
non-indulgent, self-disciplined, frugal, simple, rigorous, strict, severe, hair-shirt,
Spartan, monastic, monkish, nunlike
reclusive, solitary, cloistered, eremitic, anchoritic, hermitic, celibate, continent,
chaste, puritanical, self-abnegating, other-worldly, mortified, abstainer, recluse,

hermit, solitary, anchorite, anchoress, desert saint, celibate, puritan, nun, monk,
fakir, Sufi, dervish, yogi, rishi, sannyasi, sadhu, muni, hikikomori
Vilification, libel, slander, defamation, condemnation, A damaging or derogatory
remark or criticism, the act of slandering, vilification, disparagement, denigration,
defamation, defamation of character, abuse, vituperation, condemnation, criticism,
49 ASPERSION (on) censure, castigation, denunciation, flak, deprecation, opprobrium, obloquy,
derogation, slander, revilement, reviling, calumny, calumniation, slurs, smears,
execration, excoriation, lambasting, upbraiding, bad press, character
assassination, attack, invective, libel, insults, slights, curses
Homogenize, adapt, absorb, incorporate, digest, take in, understand, take in,
50 acquire, pick up, grasp, comprehend, understand, learn, master, ingest, imbibe,
(into/to) drink in, soak in, subsume, incorporate, integrate, absorb, engulf, swallow up,
Suppose, imagine, guess, presume, brainstorm, Take for granted, presuppose, take
it, take for granted, take as read, presuppose, conjecture, surmise, conclude, come
51 ASSUME to the conclusion, deduce, infer, draw the inference, reckon, reason, guess,
imagine, think, fancy, suspect, expect, accept, believe, be of the opinion,
understand, be given to understand, gather, glean
52 ATROPHY Waste, damage, decay, diminish, deteriorate, Waste away, wither, weaken
(being present or related), Accessory, accompanying, coincident, concomitant,
53 ATTENDANT Associated, linked, assistant, aid, baggageman, bridesmaid, bellboy, escort,
esquire, bellhop, servitor
Apparel, dress, clothes, costume, wardrobe, garments, raiment, Clothing, outfit,
54 ATTIRE (in) turnout, garb, ensemble, array, finery, regalia, accoutrements, trappings, accouter,
drape, swathe, adorn, kit, strip, gear, togs, garms, duds, glad rags, get-up
Brave, daring, dauntless, fearless, courageous, bold, overconfident, impudent,
intrepid, brave, unafraid, unflinching, courageous, valiant, valorous, heroic,
55 AUDACIOUS dashing, plucky, daredevil, devil-may-care, death-or-glory, reckless, madcap,
adventurous, venturesome, enterprising, dynamic, spirited, mettlesome,
mannerless, rude, crude, brazen, brazen-faced, brash
(dignified, noble), eminent, brilliant, glorious, lofty, lordly, majestic, Imposing,
impressive, grand, distinguished, respected, eminent, venerable, hallowed,
illustrious, prestigious, renowned, celebrated, honored, acclaimed, esteemed,
56 AUGUST exalted, highly regarded, well thought of, of distinction, of repute, great, important,
of high standing, lofty, high-ranking, noble, regal, royal, aristocratic, imposing,
impressive, awe-inspiring, magnificent, majestic, imperial, stately, kingly, grand,
dignified, solemn, proud
Felicitous, fortunate, lucky, favorable, happy, Showing that something is likely to
be successful, Favorable, promising, positive, favourable, propitious, promising,
full of promise, bright, rosy, good, optimistic, hopeful, encouraging, opportune,
timely, well timed, lucky, providential, felicitous, advantageous, beneficial

(made or done by a machine), computerized, mechanical, motorized, robotic,

programmed, automatic, preset, mechanized, mechanical, automated, push-button,
58 AUTOMATED, preprogrammed, computerized, electronic, robotic, unmanned, instinctive,
involuntary, unconscious, reflex, knee-jerk, reflexive, instinctual, subconscious,
unconditioned, spontaneous, impulsive
Keen, eager, fervent, ardent, devoted, enthusiastic, ardent, passionate, devoted,
59 AVID dedicated, fervent, fervid, zealous, fanatical, voracious, insatiable, wholehearted,
(main, principal), basic, centric, chief, fundamental, important, Related to axis of
rotation, lengthways, churn, vortex, roil, swirl
Brutal, pitiless, furious, wild, cruel, savage, uncivilized, primitive, cruel, brutal,
barbarous, brutish, bestial, savage, vicious, fierce, ferocious, wicked, nasty,
61 BARBARIC ruthless, remorseless, merciless, villainous, murderous, heinous, nefarious,
monstrous, base, low, low-down, vile, inhuman, infernal, dark, black, black-
hearted, fiendish, hellish, diabolical, ghastly, horrible,
Bar, hindrance, bound, enclosure, barricade, hurdle, Fence, wall, barricade,
blockade, block, obstacle, dam, moratorium obstacle, obstruction, hurdle,
stumbling block, bar, block, impediment, snag, catch, drawback, hitch, handicap,
deterrent, complication, difficulty, problem, disadvantage, baulk, curb, check, stop
63 BASILICA (of) Chapel, church, cathedral, temple, minster, kirk, denomination, sect, creed, faith
Beat, hit, thrash, pummel, assault, pound, strike repeatedly, pummel, pound, buffet,
BATTER (down,
64 belabour, beat up, abuse, hit, strike, smack, assault, attack, thump, lash, aim blows
on) at
(fall in globules) bead drain dribble, drip, hail, leak, Bejeweled, encrusted,
decorated, embellished, covered, sequined, Bedizened, balled, pelleted, globule,
spheroid, spherule, sphere, oval, ovoid, orb, rounded, pearl, necklace, string of
beads, chaplet
Cheat, deceive, swindle, bamboozle, charm, attract, Deceive somebody, Tempt,
Entice, lure, woo, captivate, enchant, entrance, win over, woo, bewitch, spellbind,
dazzle, blind, hypnotize, mesmerize, seduce, tempt, lead on, lure, entice, ensnare,
entrap, deceive, mislead, take in, trick, inveigle, dupe, fool, double-cross, hoodwink
Order, decree, demand, command, dictate, will, vow, promise, instruction, bidding,
67 BEHEST (of) request, requirement, wish, desire, edict, rule, ruling, directive, direction, charge,
will, dictate, insistence, injunction, mandate, precept
Late, overdue, remiss, tardy, delayed, postponed, deferred, late, overdue,
68 BELATED behindhand, behind time, not on time, behind schedule, delayed, running late,
tardy, unpunctual
Approval, favor, okay, amen, approbation, blessing, sanction, blessing, prayer,
invocation, dedication, grace, thanksgiving, thanks
Generosity, altruism, kindness, goodness, largesse, alms, benefaction, charity,
donation, philanthropy, blessedness, beatitude, bliss, grace, favour

kind, gentle, benignant, sympathetic, cordial, benevolent, caring, warm-hearted,

good-natured, friendly, warm, affectionate, agreeable, amiable, good-humoured,
genial, congenial, cordial, approachable, tender, tender-hearted, soft-hearted,
gentle, sympathetic, compassionate, considerate, thoughtful, helpful, well
disposed, obliging, accommodating, generous, big-hearted, unselfish, benevolent,
gracious, liberal, indulgent
will, leave, legate, entrust, give, bestow on, confer on, donate, leave, leave in one's
72 BEQUEATH (to) will, make over, pass on, hand on, hand down, cede, consign, commit, grant,
transfer, convey, donate, give, give over, turn over, vouchsafe, confer on
scold, chide, whip, rebuke, criticize, castigate, tell off, shout at, speak angrily to,
reprimand, reproach, reprove, admonish, remonstrate with, chastise, chide,
upbraid, take to task, pull up, castigate, lambaste, go on at, haul over the coals,
criticize, censure
divide, diverge, ramify, subdivide, Divide into two forks branches or peaks,
BIFURCATE divarication, divergence, separation, difference, disagreement, discrepancy,
(to/into) disparateness, disparity, dissidence, dissimilarity, distinction, distinctiveness,
distinctness, diversity, unlikeness
necessary, conclusive, compulsory, obligatory, required, requisite, mandatory,
75 BINDING essential, irrevocable, unalterable, unbreakable, indissoluble, permanent,
irreligious, irreverent, profane, impious, sacrilegious, irreligious, offensive,
BLASPHEMOUS impious, ungodly, godless, unholy, disrespectful, agnostic, atheistic, heretical (also
(to) heretic), irreligious, nonreligious, , secular,, unconsecrated, unhallowed, heathen,
chatter, babble, jabber, gossip, mumble, Scolding, Talk loquacious nonsense,
77 BLATHERING prattle, babble, chatter, twitter, prate, gabble, jabber, go on, run on, rattle away,
rattle on, yap, jibber-jabber, patter, blither, maunder, ramble, drivel
burn, fire, sear, scorch, inferno, conflagration, combustion, fire, flames, inferno,
78 BLAZE (of)
holocaust, firestorm
79 BLOOM flower, bud, prosper, open, develop, Blossom, come into flower, come into bud
80 BOUQUET bunch of flowers, garland, nosegay, boutonniere, wreath, spray, posy
method of writing for, blind people, A system of printing for blind people in which
81 BRAILLE each letter is represented as a raised pattern which can be read by touching with
the fingers
BROADSIDE attack, criticism, denunciation, diatribe, A large flat and usually vertical surface
(at/ against) A nautical ship's side, firing of ship's guns, volley, reprimand
83 BUCKLE Clasp, fibula, hasp, fastener, clip, catch, censure, berate, clap, bulge,
Safeguard, bumper, cushion, defense, screen, fender, An ionic compound that
resists changes in its pH, A neutral zone, cowcatcher, polisher,

Floating, upbeat, cheerful, cheery, happy, light-hearted, carefree, bright, glad,

merry, joyful, bubbly, bouncy, effervescent, blithe, sunny, breezy, jolly, jovial,
85 BUOYANT animated, lively, sprightly, jaunty, ebullient, high-spirited, vivacious, vital,
sparkling, sparky, zestful, perky, optimistic, confident, hopeful, sanguine, bullish,
Flourish, develop, amplify, augment, Growing, grow rapidly, increase exponentially,
increase rapidly, expand, spring up, shoot up, swell, explode, boom, mushroom,
proliferate, snowball, multiply, become more numerous, escalate, rocket,
skyrocket, run riot, put on a spurt
An official Seal, reputation, prestige, prestigiousness, distinction, status, standing,
kudos, snob value, stature, prominence, importance, pre-eminence, eminence
Cage, mort, skeleton, deceased, stiff, dead body, body, carcass, skeleton
corpse, body, dead body, remains, carcass
89 CAESAREAN Operation, labor, bringing, forth, Surgical delivery of a baby
curve, boundary, corner, arch, arc, bow, curvature, bend, turn, loop, curl, twist,
(Short appearance in a film or precious stones) bangle ring ornament rock, Carved
91 CAMEO stone: a semiprecious stone carved to give a raised design.
Brief appearance by a famous actor in a movie, play etc.
Adapted, clever, competent, able, efficient, effective, proficient, accomplished,
adept, apt, practised, experienced, qualified, skilful, skilled, masterly, talented,
92 CAPABLE gifted, have the ability to, have the potential to, be equal to, be equal to the task of,
be up to, be disposed to, be inclined to, be prone to, be liable to, be likely to, be apt
Cash, property, investment, material wealth, money, finance, finances, funds, the
wherewithal, the means, assets, wealth, resources, reserves, deep pockets, stock,
principal, first city, most important city, seat of government, Centre of
Container, pill, tablet, lozenge, pastille, pilule, drop, caplet, pellet, bolus, troche,
94 CAPSULE seed case, pod, shell, husk, hull, case, sheath, seed case, pod, shell, husk, hull,
case, sheath
95 CARAPACE Shell, pod, husk, covering, protector, Covering, outside, exterior, sheath
Sweater, garment, jacket, jersey, Long-sleeved sweater usually worn over other
Livelihood, pilgrimage, profession, occupation, vocation, calling, employment, job,
day job, line, line of work, walk of life, position, post, sphere, existence, life,
progress, course, progression, passage, path, rush, hurtle, streak, shoot, race,
bolt, dash, speed, run, gallop, stampede, cannon, careen, whizz, buzz, zoom, flash,
blast, charge, hare, fly, wing, pelt, scurry, scud, go like the wind, scoot, scorch,
tear, skedaddle, zap, zip, whip, burn rubber, go like a bat out of hell
Picture, misrepresentation, cartoon, distorted drawing, exaggerated drawing,
98 CARICATURE distortion, parody, satire, lampoon, burlesque, mimicry, travesty, farce, skit, squib,
satirize, lampoon, mimic, ridicule, mock, make fun of
Map maker, measurer, topographer, assessor, Someone who makes or draws

Shed, radiate, transmit, throw, toss, fling, pitch, hurl, bowl, dash, shy, lob, launch,
flip, let fly, direct, discharge, project, propel, send, spread, lay out, open out, unroll,
fan out, stretch out, emit, give off, send out, send forth, shed, radiate, diffuse,
100 CAST spread out, calculate, devise, compute, reckon, determine, assess, work out,
formulate, record, write, predict, forecast, foretell, foresee, prophesy, mould,
fashion, form, shape, model, sculpt, sculpture, frame, forge, create, build,
Enzyme, agitator, incendiary, vehicle, method, channel, medium, means, means of
expression, agency, agent, instrument, mechanism, organ, apparatus, structure,
101 CATALYST machine, machinery, stimulus, stimulation, motivation, motivating force, fillip,
encouragement, influence, muse, goad, spur, lift, boost, incentive, incitement,
Purging, purgation, purification, cleansing, release, relief, emotional release,
102 CATHARSIS (for) freeing, deliverance, exorcism, ridding, expurgation, ablution, The process of
releasing strong emotions through a particular activity or experience.
103 CAUDAL (posterior) Tail, rear, hind, back, hinder, rearward
Seal, lock, latch, jam, trammel, barricade, block up, bung up, stop, stop up, plug,
seal, close, clog, clog up, choke, obstruct, occlude, dam up
Decennial, ceturial, carnival, expo, festival, celebrations, Of century, occurring
every hundred years, Birthday
(Confident), believing, satisfied, undisturbed, calm, secure, Convinced,
unquestionable, sure, definite, beyond question, not in question, not in doubt,
beyond doubt, unequivocal, indubitable, undeniable, irrefutable, indisputable,
incontrovertible, incontestable, obvious, patent, manifest, evident, plain, clear,
transparent, palpable, unmistakable, conclusive, recognized, confirmed, accepted,
acknowledged, undisputed, undoubted, unquestioned, unchallenged, uncontested,
sure, very likely, bound, destined, predestined, fated, trusted, assured of doing
something, inevitable, assured, destined, predestined, fated, reliable, dependable,
trustworthy, sound, foolproof, tested, tried and tested, effective, efficacious,
guaranteed, sure, unfailing, infallible, unerring
Chide, whip, punish, To punish or scold somebody, scold, upbraid, berate,
107 CHASTISE reprimand, reprove, rebuke, admonish, chide, censure, castigate, lambaste,
lecture, criticize, pull up, take to task, haul over the coals, bring to book
108 CHIMERICAL Imaginary, unreal, fanciful, fictious, unrealistic, absurd, deceptive
Gentlemanliness, gallantry, politeness, courtesy, graciousness, knight errantry,
109 CHIVALRY the knightly code, knighthood, courtly manners, knightliness, courtliness, nobility,
magnanimity thoughtfulness, attentiveness, consideration, considerateness,
110 CHROMOSOME DNA, Heredity, Gene Code, Genetic material, RNA,
Shake, stir, Splash violently, make butter, s moil, roil, feel unsettled, blender,
111 CHURN (out/up) food processor, liquidizer, stirrer, beater, churn, whisk, be turbulent, heave, boil,
swirl, toss, seethe, foam, froth
(Make known), bring out, disperse, spread, spread about, spread around, pass
CIRCULATED around, pass on, communicate, disseminate, transmit, make known, air, put about,
(among) bandy about, make public, broadcast, publicize, advertise, publish, post, propagate,
promulgate, blazon abroad, noise abroad, distribute, give out, issue, purvey

CIRCUMDUCTIO (Rotation), moving, around, wheeling, encircling, revolving, ring, surrounding, a

N circular movement of a limb or eye, motility, motion, move
Uproarious, stentorian, booming, Blatant, clamant, strident, noisy, loud, vocal,
114 CLAMOROUS vociférons, raucous, rowdy, rackety, tumultuous, shouting, shrieking, screaming,
importunate, demanding, insistent, vehement
(Faster), grip, hold, snap, catch, lock, vice, A mechanical device with movable jaws,
fasten or fix with a clamp, fasten, secure, fix, clip, attach, make fast, screw, bolt,
115 CLAMP clasp, fastener, bracket, holdfast, mute, capo, suppress, prevent, stop, put a stop
to, put an end to, stamp out, crack down on, come down hard on, limit, restrain,
restrict, check, keep in check, control, keep under control
Calm, Mild, showing mercy or leniency, merciful, sparing, forgiving, forbearing,
tolerant, moderate, charitable, humane, indulgent, easy-going, magnanimous,
sympathetic, compassionate, pitying, kind, kindly, kind-hearted, benevolent, gentle,
mild, temperate, summery, calm, tranquil, fine, pleasant, benign, soothing, soft
Adjoining, End, stop, finish, terminate, cease, near, adjacent, in close proximity,
117 CLOSE close at hand, near at hand, dense, compact, tight, close-packed, tightly packed,
packed, solid, condensed, compressed, concentrated
Array, tuft, agglomeration, tussock, bunch, clump, collection, mass, knot, group,
118 CLUSTER clutch, bundle, nest, crowd, group, knot, huddle, bunch, gathering, throng, swarm,
flock, pack, troupe, party, band, body, collection, assemblage, congregation
Seaboard, coastal region, coastline, seashore, shore, shoreline, seaside, beach,
sand, sands, foreshore, waterside, water's edge, waterfront
Mend, repair, renovate, fix, bushel, doctor, furbish up, restore, touch on
prepare hastily, prepare roughly, make hastily, make roughly, put together hastily,
120 COBBLE (with)
put together roughly, scribble, improvise, devise, contrive, rig, rig up, patch
together, jerry-build
121 COCCYX Tailbone, dorsal, region, lower, back, A small triangular bone at the base of spine
Bullying, threatening, force, duress, Powerful, using force to make somebody do
122 COERCIVE something against his or her will, overbearing, authoritarian, imperious, high-
handed, high and mighty, autocratic, autarchic
123 COLLAGE Collection, assemblage, Patchwork, hodgepodge, clutter montage,
Attire), eton, frill, jabot, ruff, torque, neck opening, ruffle, rabato, neck facing,
band, neckband, choker, apprehend, arrest, catch, capture, seize
124 COLLAR take prisoner, take into custody, detain, put in jail, throw in jail, put behind bars,
imprison, incarcerate, nab, nail, run in, pinch, bust, pick up, pull in, haul in, do, feel
someone's collar
(Indirect, secondary), added, ancillary, auxiliary, concurrent, dependent, lateral,
situated or running side by side, parallel, oblique, perpendicular
security, surety, guarantee, guaranty, pledge, bond, assurance, insurance,
indemnity, indemnification, pawn, backing, bail, hostage
(Composite), collated, gathered, done by or characteristic of individuals acting
126 COLLECTIVE together, Corporate, common, shared, joint, combined, mutual, communal, united,
allied, cooperative, collaborative, aggregate, cumulative, undivided, pooled
Pillar, post, pole, support, upright, vertical, baluster, pier, pile, piling, pilaster,
stanchion, standard, prop, buttress, rod, shaft, leg, mast, tower, pylon

obelisk, monolith, article, piece, piece of writing, item, story, report, account,
write-up, feature, essay, composition, study, review, criticism, critique, notice,
commentary, editorial, leader, line, file, queue, procession, rank, row, string, chain,
train, trail, progression, succession, cavalcade, parade, motorcade, carcade,
cortège, convoy
Cold, unable to function, unconscious, in a coma, insensible, senseless, blacked
out, passed out, insentient, insensate, inert, torpid, inactive, lethargic, sluggish,
128 COMATOSE lifeless, listless, languid, lazy, idle, indolent, shiftless, slothful, heavy, stagnant,
sleepy, drowsy, somnolent, languorous, apathetic, passive, hibernating, sleeping,
dormant, supine
A collection of things, amalgam, aggregation, collection, complexion, haplotype,
color scheme, accumulation, assemblage, amalgamation, amalgam, merger, union,
129 COMBINATIONS blend, mixture, mix, mingling, meld, fusion, fusing, compound, alloy, marriage,
weave, coalescence, coalition, pooling, integration, conjunction, incorporation,
synthesis, composite, composition, concoction
Cute, decent, decorous, seemly, attractive, good-looking, nice-looking, beautiful,
pretty, handsome, lovely, stunning, striking, arresting, gorgeous, prepossessing,
winning, fetching, captivating, bewitching, beguiling, engaging, charming,
charismatic, enchanting, appealing, delightful, irresistible, sexy, sexually attractive,
sexual, seductive, alluring, tantalizing, ravishing, desirable, sultry, sensuous,
sensual, erotic, arousing, luscious, lush, nubile
COMMISERATE Feel for pity, compassionate, condole with, offer sympathy to, be sympathetic to,
express sympathy for, send condolences to, offer condolences to, condole with,
131 (with sb/ on, about
sympathize with, empathize with, feel pity for, feel sorry for, feel for, be moved by,
sth ) mourn for, sorrow for, grieve for, comfort, console, solace, give solace to
(Give or exchange information), connect, interact, hint, acquaint, break,
interconnect, link, lead into, convey, tell, impart, relay, transmit, pass on, hand on,
transfer, make known, announce, report, recount, relate, set forth, present,
divulge, disclose, mention, transmit, transfer, spread, carry, pass on, hand on,
convey, talk, speak, converse, chat, have a conversation, have a chat,
spread, disseminate, circulate, promulgate, proclaim, broadcast, make public
Drive, travel, voyage, journey, trip, jaunt, junket, travel to and from work, travel to
133 COMMUTE (for/to) and fro, travel back and forth, come and go, shuttle, exchange, change,
interchange, substitute, swap, trade, barter, switch
compressed, fit, laconic, bundle, wad, arrange, set up, dense, packed close, close-
packed, tightly packed, pressed together
134 COMPACT (in) thick, tight, firm, solid, concise, succinct, condensed, compendious, crisp, terse,
brief, pithy, epigrammatic, aphoristic, elliptical, small, little, petite, miniature, mini,
small-scale, neat, economic of space, fun-size
(Subdivision), slot, carrel, carriage, cubicles, stalls, Booths, section, part,
partition, bay, recess, chamber, cavity, niche, nook, hollow, pocket, pouch,
receptacle, domain, field, sphere, realm, area, department, sector, section,
division, part, category, pigeonhole, bracket, class, group, set
Agreeable, like-minded, Congenial, well suited, suited, well matched, like-minded,
COMPATIBLE of the same mind, in agreement, in tune, in harmony, reconcilable, consistent,
(with) reconcilable, consonant, congruous, congruent, fitting, in keeping, in accord, in
tune, in step

Serene, self-complacent, smug, self-satisfied, pleased with oneself, proud of

COMPLACENT oneself, self-approving, self-congratulatory, self-admiring, self-regarding,
(about) gloating, triumphant, proud, pleased, gratified, satisfied, content, contented,
careless, slack, lax, lazy
Composite, mingled, multifarious, multiform, compound, perplexing, complicated,
involved, intricate, convoluted, tangled, elaborate, serpentine, labyrinthine,
tortuous, impenetrable, Byzantine, Daedalian, Gordian, difficult, hard, knotty, tricky,
thorny, problematical
Factors, fixings, makings, plug-ins, segments, Mechanisms, Machineries,
139 COMPONENTS Apparatuses, Constituents, part, piece, bit, constituent, element, ingredient, unit,
module, item, section,
Clearheaded, confident, repressed, calm, collected, cool, calm, and collected,
cool, as cool as a cucumber, cool-headed, controlled, self-controlled, serene,
140 COMPOSED tranquil, relaxed, at ease, self-possessed, unruffled, unperturbed, unflustered,
undisturbed, unmoved, unbothered, untroubled, unagitated, equable, even-
tempered, level-headed, imperturbable
Aggregate, alloy, combo, composite, conglomerate, Multiple, Complex, Multifarious,
141 COMPOUND Multifaceted, amalgam, amalgamation, combination, composite, blend, mixture,
mix, admixture, meld, fusion, synthesis, consolidation
Confining, squeezing, pressing, Density, Solidity, Firmness, Concentration, force,
physical force, load, stress, thrust, shortening, reduction, cutting, cutting down,
cutting short, contraction, condensation, abridgement, truncation, clipping,
cropping, paring down, pruning, shrinking, constricting, telescoping
Biconcave, dented, round, indented, Bowl-shaped, dipped, Dished, Curve in
curved inwards, hollow, hollowed out, scooped out, depressed, sunken
(Idea), apprehension, consideration, intellection, supposition, notion, thought,
Perception, conception, abstraction, conceptualization
Achieved or performed together, conjunctive, joint, united, jointly planned,
145 CONCERTED coordinated, collaborative, collective, combined, cooperative, interactive,
Peaceable, bring disputing sides together, placating, propitiatory, placatory,
146 CONCILIATORY appeasing, pacifying, pacific, mollifying, so as to pour oil on troubled waters,
peacemaking, reconciliatory
Forgive, pardon, overlook, excuse, deliberately ignore, not take into consideration,
disregard, take no notice of, take no account of, accept, allow, make allowances
for, let pass, turn a blind eye to, overlook, forget, wink at, blink at, connive at,
147 CONDONE (on)
approve, sanction, give the stamp of approval to, underwrite, justify, vindicate,
endorse, support, back, ratify, confirm, warrant, permit, allow, accredit, authorize,
legitimize, legitimatize
Composition, outline, form, Shape, outline, formation, structure, arrangement,
148 CONFIGURATION layout, geography, design, organization, order, ordering, array, presentation,
grouping, sorting, positioning, disposition, marshalling, ranging, alignment
Appropriate, confisticate, accroach, Taking something as legal penalty, to take
somebody's property with authority
Abstruse, To Confuse somebody, to fox, befuddle, fuddle, refute something, amaze,
150 CONFOUND (AT) astonish, dumbfound, stagger, surprise, startle, stun, stupefy, daze, nonplus,
invalidate, negate, contradict, counter, go against, discredit, give the lie to, drive a

coach and horses through, baffle, puzzle, perplex, bewilder, mystify, bemuse,
confuse, frustrate, nonplus, throw
151 CONGEAL Coagulate, clot, cake, set, solidify, harden, thicken, stiffen, dry, gel, concentrate
Compatible, matching, identical, alike, duplicate, carbon-copy, twin, paired,
CONGRUENT coupled, double, indistinguishable, interchangeable, corresponding, equivalent,
152 parallel, of a piece, all of a piece, like, like peas in a pod, like two peas in a pod,
(with) comparable, similar, correlative, tallying, agreeing, concordant, consonant,
reconcilable, consonant, congruous, fitting
CONSTITUENTS Ingredient, Ingredients, voters, citizens, component, integral, elemental, basic,
153 essential, inherent, component part, ingredient, element, part, piece, bit, integral
(of) part, unit, module, fragment, section, segment, portion
Build, erect, put up, set up, raise, establish, assemble, manufacture, fabricate,
form, fashion, contrive, create, make, formulate, form, put together, create, devise,
design, invent, compose, concoct, contrive, work out, hatch, fashion, mould, model,
shape, frame, forge, engineer, fabricate, manufacture, hammer out, thrash out
Contemporaneous, concurrent, coeval, synchronous, synchronic, of the time, of the
day, simultaneous, coexisting, coexistent, modern, present-day, present, current,
present-time, immediate, extant, up to date, up to the minute, fashionable, latest,
recent, ultra-modern, newfangled, modish, voguish, in vogue
CONTIGUOUS Beside, juxtapose, Immediate, adjacent, neighbouring, adjoining, bordering, next-
156 door, abutting, joining, connecting, meeting, touching, in contact, proximate, near,
(with) nearby, close
Commission, evidence, obligation, Disparity, dissimilarity, distinction, shrink, get
smaller, become smaller, diminish, reduce, dwindle, decline, shrivel, tighten,
become tighter, make tighter, tense, flex, constrict, draw in, become narrower,
make narrower, narrow, wrinkle, knit, crease, corrugate, purse, pucker, undertake,
pledge, promise, covenant, commit oneself, engage, agree, enter into an
agreement, reach an agreement, make a deal, negotiate a deal, develop, catch, get,
pick up, come down with, become infected with, fall ill with, be taken ill with, be
struck down with, be stricken with, succumb to
CONTRAVENTIO Disobedience, rule or law, contradict something, flouting, breach, violation,
158 infringement, non-observance, breaking, transgression, neglect, dereliction,
N (of) failure to observe, non-compliance with, departure from
Wangle, project, bring about, engineer, cause to happen, manufacture, orchestrate,
stage-manage, create, devise, concoct, construct, design, formulate, plan, work
out, think up, dream up, come up with, fabricate, plot, hatch, find a way, engineer a
way, arrange
Bruise, discoloration, black-and-blue mark, blemish, injury
160 CONTUSION swelling, bump, lump, an injury to the body in which skin and bone are not broken
but damage is done to tissues under the skin,
Exchange, progress, qualification, regeneration, born, again, Chat, talk, discussion,
dialogue, change, changing, transformation, turning, altering, metamorphosis,
161 CONVERSION transfiguration, transmutation, translation, sea change, adaptation, reconstruction,
rebuilding, redevelopment, refashioning, redesign, restyling, revamping,
renovation, rehabilitation, alteration, modification, customization
(Bond, fiber, tendon, link, flex, string, thread, thong, lace, ribbon, strap, tape, tie,
162 CORD
line, rope, cable, wire, ligature, twine, yarn, elastic, braid, cording, braiding

Cheerful, friendly, warm, genial, affable, amiable, pleasant, fond, affectionate,

warm-hearted, good-natured, gracious, hospitable, welcoming
sincere, earnest, wholehearted, heartfelt, hearty, enthusiastic, eager, intense,
strong, acute, violent, fierce, keen, fervent, fervid, ardent, passionate, heartfelt,
wholehearted, deep, deep-seated, deep-rooted, profound, overwhelming,
Inference, consequence, result, upshot, outcome, out-turn, effect, repercussion,
reverberations, sequel, product, by-product, spin-off, conclusion, end, end result
(Tiara/Crown for royalty), headband, wreath, chaplet, circlet, relating to the corona
165 CORONAL of the sun or another star, Front view, flower arrangement, Florid, Bouquet,
Garland, laurel crown, chaplet
leucocytes, palates, Unattached cell, Mote, jot, soupcon, touch, speck, atom,
Story, check up, approve, justify, corroborate, affirm,
confirm, verify, endorse, ratify, authenticate, validate, certify
167 CORROBORATING support, back up, back, uphold, stand by, bear out, bear witness to, attest to, testify
to, vouch for, give credence to, substantiate, sustain, bolster, reinforce, lend
weight to
Fondle, Give excessive care, cosset, cocker, pamper, indulge, overindulge,
mollycoddle, coddle, baby, pet, mother, nanny, nursemaid, pander to, spoon-feed,
168 COSSET feather-bed, overparent, spoil
wrap in cotton wool, wait on someone hand and foot, cater to someone's every
whim, kill with kindness
Group, team, A small exclusive group, association, company, mob,
clique, set, circle, inner circle, crowd, in-crowd, gang, band, pack, crew, clan, club,
fellowship, brotherhood, fraternity, sorority, sect, camp, community, league,
alliance, faction, cabal, junta, caucus, syndicate, nucleus, cell
Disguised, Hush-hush, secret, furtive, clandestine, surreptitious, stealthy, cloak-
and-dagger, hole-and-corner, hole-in-the-corner, closet, behind-the-scenes,
backstairs, back-alley, under-the-table, hugger-mugger, concealed, hidden,
private, sly, sneaky, underhand, undercover, underground
Muscle spasm, muscular spasm, muscle contraction, muscular contraction, pang,
twinge, crick, kink, stitch, stiffness, pain, shooting pain, ache, convulsion, tic,
twitch, clonus, hyperkinesis, hinder, impede, inhibit, hamper, constrain, hamstring,
obstruct, block, thwart, slow, check, arrest, curb, bridle, shackle, encumber,
retard, handicap, tie, interfere with, restrict, limit, confine, restrain, impose limits
on, set limits on, regulate, control, moderate, cut down on
Motor, nerve of face, nervus facialis of or relating to the cranium which encloses
the brain, skull,
Obtuse, Unrefined, thoughtless and vulgar, stupid, insensitive, blundering, dense,
thick, vacuous, mindless, witless, doltish, oafish, boorish, asinine, bovine, coarse,
gross, gross, utter, sheer, downright, total, out-and-out, outright, very great,
complete, absolute, thorough, perfect, blatant, unmitigated, unqualified, glaring,
undisguised, naked

Cowardly, lily-livered, faint-hearted, chicken-hearted, pigeon-hearted, spiritless,

spineless, timid, timorous, fearful, trembling, quaking, shrinking, cowering, afraid

of one's own shadow, pusillanimous, weak, feeble, soft chicken, weak-kneed,

gutless, yellow-bellied, wimpish, wimpy, sissy, sissified
Arched, crescent-shaped, semilunar, lunate, half-moon, sickle-shape, semicircle,
arc, curve, bow, arch, bend, crook
Acme, climax, roof, ridge, peak, gable, summit, highest point, top, mountaintop,
tip, pinnacle, brow, crown, head, cap, brink, apex, vertex, apogee, zenith, ridge, tor,
176 CREST aiguille, insignia, regalia, badge, emblem, ensign, device, heraldic device, coat of
arms, arms, armorial bearing, escutcheon, shield, comb, plume, tuft, topknot,
mane, aigrette, panache, tassel, bearing, charge,
Bench, mark, standard for judging things, measuring stick, meter, basis, point of
177 CRITERION reference, standard, norm, yardstick, benchmark, touchstone, test, formula,
measure, gauge, scale, barometer, indicator, litmus test
Hint, clue, Signal to speak or act, signal, sign, indication, prompt, reminder,
178 CUE (to do/ for sth)
(Accruing, accumulative, additive, advancing, increasing, magnifying, snow-balling,
aggregate, amassed, growing, accumulating, progressive, snowballing, mounting
180 CYGNET Duckling, waterfowl, A young swan ( large white bird with a long neck)
Insincere, deceptive, skeptical, Contemptuous, derisive, ironic, misanthropic
sceptical, doubtful, distrustful, suspicious, disbelieving, unbelieving, scoffing,
doubting, incredulous, pessimistic, negative, hard-bitten, hardened, hard, world-
weary, disillusioned, disenchanted, jaundiced, sardonic, black, bleak
182 DALE Glen, depression, dell, basin, valley, vale, hollow, hole, basin, gully, gorge, ravine
barrage, barrier, wall, embankment, levee, barricade, obstruction, hindrance,
183 DAM
blockage, block, block up, obstruct, choke, clog, clog up, bung up, close
Spotted, speckled, multicolored, multihued, motley, mottled, mottled, stippled,
185 DEADHEAD Impasse, deadlock, blind, allay, monotonous, Weed, trim, Dull person, downer
Faintness, hindrance, frailty, weakness, feebleness, enfeeblement, enervation,
devitalization, lack of energy, lack of vitality, lassitude, exhaustion, weariness,
tiredness, overtiredness, fatigue, Prostration, incapacity, impairment, indisposition,
infirmity, illness, sickness, sickliness, decrepitude, malaise
Explode, deflate, puncture, quash, knock the bottom out of, drive a coach and
horses through, expose, show in its true light, discredit, disprove, contradict,
controvert, confute, invalidate, negate, give the lie to, prove to be false, challenge,
call into question,
Unveiling, first appearance, first showing, first performance, launch, launching,
coming out, entrance, premiere, beginning, introduction, inception, inauguration
Slow down, slow up, slow, go slower, ease up, slack up, reduce speed, lessen
one's speed, brake, put the brakes on, hit the brakes, lose speed, lose pace
(not around for long), brief, short-haul, of short duration, transitory, temporary,(of
190 DECIDUOUS teeth, antlers, etc.) being shed at the end of a period of growth, milk teeth,
caduceus, shed
(Condition caused by rapid change in atmospheric pressure) aeroembolism
191 DECOMPRESSION decompression bends tunnel disease, relieving pressure, easement, alleviation,
relief, easing,

Propriety, properness, seemliness, decency, decorousness, good taste,

correctness, appropriateness, appropriacy, politeness, courtesy, good manners,
refinement, breeding, deportment, dignity, respectability, modesty, demureness,
etiquette, protocol, customary behaviour, good form, custom, convention,
conformity, conventionality, usage, ritual, formalities, niceties, punctilios,
Whip, chide, complain about, belittle, denounce, condemn, criticize, censure, damn,
attack, fulminate against, rail against, inveigh against, blame, carp at, cavil at, run
193 DECRY down, pillory, rap, lambaste, deplore, disapprove of, vilify, execrate, revile,
disparage, deprecate, discredit, derogate, slate, blast, knock, snipe at, do a hatchet
job on, hold forth against, come down on, pull to pieces, tear to shreds
Blemished, abnormal, poor, unhealthy, unreliable, faulty, flawed, imperfect,
shoddy, inoperative, not working, not functioning, non-functioning, malfunctioning,
194 DEFECTIVE out of order, unsound, weak, deficient, incomplete, in disrepair, broken, cracked,
torn, scratched, deformed, warped, buckled, lacking, wanting, deficient, inadequate,
insufficient, short, low, scant
Follower, stalwart, admiring, obsequious, humble, respectful, considerate,
DEFERENTIAL attentive, thoughtful, courteous, polite, civil, dutiful, reverent, reverential, awed,
(to) obedient, submissive, subservient, fawning, toadying, yielding, acquiescent,
complaisant, compliant, pliant, tractable, biddable, manageable, docile, slavish
(Deteriorate), fallen, low, sinking, decayed, immoral,
corrupt, decadent, dissolute, dissipated, debauched, rakish, reprobate, profligate,
depraved, perverted, despicable, base, vice-ridden, wicked, sinful, ungodly,
196 DEGENERATE immoral, unprincipled, amoral, dishonourable, disreputable, unsavoury, sordid,
low, mean, ignoble, lewd, lecherous, lascivious, licentious, libidinous, loose,
promiscuous, wanton, libertine, intemperate, debased, degraded, corrupt,
corrupted, vitiated, bastard, impure
(Depravity), dishonor, reduction, Squalor, poverty, filth, ruin, deprivation,
humiliation, shame, loss of dignity, loss of self-respect, loss of pride, abasement,
197 DEGRADATION mortification, indignity, ignominy, demeaning, debasement, cheapening, devaluing,
discrediting, dishonouring, deterioration, degeneration, atrophy, decay, wasting
away, breakdown
Representative, envoy, emissary, commissioner, agent, deputy, commissary
198 DELEGATE (to) spokesperson, spokesman, spokeswoman, frontman, ambassador, plenipotentiary,
messenger, go-between, proxy, nuncio
(Accumulation of solid), alluvium, deposition, settlings, precipitation, silt, Estuary,
Mouth, outlet, channel
(Head count), poll, stats, population, tally, demography, Enumeration, population
tally, statistics,
Modest, unassuming, meek, mild, reserved, retiring, quiet, shy, bashful, diffident,
reticent, timid, timorous, decorous, decent, seemly, ladylike, respectable, proper,
201 DEMURE virtuous, pure, innocent, maidenly, virginal, chaste, sober, sedate, staid, prim, prim
and proper, priggish, prissy, prudish, goody-goody, strait-laced, puritanical, old-
Belief, Value, quantity, religious group, sect, church, cult, movement, faith
community, body, persuasion, religious persuasion, communion, order, fraternity,

brotherhood, sisterhood, school, name, title, term, designation, epithet, label, tag,
style, sobriquet, nickname, byname
(Removal of electron), extraction, ejection, expelling, electrons, empty of
203 DEPROTONATED electrons, The removal of a proton ( hydrogen ion ) from a molecule to form a
conjugate base
204 DESICCATE Drain, evaporate, dehydrate, burn, scorch, dried, dried up, dry, powdered
(Fate) condition decree, doom future, fortune, intent, Purpose, vocation, intention,
call, doom fate, providence
(Perseverance) courage, decision bravery, certainty, dedication, Willpower,
fortitude, resolve, grit, purpose, resolution, resoluteness, calculation, discovery,
ascertainment, establishment, fixing, deduction, divination, diagnosis, discernment,
check, verification, confirmation
207 DEUCE Draw, tie, duo, couplet, Deuce, two, devil, dickens, monster
Cunning, sly, tricky, scheming, underhand, underhanded, deceitful, dishonest,
dishonourable, disreputable, unethical, unprincipled, immoral, unscrupulous,
fraudulent, cheating, dubious, dirty, unfair, treacherous, duplicitous, double-
dealing, janus-faced, below the belt, two-timing, two-faced, unsporting,
unsportsmanlike, circuitous, roundabout, indirect, meandering, winding,
serpentine, tortuous, rambling
Benevolent, encouraging, merciful, Right, Auspicious, bright, favorable, fortunate,
right-hand, dextral, at three o'clock
(Pregnancy prevention) abortion prevention, family planning parenthood condom
210 DIAPHRAGM vasectomy, Mechanical devise in a camera that controls aperture. A muscular
partition separating the abdominal and thoracic cavities, midriff
(Command, give instructions) enjoin call the shots, lead, manage, rule guide
211 DICTATED instruct, Determined or decided upon as by an authority, set, ordered, prescribed,
imposed, tyrannized,
Hesitation, shyness, bashfulness, unassertiveness, modesty, modestness, self-
212 DIFFIDENCE effacement, humility, humbleness, meekness, timidity, timidness, timorousness,
reserve, reticence, introversion
(Abridgement of something written) abstract summary, epitome, compendium,
condensation, Abridgement, resume, Convert food into absorbable substances
213 DIGEST process, apprehend, break down, dissolve, take up, assimilate, absorb, take in,
understand, comprehend, grasp, master, learn, familiarize oneself with, classify,
catalogue, tabulate, codify, arrange, order, dispose, systematize, methodize
(Stretch, increase, puff, inflate, lengthen, open, exposit, lucubrate, become
214 DILATE larger, widen, become wider, expand, distend, swell, expatiate, expound, expand,
enlarge, elaborate, speak at length, write at length, talk in detail
Conscientiousness, assiduousness, assiduity, industriousness, rigour,
rigorousness, punctiliousness, meticulousness, carefulness, thoroughness,
sedulousness, attentiveness, heedfulness, earnestness, intentness, studiousness,
constancy, perseverance, persistence, tenacity, pertinacity, zeal, zealousness,
dedication, commitment, tirelessness, indefatigability, doggedness, industry, hard
work, application, effort, concentration, care, attention
Aspect, element range, time thickness, Height, breadth, facet, proportions,
measurements, extent, size, length, width, breadth, depth, area, volume, capacity,

footage, acreage, size, scale, extent, scope, range, measure, magnitude, largeness,
greatness, importance, significance, value
(Disadvantage, restriction) defect, inability, injury, unfitness, invalidity , Frailty,
debility, ill health, condition, disorder, dysfunction, affliction, ailment, complaint,
illness, malady, disease, disablement, incapacity, infirmity
special needs, learning difficulties, learning disability
218 DISCOURSE Chat, dialogue, conversation, talk, discussion, communication
Inconsistency, difference, disparity, variance, variation, deviation, divergence,
DISCREPANCY disagreement, dissimilarity, dissimilitude, mismatch, lack of similarity, contrariety,
(in) contradictoriness, disaccord, discordance, incongruity, lack of congruence,
incompatibility, irreconcilability, conflict, opposition
Sagacity, wisdom, acumen, expelling electrons, empty of electrons, Choice,
judgment, circumspection, care, carefulness, caution, wariness, chariness,
220 DISCRETION guardedness, tact, tactfulness, diplomacy, delicacy, sensitivity, subtlety,
consideration, prudence, judiciousness, judgement, discrimination, sense, good
sense, common sense
Sneering, contempt, scorn, scornfulness, contemptuousness, derision, disrespect,
DISDAIN (for disparagement, condescension, superciliousness, hauteur, haughtiness,
sb/sth) arrogance, lordliness, snobbishness, aloofness, indifference, dismissiveness,
distaste, dislike, disgust
Dishonest, deceitful, underhand, underhanded, duplicitous, double-dealing, two-
DISINGENUOUS faced, dissembling, insincere, false, lying, untruthful, mendacious, not candid, not
(of) frank, not entirely truthful, artful, cunning, crafty, wily, sly, sneaky, tricky,
scheming, calculating, designing, devious, unscrupulous
Disarrangement, derangement, Complaints, illnesses, ailments, syndromes,
maladies, untidiness, disorderliness, mess, disarray, disorganization, chaos,
confusion, clutter, jumble, a muddle, a mess, a shambles, a mare's nest, unrest,
disturbance, disruption, upheaval, tumult, turmoil, mayhem, pandemonium,
violence, fighting, rioting, insurrection, rebellion, mutiny, lawlessness, anarchy,
breach of the peace, riot, fracas, rumpus, brouhaha, melee, hubbub, furore, affray
Conflict, Opposition, dissent, rebellion, disagreement, difference of opinion,
dispute, dissent, variance, conflict, friction, strife, discord, discordance,
224 DISSENTION discordancy, disunion, disaffection, rivalry, antagonism, argument, debate,
controversy, disputation, contention, quarrelling, wrangling, bickering, squabbling,
Decline to support, refuse to support, not ratify, protest against, object to, dispute,
challenge, quibble over, reject, repudiate, renounce, abjure, disagreement, lack of
225 DISSENT (from) agreement, difference of opinion, argument, dispute, demur, disapproval, objection,
protest, opposition, defiance, insubordination, conflict, friction, strife, arguing,
quarrelling, wrangling, bickering
Incongruity, disparity, discrepancy, disagreement, tension, difference, dissimilarity,
226 DISSONANCE variance, inconsistency, contradiction, clash, inharmoniousness, discordance,
atonality, cacophony, harshness, stridency, grating, jarring
Faraway, apart away, beyond, range, further farther, inaccessible, Insincere,
untruthful, hypocritical, deceitful, vague, faint, dim, faded, feeble, indistinct,
obscure, unclear, uncertain, indefinite, indeterminate, confused, sketchy, hazy,
rough, aloof, reserved, remote, detached, unapproachable, stand-offish, keeping

people at arm's length, withdrawn, restrained, reticent, taciturn, uncommunicative,

undemonstrative, unforthcoming, cool, cold, frigid, chilly, icy, frosty
formal, stiff, stuffy, ceremonious, unresponsive, unfriendly, haughty, forbidding,
austere, mean-looking
Stray, wander, diverge, deviate, Deviate, digress, drift, ramble, wander angle off,
bat around, be absent, bend, swerve, career, skew, swing, sheer, weave, wheel
Expose, debunk, disclose, reveal, make known, tell, impart, communicate, pass on,
publish, broadcast, proclaim, promulgate, declare
230 DOCENT Guru, teacher, instructor, lecturer, tutor,
Effective, leading, paramount, despotic, Overriding, main, central, foremost,
prevailing, presiding, ruling, governing, controlling, commanding, ascendant,
231 DOMINANT supreme, authoritative, most influential, most powerful, superior, assertive, self-
assured, self-possessed, authoritative, forceful, domineering, commanding,
controlling, bullish
Flatter, nurture, adulate, cajole, babble, be fond of, be insane, be stupid, blather,
adore, love dearly, be devoted to, idolize, treasure, cherish, lavish affection on,
232 DOTE (on/upon)
worship, think very highly of, appreciate greatly, admire, hold dear, prize
indulge, spoil, pamper
Sleek, soft, velvety, smooth, fleecy, fluffy, fuzzy, feathery, furry, woolly, silky,
silken, satiny
Funny, humorous, amusing, comic, comical, mirthful, chucklesome, hilarious,
rollicking, clownish, farcical, zany, quirky, eccentric, preposterous, ridiculous,
234 DROLL ludicrous, risible, laughable, jocular, light-hearted, facetious, waggish, witty,
whimsical, wry, sportive, tongue-in-cheek, entertaining, diverting, engaging,
Pleasing, charming, honeyed, sweet, sweet-sounding, mellifluous, euphonious,
235 DULCET soothing, mellow, honeyed, pleasant, agreeable, melodious, melodic, tuneful,
musical, lilting, lyrical, harmonious, silvery, silver-toned, bell-like, golden
Duffer, blockhead, goose bonehead, buffoon, fool, idiot, stupid person, simpleton,
halfwit, ignoramus, oaf, dolt, dullard, moron, imbecile, cretin, informal, dummy,
236 DUNCE Dumbo, dumb-bell, dum-dum, clot, thickhead, nitwit, dimwit, dope, duffer, booby,
chump, numbskull, nincompoop, bonehead, blockhead, fathead, meathead, airhead,
birdbrain, pea-brain, lamebrain, jerk, ninny, ass, donkey
237 DUPLICITOUS Devious chicanery fraud perfidy, Repetition, replication, copying, replica
Result, consequence, upshot, outcome, out-turn, sequel, reaction, repercussions,
reverberations, ramifications, end result, conclusion, termination, culmination,
238 EFFECT (on/of)
denouement, corollary, concomitant, aftermath, footprint, fruit, fruits, product, by-
(One who brings about a result or action) effecter effector, Nerve fiber, an organ
(gland or muscle) that becomes active in response to nerve impulses,
Vivacious, lively, animated, full of life, spirited, high-spirited, bubbling, bubbly,
ebullient, buoyant, sparkling, scintillating, light-hearted, carefree, happy-go-lucky,
jaunty, merry, happy, jolly, joyful, full of fun, full of the joys of spring, cheery,
240 EFFERVESCENT cheerful, perky, sunny, airy, breezy, bright, enthusiastic, irrepressible, vibrant,
vivid, vital, zestful, energetic, dynamic, vigorous, full of vim and vigour, lusty,
informal bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, bright and breezy, peppy, zingy, zippy,
bouncy, upbeat, chirpy, full of beans, chipper

Adept, active, clever, effectual, fitted, masterly, powerful, resourceful, well

organized, methodical, systematic, structured, well planned, logical, coherent, well
regulated, well run, well ordered, orderly, businesslike, systematized, streamlined,
productive, effective, labour-saving, cost-energy-efficient, energy-saving, fuel-
efficient, competent, capable, able, proficient, adept, deft, expert, professional,
skilful, skilled, productive, organized, workmanlike, businesslike
Buoyant, changeable, mutable, stretchy, elasticated, stretchable, springy, flexible,
pliant, pliable, supple, yielding, rubbery, plastic, rebounding, recoiling, resilient,
bouncy, adaptable, adjustable, pliant, compliant, accommodating, malleable,
variable, fluid, versatile, conformable
(a solution that conducts electricity) solution polyelectrolyte, Ionic separation of
cells, A liquid that allows electricity to pass through
Obtain, bring out, draw out, extract, evoke, bring about, bring forth, induce, excite,
244 ELICIT (from) give rise to, call forth, prompt, generate, engender, spark off, trigger, kindle,
extort, exact, wrest, derive, provoke, wring, screw, squeeze
Illustrate, explain, make clear, make plain, illuminate, shed light on, throw light on,
245 ELUCIDATE clarify, comment on, interpret, explicate, expound on, gloss, annotate, spell out,
clear up, sort out, resolve, straighten out, straighten up, unravel, untangle
Tricky, mysterious, Indefinable, hard to pin down, difficult to catch, difficult to find,
difficult to track down, evasive, slippery, shifty, subtle, indistinct, indefinite,
ambiguous, indefinable, intangible, impalpable, unanalysable, fugitive, deceptive,
baffling, ambiguous, baffling, puzzling, misleading, evasive, equivocal,
Imbed, push in, implant, plant, set, fix, lodge, root, insert, place
247 EMBED (in)
sink, submerge, immerse, drive in, hammer in, ram in
Portray, make noticeable, splash, give prominence to, adorn, decorate, ornament,
embellish, illuminate, colour, paint, display, depict, exhibit, show, present
Illustrative, symbolic, representative, demonstrative, suggestive, symptomatic,
249 EMBLEMATIC (of) indicative, typical, characteristic
allegorical, symbolic, symbolizing, metaphorical, parabolic, evocative, figurative
250 EMBOSS (WITH) Engrave, carve, design, imprint, Stamp, mark, adorn
Eject, cast out, throw out, emanate, discharge, release, give off, give out, pour out,
251 EMIT send forth, throw out, void, effuse, vent, give vent to, issue, utter, voice, let out,
produce, give vent to, issue, come out with, pronounce, express
Understanding, compassion, sympathy, pity, feeling, concern, considerateness,
consideration, tenderness, tender-heartedness, kindness, kind-heartedness,
EMPATHY sensitivity, insight, fellow feeling, brotherly love, neighborliness, decency,
(with/for) humanity, humanitarianism, humaneness, charity, goodwill, mercy, mercifulness,
gentleness, tolerance, lenience, leniency, warmth, warm-heartedness, affection,
Give priority to, affirm, dwell on headline pinpoint enlarge, underline, underscore,
lay/put emphasis on, bring attention to, call attention to, draw attention to, focus
253 EMPHASIZE (on) attention on, highlight, point up, spotlight, foreground, play up, make a point of,
stress, put the accent on, put the force on, put the stress on, accent, accentuate,
Enable, capacitate, Result, consequence, outcome, upshot, end product authorize,
license, entitle, permit, allow, sanction, warrant, commission, delegate, certify,

accredit, qualify, emancipate, unyoke, unfetter, unshackle, unchain, set free, give
freedom to
Challenge, compete with, try to be like, copy, reproduce, mimic, mirror, echo,
255 EMULATE follow, model oneself on, take as a model, take as an example, imitate, mimic, ape,
follow, echo, mirror, simulate, parrot, reproduce
Meeting, interview, appointment, concurrence, rendezvous, confrontation, Result,
consequence, outcome, upshot, end product, experience, come into contact with,
256 ENCOUNTER run into, come across, come up against, face, be faced with, confront, be forced to
contend with, meet, meet by chance, run into, run across, come across, come
upon, stumble across, stumble on, chance on, happen on
Load, weigh down, Burden, get in the way, hamper, hinder, obstruct, impede,
257 ENCUMBER (with) check, cramp, inhibit, restrict, limit, constrain, restrain, bog down, retard, slow,
slow down, stall, delay
(a letter from the pope sent to all roman catholic) noun: bishops throughout the
word) encyclical letter, missive letter adj: distributed, Circular, letter.
Improve, reinforce, develop, increase, add to, intensify, magnify, amplify, inflate,
259 ENHANCE strengthen, build up, supplement, augment, boost, upgrade, raise, lift, escalate,
elevate, exalt, aggrandize, swell
Tiredness, boredom, tedium, listlessness, lethargy, lassitude, languor,
restlessness, weariness, sluggishness, enervation
(surrounding) atmosphere, jungle, climate, Milieu, environs, habitat, territory,
domain, home, abode, situation, setting, milieu, medium, background, backdrop,
scene, scenario, location, locale, context, framework, the natural world, nature, the
living world, the world, the earth, the ecosystem, the biosphere, mother nature,
Earth’s surface, vital, centre focus, core command central of activity, Command
262 EPICENTER post, control center, core. The point on the Earth's surface directly above the focus
of an earthquake
(title given to something) alias, namesake, monogram, nomen, denomination, The
person for whom something is named, The name derived from a person
Stability, steadiness, balance, symmetry, equipoise, parity, equality, evenness,
composure, calmness, calm, equanimity, collectedness, sangfroid, coolness
Counterpoise, counterbalance, equilibrium, balance, evenness, symmetry, parity,
equality, equity
Prevaricate, be evasive, be non-committal, be vague, be ambiguous, dodge the
266 EQUIVOCATE issue, evade the issue, beat about the bush, hedge, hedge one's bets, fudge the
issue, hem and haw cover up falsify palter, vacillate
(measuring instrument used to measure power) noun: dynamometer, measuring
instrument measuring device measuring system,
ERUPTION (from/ Blast, discharge, venting, ejection, emission, explosion, outbreak, flare-up,
268 upsurge, outburst, epidemic, breakout, sudden appearance, start, rash, wave,
of) spate, flood, explosion, burst, blaze, flurry, rash, outbreak, inflammation
Avoid, disdain, abstain from, refrain from, give up, forgo, forswear, shun, renounce,
swear off, abjure, steer clear of, have nothing to do with, give a wide berth to, fight
shy of, relinquish, reject, dispense with, disavow, abandon, deny, gainsay, disclaim,
repudiate, renege on, spurn, abnegate, abdicate, wash one's hands of, drop
Bushes, screen, arbor, lattice, grid, latticework, fretwork, open framework,
openwork, trellis, trelliswork, network, mesh, web, webbing, netting, net, tracery,

interlacing, reticulation, reticulum, grate, grating, grille, grillwork, criss-cross,

Moral, code standards principles, morality, Value-system, value orientation, moral
principle, doctrine, belief, creed, credo, attitude, rule, golden rule, guideline,
formula, standard, criterion, tenet, truism, code, maxim, motto, axiom, aphorism,
notion, dictum, dogma, canon, law
Musical, clear, harmonious, pleasant-sounding, sweet-sounding, mellow,
272 EUPHONIOUS mellifluous, dulcet, sweet, honeyed, lyrical, silvery, silver-toned, golden, bell-like,
rhythmical, lilting, pleasant, agreeable, soothing
(Judge) calculate, classify, appraise, decide set, survey, Appraise, Assess, Gage,
Gauge, weigh, estimate, value, assess the worth of, put a price on, put a value on
Vanishing, fading, evaporating, melting away, disappearing, diminishing, dwindling,
shrinking, fugitive, ephemeral, fleeting, short-lived, short-term, passing,
transitory, transient, fugitive, momentary, temporary, brief, here today and gone
(Deceitful, tricky) casuistic, misleading, shifty, sophistical, Not willing to give clear
answer, slippery, cagey, prevaricating, elusive, ambiguous, equivocal,
equivocating, indefinite, non-committal, vague, indeterminate, imprecise, inexact,
indistinct, inexplicit, avoiding, dodging, escaping, eluding, sidestepping
276 EVOCATIVE (OF) Evocative striking moving, Reminiscent, suggestive, redolent
Dig up, mine, exhume, unearth, dig, dig out, hollow out, scoop out, gouge, cut out,
bore, burrow, tunnel, sink
(Leaving out) barring, omission, reservation, rejection, passing over exclusion,
Exemption, Concession, Allowance, Immunity, anomaly, irregularity, deviation,
special case, departure, inconsistency, quirk, peculiarity, abnormality, oddity,
object, raise an objection,
Particularly, entirely, wholly, solely, singularly, alone one and only, Absolutely,
Wholly, completely, fully, totally, utterly
(Urging) advice, caution, persuasion, preaching, Catchphrase, refrain,
encouragement, pressure, pressurization, pushing, insistence, incitement, goading,
egging on, beseeching, admonishment, enjoinder, call, charge, injunction, entreaty,
appeal, admonition, warning, sermon, lecture, harangue
EXONERATE Pardon, vindicate, release, discharge, relieve, free, liberate, excuse, exempt,
281 except, absolve, clear, acquit, declare innocent, find innocent, pronounce not guilty,
(from) discharge
Extract, Exorcize, Sack, throw out, bar, ban, debar, drum out, thrust out, push out,
turn out, oust, remove, get rid of, let out, discharge, eject, force out, issue, send
282 EXPEL forth, excrete, evacuate, ejaculate, belch, disgorge, eliminate, void, spew out, spit
out, vomit, banish, exile, deport, evict, expatriate, dismiss, displace, oust, drive out,
throw out, cast out, purge, proscribe, outlaw, ostracize
Taking advantage, making use, abuse of, misuse, ill treatment, unfair treatment,
bleeding dry, sucking dry, squeezing, wringing, manipulation, cheating, swindling,
283 EXPLOITATION fleecing, victimization, enslavement, slavery, oppression, imposing on, preying on,
playing on, utilization, utilizing, use, making use of, putting to use, making the most
of, capitalization on
Circulate, convey, hint frame, bespeak, Spoken, articulated, communicate, convey,
indicate, show, demonstrate, reveal, intimate, manifest, make manifest, exhibit,

evidence, put across, put over, get across, get over, articulate, put into words,
utter, voice, give voice to, give expression to, enunciate, pronounce, verbalize,
word, phrase, render, frame, couch, state, assert, proclaim, profess, air, make
public, give vent to, vent, say, tell, speak, mouth, point out, denote, illustrate,
symbolize, signify, embody, squeeze out, press out, wring out, force out, extract,
Casual, immediate, toss off, informal, free, Unwritten, ad-lib, off-the-cuff, ad hoc,
EXTEMPORANEOUS at first glance, automatic, extempore, extemporary, impromptu, spontaneous,
unscripted, ad lib, on-the-spot, improvised, improvisatory, unrehearsed,
unplanned, unprepared, unarranged, unpremeditated,
Extent, Postponement, delay, Leeway, allowance, extra time, expansion, increase,
enlargement, widening, broadening, deepening, diversification, heightening,
augmentation, enhancement, amplification, development, growth, continuation,
elongation, lengthening, stretching, drawing out, addition, add-on, adjunct,
addendum, augmentation, supplement, appendage, appendix, annexe, wing,
supplementary building
Ambit, duration, matter amplitude, point, degree, scale, level, magnitude, scope,
extensiveness, amount, coverage, breadth, width, reach, range, compass,
comprehensiveness, thoroughness, completeness, all-inclusiveness, area, size,
expanse, length, stretch, compass, proportions, dimensions
Infer, deduce, derive, assume, Generalize, guess, anticipate, assume, conclude,
Relieve, extract, free, release, disentangle, get out, remove, withdraw, let loose,
289 EXTRICATE loosen, unloose, detach, disengage, disencumber, untwine, disentwine, unfasten,
unclasp, disconnect, liberate, rescue, save, deliver
Imported, Acquired, exotic, external, extraneous, exterior, outside, outward, alien,
foreign, adventitious, superficial, surface
Make, create, manufacture, produce, construct, build, assemble, put together,
cobble together, form, fashion, contrive, model, shape, forge
erect, put up, set up, raise, elevate, concoct, make up, contrive, think up, dream up,
invent, manufacture, trump up, forge, falsify, fake, counterfeit, make up, invent
Surface, aspect, feature, side, dimension, particular, characteristic, detail, point,
292 FACET ingredient, strand, factor, component, constituent, element, part, section, portion,
piece, bit, angle, slant, sense, respect, regard, way, viewpoint, standpoint
Effortless, easy, undemanding, unexacting, painless, trouble-free, unchallenged,
leisurely, simple, uncomplicated, straightforward, elementary, informal easy-
peasy, as easy as pie, as easy as falling off a log, as easy as ABC, a piece of cake,
child's play, kids' stuff, a cinch, no sweat, a doddle, a breeze, a pushover, money
for old rope, money for jam, simplistic, superficial, oversimple, oversimplified,
schematic, black and white,shallow, pat, glib, slick, jejune, naive
Make easier, make easy, ease, make possible, make smooth, make smoother,
smooth, smooth the path of, smooth the way for, clear the way for, open the door
for, enable, assist, help, help along, aid, oil, oil the wheels of, lubricate, expedite,
speed up, accelerate, forward, advance, promote, further, encourage
Dash board, belt fillet sash, Command post, control center, core, console,
295 FASCIA instrument panel, board, dashboard, covering, cover, case, casing, envelope,
sleeve, wrapper

Lethal, Momentous, significant, decisive, determining, critical, crucial, pivotal,

296 FATEFUL disastrous, ruinous, calamitous, cataclysmic, devastating, destructive, tragic,
awful, terrible, harmful, fatal, deadly
Cunning, slavish, flattering, deferential, Flattering, toadying, submissive,
Practicable, practical, workable, achievable, attainable, realizable, viable, realistic,
sensible, reasonable, within reason, within the bounds of possibility, likely, most
likely, odds-on, expected, to be expected, anticipated, predictable, foreseeable, ten
to one, presumed, potential, credible, quite possible, possible
Hopeless, aimless, futile, spineless, useless, worthless, incompetent, inefficient,
inept, good-for-nothing, ne'er-do-well
Ecstasy, contentment, elation, enjoyment, happiness, joy, joyfulness, joyousness,
rapture, bliss, euphoria, delight, cheer, cheerfulness, gaiety, eloquence, aptness,
appropriateness, appropriacy, suitability, suitableness, applicability, fitness,
relevance, pertinence, correctness, rightness
Wild, brutal, Untamed, undomesticated, uncultivated, natural, untrained, unused
301 FERAL to humans, fierce, ferocious, vicious, savage, aggressive, tigerish, wolfish,
predatory, menacing, threatening, bloodthirsty
302 FERMENTATION Seething, bubbling, foaming, Agitation, excitement, zymolysis, dissolving, ebullition
303 FIESTA Party, festival, carnival, feast, gala, holiday, celebration,
Fanciful, imaginary, unreal, fiction, Imagined thing, fabrication, creation, invention,
production, concoction,
Decorations, interlace, ornamentation, wirework, fretwork, fret, latticework,
lattice, grillwork, scrollwork, lacework, lace, tracery
Plot, cajole, wheedle finagle, Wangle, foist, engineer, persuade, manoeuvre, ease,
edge, manipulate, work, steer, deceive, trick, dupe, outwit, fool, delude, cheat, take
in, bluff, hoax, mislead, misguide, lead on, defraud, double-cross, swindle, gull, get
the better of
Show off, display ostentatiously, draw attention to, make a show of, make a great
show of, put on show, put on display, parade, exhibit
Plastic soft, extensible, adjustable, adaptable, adjustable, alterable, changeable,
308 FLEXIBLE elastic, fluid, modifiable, variable, pliable, supple, easily bent, bendable, pliant,
malleable, mouldable, stretchable, workable, limber, ductile, tensile, plastic
(act of bending a joint) deviation, bending, rotation, turning, Bending of Limb/
something, Bent state, Bow, deviation, divergence, departure, difference
Ornate, fancy, very elaborate, over-elaborate, embellished, curlicued, extravagant,
flamboyant, baroque, rococo, fussy, busy, ostentatious, showy, wedding-cake,
gingerbread, flowery, flamboyant, high-flown, high-sounding, magniloquent,
grandiloquent, ornate, fancy, baroque, orotund, rhetorical, oratorical, bombastic,
laboured, strained, overwrought, elaborate, over-elaborate, overblown, overripe,
overdone, convoluted, turgid, inflated
Change, unrest, Fluctuation, instability, outflow, outpouring, outflowing, outrush,
rush, current, flood, deluge, emission, discharge, issue, flow, movement, motion,
311 FLUX
transfer, course, passage, current, drift, circulation, trickle, stream, swirl, surge,
sweep, gush, roll, rush, welling, spate, tide

(someone who directs and supervise) foreperson, forewoman, director, A person

312 FOREMAN who is in charge of a project, supervisor, overseer, superintendent, manager,
boss, team leader, line manager, controller
Deny, abandon, disavow, disown, renounce, swear off, forgo, abjure, reject,
relinquish, abstain from, refrain from, shun, avoid, eschew, do without, go without,
steer clear of, give a wide berth to, have nothing to do with, decline, refuse,
repudiate, spurn
Channel dike, sewer, moat, duct, culvert, a long narrow channel dug in the earth,
ditch gutter, sheugh, trench, trough, acequia, drain
(Break, fissure, crack, breach, gap, break up, dismember, disrupt, rive, breaking,
315 FRACTURE breakage, cracking, cleavage, rupture, shattering, fragmentation, splintering,
splitting, separation, bursting, disintegration
(part, chip) Atom, bite, crumb, chunk, portion, shiver, job end, (Verb) break up,
316 FRAGMENT bust, disintegrate, dismember, disrupt, fracture, break, rive, (Noun) bit, fraction,
piece, scrap
Crummy smelling, polluted, contaminated, muddy, lacking freshness, disordered,
frowzy, musty, seedy, slovenly, scruffy, unkempt, untidy, sloppy, messy,
disheveled, slovenly, slatternly, bedraggled, down at heel, ill-dressed, badly
dressed, dowdy, dingy, gloomy, dull, drab, dark, badly lit, poorly lit, dim
318 GABLE Peak, housetop, end wall, Canopy, ceiling, covering, crown, cupola, dome
Encourage, Mobilize, jolt, shock, startle, impel, stir, spur, prod, urge, motivate,
319 GALVANIZE stimulate, electrify, excite, rouse, arouse, awaken, invigorate, fire, fuel, animate,
vitalize, energize, exhilarate, thrill, dynamize, inspire
Tactic, maneuver, plot, strategy, stratagem, machination, scheme, plan, tactic,
move, course of action, line of action, device, operation, ruse, trick, ploy, artifice
Pretty up, decorate, adorn, trim, dress, ornament, embellish, enhance, grace,
beautify, prettify, brighten up, set off, add the finishing touch to
Unpleasant, bright glaring, Bright in color, extravagant, kitschy, garish, lurid, loud,
322 GAUDY over-bright, glaring, harsh, violent, flashy, showy, glittering, brassy, ostentatious,
tasteless, in bad taste, vulgar, distasteful, unattractive, nauseating, bilious, sickly
Racial killing, massacre, wholesale slaughter, mass slaughter, wholesale killing,
indiscriminate killing, mass murder, mass homicide, mass destruction,
annihilation, extermination, elimination, liquidation, eradication, decimation,
butchery, bloodbath, bloodletting, pogrom, ethnic cleansing, holocaust, Shoah
324 GESTICULATE Indicate, gesture, make gestures, signal, make signals, sign, motion, wave
Covering coat, Cover with gold, make golden, paint gold, elaborate, embellish,
325 GILD embroider, sugar-coat, window-dress, camouflage, disguise, dress up, touch up,
ginger up, colour, exaggerate, catastrophize, enlarge on, expand on
Belt, sash, strap, cummerbund, waistband, band, girth, cord, fillet, surround,
enclose, encircle, circle, ring, encompass, circumscribe, border, bound, edge, skirt,
fringe, form a ring around, form a barrier round, close in, shut in, fence in, wall in,
hem in, pen in, pen up, lock in, cut off, confine, gird, engird, compass
(an eye disease) losing sight, A disease of the eye which can cause a person to
gradually lose his sight
Cover, something shine, varnish, enamel, lacquer, japan, shellac, paint, coat, gloss,
make shiny

Persuasive, convincing, slick, pat, neat, plausible, silky, smooth-talking, fast-

talking, smooth, urbane, smooth-tongued, silver-tongued, smooth-spoken, fluent,
329 GLIB
voluble, loquacious, having kissed the Blarney Stone, disingenuous, insincere,
facile, shallow, superficial, simplistic, oversimplified, easy, ready, flippant
(Move smoothly and quickly on a surface), slither, bowl, breeze, brush, cruise,
330 GLIDING stream, sweep, whisk, slide, move smoothly, slip, sail, float, drift, flow, coast,
freewheel, roll, skim, skate, glissade
Carbohydrates, starch bio-molecule, Cellulose, dextrin, dextrose, disaccharide,
fructose, galactose, glycogen, lactose, maltose
Ascent, Grade, Pitch, slope, incline, hill, rise, rising ground, bank, ramp, acclivity,
drop, descent, declivity
(clearly) sharply, perceptibly, distinctly, strongly, Realistically, Vividly, Explicitly, In
detail, Evidently, Fully, Clearly
Greenness, grassy, burgeoning, flourish ,youthful inexperienced, Chlorophyll, jade,
olive, lime, olive green, pea green, emerald green, lime green, bottle green, Lincoln
green, sea green, sage green, acid green, eau de Nil, aquamarine, aqua,
environmentalist, ecologist, conservationist, preservationist
Traffic jam, jam sig alert congestion halt, Traffic jam, congestion, sig alert,
drill, lockstep, pattern, rote, scribe, agree, assort, blend, chime,
furrow, channel, trench, trough, canal, gouge, hollow, gutter, cutting, cut, score,
fissure, seam, rut, routine, boring routine, habit, dead end, humdrum existence,
same old round, grind, daily grind, treadmill
Artless, ingenuous, open, honest, sincere, genuine, naive, natural, simple, childlike,
337 GUILELESS innocent, unsophisticated, unworldly, unsuspicious, trustful, trusting, honourable,
truthful, frank, candid, straightforward, forthright, unaffected, unpretentious
Face, façade, mask, Pretext, likeness, external appearance, appearance,
338 GUISE semblance, form, outward form, shape, image, aspect, disguise, false colours,
costume, clothes, outfit, dress
Hoodwink, hoax, dupe, deceive, trick, fool, make a fool of, mislead, take in, delude,
misguide, lead on, inveigle, seduce, ensnare, entrap, beguile
swindle, defraud, cheat, double-cross, informal pull the wool over someone's eyes,
339 GULL
pull a fast one on, put one over on, sell a pup to, take to the cleaners, con, do,
sting, gyp, rip off, diddle, swizzle, shaft, bilk, rook, bamboozle, finagle, sucker,
stooge, sitting duck, sitting target, soft touch, pushover, chump,
Professor, trainer, maharishi, spiritual teacher, teacher, tutor, sage, counsellor,
340 GURU mentor, guiding light, spiritual leader, leader, rabbi, rav, rebbe, expert, authority,
leading light, professional, master, pundit
Angry, fearful, crack, cut away, chop, Dander, Spines, Spikes, Quills, a feeling of
anger and animosity, The hair on the back of some animals or the feathers on the
back of the neck of some birds which rise when the animal or bird is frightened or
about to fight
Frozen, hailstorm, shower rain, Sleet, Storm, Barrage, Volley, frozen rain,
summon, call, Bombardment, greet, salute, address, halloo, speak to, call out to,
342 HAIL shout to, say hello to, initiate a discussion with, talk to, nod to, wave to, smile at,
signal to, lift one's hat to, acknowledge
accost, approach, waylay, stop, catch

Sermon, Berate, criticize, Scolding, Jeremiad, tirade, lecture, diatribe, homily,

polemic, rant, fulmination, broadside, verbal attack, verbal onslaught, invective,
criticism, berating, censure, admonition, reproval, admonishment, exhortation,
declamation, oration, peroration, speech, talk, address
A large bird, Belligerent, Chauvin, jingoist, militarist, war hawk, warmonger, To
344 HAWK sell, Aggressor, Jingo, peddle, sell, tout, vend, trade in, deal in, traffic in, push,
offer for sale, sell from door to door
Push around, hassle, bully, intimidate, browbeat, cow, badger, chivvy, harass,
345 HECTOR torment, plague, coerce, pressurize, strong-arm, threaten, menace, ride
roughshod over, use strong-arm tactics on, dragoon, railroad, steamroller
Odious, wicked, evil, atrocious, monstrous, disgraceful, abominable, detestable,
contemptible, reprehensible, despicable, horrible, horrific, horrifying, terrible,
346 HEINOUS awful, abhorrent, loathsome, outrageous, shocking, shameful, hateful, hideous,
unspeakable, unpardonable, unforgivable, inexcusable, execrable, ghastly,
iniquitous, villainous, nefarious, beneath contempt,
347 HERBICIDE Herb killers, fungicides, pesticides, weedkiller, defoliant, insecticide, paraquat,
Strong, powerful, Colossal, Phenomenal, Titanic prodigious, heroic, Staggering,
arduous, gruelling, laborious, back-breaking, onerous, strenuous, difficult,
formidable, burdensome, hard, tough, huge, heavy, massive, uphill, Sisyphean,
demanding, exhausting, taxing, exacting, wearying, wearisome, fatiguing
Air tight, sealed, closed, vacuumed, Sealed tight, enclosed, Waterproof, Caulk,
Corked, airtight, shut, watertight,
HETEROGENEOU Mixture, potpourri, jumble, assorted, motley, dissimilar, unrelated, diverse,
350 diversified, varied, varying, miscellaneous, assorted, mixed, sundry, contrasting,
S disparate, different, differing, divergent, unrelated, variegated, wide-ranging
Impetus, pause, break, interval, interruption, suspension, intermission, interlude,
351 HIATUS gap, lacuna, lull, rest, respite, breathing space, time out, opening, aperture, cavity,
hole, gap, cleft, breach, fissure
Homeopathic, folk medicine, natural medicine, unorthodox medicine, Medical care
HOLISTIC- of the whole person considered as subject to personal and social as well as
MEDICINE organic factors, medication, medicament, remedy, cure, nostrum, patent medicine,
quack remedy, panacea, cure-all, placebo, drug, prescription, dose, treatment,
(alternative medicine) dietetics, homeopathic, pharmacopoeia, posology, allopathy
chiropractic, heropathy, osteopathy, A system for treating disease based on the
administration of minute doses of a drug that in massive amounts produces
symptoms in healthy individuals similar to those of the disease itself
354 HONE Sharpen, make sharper, strop whet, whet, file, grind acuminate, put an edge on
Organic molecules, coil, pill, armor, Insulin, Melatonin, Endorphin, endocrine gland,
Regulating Chemical, internal secretion, hormone, ductless gland, endocrine
HORSE Level, plain, smooth, Subtropical High, Antarctic Zone, Arctic Circle, Arctic Zone,
LATITUDES Frigid Zones
Clamoring, cacophony, blare, din, protest, rallying cry, commotion, outcry, uproar,
fuss, clamour, racket, storm, ado, stir, furore, ruckus, ballyhoo, brouhaha, palaver,
pother, informal hoo-ha, hullabaloo, to-do, flap, song and dance, rumpus, splash,
carry-on, row, stink

Caring, , gentle, Cosset, compassionate, kind, kindly, kind-hearted, considerate,

understanding, sympathetic, tolerant, civilized, good, good-natured, gentle, lenient,
forbearing, forgiving, merciful, mild, tender, clement, benign, humanitarian,
benevolent, charitable, generous, magnanimous, approachable, accessible
Titan giant mammoth, Affliction, bane, burden, calamity, evil eye, jinx, ordeal,
tribulation, trouble, snake in the grass, ophidian, serpent
360 HYPERTENSION Increase in blood pressure, angina, high blood pressure, Abscess, ague, anemia
Coldness, low body temperature, Frostbite, preservation, freeze, chill, coolness,
Abnormally low body temperature,
Utopist, escapist, optimist, day dreamer, Perfectionist, utopian, visionary, wishful
thinker, pipe-dreamer, fantasist, fantasizer, romantic, romanticist, romancer,
castle-builder, Walter Mitty, Don Quixote, dreamer, daydreamer, impractical
person, unrealistic person, rare fantast, reverist
Idyllically, supremely ,Visionary, wishful thinker, romantic, optimist, day dreamer,
Perfectionist, in a perfect world, in a Utopia, preferably, if possible, for preference,
by preference, from choice, by choice, as a matter of choice, much rather, rather,
all things being equal, theoretically, hypothetically, in theory, in principle, on paper,
Breed, Character, type, sort, class, category, group, set, bracket, genre, kidney,
364 ILK
grain, species, race, strain, vintage, make, model, brand, stamp, variety, family
Taboo, illegal, unlawful, illegitimate, against the law, outlawed, banned, forbidden,
prohibited, interdicted, proscribed, not allowed, not permitted, criminal, law-
365 ILLICIT breaking, actionable, felonious, unlicensed, unauthorized, unsanctioned,
unwarranted, unofficial, contraband, black-market, under the counter, bootleg,
Exemplify, instance, illuminate, pictorialize, construe, demystify, explain,
elucidate, clarify, make clear, make plain, demonstrate, point up, show, bring
home, emphasize, interpret, describe, sum up, summarize, gloss, decorate, adorn,
ornament, embellish, accompany
Cease, Restrain, put out of action, disable, prevent from moving, prevent from
367 IMMOBILIZE working, make inoperative, render inactive, inactivate, deactivate, paralyze,
cripple, bring to a standstill, bring to a halt, halt, stop, clamp, wheel-clamp
Murder, assassinate, Remove from life, slay, starve, appease, bereave of life,
368 IMMOLATE carry away, sacrifice, offer up, offer as a sacrifice, kill as a sacrifice, kill, slaughter,
Barricade, dam, Impairment, Disablement, hindrance, obstruction, obstacle,
barrier, bar, handicap, block, check, curb, brake, restraint, restriction, limitation,
encumbrance, deterrent, drawback, setback, difficulty, problem, issue, snag, catch,
hitch, stumbling block, hiccup, facer
Undone, hovering, awaiting, future, imminent, at hand, close, close at hand, near,
nearing, approaching, coming, forthcoming, upcoming, to come, on the way, about
to happen, upon us, in store, in the offing, in the pipeline, on the horizon, in the air,
in the wind, brewing, looming, looming large, threatening, menacing
Violent, hotheaded, impulsive, rash, hasty, overhasty, reckless, heedless,
foolhardy, incautious, imprudent, injudicious, ill-conceived, ill-considered,
unplanned, unreasoned, unthought-out, unthinking, spontaneous, impromptu,
spur-of-the-moment, precipitate, precipitous, headlong, hurried, rushed

Incentive, spur, stimulus, motivation, catalyst, Incentive, push, impulse, Drive

372 IMPETUS momentum, propulsion, impulsion, impelling force, motive force, driving force,
drive, thrust, continuing motion, energy, force, power, push, steam, strength
Trespass, Impose, bang, bash, bump, collide, crash, impact, hit, knock, ram, slam,
smash, strike, swipe, thud, affect, have an effect on, have a bearing on, touch,
373 IMPINGE influence, exert influence on, make an impression on, make an impact on, leave a
mark on, encroach on, intrude on, infringe, invade, trespass on, obtrude into, make
inroads into, cut through, interfere with, violate
Inexorable, intransigent, adamant, determined, unshakeable, unswerving,
unwavering, inflexible, unyielding, unbending, uncompromising, unrelenting,
relentless, ruthless, remorseless, merciless, pitiless, heartless, cruel, hard, harsh,
stern, steely, tough
Under suspicion, suspected, concerned, drawn in, Occupied, enlaced, entwined,
intertwined, interlaced, intertwisted, interweaved, Caught up incriminate,
375 IMPLICATED compromise, involve, connect, embroil, enmesh, ensnare, expose, imply, suggest,
hint, intimate, say indirectly, indicate, insinuate, give someone to understand, give
someone to believe, convey the impression, signal
Immovable, unbreakable, unshakable, invulnerable, invulnerable, impenetrable,
376 IMPREGNABLE unattackable, unassailable, inviolable, secure, strong, stout, safe, well-fortified,
well defended, invincible, unconquerable, unbeatable, indestructible
Devise, contrive, invent, Manage, get by, make do, cope, wing up, contrive, devise,
throw together, cobble together, concoct, rig, jury-rig, put together, extemporize,
ad lib, speak impromptu, make it up as one goes along, think on one's feet, take it
as it comes
Urge, instinct, drive, compulsion, need, itch, pulse, current, wave, signal, message,
brainwave, communication, inspiration, stimulation, stimulus, incitement,
motivation, encouragement, fillip, spur, prod, catalyst, spontaneity, impetuosity,
wildness, recklessness, irresponsibility, rashness
379 IMPUTE Attribute, assign, credit, ascribe, refer, Accredit, Chalk up, Complain, Charge,
(careless) negligently, rashly, recklessly, heedlessly, casually, by chance, fluky,
380 INADVERTENTLY fortuitous, accidental, incidental, unintendedly, unintentionally, unplanned,
unpremeditatedly, unwittingly, accidentally
Embodied, exteriorized, Personified, in person, Avatar, Materialize, in human form,
in the flesh, in physical form, in bodily form, made flesh, made manifest
Keen, enticement, inducement, motivation, motive, reason, stimulus, stimulant,
spur, impetus, encouragement, impulse
Penetrating, acute, sharp, sharp-witted, razor-sharp, keen, rapier-like, astute,
383 INCISIVE shrewd, trenchant, piercing, perceptive, insightful, percipient, perspicacious,
discerning, analytical, intelligent, canny, clever, smart, quick
Ibeat, instruct, coach, indoctrinate, din, instil, implant, fix, ingrain, infuse, impress,
imprint, introduce, imbue, infuse, inspire, instil
Display, add up to announce, argue, intimate, hint, mean, allude, infer, insinuate,
bespeak, betoken, demonstrate, show, point to, be a sign of, be evidence of,
evidence, testify to, bear witness to, be a symptom of, be symptomatic of, denote,
connote, mark, signal, signify, suggest, imply

Needy, penurious, poor, impecunious, destitute, penniless, impoverished, poverty-

386 INDIGENT stricken, down and out, pauperized, without a penny to one's name, without two
farthings to rub together, without two pennies to rub together
Settled, deep-sealed, deep-rooted, Impossible to remove, ineffaceable, permanent,
lasting, enduring, indefinite, continuing, perpetual, everlasting, eternal, abiding,
constant, persistent, irreparable, irreversible, lifelong, indissoluble, indelible,
standing, perennial, unending, endless, never-ending, immutable, unchangeable,
unalterable, invariable, unchanging, changeless, undying, imperishable,
lassitude, stillness, disinterest, inactivity, inaction, inactiveness, inertness,
passivity, apathy, accidie, malaise, stagnation, dullness, enervation, sluggishness,
lethargy, languor, languidness, listlessness, torpor, torpidity, idleness, indolence,
laziness, sloth, slothfulness
Watertight, reliable, dependable, unerring, error-free, unfailing, faultless,
389 INFALLIBLE flawless, impeccable, perfect, true, uncanny, precise, accurate, meticulous,
(facts, news) counsel, chapter and verse advice, lore enlightenment, message
390 INFORMATION learning, data, gen, info, news, intelligence, item, story, tidings, uncos, word,
details, particulars, figures, statistics,
Insertion, blend, immersion, Mixture, combination, injection, stock, broth, bouillon,
juice, gravy, liquid, extract, concentrate, decoction
Inbuilt, Integral, intrinsic, innate, immanent, built-in, inborn, ingrained, deep-
rooted, essential, fundamental, basic, implicit, structural, characteristic, organic,
inseparable, permanent, indelible, ineradicable, ineffaceable, inexpungible, natural,
instinctive, instinctual, congenital, native
Harmless, innoxious, safe, inoffensive, innocent, Mild, Bland, non-dangerous, non-
poisonous, non-toxic, non-irritant, non-injurious, edible, eatable, wholesome
Start, begin, launch, originate, Revolutionize, Bring out, usher in, inaugurate,
introduce, premise, acquaint, pioneer, developer, groundbreaker, trailblazer,
pathfinder, front runner, spearhead, prime mover, modernizer, reformer,
reformist, progressive, progressivist, experimenter, inventor, creator
395 INOCULATE Immunize, vaccinate, inject, protect from, shield from, safeguard from
Excessive, undue, unreasonable, unjustifiable, unwarrantable, disproportionate,
out of all proportion, unconscionable, unwarranted, unnecessary, needless,
uncalled for, exorbitant, extreme, outrageous, preposterous, immoderate,
overabundant, superfluous, extravagant, unrestrained, unrestricted, unlimited
Investigation, examination, inquiry, inquest, interrogation, questioning, quizzing,
cross-examination, cross-questioning, catechism, fact-finding
Hidden, unexplainable, sphinx-like, hard to make out, enigmatic, unreadable,
impenetrable, mysterious, impossible to interpret, cryptic, unexpressive,
inexpressive, emotionless, unemotional, expressionless, impassive, blank, vacant,
deadpan, dispassionate
Illumination, stimulus, stimulation, motivation, motivating force, fillip,
encouragement, influence, muse, goad, spur, lift, boost, incentive, incitement,
399 INSPIRATION impulse, catalyst creativity, inventiveness, innovation, innovativeness, ingenuity,
imagination, imaginativeness, originality, individuality, artistry, expressiveness,
creative power, creative talent, creative skill, genius, insight, vision, wit, finesse,

flair, brilliance, sophistication, example, model, guiding light, Idea, afflatus,

Mingled, combined, mixed, unified, absorbed, co-opt, incorporated, embodied,
comingled, commixed, composited, conflated, fused, immingled, immixed, united,
400 INTEGRATED consolidated, amalgamated, joined, combined, merged, fused, blended, meshed,
coherent, homogeneous, homogenized, mutually dependent, assimilated, cohesive,
(covering) hide, coat, envelope, pelt, skin, Carapace, cover, natural covering, crust,
Cooperation, reciprocal, communication, synergy, Connections, exchanges,
402 INTERACTIONS contacts, action, activity, operation, movement, motion, agency, employment,
working, function, functioning, exercise, interplay
Interrupt, sandwich, intervene, arbitrate, moderate, Butt in, step in, punctuate,
403 INTERPOSED insinuate, place, put, introduce, insert, interject, inject, add, throw in, put in, work
in, intervene, intercede, step in, mediate, involve oneself
Cross at a point, cut, traverse, converge, come across, encounter, run into, run
404 INTERSECT across, meet, overlap, bisect, divide, halve, cut in two, cut in half, cut across, cut
Obdurate, narrow-minded, stanch, uncompromising, inflexible, unbending,
unyielding, unshakeable, unwavering, resolute, unpersuadable, unmalleable,
unaccommodating, uncooperative, stubborn, obstinate, obdurate, pig-headed, bull-
headed, single-minded, iron-willed, hard-line, hard and fast, diehard, immovable,
unrelenting, inexorable, inveterate, rigid, tough, firm, determined, adamant,
Basic, essential, fundamental, inherent, innate, inborn, inbred, congenital, natural,
406 INTRINSIC native, constitutional, built-in, ingrained, deep-rooted, inseparable, permanent,
indelible, ineradicable, ineffaceable
Transposition, contradiction, conversion, opposite, reversal, Upending, everting,
mutation, abnormality, aberration, anomaly, turning about, turning upside down
Certain, sure, overwhelming, indisputable, undeniable, unquestionable,
408 IRREFUTABLE incontrovertible, incontestable, unassailable, impregnable, beyond question,
indubitable, beyond doubt, beyond dispute
Aggravation, burden, trouble, Pain, Bane, annoyance, irritation, source of irritation,
source of vexation, source of annoyance, thorn in someone's flesh, thorn in
someone's side, pinprick, pest, bother, trial, torment, plague, inconvenience,
nuisance, menace
Vagabond, journeying, travelling, peripatetic, wandering, wayfaring, roving,
roaming, rambling, touring, nomadic, gypsy, migrant, migratory, ambulatory
Fed up, listless, World-weary, Ennui, Languor, Torpor, satiated, sated, surfeited,
glutted, cloyed, gorged, tired, weary, tired out, wearied, worn out, exhausted,
fatigued, overtired, sleepy, drowsy, sapped, dog-tired, spent, drained, jet-lagged,
debilitated, prostrate, enervated, low
Terminology, vocabulary, special language, nomenclature, slang, lingo, Waffle,
Verbiage, specialized language, vernacular, technical language, cant, idiom, argot,
412 JARGON patter, patois, vernacular, computerese, legalese, bureaucratese, journalese,
psychobabble, unintelligible language, obscure language, gobbledegook, gibberish,
double Dutch

Congeal, shape up, set, stiffen, solidify, thicken, harden, take shape, come
413 JELL together, fall into place, happen, take form, form, emerge, crystallize, materialize,
become definite
Danger, risk, hazard, insecurity, threat, peril, endangerment, imperilment,
414 JEOPARDY perilousness, riskiness, precariousness, uncertainty, instability, vulnerability,
Expel, Abandon, remove, offload, discharge, drop, deliver, deposit, set down,
leave, put off, tip out, pour out, dump, ditch, eject, throw out, empty out, pour out,
unload, throw overboard, throw over the side, discard, dispose of, throw away,
throw out, get rid of, toss out
Bounce, jounce, dance, music, shake, skip, hop and leap, Caper, spring, lure, decoy,
416 JIG
fly, troll, jig, plug, teaser
Taxicab, tourist car, carriage, A small bus that follows a regular route, autobus,
coach, omnibus
Jovial, jolly, Flippant, Lighthearted, humorous, funny, witty, comic, comical,
418 JOCULAR amusing, chucklesome, droll, entertaining, diverting, joking, jesting, hilarious,
facetious, tongue-in-cheek
Buoyant, enthusiastic, gay, blithe, cheerful, happy, jolly, merry, bright, glad, sunny,
joyful, joyous, light-hearted, in good spirits, in high spirits, sparkling, bubbly,
exuberant, ebullient, cock-a-hoop, elated, gleeful, breezy, airy, cheery, sprightly,
jaunty, animated, radiant, smiling, grinning, laughing, mirthful, frolicsome
(shared, combined) common, conjunct, cooperate, united, concerted, dual,
420 JOINT multiparty, mutual, join, junction, juncture, intersection, link, linkage, connection,
421 JUBILEE Gala, celebrations, festival, Anniversary, festivity, commemoration
Impartial, disinterested, official, legal, judiciary, juridical, judicatory, forensic,
Crisis, occasion, point, point in time, time, moment, moment in time, stage,
423 JUNCTURE confluence, convergence, meeting, meeting point, conflux, junction, watersmeet
joint, junction, intersection, join, link, bond, weld, seam, coupling, connection, union
Council, assembly, Military rule, government by the army, stratocracy, state of
emergency, faction, group, cabal, clique, party, set, ring, gang, league, confederacy
Authenticate, prove, substantiate, explain, Give good reason for, give explanation
for, give explanation for, validate, give grounds for, give reasons for, give a
justification for, show just cause for, explain, give an explanation for, account for,
prove to be reasonable, show to be reasonable, provide a rationale for, rationalize
Proximity, closeness, nearness, adjacency, Contiguous, Put next to, put side by
side, put together, put beside, put adjacent to, place side by side, set side by side,
426 JUXTAPOSE place close to one another, set close to one another, mix, compare, contrast, place
against one another, set against one another
collocate, colligate
427 KILN Stove, furnace, glaze, hearth, oast, Oven, Forge, furnace, fire, glaze, hearth, bake
Luck, fate, destiny, fortune, providence, the stars, god's will, what is written in the
428 KISMET stars, one's doom, one's portion, one's lot, one's lot in life, karma, predestination,
preordination, predetermination, what is to come, the writing on the wall
429 LACERATING Tear, injur, wound, Tearing, Slash, score, Shredding, Gashing, Ripping

Brief, concise, terse, succinct, short, economical, elliptical, crisp, pithy, to the point,
incisive, short and sweet, compendious, taciturn, of few words, uncommunicative,
reticent, quiet, untalkative, reserved, silent, speechless, tight-lipped,
unforthcoming, brusque
Satirize, mock, ridicule, make fun of, poke fun at, caricature, burlesque, parody,
take off, guy, make a fool of, rag, tease
Accurate, right, authentic, definite, orderly, concerned with stones, concise,
succinct, terse, pithy, aphoristic, compact, condensed, compressed, short, brief
Generosity, liberality, munificence, bounty, bountifulness, beneficence, benefaction,
altruism, charity, philanthropy, magnanimity, benevolence, charitableness, open-
433 LARGESS handedness, kindness, big-heartedness, great-heartedness, lavishness, free-
handedness, unselfishness, selflessness, self-sacrifice, self-denial, alms-giving,
Willingness to give money or money given to poor people by rich people
Hidden, secret, invisible, concealed, covert, buried, dormant, quiescent, inactive,
untapped, unused
(side-by-side, crabwise, distal, imaginative, tangential, agile, sideways, sidewise,
435 LATERAL sidelong, sideward, edgewise, edgeways, side, flank, wing, indirect, oblique,
Rotator, cutter turret, A machine for changing the shape of a piece of wood, metal,
etc. which works by turning the material while a sharp tool is pressed against it
Following, mentioned, terminal, hindmost, closing, end, concluding, final, latest,
most recent, modern
Accolade, mention, praise, extol, hail, applaud, acclaim, commend, admire, approve
438 LAUD of, make much of, sing the praises of, lionize, speak highly of, pay homage to, pay
tribute to, eulogize, sing paeans to
Envoy, emissary, agent, ambassador, representative, nuncio, commissioner,
commissary, delegate, proxy, surrogate, deputy, spokesperson, plenipotentiary,
messenger, (consul) A member of a legation, foreign mission, Roman Army
Small animals, little animals, insects, An animal that looks like a small mouse and
440 LEMMING lives in cold northern areas. Lemmings migrate (move from one place to another)
in large groups and are often, but wrongly, thought to jump off cliffs together.
441 LIGAMENT Bond, loop, helix, tangle, joint, nexus, warp, Tendon, sinew, muscle
442 LINEAGE Pedigree, forefathers, line, heredity, extraction, ancestry, family, parentage, birth
Relation, alliance, link, Nexus, fastening, attachment, interrelationship,
interrelatedness, intertextuality, interconnectedness, connection, cohesion,
coherence, relationship, relatedness, association, tie-up, togetherness, solidarity,
bond, sticking together, continuity, coherence,
Most, the majority, the larger number, the larger part, the greater number, the
444 LION’S SHARE greater part, the best part, the better part, the main part, more than half, the bulk,
the preponderance
Steroid, A substance such as a fat, oil or wax that dissolves in alcohol but not in
water and is an important part of living cells
Lithesome, supple, lithe, limber, graceful, elegant, spry, flexible, loose-limbed,
agile, nimble, deft, dexterous, fit, slim, slender, thin, willowy, sylphlike, sleek, trim,

Garbage, trash, rubbish, refuse, junk, waste, debris, odds and ends, scraps,
leavings, fragments, detritus, flotsam, discarded matter, dross, muck, clutter,
jumble, muddle, mess, tangle, heap, disorder, untidiness, confusion, hotchpotch,
disarray, disorganization, disarrangement, turmoil
Ritual, worship, service, ceremony, rite, observance, celebration, ordinance, office,
sacrament, solemnity, ceremonial, formulation, form, custom, practice, tradition,
rubric, A particular set of the words, music and actions used in ceremonies in
some religions, especially Christianity
Center narrow, stop, focus, pinpoint, limit, restrict, confine, contain, restrain,
constrain, circumscribe, concentrate, delimit, delimitate, isolate
(Over a protracted period of time; running lengthwise) Continued, continuing,
extensive, protensive, prolonged,
Clarity, understandability, comprehensibility, Articulacy, articulateness, eloquence,
self-expression, fluency
452 LUMINA Blaze shine light, Luminous flux unit, cavity,
Knot, lace, The art of weaving pieces of string together in knots to form a
decorative pattern, or something made this way
Humane, clement, sympathetic, Worthy, Largess, generous, charitable,
benevolent, beneficent, open-handed, big-hearted, great-hearted, munificent,
bountiful, liberal, handsome, princely, altruistic, kind, kindly, philanthropic,
chivalrous, noble
Drawing, alluring, attractive, fascinating, captivating, enchanting, enthralling,
appealing, charming, prepossessing, engaging, entrancing, tempting, tantalizing,
seductive, inviting, irresistible, magic, magical, bewitching, charismatic, hypnotic,
Pistol, wine, bottle, holder, jar, kettle, bag, Wine, Gun, Jeroboam, Demijohn,
Malice, spite, spitefulness, hostility, hatred, hate, ill will, bitterness, enmity, ill
feeling, balefulness, venom, rancour, maliciousness, malignance, malignity, ill
nature, vindictiveness, viciousness, revengefulness, vengefulness, cruelty,
nastiness, unfriendliness
Movement, stratagem, tactic, gambit, ploy, trick, dodge, ruse, plan, scheme,
operation, device, plot, machination, artifice, subterfuge, intrigue, manipulation
Tidy, clean, trim, shed, Treatment for the hands which involves softening the skin
459 MANICURED and making the nails look better by cutting, smoothing and possibly painting them,
Neat and clean garden
Display, demonstration, showing, show, exhibition, presentation, indication,
illustration, exemplification, exposition, disclosure, declaration, expression,
profession, sign, indication, evidence, proof, token, symptom, testimony,
substantiation, mark, symbol, reflection, example, instance
(Bodily, tangible) carnal, animal fleshy real, physical, solid, factual, quantifiable,
461 MATERIAL sensible, matter, substance, stuff, medium, things, items, articles, stuff,
Entry, admission, enrollment, enlisting, registration, to a group (especially a
college or university), to be formally admitted to study at a university.
Tomb, sepulchre, crypt, vault, charnel house, burial chamber, catacomb,

Rebel, radical, individualist, nonconformist, free spirit, unorthodox person,

unconventional person, original, trendsetter, bohemian, eccentric, outsider,
464 MAVERICK unusual, irregular, unorthodox, unfamiliar, uncommon, uncustomary, unwonted,
rare, out of the ordinary, atypical, singular, distinctive, individual, individualistic,
free-spirited, alternative, different
Average, middle, niggardly, Capitals, wealth, Income, salary, remuneration,
median, signify, convey, denote, designate, indicate, connote, show, express, spell
465 MEAN (between)
out, stand for, represent, symbolize, imply, purport, suggest, allude to, intimate,
hint at, insinuate, drive at, refer to
(Portion, scope) admensuration, allotment, amplitude, extent, magnitude, bang,
Dormant, hidden, covert, buried, concealed, take the measurements of, calculate,
compute, estimate, count, meter, quantify, weigh, size, evaluate, rate, assess,
appraise, gauge, plumb, measure out, determine, judge, survey
Black box, apparatus, machine, appliance, tool, device, implement, utensil,
instrument, contraption, contrivance, gadget, tackle, structure, system, machinery,
workings, works, movement, motion, action, gear, gears, wheels, components,
motor, engine, power source, procedure, process, system, operation, method,
technique, workings, means, medium, agency, channel, channels, vehicle,
Average, center, midmost, mean, median, medial, middle, halfway, in-between,
middle, mid, midway, intermediary, intervening, interposed, transitional
Miscellaneous, assortment, miscellany, mixture, melange, blend, variety, mixed
bag, mix, diversity, collection, selection, assemblage, combination, motley
collection, pot-pourri, conglomeration, jumble, mess, confusion, mishmash,
hotchpotch, hodgepodge, ragbag, pastiche, patchwork, farrago, hash
Mucosa, sheath, Crust, layer, laminate, sheet, skin, film, veil, diaphragm, partition,
drum, tissue, pellicle, integument, overlay, covering, coat
Cram, recall, heart, fix in the mind, store, crammed, commit to memory,
471 MEMORIZED remember, retain, learn by heart, get by heart, learn off, learn, learn by rote,
impress on the memory, study, become word-perfect in, get off pat
Humdrum, degrading, tedious, basic, tedious, trivial, unskilled, lowly, humble, low-
472 MENIAL grade, low-status, routine, humdrum, boring, dull, servant, domestic servant,
domestic, drudge, maid of all work
Guru, professor, Docent, adviser, guide, confidant, confidante, counsellor,
consultant, therapist, trainer, teacher, tutor, coach, instructor
Honourable, praiseworthy, laudable, commendable, admirable, estimable,
creditable, worthy, worthwhile, deserving, excellent, exemplary, good
Enchant, bewitch, beguile, enrapture, captivate, capture, hypnotize, spellbind, hold
spellbound, send into raptures, send into transports, enthrall, spellbind, entrance,
475 MESMERIZE (by)
hold spellbound, dazzle, bewitch, charm, captivate, enrapture, enchant, fascinate,
transfix, transport, grip, magnetize, hypnotize
METABOLISM Break down, Absorption, Digestion, Uptake, Animation, essence, existence,
476 consciousness, endurance, The chemical processes occurring within a living cell
(of) or organism that are necessary for the maintenance of life.
Tiny thing, sphere, cosmos, heavenly star, little things, A small place, society or
477 MICROCOSM (of)
situation which has the same characteristics as something much larger:

Gentle, tender, soft, soft-hearted, tender-hearted, sensitive, sympathetic, warm,

warm-hearted, unassuming, conciliatory, placid, meek, modest, slight, faint, vague,
minimal, half-hearted, paltry, meagre, superficial, nominal, warm, balmy, equable,
478 MILD
temperate, gentle, soft, moderate, favourable, clement token, feeble, indifferent,
imperceptible docile, calm, tranquil, serene, peaceful, peaceable, pacific, good-
natured, amiable, affable, genial, easy, easy-going, mellow
Happiness, merriment, high spirits, mirthfulness, cheerfulness, cheeriness, cheer,
hilarity, glee, laughter, jocularity, levity, gaiety, buoyancy, blitheness, euphoria,
479 MIRTH (of) exhilaration, elation, light-heartedness, joviality, joy, joyfulness, joyousness, fun,
enjoyment, amusement, pleasure, merrymaking, jollity, festivity, revelry, frolics,
Egoism, selfishness, dislike, or distrust of humankind, hatred of mankind,
antisocial behaviour, cynicism, scepticism, reclusiveness
Misunderstanding, mistake, error, misinterpretation, misconstruction, misreading,
481 MISAPPREHENSION misjudgement, misconception, misbelief, miscalculation, confusion, mix-up, the
wrong idea, false impression, fallacy, illusion, delusion
Ease, easement, allaying, mollification, improvement, easing, alleviation,
reduction, diminution, lessening, easing, weakening, lightening, assuagement,
palliation, cushioning, dulling, deadening, soothing, softening, relief, extenuation,
explanation, excuse, appeasement
(Calm, temperance) cool even, limited, conservative, balanced, bearable, average,
modest, medium, middling, ordinary, common, commonplace, everyday, workaday,
tolerable, passable, adequate, fair, decent, mediocre, indifferent, uninspired,
483 MODERATE undistinguished, unexceptional, unexciting, unremarkable, run-of-the-mill,
lacklustre, forgettable, inferior, second-rate, informal OK, so-so, bog-standard,
fair-to-middling, vanilla, plain vanilla, nothing to write home about, no great
shakes, not so hot, not up to much
Massive, huge, vast, colossal, gigantic, immense, giant, enormous, mammoth,
484 MONOLITHIC monumental, inflexible, rigid, unbending, unchanging, intractable, immovable,
impenetrable, fossilized, hidebound
485 MONTAGE Collage, assemblage, mixture, assortment, Mosaic, tableau, medley, potpourri
Debatable, open to debate, open to discussion, arguable, questionable, at issue,
open to question, open, doubtful, open to doubt, disputable, contestable,
486 MOOT controvertible, problematic, problematical, controversial, contentious, vexed,
disputed, unresolved, unsettled, up in the air, undecided, yet to be decided,
undetermined, unconcluded
Mess, A dangerous area of low soft wet land, quagmire, swamp, bog, marsh, mire,
487 MORASS quag, marshland, peat bog, fen, slough, quicksand, confusion, chaos, muddle,
tangle, entanglement, imbroglio, mix-up, jumble, clutter, mire, quagmire
Pause, embargo, ban, prohibition, suspension, postponement, stay, stoppage, halt,
freeze, standstill, respite, hiatus, delay, deferment, deferral, adjournment
Sarcastic, sardonic, scathing, acrimonious, Critical and unkind, but funny. Caustic,
(study of plant and animal structure) Cytology, analysis, physiology, examination
zoology, structure, structure of words
491 MORTALITY (Death) carnage, deadliness, killing, loss of life, destruction,

492 MOSAIC Varied, miscellany, potpourri, Medley, assortment, mixture, variety, montage
Stroll, wander, ramble, amble, saunter, To go in a particular direction, walk,
493 MOSEY dawdle, trudge, plod, hike, tram, trek, march, stride, troop, patrol, step out, wander,
tread, prowl, footslog, promenade, roam, traipse,
Spot, speck, particle, something, especially a bit of dust that is so small it is
494 MOTE
almost impossible to see, fleck, atom, mite, scintilla,
Idea, theme, design, shape, pattern, image, decoration, ornamentation, symbol,
495 MOTIF logo, badge, stamp, trademark, crest, insignia, figure, rune, logotype, monogram,
tag, motto, token,
Mingled, varied, mixed, assorted, heterogeneous, potpourri, diversified,
496 MOTLEY miscellaneous, diverse, disparate, sundry, multicolored, harlequin, rainbow,
prismatic, polychromatic,
497 MULTIFUNCTIONAL Having many functions, multipurpose,
Non-sense, imprudence, joke, madness, glibberish, Meaningless incantation or
498 MUMBO JUMBO ritual, Senseless or pretentious language. An object of superstitious awe or
Cloudy, unclear, misty, overcast, dark, foggy, gloomy, grey, dull, dim, overcast,
499 MURKY sunless, dismal, dreary, bleak, louring, threatening, cheerless, shadowy, somber,
dirty, muddy, opaque, turbid
Ponder, wonder, think, reflect, consider, cogitate, deliberate , contemplate, chew
500 MUSE (about/on) over, ruminate on, brood on, examine, contemplation, daydream, inspiration,
stimulus, creative influence
Scores, multitude, countless, innumerable, numberless, numerous, crowd, throng,
501 MYRIAD host, droves, horde, army, sea, swarm, masses, tons, oodles, limitless, multiple,
legion, sundry, diverse, untold
502 NARY Never, neither, Not any, no, not a,
(sickness in stomach, revulsion) vomiting, disgust, biliousness, rejection, gagging,
disgust, distaste, aversion, loathing, detestation, odium, repulsion, repugnance
(impartial, noncommittal) clinically inert, easy, collected, dispassionate,
504 NEUTRAL discriminatory, handed, fair, removed, detached, impersonal, unaligned, unallied,
non-participating, non-combative, non-combatant
Link, connection, bond junction, tie, A connected series or group. The core or
Recess corner nook, A comfortable or suitable role, job, way of life, A small hollow
506 NICHE place, especially in a wall to contain a statue, Place, position, slot, function, cranny,
cavity, opening, pigeonhole, aperture, opportunity,
Surgery, plastic surgery, Cosmetic Surgery, facelift
507 NIP AND TUCK With each competitor equaling or closely contesting the speed, scoring, or efforts
of the other,
Indentation, cleft, gap, indent, scratch, incision, nick, cut, mark, gash, slit, groove,
furrow, cleft, dent, carve, incise, snick, gouge, engrave,
Feed, care for, Cherish, comfort, encourage, nurture, support, promote, cultivate,
509 NOURISH provide for, sustain, maintain, foster, assist, stimulate, contribute to, strengthen,
foster, boost, advance, forward
Shading, subtle, fine, distinction, shade, A very light difference, tone, gradation,
tinge, variation, modulation, degree, refinement, nicety, overtone

Source of nourishment, fiber, food, mineral, vitamin, supplement, nutrient,

sustenance, daily bread,
Homage, respect, fidelity, reverence, tribute, Deference, worship, adoration,
512 OBEISANCE honour, respectfulness, bow, curtsy, genuflection, submission, salaam, salutation,
Essential, required, compulsory, mandatory, imperative, requisite, compulsory,
513 OBLIGATORY prescribed, demanded, statutory, binding, incumbent, necessary, unavoidable,
inescapable, usual, routine, familiar,
Destroy, eliminate, root out, annihilate, shoot down, knock off, Wipe out, demolish,
514 OBLITERATE eradicate, expunge, blot out, wipe out, delete, cross out, cancel, exterminate,
extirpate, demolish, decimate, liquidate,
Fawning ,cringing, flattering, servile, Toadying, Submissive, Sycophantic,
515 OBSEQUIOUS Deferential, ingratiating, unctuous, oleaginous, greasy, groveling, slavish, abject,
Noisy, uproarious, stentorian, booming, wild, unruly, Hostile, bad-tempered,
defiant, Clamant, Vociferous, Disruptive, unmanageable, disorderly, uncontrollable,
rowdy, roisterious, turbulent, refractory, rebellious, mutinous, riotous,
irrepressible, boisterous, rackety
Stupid, dunce, dull, sluggish, Dull-witted, simple-minded, imperceptive,
thickheaded, unintelligent, witless, doltish, lumpish, blockish, dopey, uptake,
blockheaded, wooden-headed, dumb, dopey, boneheaded, pig-ignorant, bovine,
518 ODOMETER Milometer, An instrument for measuring distance traveled, as by an automobile,
Burdensome, heavy, crushing, weighty, arduous, difficult, tiring, inconvenient,
troublesome, awkward, oppressive, strenuous, uphill, severe, formidable,
laborious, herculean, exhausting, tiring, punishing, grueling, exacting, wearisome,
ONSLAUGHT Attack, assault, raid, invasion, ambush, offensive, Blitz, assault, aggression,
520 advance, onrush, sortie, storming, incursion, foray, blitz, bombardment, barrage,
(against/ on) salvo, volley, shower, torrent, broadside, charge, rush
Black sooty, blurred, A valuable stone with white and grey strips that is used in
521 ONYX
jewelry and decorations
Non-transparent, blurred, misty hazy, Solid, dense, thick, not clear, Muddy, Smoky,
obscure, indeterminate, mysterious, puzzling, enigmatic, inexplicable, unexplained,
unfathomable, impenetrable, vague, ambiguous, Delphic, arcane, recherché,
recondite, oracular, oblique, elliptical, dubious, nebulous, hazy, equivocal
Favorable, advantageous, appropriate, propitious, Fitting, apt, Right, Suitable,
523 OPPORTUNE auspicious, heaven-sent, fortunate, lucky, providential, felicitous, benign, ripe, apt,
relevant, expedient, well timed, appropriate
Obstruction, antagonism, antimony, contention, completion, combat,
contraposition, criticism, defiance, non-compliance, obstructiveness, disapproval,
demurral, contraction, competition, opposers, rivals, adversaries, antagonist,
clash, disparity, polarity, antithesis,
525 OPTICALLY Visual, view, Ocular, Visually,
526 OPTIMUM Maximum, best, most, appropriate, ideal perfect, most favorable, best possible,

most advantageous, finest, prime, optimal, model, finest, superlative, peak,

supreme, flawless, excellent,
527 ORB Sphere, ball circle, round, Globe, planet, ring, spherule, spheroid,
Arrange, systematize, adjust, correlate, harmonize, methodize, formulate, sort,
528 ORGANIZING assemble, marshal, dispose, classify, collocate, codify, tabulate, compile,
systematize, regulate, standardize, pigeonhole, lick into shape, put in order
Familiarize, acclimatize, adapt, adjust, locate, determine, accommodate,
529 ORIENTATE familiarize, accustom, attune, orient, habituate, condition, get the lie of the land,
establish one’s location,
Traditional, conservative, conformist, Conventional, accepted, mainstream,
530 ORTHODOX approved, recognized, authorized, prevailing, canonical, doctrinal, unheretical,
derivative, customary, usual, standard, authoritative
Lack, privation, ruin, disaster, destitution, Deficit, An amount of money that a
531 OVERDRAFT customer with a bank account is temporarily allowed to owe to the bank, or the
agreement which allows this
532 OVERLIE Tower above, look down upon, loom over, stand over, survey bestride,
Paw, foot, cushion, protect, Protection, filling, stuffing, Plug, Pack, Mat, wad,
533 PAD
padding, wading, pillow, bolster, upholstery, compress, squab,
bad mood, temper, tantrum, rice field, An Irish person, a very angry state, a field
534 PADDY planted rice growing in water, towering rage, fury, frenzy, paroxysm, passion, bad
mood, fit of bad temper
Tasty, appetizing, delicious, Pleasant, edible, toothsome, drinkable, flavorful,
535 PALATABLE (to sb) savoury, delicious, delectable, luscious, toothsome, succulent, dainty, nummy,
delish, moreish, dainty, nectarous, comestible
Chatter, babble, prattle, discussion, Flattery, Empty talk, piffle, Fuss, Bother,
chitchat, nattering, gossip, talk, chat , fuss, folderol, ado, trouble, ballyhoo,
kerfuffle, carrying-on, hullabaloo, business, blither, maunder, gabble, jabber,
chunter, chinwag, yatter
Mansion, royal, residence, castle, A large splendid residence or public building,
such as a palace or museum, hall, manor, palace, big house
Texture, air, ambience, aura, atmosphere, sensation, tactility, sense, feeling,
Textual exploration, examination, scrutiny, touch, Ballottement,
Throbbing, beat, thump, High heartbeat, Tremor, shudder, shiver, Tremble,
resonance, pulsation, rumbling, drumming, pounding,
Meadow, grassland, steppe, savanna plains, Plain, prairie, Low lands, pasture,
open country, savannah,
Pot, vessel, saucepan, criticize, Berate, slam, Disparage, Roast, censure, attack,
541 PAN lambaste, condemn, find fault with, flay, savage, casserole, wok, skillet, fish kettle,
pressure cooker, poacher,
Epidemic, outbreak, plague, widespread, rampant, deadly disease, virulent disease,
prevalent, pervasive, rife, sickness
Mean, average, standard, balance, Parity, equivalence, equality, similarity, In golf
the standard No. of strokes set for each hole, equal to, a match for, on a level with,
543 PAR
typical, predictable, only to be expected, satisfactory, adequate, passable, under
par, wanting, undistinguished

Paramedical, Situated or occurring beside the median line (of the body or part of
the body). Central
Paradox, anomaly, incongruity, contradiction, Inconsistency, absurdity, irony,
anomaly, conflict, oddity, enigma, puzzle, mystery, antinomy, conundrum
Good example, perfect example, model ideal, shining example, epitome, archetype,
546 PARAGON paradigm, embodiment, personification, quintessence, prototype, apotheosis, gem,
jewel, flower, angel, standard
(Aligned, side-by-side) coextending, lateral, running alongside, extending, equally,
analogous, comparable, resembling, akin, kindred, equivalent, correspondent,
homologous, cognate, coequal, matching, divergent, synchronous, emulate,
coincide with, correspond to
Insensible, unmoving, disabled, helpless, incapacitated, stupefied, immobilized,
incapacitated, powerless, paraplegic, quadriplegic, hemiplegic, paretic
(Emergency medical technician) medical assistance, nurse, ambulance, attendant,
549 PARAMEDIC A person who is trained to do medical work, especially in an emergency, but who
is not a doctor or nurse
Limit, restriction, specification, guideline, constant, framework, stricture,
550 PARAMETER limitation, constraint, instruction, stipulation, requirements, provisions, provisos,
criterion, condition, order
Relating to or situated in a plane adjacent or parallel to the plane which divides
the body into right and left halves
Container prepared to be sent) packet, package, pack, bundle, carton, crowd, mob,
552 PARCEL collection, horde, party, troop, distribute, apportion, hand out, dispense, split up,
divvy up, tie up, box, fasten together
Trim, manicure, skin, peel, strip, prepare, cut, reduce, diminish, decrease, slice,
553 PARE (down) prune, lower, lessen, retrench, curtail, whittle away, shave off, clip off, excoriate,
peel off
Risky, dangerous, difficult, hazardous, Very bad, dangerous or uncertain, dire,
554 PARLOUS dreadful, appalling, grave, serious, desperate, precarious, uncertain, unsafe,
perilous, pitiful, wretched, lamentable, woeful, dicey, hairy, lousy, chronic, difficult
Burst, attack, outbreak, outburst, Convulsion, eruption, spasm, fit, seizure,
explosion, access, flare-up
(incomplete) half, limited, uncompleted, sectional, halfway, Fractional, qualified,
restricted, imperfect, fragmentary, unfinished, prejudiced, partisan, slanted,
skewed, coloured, discriminatory, preferential, jaundiced, unjust, unfair,
(opening through solid) gorge, passage, path, cut, canyon, go, proceed, move,
557 PASSES travel, drive, course, stream, flow , outdistance, lap, leave, proceed, advance, wear
on, glide by, slip by, occupy, employ, devote, waste, fritter, dissipate
(Lifeless, inactive) apathetic idle phlegmatic quiescent motionless, participative,
uninvolved, dormant, quiescent, inert, submissive, acquiescent, unresistant,
558 PASSIVE compliant, pliant, resigned, obedient, docile, tractable, malleable, docile, tractable,
meek, subdued, deferential, forbearing, lamblike, impassive, unemotional,
unconcerned, passionless, unresponsive, remote, aloof
Sadness, pitifulness, sentiment, poignancy, Sorrow, pity, suffering, tragedy, misery,
piteousness, plaintiveness, sorrowfulness, pitiableness, sorrowfulness,

(Cooking business where baked goods are produced) bake shop, confectionery,
560 PATISSERIE pastry shop, patisserie, Cakes made in the French style, A bakery specialized in
French pastry.
Walker, foot-traveler, footslogger, dull, ambler, hiker, perambulator, strider,
uninspired, plodding, tedious, monotonous, uneventful, unremarkable, tiresome,
wearisome, uninspired, unreactive, lifeless, dry, commonplace, average, mediocre,
flat, prosaic, turgid, stodgy, mundane, humdrum, vanilla
Unmatched, unequalled, excellent, unparalleled, unrivaled, superior, first-class,
incomparable, matchless, inimitable, beyond, comparison, unsurpassed,
unsurpassable, unique, consummate, perfect, exquisite, transcendent, surpassing,
superlative, supreme, rare
Imminent, upcoming, forthcoming, undecided, Pendant, Awaiting, until, in
anticipation of, during, in the course of, throughout, unresolved, unsettled,
uncertain, unconcluded, undetermined, ongoing, undone, unattended, incomplete,
impending, forthcoming, approaching, looming, gathering, prospective
Promontory, cape, headland, Neck of land, isthmus, Finger of land, point, head,
ness, horn, bill, limb, bluff, foreland, half-isle
Notice, see, be aware, descry, observe, look, sense realize, Idealize, Assume,
Postulate, Recognize, Identify, discern, recognize, cognizant of, tell, intuit, divine,
sense, ascertain, appreciate, discover, conclude, apprehend, deduce, hit on,
comprehend, make out, find, discern, consider, suppose, sum up, sniff
Treacherous, corrupt, two-faced, disloyal, Treachery, disloyalty, deceit, duplicity,
566 PERFIDY betrayal, perfidiousness, deceitfulness, infidelity, faithlessness, treason, falseness,
falsity, dishonesty, breach of trust, falseness,
Indifferent, careless, superficial, Unthinking, automatic, mechanical, dutiful,
567 PERFUNCTORY obligatory, quick, brief, hasty, hurried, rapid, fleeting, summary, token, superficial,
uninterested, sketchy, automatic, routine, offhand, inattentive, careful, thorough,
Edge, boundary, corner, border, margin, outer limits, outskirts, confines, verge,
fringes, periphery, center, middle, heart, skirt, marge
Boundary, corner, border, skirt, Margin, edge, side-line, border, periphery, center,
middle, heart, skirt, marge, outer limits, outskirts, confines, verge, fringes,
Pervade, spread, through, penetrate, diffuse, Infuse, flood, fill, saturate, filter
570 PERMEATE through, imbue, penetrate, percolate, perfuse, extend throughout, flow through,
charge, suffuse, steep, impregnate, inform, infiltrate, soak through, saturate,
Authorize, allowance, admittance, empowering, concession, consent, pass
sanction, give someone leave, entitle, enable, empower, license, qualify, assent to,
approve of, tolerate, countenance, suffer, brook, legitimatize, forbid, prohibit,
voucher, ticket, document, certification,
Change, variation, modification, alteration, transformation, version, incarnation,
572 PERMUTATION arrangement, order, grouping, disposition, presentation, sorting, organization,
combination, variation, transposition,
Summing up, conclusion, outcome, diatribe, sermon, harangue, Speech, oration,
573 PERORATION discourse, words, address, ending, close, summation, recapitulation, reiteration,
recapping, speech, address, disquisition,
(at right angel to) steep, standing, sheer, erect, vertical, upright, plumb, straight,
upended, precipitous, abrupt, bluff, vertiginous, acclivitous, declivitous, on end,

Maintain, keep up, continue ,preserve, , make something last, Be responsible for ,
575 PERPETUATE Disseminate, existence, conserve, sustain, extend, carry on, keep up, cause of
continue, extend, immortalize, commemorate, memorialize, eternalize,
Persistence, determination, dedication, endurance, Insistence, urgency, firmness,
resolve, determined, tenacity, resolution, purposefulness, patience, application,
diligence, commitment, doggedness, pertinacity, assiduity, tirelessness, stamina,
obstinacy, indefatigability, intransigence
View, outlook, angle, mindset, panorama, relativity, vista, attitude, aspect,
577 PERSPECTIVE standpoint, stance, slant, attitude, frame of mind, approach, interpretation,
prospect, sweep, way of looking
Observant, perceptive, aware, clear, sighted, shrewd, sagacious, penetrating,
Insightful, Astute, wise, Discerning, shrewd, astute, percipient, sharp, quick, alert,
far-seeing, acute, clever, canny, judicious, wise, intuitive, discriminating, thinking,
sage, sensitive
Unemotional, indifferent, listless, impassive, Vegetative, Unexcitable, Apathetic,
unconcerned, self-controlled, calm, philosophical, dispassionate, unruffled, poised,
assured, stolid, imperturbable, possessed, cool-headed, serene, composed,
Veneration, piousness, holiness, sanctity, Goodness, faithfulness, godliness,
devoutness, devotion, religiousness, sanctitude, devotion to god, reverence, faith,
spirituality, sacredness, fervour, pietism, religiosity, deference, duty, compliance,
tractability, acquiescence, submission
581 PILASTER Pillar, column, pier, post, support, stake, pole,
Appease, assuage, conciliate, mollify, calm, Pacify, conciliate, calm down, soothe,
make somebody less angry, win over, quiet, propitiate, humour,
Epidemic, scourge, invasion, affliction, ravage, Wave, Outbreak, Epidemic disease,
583 PLAGUE Pestilence, infection, pester, harass, badger, bother, torment, persecute, bedevil,
harry, hound, disturb, trouble, worry, vex, nag, molest, hassle, bug, aggravate,
Level, horizontal, even flat, planate, uniform, smooth, stage, degree, standard,
stratum, rung, echelon, footing, position, even, flush, true, drift, wheel, glide, soar,
585 PLATONIC Nonphysical, spiritual, transcendent, friendly, intellectual, friendly, non-sexual
Network, system, web, mesh, rete, a network of nerves or vessels in the body,
crisscross, grid, lattice, net, matrix, tracery, trellis,
Ceremony, grandeur, splendor, display, Spectacle, pageantry, solemnity, ritual,
587 POMP pageant, ceremoniousness, ostentation, showiness, extravagance, ornateness,
flamboyance, lavishness, resplendence, splendour, splendidness,
Paint, sketch, picture, draw a picture, Depict, Render, represent, describe, reveal,
illustrate, present, render, show, describe, characterize, represent, evoke,
Rear, behind, dorsal, hind, after back hinder, following, succeeding, after,
rearward, caudal, posticous, backside, rump, haunches, cheeks,
Suppose, predicate, assume, propose, guess, claim something, hypothesize,
590 POSTULATE principle, put forward, suggest, advance, presuppose, presume, predicate,
Stance, circumstance, bearing, brace, aspect, position, set port, situation,
591 POSTURE carriage, compartment, stance, position, way of thinking, outlook, angle, slant,
perspective, attitude, standpoint, strut, attitudinize,

Mixture, jumble, assortment, varied, miscellaneous, Hodgepodge, collection, odds

and ends, assortment, assemblage, medley, mélange, mix, variety, patchwork,
592 POTPOURRI (of)
pastiche, blend, ragbag, hotchpotch, mishmash, olio, salmagundi, pasticcio,
Macedonia, motley,
Quicken, accelerate adj: hurried, hurry, speedy, sudden, hasty, make rain or snow
PRECIPITATE fall, separate solid out of solution, cause, occasion, trigger, spark, provoke, hasten,
(sth into sth) accelerate, expedite, advance, further, instigate, induce, propel, heave, cast, fling,
project, throw, impulsive, foolhardy, reckless, injudicious
Summary, main points, Summing-up, outline, condense, resume, synopsis,
594 PRÉCIS abstract, summarization, digest, condensation, abbreviation, survey, overview,
rundown, sketch, epitome, compendium, condense, shorten, abbreviate, abstract,
Inhibit, prohibit, exclude, restrain, prevent, disqualify, hinder, bar, block, interdict,
impede, debar, prohibit, stop, make it impossible for, prohibit, forbid, rule out
Forerunner, forebear, pioneer, descendant, ancestor, predecessor, herald,
596 PRECURSOR prelude, sign, indication, portent, omen, father, parent, antecedent, trailblazer,
Predacious, hunting, ravening, carnivorous ravening carnivorous, greedy,
597 PREDATORY rapacious, grasping, ruthlessly aggressive, raptorial, exploitative, wolfish,
avaricious, vulturine, marauding, plundering, pillaging, looting, robbing, thieving,
Infringement, commandeering, preemption, assumption, deterrence, disincentive,
preclusion prevention, determent, dissuasion, Preventative, anticipatory, blocking,
Pro-active, precautionary, counteractive, preclusive, anticipatory, inhibitory,
Assumption, thesis, hypothesis, postulate, Idea, Foundation, proposition,
599 PREMISE presupposition, presumption, surmise, conjecture, speculation, datum, argument,
assertion, belief, thought, assert, state, argue
Feeling, idea, sign, omen, Forewarning, presentiment, intuition of future event,
600 PREMONITION hunch, foreboding, suspicion, funny feeling, inkling, worry, anxiety,
apprehensiveness, fear, dread, sneaking suspicion
Preplate is the first stage in corticogenesis prior to the development of the cortical
plate. preplating (uncocuntable) Initial stage, Debut
PREVAIL Abound, predominant, widespread, Triumph, win through, succeed, overcome,
602 Conquer, Win through, gain the victory, prevalent, be rife, general, commonest,
(in/among) mainstream, superior, overcome, gain mastery, rule, be established
Prude, pedant, formalist, puritan, Formalist, Killjoy, Square, Fussbudget, Pedant,
603 PRIG snob, Stuffed Shirt, hypocrite, Pharisee, schoolmarm, Grundy, pietist, killjoy, old
Basic, prime, main, first principal, Primitive, primeval, original, earliest, vital,
604 PRIMAL central, intrinsic, indispensable, inherent, cardinal, elemental, fundamental,
original, initial, first, primary,
Basic, central, chief, earliest, direct, principal, fundamental, main, key, prime,
605 PRIMARY central, foremost, predominant, paramount, overriding, major, ruling, dominant,
master, supreme, ultimate, original, beginning, essential
Want, lack, neediness, necessity, Hardship, deprivation, adversity, lack of life's
606 PRIVATION basic necessities, poverty, penury, indigence, destitution, impoverishment, need,
austerity, suffering, distress, affliction, misery, neediness

Gain, get, obtain, purchase, buy, acquire, secure, get hold of, pick up, effect,
contrive, bring about, purchase,
Huge, gigantic, colossal, immense, Sizable, Abnormal, extraordinary, phenomenal,
unusual, exceptional, enormous, vast, great, massive, mammoth, tremendous,
608 PRODIGIOUS considerable, substantial, large, sizeable, inordinate, monumental, gargantuan,
amazing, astonishing, astounding, staggering, stunning, marvelous, remarkable,
phenomenal, terrific, impressive, striking, sensation, spectacular
Breed, engender, escalate, expand, grow, reproduce, procreate, rocket, snowball,
burgeon, run riot, grow rapidly, Increase, quickly,
Fruitful, generating, productive, fertile, creative, yielding, Highly Productive,
610 PROLIFIC inexhaustible, lush, rich, luxuriant, copious, profuse, proliferative, fecund, rife,
Rotation of the hands and palms so that the palms face down, rotator, motion,
611 PRONATION inclination, tendency, liability, susceptibility, disposition, openness, propensity,
Person who advocates, supports cause, advocate, champion, upholder, protector,
partisan patron, supporter, promoter, proposer, exponent, endorser, champion,
612 PROPONENT (of)
defender, backer, subscriber, patron, espouser, spokesman, propounded, pleader,
apologist, apostle, friend, patron, propagandist
Equivalent, commensurate, comparative, even reciprocal, relative, symmetrical,
613 PROPORTIONAL corresponding, comparable, pro rate, consistent, relative, correlative, analogies,
correlated, in proportion
Forbiddance, ban, bar, disallowance, don’t interdict, prohibition, Banning, exclusion,
614 PROSCRIPTION interdiction, prohibition, embargo, vetoing, veto, tabooing, outlawing, interdict,
rejection, damning, censure,
(the act of furthering a project) achievement, execution, performance, pursuit,
undertaking, Trials, Actions, Suits, the act of furthering, Hearing
(extension) Addition, compass, augmentation, continuing, delay, production,
Diagram, Blueprint, increase, lengthening, continuation, perpetuation,
(Animal food) chow, feed fodder, grain, straw, oats, hay, Food, provisions, grub,
617 PROVENDER nosh, fare, food for livestock, comestibles, pasturage, herbage, foodstuff,
nutriment, cuisine, fare, sustenance, cooking
Careful, frugal, canny, cautious, judicious, sparing, shrewd, unwasteful, wise,
Visionary, farseeing, prophetic, preparing for future, future oriented, prudent,,
circumspect, forearmed, sagacious, sensible, commonsensical, politic, caution,
Aggravating, annoying, disturbing, provoking, heady insulting, stimulating, Making
619 PROVOCATIVE people angry or excited, Challenging, maddening, goading, vexing, galling,
infuriating, annoying
Ability, skill, aptitude, adroitness, deftness, expertise, dexterity, competence,
superior skill, valor in combat, mastery, facility, capability, talent, genius,
adroitness, adeptness, aptitude, finesse, expertness, proficiency, experience,
accomplishment, competency,
Cut, trim, manicure, shorten, reduce, cut down, Clip, snip, cut back, dried
621 PRUNE plum(dark red fruit), pollard, top, dock, shear, thin out, remove, detach, sever,
minimize, decrease, diminish, axe, shrink,

(artificial, fake) phony, false, wrong imitation, not genuine, pretend, bogus, sham,
622 PSEUDO mock, ersatz, quasi-, insincere, affected, contrived, assumed, misleading,
deceptive, spurious, counterfeit, pretended, feigned,
623 PULSATION (beat) flutter, flow, pressure, surge, pulse, thump, tick vibration,
Buy, purchase, obtain, pay for, acquire, procure, put money into, come by, secure,
shop for, pick up,
(make clean, free) absolve, cleanse, decontaminate, exculpate, filter, oxygenate,
625 PURIFIED fumigate, freshen, deodorize, sieve, strain, refine, decontaminate, sift, distill,
sanitize, disinfect, sterilize, pasteurize
Rotten, foul, spoiled, bad stinking, rotting, decayed, decomposed, decaying, rotten,
spoilt, mouldy, rancid, putrescent, putrefied,
(the muscle of the thigh that extends the leg) extensor, thigh, muscle quad
quadriceps, femoris, Thigh muscle, space, Musculus, quadriceps, Femoris
Bog, marsh, fen mire, pinch, Swamp, Morass, A difficult situation, quag,
628 QUAGMIRE marshland, fen, slough, quicksand, muddle, mess, quandary, tangle, jumble,
imbroglio, tangle, entanglement, trouble, confusion, difficulty,
Part, place, district, side, neighborhood, sector, area, region, neighborhood,
629 QUARTER precinct, locality, section, zone, tract, belt, ghetto, community, colony, enclave,
territory, province, parish, ward, pocket, direction, place, spot, location, point
Sick, ill, upset, disturbed, giddy, unwell, Nauseous, green about the gills, seasick,
630 QUEASY stomach illness, vomiting, bilious, carsick, train sick, unwell, poorly, bad, dizzy,
peaky, liverish, out of sorts,
Complaining, critical, dissatisfied, cross, Argumentative, cantankerous, difficult,
irritable, petulant, pettish, touchy, testy, waspish, prickly, crusty, peppery,
631 QUERULOUS fractions, fretful, crabbed, crotchety, cantankerous, curmudgeonly, disagreeable,
miserable, morose, on edge, impatient, bitter, moody, grumpy, huffy, scratched,
sullen, sulky, bilious, liverish,
Line, row, train, string, column, file, Crocodile, traffic jam, tailback, stream,
gridlock, wait in line, queue up, procession, cavalcade, sequence, series, train,
633 QUORUM Plenum, majority, attendance, Least, Least attendance, legal minimum,
Joyous, happy, beaming, joyful, shining, healthy, glowing, emitting radiant energy,
634 RADIANT shimmering, flashing, dazzling, coruscating, sparking, glittering, incandescent,
lustrous, luminous, ablaze, glowing, thrilled, jubilant, ecstatic,
Dashing, stylish, debonair, fashionable, Dashingly, Jaunty, casual, breezy, Sporty,
loach, disreputable, raffish,
Greedy, insatiable, predatory, grasping, voracious, avaricious, acquisitive,
covetous, mercenary, materialistic, extortionate, usurious,
Link, understanding, bond, relationship, Friendly Relationship, affinity, special
637 RAPPORT relationship, empathy, harmony, sympathy, link, accord, get on with, identify with,
feel for, connect with, respond to
Remove, eliminate, destroy, demolish, annihilate, level, scrape, shave, tear down,
638 RAZE
flatten, bulldoze, fell, wipe out, lay waste, ruin, wreck,
Conservative, conformist, conventional, blimpish, unprogressive, Opposed to
639 REACTIONARY progress, Intransigent, backward-looking, diehard, right wing, rightist, diehard,
traditionalist, unprogressive

Repeat, review, restate, sum up, reiterate, Repeat evolutionary stages as embryo,
recap, summarize, sum up, go over, run over, enumer
Mutual, reciprocative, exchange, alternate, give-and-take, joint, shared, in return,
felt in, given in return, corresponding
Restoration, redemption, recovery, repair, reconstruction, retrieval, repossession,
claim something back
Solitary, secluded, monastic, ascetic, Living apart from others, Isolated, hermit-
like, cloistered, sequestered, withdrawn, retiring, shut away
644 RECONNOITER Inspect, survey, observe, explore, spy out, Examine, investigate, scan, scout out,
Correct, repair, improve, reform, fix, Correct something, Put right, set right,
645 RECTIFY remedy, cure, make right, amend, revise, remedy, heal, make good, harmonize,
better, adjust, resolve, settle, redress,
Divert, avert, deviate, draw away sidetrack, Attention-grabber, bait, commotion,
curve ball, deviation, distraction, bluff, blind, ruse, feint, deception, subterfuge,
hoax, trick, ploy, device, wile, sham, pretence, artifice, cover, distraction,
Remindful, evocative, reminiscent, smelling, odorous, Scented, aromatic, fragrant,
malodorous, suggesting,
(Give back) cast, catch, imitate, follow, repeat, reproduce, revert, Reproduces,
Imitates, Replicates, smelling of
649 REFLEX (mechanical) automatic, involuntary, responsive, spontaneous, unthinking,
Rule, government, leadership, management, authorities, command, Administration,
650 REGIME reign, dominion, sovereignty, jurisdiction, control, establishment, direction,
scheme, code, arrangement,
(Area, domain, scope) arena, belt, block, country, city, place, range, sector, section,
651 REGION realm, territory, tract, stretch, expanse, district, quarter, precinct, locality,
neighborhood, province, land, district, zone, realm, field
Commanding, controlling, ruling, reigning, Predominant, prevalent, sovereign,
(Evenness) clockwork, balance, constancy, orderliness, precision, commonness,
currency, ubiquity, universality, pervasiveness, generality, extensiveness,
(connection, friendship) accord, affair, affiliation, conjunction, hookup, relation,
654 RELATIONSHIP association, link, correlation, correspondence, parallel, tie- in, bond, interrelation,
family, affinity, kinship, consanguinity, common, lineage, love, heart
(Pass on, transmit) turn over, hand on, communicate, deliver, transfer, broadcast,
655 RELAY transmission, programme, telecast, show, feed, publish, spread, circulate, make-
known, feed, disseminate, hand on, impart, retail, send
Banish, expel, throw out, oust deport, eject, Demote, downgrade, transfer, consign,
exile somebody, lower, put down, move down
Comfort, ease, mitigation, solace, succor, Release from anxiety, respite, reprieve,
liberation, reassurance, consolation, calmness, repose, ease, alleviation,
alleviating, reliving, assuaging, palliation, allaying, appeasement, soothing, dulling,
lessening, reduction, abatement, freedom, discharge,
Healing, curative, therapeutic, Corrective, counteractive, helpful, salutary,
salubrious, good, beneficial, ameliorative, reparative, sanative, tonic,

Honor, character, chastity, goodness, reputation, status, presige, Standing, fame,

name, renown, celebrity, stature, note, prestige, good name, prominence
Opposition to, hostility to, aversion to, refusal to accept, unwillingness to accept,
660 RESISTANCE disinclination to accept, reluctance to accept, lack of enthusiasm for, fight, battle,
stand, struggle, confrontation, defiance
Fullness, vibration, reverberation, Timbre, character, quality, tone, amplified sound,
Echo, re-echo, reverberate, ring out, fill the air, boom, peal, thunder, rumble,
reverberate, echo, re-echo, resonate, ring, vibrate, pulsate
Reinstatement, giving back, return, restoration, handing back, replacement,
surrender, yielding, recovery, compensation, recompense, reparation, damages,
indemnification, indemnity, reimbursement, repayment, remuneration, reward,
redress, satisfaction
Revive, resurrect, restore, regenerate, revitalize, breathe new life into, give the
kiss of life to, give a new lease of life to, reinvigorate, renew, awaken, wake up,
rejuvenate, stimulate, re-establish, reinstitute, relaunch, bring round, revive, bring
back, bring to life, bring back to life, bring someone to their senses, bring someone
back to their senses, bring back to consciousness, rescue, save, bring back from
the edge of death
Reorganize, reduce, cut, cut back, cut down, cut back on, pare, pare down, slim
down, bring down, make reductions in, make cutbacks in, trim, prune, whittle
away, whittle down, salami-slice, take off, decrease, lower, lessen, shorten,
curtail, truncate, shrink, diminish, minimize, economize, cut back, make cutbacks,
make savings, make economies, reduce expenditure, be economical, be sparing,
be frugal, budget, tighten
666 RETRUSION Atavism, reversion, relapse, throw back, recession,
(Erratic) changeable, fluid movable, revocable, transformable, Adjustable,
Rescindable, Mutable,
Music notes, mode order, rank, circumstances, A series of notes in pop music,
melody, tune, groove, loop, Phrase, rabble, scum, refuse, garbage, rubbish, trash,
668 RIFF
vermin, the lowest of the low, in the underclass, the dregs of society, good-for-
nothings, undesirables
669 RIGIDITY (Severity) acerbity, cruelty, rigor, sharpness, toughness,
Strong, vigorous, sturdy, tough, powerful, powerfully built, solidly built, as strong
as a horse, sinewy, rugged, hardy, strapping, brawny, burly, husky, healthy, fit,
670 ROBUST fighting fit, as fit as a fiddle, as fit as a flea, bursting with health, hale and hearty,
hale, hearty, lusty, in fine fettle, in good health, in good shape, in trim, in good trim,
aerobicized, able-bodied
Annoy, anger, provoke, offend, Mix, Churn, Agitate, Shake, Whip, Toss, Stir, Blend ,
turn round and round, go round and round, turn over and over, spin, rotate, pass,
671 ROLL
go by, go past, slip by, slip past, slide by, slide past, sail by, sail past, glide by, glide
past, fly by, fly past, elapse, wear on, steal by, steal past,
672 ROSTER List, listing, register, schedule, agenda, calendar, roll, directory, table
673 ROSTRA Podium, lectern, stage, reading stand, Platform, Podia, Daises, Pulpits,
Revolve, go round, turn, turn round, move round, spin, gyrate, wheel, whirl, twirl,
swivel, circle, pirouette, pivot, reel, alternate, take turns, take it in turns, act in

sequence, work in sequence, trade places, change, switch, interchange, exchange,

Reddish, red, rosy, rosy-cheeked, pink, pinkish, roseate, rubicund, red,
reddish, scarlet, vermilion, crimson, blood-red, rose-red, pink, roseate
Mourn, grieve, be repentant, regret, be sorry about, feel apologetic about, feel
676 RUE remorseful about, feel remorse for, repent of,reproach oneself for, lament,
bemoan, bewail
(Contemplative) awake, aware, lucubratory, ruminative, thinking, Awake,
cogitative, introspective, musing, prayerful, rapt, cud-chewing
(Seat on horse) howdah, pillion, seat, packsaddle, burden, encumber, lumber,
hamper, weigh down, land, charge, inflict something on, impose something on,
Prudence, Level-headedness, reasonableness, wisdom, insight, deep insight,
intelligence, understanding, judgement, acuity, astuteness, sense, canniness,
679 SAGACITY sharpness, depth, profundity, profoundness, perceptiveness, penetration,
perception, percipience, perspicuity, discernment, erudition, learning,
knowledgeability, thoughtfulness
Fancy, adornment, lace, tapestry, tracery, , Adornment, embroidered cloth,
brocade, crewel, decoration,
Sanitarium, infirmary, clinic, sickbay, sickroom, medical centre, hospital, hospice,
nursing home, convalescent home, rest home
Holiness, godliness, sacredness, blessedness, saintliness, sanctitude, spirituality,
682 SANCTITY (FOR) piety, piousness, devoutness, devotion, righteousness, goodness, virtue,
virtuousness, purity
Deceiver, trickster, beguiler, Fraud, Bandit, brigand, cheat, chiseler, con artist,
Happy, optimistic, bullish, hopeful, buoyant, positive, disposed to look on the bright
SANGUINE side, confident, cheerful, cheery, bright, assured, florid, ruddy, red, red-faced,
(ABOUT) reddish, rosy, rosy-cheeked, pink, pinkish, roseate, rubicund
healthy-looking, glowing, fresh, flushed, blushing, high-coloured, blowsy
685 SARONG Lungi, Kilt, skirt, traditional Malaysian garment,
Space station, space capsule, spacecraft, artificial satellite, communications
686 SATELLITE satellite, weather satellite, television satellite, dependency, colony, protectorate,
dominion, possession, holding
Content, overdose, Gratify, Assuage, Appease, fill, fully satisfy, sate, slake,
quench, gorge, stuff, overfill, overfeed, surfeit, glut, cloy, sicken, nauseate
Criticize, parody, burlesque, caricature, lampoon, skit, take-off, squib, travesty,
mockery, ridicule, derision, scorn, caricature, irony, sarcasm
689 SCAFFOLD Stage, boards, frame, scaffoldings, set, Support, Framework, Platform, Shell
Blackmail, hoax, sucker, game, con, cheating, Dishonest scheme, rip-off, fraud,
690 SCAM swindle, fraudulent scheme, racket, trick, diddle, con, trick, flimflam, gyp, kite,
hustle, grift, shakedown,
(Uneven) irregular, scattered, some, Handful, Trickle, handful, few, one or two, not
many, a small number, sprinkling, dusting, smattering,
Pain in back ache, labor neuralgia, physical pain, rheumatism, Backache, lumbago,
back trouble, aching back, pain in hip and leg

Addition, aggregate, record, account, total, Group of 20, Notch, points made, exam
693 SCORE ,printed music, result, outcome, number of goals, number of points, number of
runs, total, sum total, tally, count
Consider, refuse, avoid, abhor, ignore, disdained, disrespect, Despised, contempt,
derision, contemptuousness, derisiveness, scornfulness, mockery, sneering,
scoffing, deride, be contemptuous about, hold in contempt, treat with contempt,
694 SCORNED heap scorn on, pour scorn on, be scornful about, look down on, look down one's
nose at, disdain, curl one's lip at, mock, scoff at, sneer at, sniff at, jeer at, laugh at,
laugh out of court, disparage, slight, dismiss, cock a snook at, spit in the face of,
spit on, thumb one's nose at
Anxiety, caution, censor, difficulty, reluctance, be unwilling, boggle, demur, balk at,
SCRUPLE hesitate, be reluctant, be loath, have qualms about, have scruples about, have
(ABOUT) misgivings about, have reservations about, stick at, think twice about, baulk at,
demur about, demur from, mind doing something
Look over, dig, pore over, examine carefully, inspect, survey, scan, study, look
696 SCRUTINIZE over, peruse, search, investigate, explore, probe, research, enquire into, go over,
go over with a fine-tooth comb, check, audit, review, sift, analyse, dissect
Abandon, sink, submerge walk, A small trapdoor, Destroy, dart, spoil,
scamper, scurry, scramble, bustle, skip, trot, hurry, hasten, make haste, rush,
697 SCUTTLE race, dash, run, sprint, scamper, scampering noise, scurry, scurrying, bustle,
bustling, trot, hurry, haste, rush, race, dash, run, sprint, rustle, rasp, scratching
Worry, trouble, pain, flame , unpleasant effect, scorch, burn, singe, scald, char, dry
698 SEAR (INTO) out, dry up, parch, desiccate, dehydrate, wither, shrivel, discolour, brown, blacken,
carbonize, cauterize
Placid, sober, , put under restfulness, dignified, unhurried, tranquillize, give a
sedative to, put under sedation, calm down, quieten, pacify, soothe, relax, dope,
drug, administer drugs to, administer narcotics to, administer opiates to, knock
out, anaesthetize
Dregs, lees, deposit, grounds, settlings, residue, remains, accumulation, silt,
sludge, alluvium, technical precipitate, sublimate, residuum
Piece, part, bit, section, chunk, division, portion, slice, fragment, component,
wedge, lump, slab, hunk, parcel, tranche, subdivision, division, fraction, part,
portion, section, constituent, element, unit, module, ingredient, slice, department,
compartment, sector
Theological college, rabbinical college, talmudical college, academy, training
college, training institute, school, high school, conservatory
Sensitivity, sensitiveness, finer feelings, delicacy, subtlety, taste, discrimination,
703 SENSIBILITY discernment, feelings, emotions, finer feelings, delicate sensitivity, sensitivities,
susceptibilities, moral sense, sense of outrage
Being apart, departure, dissolution, leave-taking, gap, farewell, disconnection,
detachment, severance, uncoupling, dissociation, disassociation, disjunction,
disunion, disaffiliation, segregation, break-up, split, split-up, parting,
estrangement, parting of the ways, rift, rupture, breach
Toxic, injurious, gangrenous , infected, festering, suppurating, pus-filled, putrid,
putrefying, putrefactive, purulent, poisoned, diseased
706 SEQUENTIAL (Occurring in an order) consecutive, constant, continuous, next succeeding,

Coat, dress, envelope, carapace, covering, cover, case, casing, envelope, sleeve,
707 SHEATH wrapper, tunica, capsule, fascia, neurilemma, epimysium, perimysium,
perineurium, sarcolemma
Metal pieces, ball, grenade, powder shot, Bomb-shells, Round, shell, shot, torpedo,
armament, bomb
(Thwart, avoid by turning away) deter, divert, fend off turn aside ward off, deflect
crash, accident, smash, bump, knock, impact, hit, strike, clash
Walk, secretly, Move secretively, slither, move sideways, creep, sneak, slink, slip,
710 SIDLE slide, skulk, prowl, steal, edge, inch, ease, worm, nose, move furtively, move with
stealth, tread warily
711 SIESTA Rest, nap, snooze, doze, sleep, afternoon rest, catnap, drowse,
Express, indicate, show, communicate, intimate, announce, proclaim, declare,
712 SIGNIFYING be evidence of, be a sign of, mark, signal, spell, add up to, amount to, denote, be
symptomatic of, be a symptom of, reveal, manifest, designate, mean, denote,
designate, represent, symbolize, stand for, correspond to, be equivalent to, imply
Edge, shape, shadow, profile, shadowed contour, outline, etch, delineate, define,
demarcate, delimit, mark off, trace
Abridged, reduced, uncomplicated, make simple, make simpler, make easier to do,
make easier to understand, make easy to do, make easy to understand, make
plainer, clarify, make more comprehensible, make more intelligible, remove the
complexities from, disentangle, untangle, unravel paraphrase, put in words of one
syllable, make more accessible, popularize
streamline, reduce to essentials, rationalize
Concurrent, happening at the same time, done at the same time,
contemporaneous, concomitant, coinciding, coincident, synchronous, synchronized,
coexistent, parallel, side by side
Scorch, burn, sear, char, blacken, scorch, light, scald, toast, warm, flame, fry, heat,
716 SINGE roast, grill, blaze, incinerate, parch, blacken, bake, swinge, ignite, desiccate,
Endless futile, Endless and futile, Effortful, both extremely effortful and futile,
futile, laborsome
717 SISYPHEAN Futileness, like herding cats, impractical, nugatory, hopeless, unusable,
ineffectual, impotent, unachievable, extremely futile, purposeless, inefficacious,
pointless, bootless
Cynical, distrustful, unbelieving, disbelieving, doubtful, Unconvincing, Incredulous,
doubting, incredulous, mistrustful, questioning, suspecting, suspicious,
SKEPTICAL unbelieving, paranoid, critical, puzzled, quizzical, careful, cautious, guarded, gun-
718 shy, leery (also leary), wary, watchful, cynical, experienced, knowing,
(about/of) sophisticated, worldly, worldly-wise, curious, inquiring, inquisitive, nosy (or
nosey), snoopy, uncertain, unconvinced, undecided, undetermined, unsettled,
unsure, hesitant
Distort, misrepresent, twist, be at an angle, crooked, lopsided, askew, awry, to one
side, off-centre, uneven, unsymmetrical, asymmetrical, asymmetric, not straight,
719 SKEW
out of true, out of line, on one side, tilted, at an angle, angled, slanted, aslant,
slanting, sloping, squint

Nervous, fidgety, weird bizarre, Unpredictably, excitable (especially of horses) ,

wary, edgy, silly and irresponsible, playful, lively, high-spirited, frisky, coltish,
flirtatious, kittenish, coquettish, restive, excitable, nervous, easily frightened,
skittery, jumpy, fidgety, highly strung
malicious, cynical, unpleasant, malicious, disparaging, derogatory, deprecating,
deprecatory, denigratory, insulting, vituperative, disapproving, contemptuous,
mocking, taunting, ridiculing, sneering, jeering, scoffing, scornful, derisive,
sarcastic, caustic, biting, bitchy, shrewish, spiteful, hurtful, nasty, mean
(sunken or decayed area) armpit, atrium, decay, bursa, dent, space, chamber,
722 SOCKET hollow, hole, pocket, pouch, aperture, opening, outlet, inlet, vent, passage,
porthole, trap, embrasure, door
Stay, live, put up, stop over, break one's journey, lodge, room, board, have rooms,
be quartered, be housed, be billeted, visit, stop, stopover, residence, holiday
(Financially sound) able to pay, stable, solid out of the red, Having enough money,
dissolving, in the black, In the chips, In funds, Flush,
Physical, bodily, corporeal, fleshy, Organic, Non reproductive (cell), Actual,
material, substantial, tangible, unspiritual rising
Irrationality, , Illogicality, flawed, dishonest, Literalism, lack of imagination,
laboriousness, specious reasoning, the use of fallacious arguments, sophism,
casuistry, quibbling, equivocation, fallaciousness, fallacious argument, sophism,
Baths, whirlpool resort, hot tub, Hot tub, bath, health resort, a water resort, health
727 SPA spa, pleasure dome, watering place, abode, mineral spring, source, spot,
sanatorium, remedy, pump room, well, remedy, hole
Period, space, time, duration, stretch, course, interval, season, term, extent, full
728 SPAN
extent, length, width, reach, stretch, spread, distance, compass, range,
Unreal, hollow, erroneous, baseless, apparently true but actually false, plausible
729 SPECIOUS but wrong, seemingly correct, misleading, deceptive, false, fallacious, unsound,
casuistic, sophistic
Daemon, eidolon, unpleasant prospect, ghost, phantom, apparition, spirit, wraith,
shadow, presence, illusion
Blotch, spot, stain, smear, smudge, Mark, blemish, red mark, a large spot
imperfection, fault, flaw, defect, deformity, discoloration, disfigurement, irrelevant,
inapplicable, inapposite, inappropriate, inapt, immaterial, not to the point, beside
the point, off the subject, extraneous, neither here nor there
Artificial, forged, imitation, bogus, fake, not genuine, specious, false, factitious,
732 SPURIOUS counterfeit, fraudulent, trumped-up, sham, mock, feigned, pretended, contrived,
fabricated, manufactured, fictitious, make-believe, invalid, fallacious, meretricious
Squander, spend, consume, spend wastefully, throw away, fritter away,
733 SQUANDER (on) waste, misspend, misuse, throw away, dissipate, fritter away, run through, lose,
lavish, spend recklessly, spend unwisely, make poor use of, be prodigal with,
spend money like water
(Something giving balance) brace, stability, equilibrium, support, counterweight,
counterbalance, counterpoise,
Loyal, staunch, faithful, committed, devoted, dedicated, dependable, reliable,
735 STALWART (of)
steady, constant, trusty, hard-working, vigorous, stable, firm, steadfast,

redoubtable, resolute, unswerving, unwavering, unhesitating, unfaltering faithful,

supporter, adherent, fan, Strong, muscular, athletic, brawny, physically strong,
strapping, well built, well made, muscular, athletic, strong, hefty, brawny,
powerfully built, powerful, solidly built, solid, burly, stocky, thickset, rugged,
substantial, robust, vigorous, tough, hardy, mighty, lusty, herculean
Stalwart, loyal, faithful, stop, the flow of blood, Firm, resolute, stubborn, stop liquid
flow, stop wound from bleeding
Clip, fastener, nail, tack, pin, main, principal, chief, major, primary, leading,
foremost, first, most important, predominant, dominant, prominent, most
prominent, key, crucial, vital, indispensable, essential, basic, fundamental,
standard, critical, pivotal, prime, central, premier
Standing, stationary, motionless, immobile, unmoving, still, stock-still, at a
standstill, at rest, halted, stopped, parked, immobilized, not moving, not moving a
738 STATIC muscle, like a statue, rooted to the spot, unstirring, frozen, inactive, inert, lifeless,
inanimate, unchanged, fixed, stable, steady, unchanging, changeless, unvarying,
invariable, constant, consistent, uniform, undeviating
Hover, stand stop, halt, defer, sojourn, hang about, keep on, remain, remain behind,
739 STAY stay behind, stay put, wait, wait around, linger, stick, continue, be left, hold on,
hang on, lodge, rest, delay, pause, stop
Sudden, extreme, precipitous, sheer, abrupt, sharp, perpendicular, vertical,
bluff, vertiginous, dizzy, rare declivitous, acclivitous, scarped
Uproarious, noisy, loud, booming, thundering, thunderous, trumpeting, blaring,
741 STENTORIAN roaring, ear-splitting, deafening
ringing, resonant, sonorous, carrying, vibrant, powerful, strong, full
Meadow, pampas, prairie, grassland, vast plain, savannah, flat, heath, moor,
plateau, tundra,
742 STEPPE Lowland, veld, meadow, mesa, downs, campo, llano, moorland, wold, mead,
tableland, steppes
Playa, level, open country, pasture, veldt
Turn by turn, one by one, gradually, Progressively, piecemeal, gradual, bit-by-bit,
743 STEPWISE in small stages, step-by-step, gradational, graded, slowly, increasingly,
unhurriedly, little by little, by degrees, in stages, collaged
Decorous, pretentious, Overformal, not fluent, Affected, strained, forced, contrived,
constrained, laboured, laborious, stiff, self-conscious, awkward, unnatural,
wooden, unrelaxed
artificial, mannered
Spur, stimulant, encouragement, impetus, boost, prompt, prod, incentive,
745 STIMULI inducement, inspiration, fillip, motive, motivation, impulse, provocation, goad,
incitement, bonus
Guarantee, engage, pledge, instruct, order, specify, set down, set out, lay down,
746 STIPULATE set forth, state clearly, demand, require, insist on, make a condition of, make a
precondition of, make a proviso of, prescribe, impose
Calmness, patience, indifference, stolidity, Impassivity, endurance, fortitude,
747 STOICISM forbearance, lack of protest, lack of complaint, fortitude, , acceptance, acceptance
of the inevitable, fatalism, philosophicalness, impassivity, dispassion, phlegm,
imperturbability, calmness, coolness, cool

Plan, scheme, tactic, maneuver, move, course of action, line of action, ploy, gambit,
748 STRATAGEM device, wile, trick, ruse, plot, machination, subterfuge, artifice, contrivance,
expedient, dodge, deception, deceit
Stamina, mental power) backbone, clout, force, energy potency, courage, power,
749 STRENGTH brawniness, muscle, muscularity, burliness, sturdiness, robustness, toughness,
hardiness, lustiness, influence, dominance, ascendancy, supremacy
Streak, dapple, fleck, marble, spot, vein, striped, barred, lined, banded, ridged,
750 STRIATED fluted, channeled, furrowed, grooved, crimped, folded, crinkled, crinkly, puckered,
creased, wrinkled, wrinkly, crumpled, rumpled
Fundamental, anatomic, skeletal, organic, tectonic, architectural, constructional,
751 STRUCTURAL organizational, systemic, constitutional, configurational, formational, basic,
foundational, rudimentary, elemental, elementary, underlying, basal, radical, root
(smaller entity of whole) class, community, minor, group, subclass, tract, Part,
section, sector, subsidiary section, segment, division
(alternative) replaceable, exchangeable, surrogate, deputy, proxy, analogy,
753 SUBSTITUENT equivalent, replacement, spare, exchange, copy, double, ringer, sign, sub, fake,
dummy, equal
Turn back, knuckle, under, die from an illness or injury, yield, give in, give way,
submit, surrender, capitulate, cave in
Frivolous, trivial, silly, empty-headed, Insincere, artificial, shallow, not profound,
apparent, cursory, insignificant, surface, exterior, external, outer, outside,
outermost, peripheral, slight, apparent, specious, seeming, outward, ostensible,
cosmetic, slight
Surplus, redundant, unneeded, not required, excess, extra, spare, to spare,
756 SUPERFLUOUS remaining, unused, left over, unnecessary, needless, unneeded, inessential,
pointless, redundant, uncalled for, unwarranted, unjustified, gratuitous
(Rotation of the hands and forearms so that the palms are face upward) rotation
rotator motion, bend, duck, stoop, bow, nod, reversal, squat, crouch, curtsy,
kowtow, salaam, obeisance, reverence, revulsion, prostration, genuflection,
introversion, retroflexion, transposition, reversion, azimuth, decumbence
Belief, surmise, idea, notion, suspicion, conjecture, speculation, view, inference,
758 SUPPOSITION theory, thesis, hypothesis, postulation, guess, guesswork, feeling, hunch,
assumption, presumption, mental act of supposing
(External) covering, depthless, outside, shallow, shoal top, exterior, worktop, top,
working top, work surface, counter, table, stand, horizontal surface
Costume, wardrobe, robe, frock, garb, vestment, chasuble, cope, vesture,
ecclesiastical, priestly garment
Unreal, hypnagogic, dreamlike, illusory, fanciful, non-existent, chimerical, A 20th-
century literary and artistic movement that attempts to express the workings of
the subconscious and is characterized by fantastic imagery and incongruous
juxtaposition of subject matter. Literature or art produced in this style.
SWIVEL Turn, spin, swing, rotate, revolve, pivot, twirl, whirl, wheel, gyrate, pirouette, pivot,
(AROUND) axle, spindle, hinge, axis, fulcrum, pin, hub, kingpin, gudgeon, trunnion
Classification, conformity, coordination, entity, regularity, rule, structure,
organization, order, arrangement, complex, apparatus, network

SYMBIOSIS (mutual effect) aid cahoots, communion, concurrence, confederacy, business give-
764 and-take, Cooperation, interdependence, relationship, association, synergy,
(WITH) interaction
Benignancy, alliance, commiseration, pity, condolence, consolation, comfort,
765 SYMPATHY solace, support, encouragement, rapport, fellow feeling, affinity, empathy,
harmony, accord, compatibility
(Disease, condition) complaint, ailment, affection, problem sign, collection of
diseases, complex,
(something which incites activity) agitator, enzyme goad, spark, plug, stimulant,
incentive, impetus,
Combining, constructing, entirely, combination, union, amalgam, blend, mixture,
compound, fusion, coalescence, composite, concoction, conglomerate, alloy
Orderly, analytical, businesslike, out-and-out, precise, systematized, well-ordered,
constructional, organizational, constitutional, configurational, formational
Forbidden, prohibited, banned, proscribed, vetoed, ruled out, interdicted, outlawed,
TABOO not permitted, not allowed, illegal, illicit, unlawful, impermissible, not acceptable,
770 restricted, frowned on, beyond the pale, off limits, out of bounds, unmentionable,
(against/of) unspeakable, unutterable, ineffable, censored, prohibition, proscription, veto,
interdiction, interdict, ban, restriction, boycott, non-acceptance, anathema
Tactual, tangible, perceptible, touchable, palpable, material, physical, real,
substantial, corporeal, solid, concrete
Pool, pond, vat, Boiler, container, receptacle, vat, cistern, barrel, storage chamber,
772 TANK
repository, reservoir, holder, basin
Price list, schedule, list of charges, rate, tax, duty, toll, excise, levy, assessment,
imposition, impost, charge, rate, fee, exaction, customs, customs duties, dues
Shuffling, dead, bodies, prowess, mounting, artistry, Stuffing dead animals, The art
of mounting the skins of animals so that they have lifelike appearance.
Mind reading, thought transference, extrasensory perception, ESP
clairvoyance, sixth sense
Teetotalism, abstinence, abstention, sobriety, prohibition, self-restraint, restraint,
776 TEMPERANCE moderation, self-control, self-discipline, lack of indulgence, abstemiousness,
abstinence, self-denial, austerity, asceticism
Adamantine, stubborn, obstinate, firm, tightly held, persevering, persistent,
pertinacious, determined, dogged, single-minded, strong-willed, tireless,
indefatigable, resolute, patient, purposeful, diligent, assiduous, sedulous,
777 TENACIOUS (in)
unflagging, staunch, steadfast, untiring, unwavering, unswerving, unshakeable,
unyielding, uncompromising, insistent, importunate, relentless, unrelenting,
inexorable, implacable, strong, forceful, powerful, unshakeable, immovable, iron
Deadly, bounding, , extreme, latter, utmost, ultimate, incurable, untreatable,
778 TERMINAL inoperable, end-stage, fatal, mortal, deadly, lethal, killing, dying, near death, final,
last, concluding, closing, ultimate, finishing, terminating
(after second), Tertian, triennial, Tertiary period, secondary, cretaceous,
779 TERTIARY quaternary, ternary, triality, terrier period, spectrum, mail, hackle, covert, feather,
demitint, third rank, metamer, Monochrome, hue cycle, plumage
Healing, curative, curing, remedial, medicinal, restorative, health-giving, tonic,
780 THERAPEUTIC sanative, reparative, corrective, ameliorative, beneficial, good, salubrious, salutary
technical analeptic

Bosom, bust, heart, cage, ribs, pulmonary, chest, trunk, chest, bosom, trunk,
781 THORAX Pectus, bust, brisket
Torso, dresser, embosom, thoracic, ribcage, cabinet, commode, casket, core, bag
Doorstep, sill, doorsill, doorway, entrance, entry, way in, door, gate, gateway,
portal, approach, start, starting point, beginning, brink, verge, edge, dawn, birth,
origin, inception, conception, opening, launch, inauguration, institution, initiation,
debut, creation, day one
Shade, hue, colour, Slight added color, Mix, touch, hint, tint, dye, stain, suffuse,
783 TINGE (with/of) flush, imbue, wash, overlay, bathe, saturate, steep, impregnate, permeate,
penetrate, pervade, run through
Irreversible, decisive, point, moment of decision, Critical juncture, a defining
tip, sharp end, tapered end, end, extremity, prong, spike, tine, nib, barb, place,
position, location, site, spot, area, locality, locale
Giant, powerful, superman, Monster, Goliath, Hercules, behemoth, bulk, colossus,
Cyclops (one-eyed god)
Lethargic, sluggish, inert, inactive, slow, slow-moving, lifeless, dull, listless,
786 TORPID languid, lazy, idle, indolent, shiftless, slothful, heavy, stagnant, somnolent, sleepy,
tired, fatigued, languorous, apathetic, passive, supine, comatose, narcotic
Toehold, footing, Application of weights, grip, friction, adhesion, purchase,
787 TRACTION resistance
pull, haulage, propulsion, drag
Calm, placid, composed, relaxed, at peace, cool, cool, calm, and collected, cool-
headed, serene, even-tempered, self-possessed, controlled, unexcitable,
unflappable, unruffled, unperturbed, imperturbable, undisturbed, unagitated,
dispassionate, stoical, sober, unemotional, untroubled, pacific, peaceful, restful,
reposeful, calm, quiet, still, serene, placid, relaxing, soothing, undisturbed, idyllic,
halcyon, mild, pleasant
Surpass, excel, exceed, beat, trump, top, cap, outdo, outstrip, leave behind,
789 TRANSCEND outrival, outvie, outrank, outshine, eclipse, overstep, overshadow, throw into the
shade, upstage, go beyond, rise above, cut across
Transitory, temporary, short-lived, short-term, ephemeral, impermanent, brief,
790 TRANSIENT short, momentary, fleeting, flying, evanescent, passing, fugitive, fading, mutable,
unstable, volatile, here today and gone tomorrow, fly-by-night
Clear, cut, limpid, unblurred, semi-transparent, pellucid, diaphanous, colourless,
glassy, glass-like, gossamer, crystalline, see-through, transparent
Transform, alchemize, alter, change, exchange, convert, alter, adapt, modify,
792 TRANSMUTE transfigure, metamorphose, mutate, reconstruct, remake, recast, reorganize,
See-through, clear, filmy, hyaline, lucid, glassy, cellophane, translucent, pellucid,
crystalline, limpid, glassy, glass-like, liquid, unclouded,
Moved, shifted , convey, carry, take, transfer, bring, fetch, send, deliver, bear,
conduct, haul, lug, cart, run, ship, ferry
Travel across, cross, shift, pivot, crosswise, diagonal, horizontal, oblique, athwart,
Cross, horizontal, crooked, irregular, beam, rafter, beam, shaft, transversely
Crosscut, upright, slanting, transom, intersecting

Excitement, fright, unease, fear, apprehension, dread, fearfulness,

apprehensiveness, agitation, anxiety, worry, nervousness, tension, misgivings,
unease, uneasiness, foreboding, disquiet, disquietude, perturbation, discomposure,
dismay, consternation, alarm, panic, trembling, jumpiness
Nothing, Little, Frippery, touch, smidgen, bit, pudding, sweet dish, unimportant
matter, trivial matter, trivial thing, triviality, matter of no consequence, thing of no
consequence, matter of no importance, thing of no importance, bagatelle,
inessential, nothing
Three of something, a collection of three books triplet trey triad, triangle, troika,
leash, triplicate, triune, trinity, trine, Leash, set of three, ternion, clover
Crop, shear, shorten, cut, cut short, curtail, dock, prune, trim, lop, abbreviated,
telescope, reduce, diminished, decrease, shortened, smallish, abridged, curtailed,
clipped, pruned, condensed, shortened, mutilated, incompleteness, brief, docked,
Body, core, column, soma, thorax, stalk, stem, stock, block, snout, nose, proboscis,
bin, box, caddy, case, casket, chest, locker, carton, crate, footlocker, locker, sea
800 TRUNK chest, coffer, lockbox, safe, safe-deposit box, strongbox, coffin, compartment,
vault, canteen, caisson, hope chest, bandbox, hatbox, jewel box, snuffbox,
tinderbox, proboscis, casket, bole, log, luggage
Swollen object, bagginess, blob, bump, appendage, growth, outgrowth,
prominence, projection,
801 TUBEROSITY Eminence, tubercle, bulge, protuberance, Nodule, salient, excrescence, gibbosity,
Distinction, salience
An enveloping or covering membrane or layer of body tissue, albuginea, adventitia,
membrane, tunic tissue, layer, pallium, shroud, veil, gymslip
Scrimmage, scramble, scrum, fisticuffs, wrestling match, rough and tumble, free-
803 TUSSLE for-all, fracas, fray, rumpus, melee, disturbance, scuffle, fight, struggle, skirmish,
Creepy, eerie, unnatural, preternatural, supernatural, unearthly, other worldly,
804 UNCANNY unreal, ghostly, mysterious, strange, abnormal, odd, curious, queer, weird, bizarre,
Rise and fall, surge, wave, billow, roll, swell, ripple, heave, flow, wind, swing, whirl,
805 UNDULATE wobble, oscillate, unadulterated, insulates, underrate, adulated, ambulate,
copulate, dilate, emulate, indulge, regulate, simulate
Unrelieved, harsh, intense, relentless, saturated, absolute, unqualified,
unconditional, categorical, complete, total, thoroughgoing, downright, outright,
utter, out-and-out, unadulterated, unalloyed, undiluted, unmixed, untempered,
unmoderated, unmodified, unabated, undiminished, unmollified, unsoftened,
unredeemed, unambiguous, unequivocal, veritable, perfect, consummate, pure,
sheer, rank, in every way, positive, real, deep-dyed
Suave, sophisticated, debonair, worldly, elegant, cultivated, cultured, civilized, well
bred, worldly-wise, glib, smooth, slick, polished, refined, poised, self-possessed,
807 URBANE dignified
courteous, polite, civil, well mannered, gentlemanly, gallant, courtly, charming,
affable, tactful, diplomatic, media-savvy

Dale, dell, depression, valley, gorge, Farewell (Latin expression), hollow, canyon
808 VALE
(also cañon), dingle, glen, gulch, gully (also gulley), ravine, rift valley, basin, bowl
(Genuineness, lawfulness), strength, authority, legitimacy, soundness, validness,
soundness, reasonableness, rationality, logic, justifiability, defensibility,
809 VALIDITY sustainability, plausibility, viability, bona fides, effectiveness, cogency, power,
credibility, believability, force, weight, foundation, substance, substantiality,
Defeat, conquer, overcome, crush, subjugate, utterly, beat, beat hollow, trounce,
annihilate, triumph over, win a resounding victory over, be victorious over, best,
get the better of, worst, bring someone to their knees, overcome, overwhelm,
subdue, put down, quell, quash, repress, rout, hammer, clobber, thrash, paste,
pound, pulverize, crucify, demolish, destroy, drub, give someone a drubbing, cane,
wipe the floor with, walk all over, give someone a hiding, take to the cleaners,
blow someone out of the water, make mincemeat of, murder, massacre, slaughter,
flatten, turn inside out, tank
Difference, alternate, abnormality, aberration, anomaly, digression, discrepancy,
811 VARIATIONS difference, dissimilarity, disparity, contrast, imbalance, dissimilitude, differential,
(Abnormally, swollen or knotty), putrid, bloated, blown, distended, overinflated,
puffed, swollen, tumescent, tumid, turgid, ballooned, blown up, expanded, bulging,
dilated, protuberant
Ventricose, ballooning, dilating, turgescent
Related to the distribution of blood in the body, Relating to fluid-carrying vessels
such as blood, lymph, or sap, through the body of an animal or plant.
Stagnate, idle, languish, deteriorate, Sit around, be passive, be sluggish, Develop
like a plant,
do nothing, be inactive, laze, laze about, laze around, lounge, lounge about,
lounge around, loll, loll about, loll around, loaf, loaf about, loaf around, slouch,
slouch about, slouch around
go to seed, degenerate, moulder
Corruptness, vendibility, dishonesty, sordidness, bribery, corrupt,, bribable, open
815 VENALITY to bribery, purchasable, buyable, grafting, fraudulent, dishonorable, untrustworthy,
unscrupulous, unprincipled, mercenary, avaricious, grasping,
Quarrel, enmity, dispute, blood, feud, blood feud between families, , argument,
816 VENDETTA falling-out, wrangle, clash, altercation, dispute, fight, war, bad blood, bitterness,
rivalry, conflict, discord, strife
Covering, layer, surface, gloss, film, Thin covering, layer of plywood, facing,
deceptive appearance, lamination, overlay, facing, covering, coat, finish, finishing
coat, decorative layer, protective layer, cladding, exterior, patina, varnish, polish,
glaze, film, membrane, skin, sheet
Respected, venerated, revered, reverenced, worshipped, honoured, esteemed,
hallowed, august, distinguished, acclaimed, celebrated, lionized, renowned,
illustrious, glorious, legendary, famed, eminent, pre-eminent, great, elevated,
prominent, notable, noted, respectable, reputable, decent, honourable, worthy
Malicious, hostile, vicious, savage, Poisonous, deadly, toxic, malice, hostility,
819 VENOMOUS poisonous, toxic, noxious, dangerous, harmful, deadly, lethal, death-dealing, life-
threatening, fatal, mortal, terminal, killing

(of or relating to a ventricle (of the heart or brain), Heart ventricle, heart chamber,
820 VENTRICLE brain cavity, a small cavity or chamber in the body or in an organ, aorta, ABO
system, atheroma,, anticoagulant, bleeding, beat, atrium, artery,
Truthfulness, truth, accuracy, accurateness, correctness, exactness, precision,
preciseness, realism, authenticity, faithfulness, fidelity, reputability, honesty,
sincerity, trustworthiness, reliability, dependability, scrupulousness, ethics,
morality, righteousness, virtuousness, decency, goodness, probity
Top, certain, apex, height, Highest point, summit, top of the head, point where sides
822 VERTEX of angle meet, peak, tip, mountaintop, pinnacle, crest, brow, crown, technical
acme, zenith, apogee
Enthusiasm, vigour, energy, pep, dynamism, go, elan, vitality, vivacity, buoyancy,
liveliness, animation, sprightliness, zest, sparkle, effervescence, fizz, spirit,
823 VERVE spiritedness, ebullience, life, dash, brio, fervour, gusto, eagerness, keenness,
passion, zeal, relish, feeling, ardour, fire, fieriness, drive, forcefulness, force,
strength, determination, motivation, push, vehemence, fanaticism
Small room for arrivals, antechamber, anteroom, doorway, porch, gateway,
824 VESTIBULE hallway, entrance hall, hall, entrance, porch, portico, foyer, reception area, lobby,
anteroom, antechamber, outer room, waiting room
Workable, feasible, practicable, practical, applicable, usable, manageable,
operable, operational, possible, within the bounds of possibility, within the realms
825 VIABILITY of possibility, within reach, within reason, likely, achievable, attainable,
accomplishable, realizable, reasonable, sensible, realistic, logical, useful, of use,
serviceable, suitable, expedient, effective, valid, tenable
Harvest, wine, crop, yield, grape harvesting, wine production, year, Era, time,
period, gathering, year's growth, aged, antiquated, archaic, bumper crop, bygone,
classic, dated, demode, generation, matured, mellowed, old-fashioned, old-fogyish,
old-time, outdated, yield
Fury, scold, fish wife, harridan, furious, Offensive term, A violent woman, A
courageous woman, Amazon, harpy, shrew, termagant, vixen, shrew, dragon,
termagant, vixen, fishwife, witch, hellcat, she-devil, tartar, martinet, spitfire, hag,
gorgon, fury, ogress, harpy, nag, trout
In effect, effectively, all but, more or less, practically, almost, nearly, close to,
approaching, not far from, nearing, verging on, bordering on, well-nigh, nigh on,
just about, as good as, essentially, in essence, in practical terms, for all practical
purposes, to all intents and purposes, in all but name, as near as dammit
Poisonous, fatal, lethal, deadly, destructive, harmful, injurious, Very poisonous,
829 VIRULENT strong, active, potent, toxic, venomous, noxious, mortal, terminal, death-dealing,
life-threatening, dangerous, , pernicious, damaging, destructive, unsafe
Guts, intestines, insides, innards, noun, synonyms, bowels, entrails, Internal
organs, offal, Appendix, blind gut, cecum, colon, duodenum, endocardium, esprit,
830 VISCERA foregut, giblets, gizzard
heart of hearts, hindgut, insides, jejunum, kishkes, midgut, perineum, pylorus,
stuffing, ticker
View, glimpse, landscape, seascape, scene, outlook, view, prospect, panorama,
831 VISTA aspect, perspective, spectacle, sight, landscape, rivers cape, townscape,

Make a picture in the mind, anticipate, apprehend, divine, create, envision, see,
foresee, fancy, envisage, , picture in the mind's eye, picture, call to mind, see,
imagine, evoke, fancy, dream about, dream up, fantasize about, conceptualize,
conceive of, think about, contemplate
Essential, indispensable, crucial, key, necessary, needed, required, requisite,
important, all-important, of the utmost importance, of great consequence, of the
833 VITAL essence, critical, life-and-death, imperative, mandatory, urgent, pressing, burning,
compelling, acute, paramount, pre-eminent, high-priority, significant,
Booming, stentorian, thundering, uproarious, voluble, vehement, outspoken,
vocal, forthright, plain-spoken, frank, candid, open, uninhibited, direct, earnest,
eager, enthusiastic, full-throated, vigorous, insistent, emphatic, demanding
clamorous, strident, loud, raucous, noisy, rowdy
Greed, hunger, avidity, rapacity, Insatiable, eager, avid, big, ravenous,
835 VORACIOUS unquenchable, unappeasable, prodigious, uncontrollable, uncontrolled,
omnivorous, compulsive, gluttonous, greedy, rapacious
Eddy, whirlpool, gyre, countercurrent, current, twister, whirlwind, maelstrom,
Treat, weld, subject, to, vulcanization, Harden something with chemicals, brand,
burn, burn in, burn off, Process, cure, age, heal, recover, treat, blister, scorch,
837 VULCANIZE swinge, blaze, flame, Parch, solder, sear, cast, brand, rubber, burn off, torrefy,
singe, cupel, burn in, oxidate, oxidize, pyrolyze, vesicate, cauterize, rubberize,
elasticize, sclerosis, alter, arrange, cleanse, refine, edit
Pasty, bleached, sickly, white, pale, faint, pallid, ashen, drawn, indicative of low
spirits, pale, ashen, white, white as a sheet, grey, anemic, jaundiced, colourless,
838 WAN bloodless, waxen, chalky, milky, pasty, pasty-faced, whey-faced, peaky, tired-
looking, washed out, sallow, drained, drawn, sapped, ghostly, deathly, deathlike,
Coax, flatter, persuade, charm, politely, cajole, inveigle, inveigle, lure, induce,
blarney, entice, tempt, beguile, influence, sway, win someone over, bring someone
round, prod, talk, convince, make, get, press, prevail on, get round, argue, reason,
urge, pressure, pressurize, bring pressure to bear on, coerce
Sarcastic, mocking, dry, ironic, cynical, sardonic, amusing though, satirical,
840 WRY mocking, scoffing, sneering, derisive, scornful, sarcastic, double-edged, droll,
witty, humorous
Nationalist, bigoted, parochial, insular, racialist, Fear of foreigners, Chauvinistic,
841 XENOPHOBIC intolerant, racist, patriotic, racist, racialist, ethnocentric, jingoistic, jingo,
Dry, arid, desiccant, evaporated, dehydrated, Related to dry habitat, desert,
842 XERIC drought, waste land, drought, prosy, sear, stuffy, drab, dreary, dusty, gaunt, stodgy,
tasteless, tedious, tiresome
Band, ground, region, territory, area, sector, section, belt, territory, tract, stretch,
843 ZONE
expanse, district, quarter, precinct, locality, neighborhood, province, land

Section No. 2
Short-listed Vocabulary
(Especially designed for the students of MDCAT in order to save their time for other weighty subjects)
MEDICAL JARGON: Acupuncture (treatment of pain), Angina (heartache), Aneurysm, Atrophy, Caesarean,
Coccyx, Glaucoma, Corpuscle (mote) , Glucose, Holistic medicine, Fermentation, Homeopathy, Lipid,
Paramedic, Remedial, Sanatorium, Septic, Somatic, Triage, Inoculate, Hydra (Pandemic/ dangerous),
Herbicide, Palpation, Palpitation (fast heartbeat), Anaphylactic (allergic reaction), Hypertension, Traction
(Treatment through pulling bones), Sciatica (Backache), Quadriceps (thigh muscles), Metabolism,
Hypothermia, Therapeutic/ Remedial (healing), Ambulatory (moving), Antibody, Atrophy, Chromosome,
Comatose (unconscious), Contusion, Cramp (muscle spasm), Cranial (motor nerve), Decompression,
Botanical (Related to plants), Burgeoning (growing quickly), Bloom, Espalier (Tree growing against wall),
Bouquet, Florid (flowers bunch), Steppe, Prairie, Pampas (Grassland), Veneer (wood coating), Arboreal
MIXTURE/ COLLECTION OF THINGS: Medley, Potpourri, Archive (collection), Heterogeneous, Mosaic, Motley,
Infusion, Montage, Collage, Coterie, Collective, Concerted, Cumulative, Cluster,
Skeptic (nonbeliever), Seminary (theological college), Maverick (extremist), Surplice (Gown), Fiesta
(religious celebration), Sanctity (Piety), Encyclical (a formal statement issued by the pope to bishop),
Basilica (church, temple), Denomination (religious sect), Liturgy (worship ceremony), Exonerate,
Absolution, Matriculation (admission)
STUPID/ FOOLISH/ CONTRADICTORY (ACT OR PERSON): Obtuse (dull witted), Palaver (chatterbox), Crass
(insensitive), Deadhead (dull), Paradox (absurd or contradictory), Virago (Harsh woman)
BOLD/ BRAVE: Audacious (daring), Chivalry (gallantry), Robust, Stalwart, Hawk,
Itinerant (travelling), Mosey (wander), Ambulatory (moving), Divagate (wander), Commute, Pedestrian,
Jitney (small bus)
PATRIOTISM: Hawk, Jingoist, Xenophobic (Belligerent, Chauvin, Chauvinist), Stalwart (Loyal)
SCOLDING/ CRITICISM: Chastise, Admonish, Berate, Vituperation, Broadside, Disdain, snide (Censure,
Scorn), Harangue (criticism/ advice), Jeremiad (long complaint), Sardonic, Sarcastic, Decry, Blasphemy
(impious), Taboo (forbidden)
PARODY/ RIDICULE: Lampoon, Caricature, Satire
Decorum, Urbane (civilized), Obeisant, Obsequious, Deferential (respectful, reverential, submissive),
Commiserate (sympathize), Classic (standard/ modal), Classical (time-honored), Benign, beneficence
(kind), Benediction (blessing/ prayer), August (noble/ kind), Fop/Dandy (Good looking person),
Disdain (hate), Heinous (dreadful), Venomous (poisonous), Execrable (very bad), Snide (sarcastic)
Trash talk (insult), Aspersion (defamation), Mordant (harsh), Scorn (Contempt)
Lemming (Small mouse), Bantam (small chicken), Dwarf, Nibelung (small humanoid), Hiatus (Small gap)
TOP CLASS: Vintage (high quality wine), Peerless (unequaled), Optimum (the best), Vertex (apex,
culminate), Uber- (exceptional), ameliorate (to improve)
INBUILT/ INBORN: Inherent, Intrinsic (inborn), Lineage (ancestry)

PRAISE/ APPRECIATION OF COURAGE: Accolade, Laud, Encomium (commend), Meritorious (admirable)

Bravura (vigor), Brio (enthusiasm), Dote (love/ admire), Avid (keen/ passionate)
TEACHER: Mentor, Guru, Docent
DISAGREEMENT: Discrepancy, Dissent, Dissenter, Dissension, Dissonance (conflict), Tussle, Vendetta
(disagreement), Surrealism, Surrealistic (unconnected)
Evasive (avoid clarity), Equivocate (avoid giving a clear answer), Elusive (unclear), Eschew (give up), Balk
(hesitate/ avoid).
IMMATURE/ HARMLESS: Innocuous (harmless), Clement (mild), Jejune (childish/ boring), Guileless (honest/
GREEK MYTHOLOGY: Adonis (handsome man), Herculean (powerful), Amazon (Greek warrior), Hector
(bully), Titan (giant)
CONFUSE/ODDNESS: Addle, Abstruse, Discombobulate, Baffle, (confuse), Muddle (disorder), Skittish (very
nervous), Aberration (deviation), Anomaly (irregularity)
ABOUT WOMEN: Amazon (Greek warrior), Virago (A violent woman), Flibbertigibbet (chatterbox), Lissome
(slip and attractive woman),
CHEAT: Bamboozle (cheat), Duplicitous (guileful), Gambit (trick), Artifice (trick), Stratagem (trick), Finagle
(scheme), Perfidious (deceitful), Mountebank (fraud), Sandbagger, Spurious, Specious
PAUSE/ GAP: Hiatus, Moratorium, Notch (pause), Aperture (hole/gap)
FATIGUED: Ennui (Boredom) Jaded (tired), Phlegmatic/ Apathetic (uninterested)
NOISY: Clamorous (noisy), Obstreperous (noisy), Resonance (sonority), Vociferous (loud), Stentorian
(loud), Kerfuffle (disorder)
WARNING/ ADVICE: Exhortation (give a repeated advice), Admonition (warning), Premonition (fore-
warning/ suspicion), Impending (forthcoming/ approaching), Overlie (imminent)
FLATTERY: Coax (persuade), Wheedle (persuade), Beguile (deceive), Glib (insincere talk), Coquetry
CALM: Placate (pacify), Cosset (pamper), Tranquil (relaxation), Placid (calm), Allay (ease), Sedate (quiet),
Conciliatory (pacifying), Mitigate (ease), Clement (calm/ fair), Halcyon (calm)
SELF-DENYING/ PATIENCE: Stoicism (patience), Ascetic (self-denying), Sanctity (holiness), Reclusive (solitary)
FRIENDLY: Cordial, Cordiality (genial), Affinity (attraction), Acquiesce (agree/ accept), Rapport
SYMBOL: Emblematic (representative)
TEMPORARY: Evanescent (momentary), Transient (brief), Deciduous,
DOUBTFUL: Cynical (suspicious/ sarcastic), Moot (arguable), Skeptic, Skeptical (doubtful), Scruple (doubt)
COPYING: Emulate (imitate), Duplicitous (Dual-faced)
ENTHUSIASM: Avid (eager), Galvanized (motivated), Robust (strong/ powerful), Verve (enthusiasm),
Alacrity (eagerness), Brio, Bravura, Stalwart (strong/ loyal)
HEAVY/ HUGE: Monolithic (massive), Prodigious (huge), Encumber (burdensome), Herculean (heavy)
IRRITATE: Roil (agitate), Querulous (Grumble), Tussle (fight), Exhortation (give a repeated advice)
SLEEP: Siesta, Nap (doze, snooze)
VALLEY: Dale (gorge), Vale (valley), Vista (view)
WEAK: Craven (cowardly), Debility (weakness), Wan (pale/ pallid), Disability (Frailty)
CONSERVATIVE: Orthodox (conventional), Reactionary (back-ward looking)
SAVAGE: Barbaric/Feral (brutal), Implacable (cruel), Predatory (rapacious), Rakish (sinful/ immoral)
Food: Provender (dry food), Potable (Edibles), Patisserie (bakery)

IMAGINATIVE: Idealist (visionary), Chimerical (fanciful), Figment (illusion), Apocryphal (fictitious)

LAZY: Torpid, Vegetative (inactive), Obtuse (slow/ dumb), Deadhead, Pedestrian, Phlegmatic
FASHIONABLE: Vogue (fashion), Modish (stylish), Fop (fashionable), Gaudy (showy), Cameo (small engraved
picture), Emblazon (decorate), Beaded
POOR: Privation (poverty), Indigent (poor),
FUNNY: Droll (amusing/ funny), Jocular (funny),
ANALYZE: Reconnoiter (investigate), Scrutinize (inspect), Inquisition (inquiry), Analyzed
FORGIVENESS: Absolution (forgiveness), Exonerate (vindicate), Extricate (free), Condone,
SUPPOSE: Assume (undertake), Extrapolate (infer)
MISLEADING: Spurious (false), Red herring (misleading), Specious (deceptive), Superficial (not serious),
Equivocate (unclear)
STIMULUS: Impetus (motivation), Galvanize (encourage), Incentive (inducement), Catalyst (promoter)
GREEDY: Rapacious, Voracious, voraciousness
DISHONEST: Disingenuous (dishonest), Mean (selfish), Venality (bribery/ corruption), Devious (tricky)
OBSTINATE: Tenacious (stubborn), Adamantine (fixed/ determined), Intransigent (inflexible)
DANGER: Jeopardy (danger), Parlous (risky)
REQUEST/ ORDER: Benediction (blessing/prayer), Behest (request/ order)
Fascia (front/face/visage), Gable (side wall/ peak), Mansard (roof sloping all round), Guise (façade), Vista
(view), Palazzo (Italian palace)
Diva (famous singer), Etude (short musical composition), Trilogy (Dramatic poem), Leitmotif (tune/ theme),
Aria (Solo song), Parable (story)
SKILLFUL: Adroitness (ability), Dexter (on the right/ skillful), Ability, Capable, Career
INCOMPREHENSIBLE: Abstruse (obscure), Inscrutable (unknowable), Arcane (secret), Amorphous
COLORS: Xanthic (yellow), Onyx (black stone) Green (blooming) Ruddy (reddish) Claret (deep red)
Tinge (colors, dye), Chiaroscuro (artistic use of light and shade)
LARGE HEARTED: Magnanimous (generous), Largess (charity), Benign (kind), Beneficence
HAPPY: Sanguine (cheerful), Felicitous, Felicity (happiness), Mirth (merriment), Jocund (happy), Cloud nine
(climax of happiness),
RENOUNCE/ REJECT: Temperance (restraint), Proscription (prohibition/ ban), Eschew (avoid/ give up),
Illicit (illegal/ prohibited), Abnegate (reject)
RESERVED: Demure (shy), Diffident, Diffidence (shyness/ reserved/ lack of confidence), Latent (hidden),
Scruple (Hesitation)
WINE RELATED WORDS: Magnum (1.5 liter wine bottle/Gun/Master piece), Vintage (wine), Claret (dark-red
FOR MEASUREMENTS: Ergometer (instrument measuring muscle power), Odometer (distance recording
device), Demographics (population count)
GEOGRAPHY RELATED: Cartographer (mapmaker), Reconnoiter (Spy), Horse Latitudes (Calm areas at sea in
North Pole and South Pole), Epicenter (earthquake center), Xeric (desert like place), Vale (valley), Steppe,
Prairie, Pampas (Grassland)
INSTRUMENTS/ DEVICES: Buckle (clip), Cachet (official seal/ superior status), Churn (a container for shaking
milk/ swirl/ stir up), compatible (harmonious), Hammer and tongs (with all resources), Hone (to make
knives/ improve), Kiln (Industrial oven/ kiln)

PHYSICS RELATED WORDS: Vortex (whirling motion), Vociferous (high voice), Vertex (two angled), Undulate
(wave/ ripple), Undulating (wavy form), Understeer (Turn too wide), Traction (act of pulling), Tipping point
(irreversible), Swivel (spin), Skew (Tilted/ inclines)

Section No. 3
Sentence Completion

Grammar based Vocabulary based Logic based

1. If he had been the prime minister, he ________________ (help) the poor.

a. will help b. would have helped c. would help d. were helping
2. The patient ___________ before the doctor came.
a. will have died b. should have died c. had died d. had been dying

Vocabulary based

1. Each occupation has its own _________; bankers, lawyers, and computer
scientists all use language related to their respective professions.
a. demerits b. jargon c. merits d. rewards
2. Joseph loves charity tasks, so he is known as a/an _________.
a. optimist b. skeptical c. humorist d. philanthropist

1. In contrast to the grievances he had, he remained ___________ today.

a. aggressive b. obstinate c. tempered d. quarrelsome
2. The jocular actions of the child made all of us _____________.
a. nervous b. happy c. obnoxious d. relentless

Guidelines to Remember:
MCATIANS! The review of the UHS MCAT past papers maintains that ‘vocabulary based’ MCQs are taken up
for the evaluation of your optimum learning of MDCAT Vocabulary.
 Prepare MDCAT Vocabulary with all possible Connotations and Collocations.
 Read the sentence semantically and understand the linguistic context for the best option.
Consider the following steps to complete this initial section of your paper.
Steps to reach at the right option:
Step 1 (Comprehension): First and the foremost thing is to understand the meaning of the sentence. Read
the sentence by filling the space with the option No. 1 in order to comprehend the meaning of the
sentence. You cannot get the meaning with the unfilled space anywhere in the sentence. It is important
because it tells you what the writer wants to convey.
Step 2 (Placing and Replacing /Filling in the blank through shuffling the choices):
Put all the four choices in the blank one by one and relate the meaning to the role of keyword each time.
Through this process you can easily select the right option within one minute. This is the best 3-step method
for logic-based Sentence completion.

Step 3((Excluding the Options) If you have prepared MDCAT Vocab very well, first three steps are enough to
help you reach at the best option.
Step 4 (Find Keywords/Phrases): Many clues (words/ phrases) guide us in the process of selecting the
appropriate option.
Step 5 (Emergency Point; MDCAT Vocab word is generally correct):

Keywords/ phrases

Showing contrast showing relevance

In opposition to, Because

In contrast to, Since/ as/ for
But, For the reason that
Although/ yet So/ thus/ consequently
In spite of Therefore
However As a result
Against Hence
Despite In accordance with/ to
Still Like
Nonetheless Corresponding
Nevertheless And
Even so Since
On the other hand A semicolon (;)
Regardless of

‘No longer’ indicates change of state

You cannot say: I like engineering, so I got admission in a medical college. Obviously, the keyword
‘so’ wouldn’t allow you to create a paradoxical situation.
You can say: I like engineering, but I got admission in a medical college.
You cannot say: He is active and weak. The keyword ‘and’ relates two synonymous concepts.
You can say: He is active and healthy. OR He is active though weak. OR He is weak but active.
These easy examples have been added to determine the role of keywords. Identification of the
keywords and their role give a better sense of selection from the given choices.

Section No. 4
Annoy with/at + somebody I was annoyed with/at my roommates.
Annoy with + something I was annoyed with the excess of work.

Analogous to Fight Against

Part from (things) Differ with someone

Part with (persons) Differ from something

Grateful to + a person We are grateful to our boss.

Grateful for + benefit We are grateful to our boss for his kindness.

Angry with + person I was angry with my cousin.

Angry at + situation He is angry at my mismanagement.
1. Abide “by the rules”
2. Answer “to him for what you’ve done,” “for what you’ve done.”
3. Caution “about unsafe conditions,”
4. Compare with other products that make the same claims (of same category)
Ali compared my notebook with his notebook.
5. Compare to (to point out differences between objects of different nature.
Life has been compared to a pilgrimage, to a drama, to a battle.
5. Differ “from other species in their diet,” “with them about the cause of the company’s failure,” or
“about public policy,” “on public policy,” or “over public policy.”
6. Different “from what he was used to,”
7. Dissent “against the status quo,” “from the majority opinion.”
8. Dissimilar “to her previous sculpture.” (From is considered incorrect.)
9. Equivalent “in amounts,” “to the earlier result.” (With is not considered standard usage.)
10. Excerpt “from their book was reprinted without their permission.” (Of is considered incorrect.)
11. Forbid “him from attending,” “him to attend.” (To is considered the more correct of the two choices.)
12. Identical “with the one she saw yesterday.”
13. Independent of the group, he protested the plan. CORRECT
“Independent from her family,” is considered incorrect.)
14. instilled “instilled a few drops of the solution into the wound,” “in him a drive to succeed.” (With, as in
“Instilled with a drive to succeed,” is considered incorrect.)
15. Vexed “about her behavior,” “at her behavior.”
The correct preposition to use with the following words depends on whether the object is a person or a
16. Comment “about her” or “to you about what happened,” but “on the issue.”
17. Impatient “with him,” but “about the delay,” “at the delay,” or “with the delay.”
18. Inquired “of him where he was going” and “after her whereabouts,” but “into their progress” or “about
the vacant apartment.”
19. Mastery “over all other competitors,” but “of the skill.”
20. Reconcile “with her friend,” but “to the loss of her friend.”
21. Succeed “to the position.”

abide by (a decision) oblivious of or to

abstain/refrain from originate in or with (NOT from)
In accordance with parallel with or to
accountable for (something) perpendicular to (NOT with or from)
accountable to (someone) persist in
agree on (terms) point at (something)
agree to (a proposal) point to (a fact)
answer to (someone) prefer one to the other
associate with (someone, something) preference for (to have a ...)
aware of preoccupied with (NOT of)
begin from (a specific point) preside over or at
begin with (an initial step or action) prevent from (doing something)
capable of (NOT capable to) proceed against (a person)
commensurate with (in accordance with) proceed to (the next step or phase)
consistent with (NOT consistent of or to) proceed with (what has already started)
correspond to (similar to) prohibit from (an act)
correspond with (communicate with) put in/into place
defend against (direct attack) reconcile to (a thing, a condition)
defend from (protect, keep safe) reconcile with (a person)
different from (NOT to or than) reduction in pay (NOT to)
discourage from reference to (with reference to; NOT in)
disassociate (oneself) from regard for (a person)
divest oneself of regardless of (what happens)
elaborate on (NOT about) register in (a course)
embark on (a ship, a career) register with (a college)
enamored of (NOT with) report for (work)
endowed with report on (a situation)
focus on (NOT around) report to (the police)
free from (or free of) research in (a field of specialty)
immune to (a disease) research into (a specific subject)
impressed with or by (NOT of) responsibility of (had the responsibility of deciding)
indifferent to (NOT from) responsibility for (an action)
indispensable to (someone) result from (an event)
indispensable for (a purpose, a condition) result in (a consequence, an outcome)
integrate into (incorporate into) revolve around
integrate with (mix with) secure (to be secure against attack)
invest in (stocks, business) secure from (to be secure from harm)
invest with (a bank) secure in (to be secure in his job/position)
keep abreast of (NOT with) substitute for
labor at (work at a task) suggest (that he do something: NOT suggest him to
labor for (work for someone) do)
labor under (a burden, disadvantage) suited to (a purpose, each other)
liable to (dismissal, a fine; NOT for) suited for (a job)
live off (the land) sympathize with (person)
live on (a pension) sympathy for (some happening)
look after (a business, a child, a pet) sympathetic to/toward
look into (a matter of interest ) take account of
look over (a bank statement, a report) take into account
made of (visible ingredients) tend toward (tendency to do something)
made from (invisible ingredients) tend to do (something)
view of (in view of the circumstances)
view to (with a view to do something)
 at any rate: whatever happens or is happening
 at one's disposal: available for one’s use
 at fault: causing a problem or accident
 at first: in the beginning
 at last: finally, after some delay
 at a loss: unsure of what to do or say; speechless
 behind the scenes: influencing events secretly; unseen
 beside the point : irrelevant
 by accident: not on purpose
 by all means: by any possible method
 by hand: without the use of machinery
 by heart: from memory
 by mistake: accidentally
 by oneself: alone
 by the way: incidentally (used to introduce a new, unrelated topic)
 for good: permanently
 for a living: as a profession
 for one thing: because of one reason (out of several)
 for sale: intended to be sold
 for sure: definitely
 for now/ for the time being: until some other arrangement/decision is made
 for a while: for a period of time
 from scratch: from raw ingredients/materials; without anything pre-made
 from time to time: occasionally
 in advance: before something begins; early
 in any case: whatever happens
 in charge: in command; responsible for
 in common: shared by two or more people
 in danger: likely to be harmed (opposite: out of danger/out of harm’s way)
 in a daze: unable to think clearly; confused
 in debt: owing money (opposite: out of debt)
 in demand: wanted by many people
 in the end: after everything is finished (describes a final outcome)
 in fact: in reality; really
 in a hurry: doing something quickly
 in itself: without anything else
 in the long run: in the end; eventually
 in mint condition: perfect; as though brand-new
 in a minute/moment/second: soon; quickly (used to tell how much longer it
will be until something happens)
 in no time: very soon; very quickly (used to tell how quickly something
 in season: (fruit or vegetables) ripe and available for sale at that time of
year (opposite: out of season)
 in trouble: blamed or punished for doing something wrong; in a difficult
situation (opposite: out of trouble)
 in vain: without success
 in the wrong: responsible for an error; guilty
 inside out: with the inner side out
 of course: certainly; as one would expect; as everyone knows
 off and on: (describes a situation that exists at some times, but not others,
over a period of time)
 on account of: because of
 on the air: in the process of broadcasting (on radio or television)
 on all fours: (people) on hands and knees; (animals) on all four feet
 on demand: when requested or demanded
 on fire: burning; in flames (not burning as in turning black from staying in
the oven too long)
 on hand: available; in stock
 on the lookout: watchful
 on the one hand: (used to introduce the first side of an argument)
 on one's own: alone; without assistance
 on the other hand: alternatively (used with “on the one hand” to introduce
a contrasting side of an argument)
 on purpose: deliberately
 on sale: being sold at a reduced price
 on second thought: after thinking further
 on a shoestring: with very little money
 on the spur of the moment: spontaneously; on a sudden impulse
 on time: at the correct time
 on the verge of: very close to (an achievement)
 out of the blue: unexpectedly
 out of breath: panting from a shortage of oxygen (usually due to physical
 out of character: different from a person's known character
 out of order: not functioning
 out of the ordinary: unusual
 out of practice: unable to do something as well as one once could because
of lack of recent practice
 out of the question: not to be considered; not an option
 out of shape: not in top physical condition because of lack of exercise
(opposite: in shape)
 out of sight: not able to be seen; hidden (opposite: in sight)
 out of town: not in the city/town where one normally resides (opposite: in
 out of tune: (of music/musical instruments) not at the correct pitch
(opposite: in tune)
 out of work: unemployed
 to a certain extent: partly
 under one's breath: in a whisper; not intending to be heard
 under the circumstances: because of the current situation/circumstance
 under control: able to be controlled or influenced (opposites: out of
control/out of hand)
 under fire: being shot at; being criticized
 under the impression that: having the idea/belief that
 under the influence of: affected by (usually alcohol or drugs)
 up in the air: uncertain (with regard to the outcome of a situation)
 with the naked eye: without the use of a lens
 with regard/respect to: concerning; about
 with a vengeance: more than usual; angrily
Section No. 5
1. Beat beat beaten
2. Become became become
3. Begin began begun
4. Bend bent bent
5. Bet bet bet
6. Bite bit bitten
7. Bleed bled bled
8. Blow blew blown
9. Break broke broken
10. Bring brought brought
11. Build built built
12. Buy bought bought
13. Catch caught caught
14. Choose chose chosen
15. Come came come
16. Cost cost cost
17. Cut cut cut
18. Dig dug dug
19. Do did done
20. Draw drew drawn
21. Drink drank drunk
22. Drive drove driven
23. Dye dyed dyed
24. Fall(v.i) fell fallen
25. Feed fed fed
26. Fell (v.t) felled felled
27. Fight fought fought
28. Find found found
29. Fly flew flown
30. Forget forgot forgotten
31. Forgive forgave forgiven
32. Freeze froze frozen
33. Get got got/ gotten
34. Give gave given
35. Go went gone
36. Hang (up) hung hung
37. Have had had
38. hear heard heard
39. Hide hid hidden
40. Hit hit hit
41. Hold held held
42. Hurt hurt hurt
43. Keep kept kept
44. Know knew known
45. Lay (v.t) laid laid
46. Lead led led
47. Leave left left
48. Lend lent lent
49. Let let let
50. Lie (down) (v.i) lay lain
51. Light lit lit
52. Lose lost lost
53. Lie Lied Lied
54. Mean meant meant
55. Meet met met
56. Pay paid paid
57. Put put put
58. Quit quit quit
59. Read read read
60. Ride rode ridden
61. Ring rang rung
62. Rise rose risen
63. Run ran run
64. Say said said
65. See saw seen
66. Sell sold sold
67. Send sent sent
68. Set set set
69. Shake shook shaken
70. Shine shone shone
71. Shoot shot shot
72. Shrink shrank shrunk
73. Shut shut shut
74. Sing sang sung
75. Sink sank sunk
76. Sit sat sat
77. Sleep slept slept
78. Slide slid slid
79. Speak spoke spoken
80. Spend spent spent
81. Spin spun spun
82. Stand stood stood
83. Steal stole stolen
84. Stick stuck stuck
85. Sting stung stung
86. Swear swore sworn
87. Sweep swept swept
88. Swim swam swum
89. Swing swang/swung swung
90. Teach taught taught
91. Tear tore torn
92. Tell told told
93. Think thought thought
94. Throw threw thrown
95. Understand understood understood
96. Wake woke woken
97. Wear wore worn
98. Win won won
99. Wind wound wound
100. Write wrote written


CHEMICAL GRAMMAR (Book I, II, III, and Mr. Chips) (Synonyms + Usage)
By Analyzed by By
Prof. Salman ul Waheed Prof. Salman ul Waheed Prof. Salman ul Waheed


1. Purchase ‘Chemical Grammar’ authored by Salman ul Waheed
2. Past Papers Analysis and Guidelines by Salman ul Waheed
3. Intermediate Grammar Revision Document
4. Analysis of Intermediate Books by Salman ul Waheed
5. Document on Phrasal Verbs by Salman ul Waheed
6. Presentations on MDCAT Vocabulary by Salman ul Waheed
7. For all material help and Distance Learning, join MDCAT English
WhatsApp Groups at 03066333466

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