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Detecting Emergent Interference in Integration of Multiple

Self-Adaptive Systems ∗

Somayeh Malakuti
Software Technology Group
Technische Universität Dresden, Germany

ABSTRACT the subsystem implementing the self-adaptation functional-

A system of systems (SoS) is a large-scale concurrent and ity [20].
distributed system whose components are complex systems. A novel application of self adaptation is in the domain of
An example of SoS is in the domain of self-adaptive sys- green computing. Within the context of the HAEC (Highly
tems, where multiple self-adaptive systems must be inte- Adaptive Energy-efficient Computing) project1 , different re-
grated with each other. As for any other kind of SoS, we search teams are investigating various kinds of SAS at differ-
face the following question: is there any emergent interfer- ent layers such as operating systems, database management
ence as the result of such integration, which prevents the systems, application software and virtual machines [9]. The
constituent self-adaptive systems to achieve their goals? Due common goal of these SAS’s is to improve the energy-utility
to the inherent complexity of an SoS, it is not easy to de- of the system: the system must serve the requests of users
tect emergent interference manually, if possible at all. We in an energy efficient way while fulfilling the desired utility
study the suitability of formal modeling and verification for objectives of the users.
detecting emergent interference in an example of SoS, i.e. in- Where each SAS autonomously improves the energy-utility
tegration of multiple self-adaptive systems. Model checking of the system, the final goal of the HAEC project is to in-
reveals that although constituent systems behave correctly tegrate these SAS’s as one system, such that the overall
when executed individually, they fail to provide correct be- energy-utility is optimized via the joint behavior of these
havior in an SoS context due to unforeseen interference that SAS’s.
emerges. During past years, there has been an increasing atten-
tion toward engineering systems of systems in various do-
mains. A system of systems (SoS) is a large-scale concur-
Categories and Subject Descriptors rent and distributed system whose components are complex
D.2.4 [Software/Program verification]: Formal Meth- systems [15, 14]. The constituent systems are operationally
ods, Model Checking and managerially independent, evolve in due time, and their
interactions expose emergent properties [11, 13].
Integrating multiple SAS’s, which are developed and man-
Keywords aged independently, is a novel example of SoS. As for any
emergent behavior, systems of systems, self-adaptive sys- other kind of SoS, we face the following question: ”is there
tems, model checking, UPPAAL any emergent interference as the result of such integration,
which may negatively influence the overall energy-utility of
the system?”
1. INTRODUCTION Detecting emergent interference among multiple SAS’s re-
Self-adaptive systems are characterized by their ability to quires extensive knowledge about the behavior of each indi-
adapt according to changes in their environment. Usually, a vidual SAS, the parts of the system that it adapts, and the
self-adaptive system (SAS) comprises two main parts: man- impacts of such adaptations on other SAS’s. This implies
aged subsystem and managing subsystem. The former is the that manual detection of emergent interference can easily be-
subsystem that is the target of self adaptation; the latter is come an error-prone and time-consuming task in large-scale

The work is supported by the German Research Foundation projects, which may be carried out in an ad-hoc manner.
(DFG) in the Collaborative Research Center 912 ”Highly Therefore, we claim that suitable methodological and tool
Adaptive Energy-Efficient Computing”. support must be provided to software engineers for this mat-
ter. Formal modeling and verification can be regarded a
suitable candidate. As it has been studied in the literature,
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for although formal methods can play a significant role in the
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are verification of SAS’s, the use of formal methods in SAS is
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies still very limited [19]. Especially, the use of formal methods
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to in detecting emergent interference among multiple SAS’s is
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific not widely studied.
permission and/or a fee.
ECSAW August 25 - 29, 2014, Vienna, Austria.
In this paper, we report on our current work in adopting
Copyright 2014 ACM 978-1-4503-2778-7/14/08 1 ...$15.00.
formal modeling and model checking to identify emergent
interference among multiple SAS’s, which negatively influ-
ence the behavior of individual SAS’s. We make use of two
SAS’s, which perform adaptation at the level of applica-
tions and virtual machines (VM), as illustrative examples.
We adopt the UPPAAL model checker to model each sys-
tem as timed automata, and to model the integration of the
In our approach, each SAS is modeled separately, and is
verified to ensure its correct behavior when executed indi-
vidually. The models of individual SAS’s are integrated with
each other to form the target SoS. The properties of each in-
dividual SAS is verified on the target SoS. If the properties
do not hold, there might be emergent interference among
multiple SAS’s. The description of the emergent interfer-
ence can be extracted from the diagnosis trace provided by
the model checker.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2
provides background information about the illustrative ex-
amples and the UPPAAL model checker. Section 3 explains
our approach for modeling and verifying SAS’s; section 4
explains our approach for integrating multiple SAS’s as one Figure 1: The application-level and VM-level SAS’s
SoS and for detecting emergent interference in the target
SoS. Section 5 discusses the related work, and section 6 pro-
vides conclusion and outlines our future work. functionality.


Model-checking is a technique for verifying a given model
2.1 Illustrative Examples with respect to formally expressed properties of the model.
UPPAAL is a toolset that facilitates formal modeling, sim-
Within the context of the HAEC project, we aim at pro-
ulation and model checking of behavioral properties [1]. In
viding multiple SAS’s that operate at different layers to im-
UPPAAL, a system is modeled as a network of timed au-
prove the energy-utility of the system. As shown in Figure 1,
tomata, called processes. A timed automaton is a finite-
we focus on two SAS’s, which operate at the level of virtual
state machine extended with clocks. A clock is a variable
machines (VM) [8] and applications [12] with the objectives
which evaluates to a real number, and whose value increases
of reducing response time and energy consumption. We as-
at the same rate as time.
sume that there is an application that receives video files
A process is an instance of a parameterized template. A
along with the requests to transcode videos, and performs
template can have local declared variables, functions, and
the transcoding.
labeled locations. Processes communicate with each other
The VM-level SAS aims at balancing the load between
through channels. The sender c! synchronizes with the
multiple servers by an intelligent distribution of virtual ma-
receiver c? through a state transition.
chines. To this aim, it frequently checks the load of a server,
In UPPAAL, the state of the system is defined by locations
and if it detects that a server is underutilized, it tries to mi-
of the automata, clocks, and variables values. UPPAAL uses
grate the VMs running on the server to another server that
a subset of TCTL for defining properties to be verified. The
can accommodate these VMs, and turns off the underuti-
query language consists of state formulae and path formulae.
lized server.
The application-level SAS and the application are execut-
ing in a VM. The application-level SAS assumes that there 3. MODELING SELF-ADAPTIVE SYSTEMS
are multiple implementations of an application, which offer Detecting emergent interference among multiple SAS’s re-
the same functionality but with different quality of service quires extensive knowledge about the behavior of each SAS,
such as performance and resolution of the transcoded video. the parts of the system that it adapts, and the impacts
Depending on the offered quality of service, these imple- of such adaptations on other SAS’s. As these systems are
mentations require different amount of resources (e.g. CPU subject to frequent evolution demands, manual detection of
frequency, network bandwidth, RAM) to perform their func- emergent interference can easily become an error-prone and
tionality. time-consuming task in large-scale projects, which may be
The application-level SAS assumes that each request to carried out in an ad-hoc manner.
transcode a video is augmented with user’s desired qual- Therefore, suitable methodological and tool support must
ity of service. Whenever a request is issued by a user, the be provided to software engineers for this matter. Formal
application-level SAS tries to select an implementation of modeling and verification, for example via model checking,
the application, which can fulfill user’s desired quality of can be regarded as suitable means for this matter; via model
service based on the resources that are currently available checking it is possible to generate the state space for individ-
in the server. If it cannot find any implementation, it per- ual behavior of each SAS, as well as the integrated behavior
forms graceful degradation by selecting an implementation of multiple SAS’s.
that requires least amount of resources by providing reduced Before reasoning whether there is any undesired emergent
interference due to the integration of multiple SAS’s, we Figure 4 represents the model of CPU for each server. We
must ensure that each SAS has a correct behavior when ex- consider three main operational states for CPU, i.e. Off, On
ecuted individually. For this matter, we first model each and Changing. The transitions between Off and On takes
SAS, define its properties, and verify that specified proper- place via the requests CPU on[s id]? and CPU off[s id]?.
ties hold in the models. In the following, we illustrate these When the CPU is on, its frequency may change. This is
steps in UPPAAL for our illustrative examples. modeled via CPU frequency change[s id]?, which results in
Figure 2 summarizes the list of variables that are defined changing the variable cpu frequency with the new value. The
in UPPAAL for our illustrative example. The methodology application of the requested change is announced via the
that we adopt is explained below by means of our illustrative channel synchronization CPU frequency changed[s id]!.

cpu_frequency = new_cpu_frequency

cpu_frequency = 0

CPU_on[s_id]? Off
cpu_frequency = new_cpu_frequency

Figure 4: A model of CPUs

Likewise, Figure 5 represents the model of network card,

and the requests to change the network bandwidth.


NIC_on[s_id]? BW_change[s_id]?
bw = new_bw

bw = 0
Figure 2: The set of UPPAAL variables
bw = new_bw Off
3.1 Modeling the execution environment
There may be emergent interference among multiple SAS’s Figure 5: A model of network interface cards
because they are operating in one common environment, and
may utilize and influence a common set of resources. There-
fore, as an initial step, we model the environment in which 3.2 Modeling SAS’s
SAS’s will be executed as well as the possible changes that Separate models must be provided for each SAS to repre-
are supported by the environment. sent the fact that the SAS’s are developed separately. Fig-
For our example, we assume that there are two servers; ure 6 represents a model of for the application-level SAS.
one supports the CPU frequency of 2GHz and the network Here, a request to transcode a video on the current server
bandwidth of 100MB/s, the other supports the CPU fre- is received via the channel receive request[current server]?,
quency of 1GHz and the network bandwidth of 10MB/s. and the information about the request is updated in the
Figure 3 represents the model of servers as a parametric variable request.
template in UPPAAL; s id is the model parameter, which The current CPU frequency and network bandwidth of
represents the unique identifier of a sever. In the location current server are stored in the variables cur cpu and cur bw
Start, the requests to turn on a server are received via the to be used for selecting the best configuration of the applica-
channel synchronization turn on[s id]?. If the server is al- tion that can be executed in the current setting. If there is
ready on, on == 1, the request will be ignored. Otherwise, no such a configuration, graceful degradation is performed,
a transition takes place to the location Turning On. This is in which the implementation that requires least amount of
followed by a request to turn on the corresponding CPU via resources is selected. We assume that this implementation
the channel CPU on[s id]!. The desired value for the CPU requires the minimum CPU frequency of 1 GHz and network
frequency is determined by the function getFrequency. bandwidth of 10 MB/s, where the other implementations re-
Likewise, there will be a request to turn on the network quire the minimum CPU frequency of 2 GHz and network
card via the channel synchronization NIC on[s id]!. After- bandwidth of 100 MB/s.
wards, there will be a transition to the location Turned on, After selecting and applying the selected configuration,
in which it is informed that the server is successfully turned the request is being served by the application in the location
on via the channel synchronization turned on[s id]!. The re- Serving Request. A time-consuming computation for serving
quests to turning off a server are modeled in a similar way. the request is modeled via the invariant clk <= 30 over
on = 1
new_bw = getBandwidth(s_id)
turn_on[s_id]? new_cpu_frequency = getFrequency(s_id)
turn_on[s_id]? on == 0 Turning_On
on == 1
on == 0 turn_off[s_id]? CPU_off[s_id]! NIC_off[s_id]!
on == 1
Start Turned_Off
on = 0

Figure 3: A model of servers


request = getRequestInfo()

cur_cpu = getCurrentCPU(),
cur_bw = getCurrentBW(),
clk = 0
clk <= 20
config = getConfig(),
clk = 0
config == -1 config != -1
req_cpu_frequency = 1, req_cpu_frequency = 2,
Gracefully_Degrade req_bw = 10 req_bw = 100 Applying_Configuration
clk <= 10 clk <= 20

clk = 0

request_served[current_server]! clk <= 30

Figure 6: A model of the application-level SAS

the clock variable clk. When the request is served, it is 3.4 Verifying SAS’s
announced via request served[current server]!. To ensure that each SAS has a correct behavior when ex-
Figure 7 represents a model of the VM-level SAS. As soon ecuted individually, we define the following set of properties
as the VM-level SAS starts executing, it constantly checks for each SAS and verify them on the corresponding models.
the load of current server, to detect whether the server is
underutilized. If the load is below MINLOAD, it finds a E<> (ApplicationLevelSAS.request == VALID REQUEST
new server, and starts migrating the VMs to the new server. and ApplicationLevelSAS.Serving Request)
Afterwards, it turns off the current server.
The property 1 specifies that if there is a valid request from
3.3 Modeling the runtime scenarios user, the request will eventually be served by the application.
To be able to simulate and/or verify the behavior of SAS’s,
we require to model the actual usage scenarios for the SAS’s.
A[] not (ApplicationLevelSAS.Applying Configuration and
Figure 8 represents an example model that we provide for
(CPU(current server).cpu frequency < cur cpu
our illustrative example. or NIC(current server).bw < cur bw))
Here, two servers are turned on, and the request to start
the VM-level SAS is issued via start!. Afterwards, five re-
quests are issued to the application-level SAS, which are The safety property 2 specifies that it will never be the case
served sequentially. These requests are modeled via the that while configuring the application with a new implemen-
channel synchronizations receive request[current server]! re- tation, the CPU frequency and network bandwidth goes be-
quest served[current server]?. low the amount being used for selecting the implementation.
!(load >0 && load <= MINLOAD)

Start start? load = getLoad(current_server)

load > 0 && load <= MINLOAD

new_server = getNewServer()

new_server != current_server
tmp = current_server,
End_Migrating current_server = new_server

new_server == current_server

Figure 7: A model of the VM-level SAS

turn_on[1]! turned_on[1]? turn_on[2]! turned_on[2]?

new_cpu_frequency = 2, new_cpu_frequency = 1,
new_bw = 100 new_bw = 10
current_server = 1

cnt >= 5
cnt ++ cnt < 5


Figure 8: A model of runtime scenarios

If this property is violated, the selected implementation is timed automata with each other. The specification of a SoS
not a valid one, because it requires more resources than what that is composed of the application-level and the VM-level
is currently available. SAS’s running in a shared server is shown below:

A[] not (ApplicationLevelSAS.Serving Request and CPU, NIC, Server, ApplicationLevelSAS, VMLevelSAS, Run-
(CPU(current server).cpu frequency < req cpu frequency timeScenario;
or NIC(current server).bw < req bw))

(3) We consider that there is emergent interference if the

property ρ holds in a constituent system, say A, but it does
The safety property 3 specifies that it will never be the case not hold in the SoS comprising other constituent systems:
that while serving a request, the CPU frequency and net-
work bandwidth goes below the amount required for serving
the request.
A |= ρ and (A ⊗ B ⊗ . . . ) 6|= ρ

E<> (load >=0 and load <= MINLOAD and (5)

new server ! = current server and
To check for the existence of emergent interference, we ver-
(VMLevelSAS.Start Migrating imply
VMLevelSAS.End Migrating)) ify the properties of each constituent systems in the target
SoS. For our running example, the verification revealed that
(4) the properties 2 and 3 do not hold in the SoS. This indicates
that there might be some emergent interference between the
The property 4 specifies that if a server is underutilized,
application-level and the VM-level SAS’s that prevents the
and if a new server is found to migrate the VMs to, the
application-level SAS to fulfill its specified properties.
migration will take place.
If a property does not hold in the models, UPPAAL re-
turns a diagnosis trace. Each trace represents a set of state-
4. DETECTING INTERFERENCE transitions in each automata, which caused the violation of
To be able to detect emergent interference, we first need the specified property. The diagnosis traces can be adopted
to integrate multiple SAS’s and form an SoS. UPPAAL fa- as the source for identifying the emergent interference in the
cilitates defining an SoS via integrating multiple concurrent SoS.
The analysis of the diagnosis traces for the properties 2 an observed behavior. Another approach to identify emer-
and 3 let us identify the following emergent interference in gence proposes to look at a measure of the interaction be-
integration of the application-level and the VM-level SAS’s. tween agents in an agent-based model [6]. The interaction
metric is an agent-specific counter that increases as the agent
• Emergent interference (1): If the VM-level SAS interacts with other agents in the environment. Emergence
migrates a VM while application-level SAS is selecting is said to appear if the interaction measure deviates from
an implementation of the application, there may be a normality. This approach provides a straightforward mea-
case that the available resources in the new server is sure of emergence.
below the amount of resources that the application- These approaches consider the constituent systems of an
level SAS is considering for selecting the best imple- SoS to be represented as agents. This is a limiting factor to
mentation. Therefore, the implementation that will apply these approaches to the systems that are not defined
be selected by the application-level SAS may not be a as agents, such as our illustrative application-level and VM-
valid choice for the new server. level SAS’s. On one hand, our proposed approach is more
generic, and assumes that the constituent systems can be
• Emergent interference (2): If the VM-level SAS any kind of system whose behavior is modeled as a set of
migrates a VM while a selected implementation is serv- automata. On the other hand, our approach only focuses on
ing a request, there may be a case that the available one special case of emergent behavior, i.e. interference.
resources in the new server is below the amount of re- The existing methods to detect emergent behavior can
sources that is required by the implementation. be classified into three categories [18]: variable-based [10],
event-based [7], and grammar-based methods [16]. In the
These two have the following negative impacts on the over- variable-based methods, a set of variables are chosen to rep-
all energy-utility of the SoS. First, if the application-level resent emergence. In the event-based methods, the behavior
SAS continues selecting an implementation, which requires of constituent systems are defined as a set of events; emer-
more resources than what is available in the new server, the gent behavior is defined as a complex event that can be re-
selected implementation will take more time and power to duced to a sequence of simpler events. In the variable-based
execute. Second, if the process of selecting an implemen- and event-based methods, a priori definition of variables,
tation is restarted so that the new server can be taken into event types and emergence is required. To overcome the
account, this repetition will also increase the overall response problem of a prior definition of emergence, in the grammar-
time and power consumption of the system. based methods, an extended cooperating array grammar sys-
tem is used to formalize the environment, agents and the
5. RELATED WORK corporations among the agents.
Adopting formal modeling and model checking to detect
Nowadays, it is becoming more popular to adopt formal
emergent behavior can be regarded as a combination of the
methods in the development of SAS’s. However, the major
variable-based and event-based methods. Here, the behav-
use of formal methods has been for the purpose of specify-
ior of each constituent system is modeled as an event-based
ing and reasoning about the design of an SAS [19]. There
automaton, and the states of each automaton is represented
have been various attempts to adopt formal methods for the
via a set of variables. A specific global state of the sys-
verification of SAS’s [21, 3, 5, 4]; however, these approaches
tem, which is automatically detected by a model checker, is
are limited to one SAS, and mainly focus on ensuring cer-
regarded as emergent behavior.
tain properties of the SAS such as safety and consistency.
In contrary to these approaches, we studied the inevitable
benefit of formal methods to detect emergent interference 6. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK
among multiple SAS’s. Design and implementation of SoS are being studied in
Various model-based frameworks have been introduced to various domains. A novel example of such systems is in the
uniformly model SAS’s and validate various properties of the area of self-adaptive systems, where the constituent systems
models [2, 17]. Where adopting uniform models to describe are self-adaptive. The integration of these systems as one
multiple SAS’s can be beneficial, it has two shortcomings. SoS may lead to various emergent interference, which pre-
First, such frameworks may not be expressive enough to vents these constituent systems fulfill their goals.
support various kinds of SAS that perform adaptation at Suitable methodological and tool support must be pro-
different levels of granularity such as applications and VMs. vided to software engineers to detect such emergent inter-
Second, by definition, each constituent system of an SoS is ference among multiple SAS’s. In this paper, we illustrated
developed and managed independently by different teams. the suitability of formal modeling and verification for this
Each team usually have different expertise and preferences matter.
in the technologies that they adopt for implementing their The major issue in detecting emergent interference is the
system, which negates the idea of adopting a uniform model- abstraction level in which each constituent system and the
based framework. final SoS are represented. Coarse-grained architectural mod-
Detecting emergent behavior is being studied in the design els may be regarded more suitable for this matter; otherwise,
and implementation of SoS. In [18], a grammar-based set- state-space explosion may be experienced due to large num-
theoretic approach to formalize and verify the existence and ber of automata and their states. As future work, we would
extent of emergence without prior knowledge or definition of like to investigate more on the granularity of the models that
emergent properties. Kubik [16] proposed a method for for- must be adopted for detecting emergent interference.
malizing emergence without prior knowledge of emergence. To cope with emergent interference, it is necessary to
The approach adopts a set-based view on the world, where break the autonomic behavior of each constituent SAS, and
emergence is seen as the difference between a calculated and provide means to coordinate their interactions. As future
work, we would like to study suitable coordination proto- Proceedings of the 2007 Spring Simulation
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