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A. Review of Related Theories


a).Defenision of implemention

There are many definitions of implementation that have been proposed by some experts. In his
The Limits of Administration (1976) C. C. Hood ventures to suggest some hypotheses about what type of
implementation process would "pro duce perfect policy implementation" (Hood 1976:6).in line,Century
and Cassata (2016) regarded implementation as being close to the idea of innovation, defining
implementation research as “systematic inquiry regardinginnovations enacted in controlled settings or in
ordinarypractice”.regarding these two definitions, implementation can be a new idea in a process and can
be a guide in carrying out a job or a person's way of acting. So,the implementation can be used to solve a
problem in a study.

Futhermore, in line with Century and Cassata, implementation is an action that must occur after
the initial thought in order for something to occur (Ehrens, 2015)

From those theories, it can be concluded that, that implementation is a plan that is carried out
from the start in planning to achieve a perfect process that is judged by the way we act and with
implementation it can be a change in the process of producing perfect policies.

b.The Aims of implementation

The main purpose of implementation is for a way of conveying something. implementation is the
method used by the teacher in conveying learning. Therefore, implementation is very important. George
C. Edwards III(1980) implementation can start from abstract conditions and questions about what are the
conditions for successful policy implementation, there are four variables in public policy namely
Communication a) Communication b) resources c) disposition or attitude d) bureaucratic structure :


Implementation will work effectively if the policy measures and objectives are understood by the
individuals who are responsible for the policy objectives. Clarity of size and policy objectives thus need
to be communicated appropriately with implementers.

B. Resources

It does not matter how clear and consistent the implementation program is and how accurate the
communications are. If the personnel responsible for implementing the program lacks the resources to
carry out its implementation. This resource component includes the number of staff, expertise of
implementers, relevant and sufficient information to implement policies and fulfillment of related
resources in program implementation, capabilities that ensure that programs can be directed as expected,
and the existence of supporting facilities that can be used to carry out program activities such as funds
and infrastructure.

C. Disposition or Attitude

One of the factors that influence the effectiveness of policy implementation is the attitude of the
implementer. If implementers agree with the contents of the policy, they will carry it out with pleasure,
but if their views differ from policy makers, the implementation process will experience many
problems.There are three forms of attitude/response of implementers to the policy; implementer's
awareness, implementer's instructions/directions to respond to the program towards acceptance or threats,
and the intensity of the response.

D. Bureaucratic Structure

Discussing the implementing agency of a policy cannot be separated from the bureaucratic
structure. Bureaucratic structure is the characteristics, norms, and patterns of relationships that occur
repeatedly in executive bodies that have both potential and actual relations with what they have in
carrying out policies.

c.The Aspects of implementation

In general, implementation refers to what a program creates when it is delivered in a particular

setting. There are eight different aspects to implementation, and Dane and Schneider (1998) described
five of these :

 There is fidelity, which is the extent to which the innovation corresponds to the originally
intended program (aka adherence, compliance, integrity, faithful replication).
 There is dosage, which refers to how much the original program has delivered (quantity,
intervention strength).
 Quality refers to how well different program components have been conducted (e.g., are the
main program elements delivered clearly and correctly?)
 Participant responsiveness refers to the degree to which the program stimulates the interest or
holds the attention of participants (e.g., are students attentive during program lessons?).
 Program differentiation involves the extent to which a program's theory and practices can be
distinguished from other programs (program uniqueness).
 the monitoring of control/comparison conditions, which involves describing the nature and
amount of services received by members of these groups (treatment contamination, usual care,
alter native services)
 Program reach (participation rates, program scope) refers to the rate of involvement and rep
resentativeness of program participants. Finally, there is adaptation
 which refers to changes made in the original program during implementation (program
modification, reinvention).

2) The Concept of Kampus Mengajar Program

a. Definition of Kampus Mengajar (KM )

Kampus Mengajar is a learning and teaching activity in the education unit of the Merdeka

Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) program which aims to provide opportunities for students to learn

and develop themselves through activities outside the classroom. There are many definition kampus

mengajar from experts. According to Iriawan & Saefudin, (2021) Kampus Mengajar merupakan salah

satu program MBKM yang memberi peluang pada mahasiswa agar dapat berkembang dan belajar dengan

cara berpartisipasi dalam membantu pembelajaran di sekolah, khususnya pada jenjang Sekolah Dasar.

Therefore, Anwar (2021) with the Teaching Campus activities, students' insights and experience can

become richer so that creativity, interpersonal skills, student leadership can develop and students are able

to contribute in assisting the implementation of the learning process in elementary schools occupied

during the pandemic. Those means the teaching campus is a place where students can develop and learn

in helping learning at school, adding insight and experience.

It is important for students who want to participate in Kampus Mengajar to develop creativity.

Suhartoyo dkk,(2020) It is hoped that the program launched is expected to be able to increase the

competency of graduates both soft skills and hard skills, so that graduates can be more prepared and

relevant to the demands of the times, preparing leaders as future leaders of the nation who are superior,

moral and ethical. This is a great opportunity for students to improve their skills and have the character of

a leader in realizing their goals.

Based on the explanation above, education in Indonesia will be greatly assisted by this

comprehensive teaching program. Not only that, students who play a role in assignments can add insight

and experience in helping education in schools.

B. Review of Related Finding

There were some research that related to this research.frist, Dwi Noerbella(2020) had a research about
Implementasi Program Kampus Mengajar Angkatan 2 Dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Literasi Dan
Numerasi Peserta Didik the result was Literacy and numeracy are basic competencies needed by students
to analyze reading and numbers in various contexts. The purpose of this study is to find out and analyze
how the implementation of the 2nd generation teaching campus program at SDN Pasirangin 01 refers to
the implementation model of David C. Korten in relation to improving literacy and numeracy
competencies through AKM (Minimum Competency Assessment) guidance. The type of research
conducted is qualitative with descriptive method. Data were collected through interviews, observation and
documentation during the activity.

The second research is Rosyida Nurul Anwar(2021) had a research about Pelaksanaan Kampus
Mengajar Angkatan 1 Program Merdeka Belajar Merdeka di Sekolah Dasar the result was This study
aimed to find out how the implementation of campus teaching at Muhammadiyah 1 Padas Elementary
School. The research method uses descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques using observation,
interviews and documentation. The data collected was then processed using qualitative data processing
techniques from Miles dan Huberman. The study results indicate that the implementation of the campus
teaching program batch 1 in 2021 at Muhammadiyah 1 Padas Elementary School includes; First,
teaching, which consists of face-to-face learning, home visits, and online learning. Second, technology
adaptation by assisting teachers in making teaching media and teaching materials by the curriculum.
Third, the administration is also carried out with students assisting teachers in preparing learning tools as
administrative completeness.

Third, research is from Devi Ayu Rosita and Rini Damayanti (2021 ) had a research about
Pelaksanaan Program Kampus Mengajar Perintis Pada Sekolah Dasar Terdampak Pandemi Covid-19 the
result was The research method used is a qualitative approach. The subjects of this study were SDN 59
Gresik, East Java, totaling 22 students. The object of research is the implementation of the pioneering
teaching campus at SDN 59 Gresik. The data was collected by means of observation and documentation
techniques. From the observations it can be concluded that the first program implemented, namely
training on the adaptation of online learning technology for UPT SDN 59 Gresik students went well. The
offline learning process method that will be applied is the use of video media projector technology for
student thematic learning, the use of the Quizizz application for student evaluation work, as well as
introducing AKSI (Indonesian Student Competency Assessment) and the Learning Module from the
Ministry of Education and Culture.
Fourth, Tengku Muhamad Fajar Anugrah (2021) had a research Implementassi Pelaksanaan Program
Kampus Mengajar Angkatan 1 Terdampak Pandemi Covid-19 the result was The research method used is
a qualitative approach. The subject of this research is SDS ABC North Jakarta, totaling 12 students. The
object of the research is the implementation of the teaching campus at SDS ABC, North Jakarta. Data was
collected by using observation and documentation techniques. From the results of observations, it can be
concluded. The first program implemented was training on adaptation of online learning technology to
SDS ABC North Jakarta students that went well, and Assisted School Administration and Teachers. The
SDS ABC learning process method used online and offline learning methods. The learning media used
are lesson plans distributed in WhatsApp groups and theme books (textbooks). The use of video
conferencing applications such as Zoom or Gmeet, is only done once every two weeks or once a month.
offline learning is done once a week.

Last, Livia Mutiara Shabrina (2022) had a research about Kegiatan Kampus Mengajar Dalam
Meningkatkan Keterampilan Literasi dan Numerasi Siswa Sekolah Dasar the result was the purpose of
this research is to see the development of numeracy literacy skills of grade II students in an elementary
school in Sumedang Regency, where there are obstacles and challenges in the process of improving
literacy and numeracy skills. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with the researcher
acting as an observer. The results showed that the second grade students were very interested in learning
using learning media and learning methods carried out in groups made learning very effective so that the
development of skills and numeracy increased in the group of students who were not fluent in reading and
better in the group of students who were already fluent in reading.

Based on the related findings above, it can be seen that a lot of research has been conducted on the
role of students in teaching on campus. The difference between this study and previous research is that
most of the previous research took place in elementary schools, not in junior high schools, so the
researcher was interested in researching this subject.

C.Conceptual of framework
To make clear and easy to understand the researcher,the reseacher make conceptual
framework as following
Merdeka Belajar kampus
Merdeka Program (MBKM)

Kampus Mengajar

Teaching Strategy


Data analysis


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